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DGN Volume 1.


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I will refrain from talking about the tracks I was involved with, except to say... thank you Firewerk for the awsome job mastering...

Now then,

Firewerk-These tracks made me want to drive around a futuristic city and kill stuff. Awsome.

Spacin-Sweet minimilist techno stuff, very cool textures and impressions

Cammile/Fierce Critter- WOW I never knew, amazing voice and production, very inspiring.

Ether Aura- Amazing mood music that takes me back to the days of christmas lights, lampshades, insense, and youth... proabably some of the most sentimental stuff on the CD.

Black Sunday- Quirky and robot driven synth stuff, and an awsome opening!

Life Toward Twilight- Dark and doomridden awsomeness, leaving us all in the cold....as it should be.

Hypersomnia- Well both on this CD and for long before I have liked his stuff so much that I wanted to form Alienare with him... keep up the amazing, melting, morphing dreamscapes Jay

Thanks to all.

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Funny story:

I gave a copy to my girlfriend, apparently she pays no attention to band names at all. I asked her if she listened to the CD, and she said yes the first little bit, and that she really liked the first 2 tracks, but she couldn't listen any further than track 3. I asked her why and she responded with:

"Well, I liked the first one and the Alienare track, (that's you and Jay right?) but the 3rd track was just awful."

I said, "hmmmm..... so it was track 3 eh?

She then replied: "Yup, didn't like it, not even a little bit.... why?"

I then had an internal debate, do I tell her that the song she hated was her boyfriends band, and that she simply couldn't remember the name? or let it go. I responded with

"Thank you"

"For what?"

"For being honest with me."


"Well, that is my solo stuff, and I appreciate you being blunt and honest with me."

At that moment I saw a look of horror on her face, and the toothbrush practically fell out of her mouth. I reasured her that it was fine, and that I would not want her to lie to me, for my benefit.

She responeded with "I wish I could have showed some more tact"

The importance of listening when your significant other is giving you information about there band name is the moral of this story.

At that moment, I beleive that she may have understood (just a little) of how it feels to be a "big dumb male" when faced with the question of "what do you think?" As a man, I have stood there many a time after being asked that question trying to figure out the correct answer, while not knowing A) What do I think about what? and B) What the correct answer is.

Fun Fun Fun

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I've been listening to it for the last week, trying to get a better feel for the songs. Really, really enjoying them.

The ambience of Alienare, Access to Concrete, and Hypersomnia is good music to chill and relax to. I'm especially fond of Minotaur by Alienare, but I have to admit that the opening sample makes me laugh every time because I picture the scene of the movie it's taken from.

I want to hear more Firewerk played at clubs. Illusions is very quickly becoming a highway-driving favorite.

Camille's song was really good, and suprised me with the clarity of her vocals. Only thing I'd change would be to have the vocals more to the front...the insturments were just a bit too much compared to the voice.

Black Sunday made me laugh with the opening to the track, and then the song itself was pretty good. We gonna hear more of your work?

I also really, really enjoyed Ether Aura, but I loved Caleum Bliss as well, so I'm not suprised. All Doves Grey is becoming another one of my standard driving songs.

Spacin's contributions are to soon be filed in my work-music folder, as its minimalistic enough that I can enjoy it but not get overly distracted.

Favorites would be a toss up between Camille & Ether Aura (I'm a sucker for female vocals) and Firewerk.

Great job all....will Volume 2 be considered, and if so will there be any remixing of one DGN artist by another?

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PLEASE NOTE: these are my impressions after only one listening.

I like the compilation. It is now in my current car rotation. :)

I agree with Bav on the Camille vocals. They sound good... I think! ;) Turn the voices up!

Overall, this CD had more of an ambient, chill vibe to it. I hope DGN Vol. 2: The Revenge really kicks my ass *stomp stomp*.

Excellent work from everyone who put this together and many thanks to the artists for contributing tracks.

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Regarding the vocals on my track, I had a lot of problems mixing the vocal track decently. After listening to the same song about a hundred times over in less than 2 weeks time, my ear became numb to what sounded good or bad.

Heh, I was also running out of CDR's with which to burn the test mixes and play them on an actual stereo system, so I didn't have much choice but to "settle" somewhat.

I ended up sending a disc with 10 different versions to Tony, and told him to use his discretion on which version to use. Each had treble tweaks to help with the bad mic/acoustics set-ups, but unfortunately, I didn't think to include more than 2 volume variations - and one was too loud, the other was too quiet.

Having re-listened to my own copies of both variations, Tony made the right decision to go with the lower volume vocals. Yes, you do lose some lyric power, but overall, it blends better than the versions with the louder vocals. Something in-between apparently was called for, but hindsight, well...

I regret not having had the time or know-how to provide a better mix. I had less than 2 weeks to learn the software, compose the song, add vocals & mix everything down, so I ended up with not a ton of time for level tweaking.

I am happy with the comments I've gotten so far, though. This was my first attempt at electronic music, and I was afraid my submission wouldn't be deemed fit for inclusion at all. Hopefully I will have more time to improve my capabilities when the time for Vol II rolls around.

Here are the lyrics if you want to know what I'm singing:

Mary - walk across the water

Join your friends here by the sea

Sad in body, lost in spirit

Mary - walk the beach with me

Mary bends the way the wind blows

Ever, Mary - always be.

Once upon an empty stranger

Looking at the busy street

Knowing nothing ever changes

In his head he hears her heartbeat

Ever, Mary - always be

Mary - walk across the water

Mary - walk the beach with me

Mary bends the way the wind blows

Ever, Mary - always be

(Repeat with variation)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Funny story:

I gave a copy to my girlfriend, apparently she pays no attention to band names at all. I asked her if she listened to the CD, and she said yes the first little bit, and that she really liked the first 2 tracks, but she couldn't listen any further than track 3. I asked her why and she responded with:

"Well, I liked the first one and the Alienare track, (that's you and Jay right?) but the 3rd track was just awful."


Ok I just got a new stereo and listened to the CD the whole way thru for the first time. I actually think track #3 is really good. It's a very good compilation, much better than I expected. I'm not just saying that either, there is some real good stuff on it. Most local comps really suck and I expected this one to suck too but it's actually really good.

By the way, what did your girlfriend think of track #5? :grin:

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