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Horror films old & new

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First off, howdy. =)

I cant say im really a "horror fan" as such but i do have plenty that i like. (although there are plenty on this board)

These will just be scattered comments as i dont really have a mental "horror film list" to discuss exactly... hrmm...

Dark City was great. Jacobs Ladder i think was very well done, also The Shining. i think im a bit partial to the shining with its "he goes off to live in his jazz age fairy land" ending hehe.

The ancient The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari is good but only if you can deal with silent films. I'd probably get some things like chaplins City Lights or the film The General before trying to get into this thing.

Also i sometimes cant be quite sure what counts as a horror movie. Alien , and Aliens both which i think are masterpeices and are on my short-short list of film recomendations. Not sure if they fit the "true horror movie" list though.

Interview was , i thought fairly good despite its flaws.

Some campy fun ones where Tremors and the more recent spoof on the killer mutant spider 50's films "8 Legged Freaks" was pretty fun.

Recently watched Underworld which was interesting.

Im strangely at a loss to discuss horror movies all that much despite the fact that i like "gothic" stuff and im also a major film addict. Ill shut up now before this turns into a novel with me listing off random movie commentary for 4 hours. :wink :

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  • 2 weeks later...

When it comes to Horror movies, I have to lump them in to different catagories in order to really like them all. So, here we go.

Blood and Guts:

1.Hellraiser 1 & 2


3.Dracula (Gary Oldman version)

4.Dawn of the Dead (New Version)

5.Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Old and New Versions)


1.The Ring

2.The Grudge

3.Dark Falls (Now I know why my parents said don't peek)

4.The Exorcist (The Version you have never seen)

5.In The Mouth of Madness


1.Dracula (Original B&W)

2.Day of The Triffids


4.Friday the 13th (The entire series excpet Jason X, what a crock)

5.A Nightmare on Elm Street

6.The Puppet Master 1 & 2

7.Dolls (my wife got me hooked on this one)

Mind you, these are not in any particular order, and I may have missed a few. These are just off the top of my head, and as you can see I love my Horror and it helps, that my wife loves them too. :devil:

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A good horror movie to me is a rare thing. I watch just about every horror film I can, but rarely can I say they are truly good. To get that rating from me.. the movie has to reach in to me, grab my inner child and slap him around a bit, steal his lunch money and send him crying home to mommy. So, with that in mind...

1. Event Horizen

2. In the Mouth of Madness

3. The Blob (I don't know why.. it just freaks my shit right out)

4. The Haunting (both versions have their merit)

5. A Nightmare on Elm Street (The first one, the rest are just blood and gore slasher flicks)

Thats all I can think of off the top of my head...

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm with Rivet_Head on the categorization. I like different 'horror' movies for completely different reasons. Some are hilarious, some are creepy, some have creative ideas/kills.

Oh yeah, still haven't seen Ichi. Seen a bunch of ones normally categorized with it, but not that one specifically yet...

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the wifey is a big horror movie freak.  shes digs the 80s slasher stuff teh most though.  we have about all the friday the 13ths and elm street flicks.  we even have friday teh 13th parties, on occasion (though not lately) :(


Yeah, I can see her being the vicious slasher type too, Paradox...you'd better keep her happy.

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  • 2 months later...

Ok so I :swoon horror we got that straight...so why aren't you guys telling me more? I KNOW most of you watch them now quit being so quiet I AM alive and well finally...well kinda but I want stuff to watch.

Just saw LAND OF THE DEAD and fellin love with Romero all over again *sigh* :tongue:

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anyone seen the movie "martin" it was made in 1974 bu the same dued who did dawn of the dead.. its about a vampire who has no fangs.. is not allergic to garlic or crosses.. and he can go out into the light ( he only gets a slight burn) and they way he gets blood is weird.. he puts only women to sleep with a needle and sucks tehr blood whiel they are asleep. doe snot kill them

this movie rocks!

i would recomend it

Edited by Nerdcore
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anyone seen the movie "martin" it was made in 1974 bu the same dued who did dawn of the dead.. its about a vampire who has no fangs.. is not allergic to garlic or crosses.. and he can go out into the light ( he only gets a slight burn) and they way he gets blood is weird.. he puts only women to sleep with a needle and sucks tehr blood whiel they are asleep. doe snot kill them

this movie rocks!

i woudl recomend it


YES, I LOVE Martin

also wanted to mention PATRICK - hard to find




do you like bad Horror as well as Good?

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I loed ichi but i wouldnt label it as horror its more of a mob film that goes way over board on the blood and guts (but hey thats miike for you) Im pretty picky woth most horror films im a huge evel dead fan and the old tcm was great as well but other then that now days the only real horror i watch is from japan (or china in the case of the eye) and even japaness horror has been going down hill lately seeing as how they will just base a movie around the most simple thing now

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anyone seen the movie "martin" it was made in 1974 bu the same dued who did dawn of the dead.. its about a vampire who has no fangs.. is not allergic to garlic or crosses.. and he can go out into the light ( he only gets a slight burn) and they way he gets blood is weird.. he puts only women to sleep with a needle and sucks tehr blood whiel they are asleep. doe snot kill them

this movie rocks!

i would recomend it


:cheerful OH yeah MARTIN has been a love of mine for many a year and i did in fact love watching it. Very creepy and kick ass music as well. i don't yet own it but I shall... :cool

Thanks babydoll!

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YES, I LOVE Martin

also wanted to mention PATRICK - hard to find




do you like bad Horror as well as Good?


Would you mind telling me some detail about this PATRICK? i don't think I have seen it but I'm not for sure. I'll watch anything horror at least once. I like your suggestions as well, thank you very much! :tongue:

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A good horror movie to me is a rare thing. I watch just about every horror film I can, but rarely can I say they are truly good. To get that rating from me.. the movie has to reach in to me, grab my inner child and slap him around a bit, steal his lunch money and send him crying home to mommy. So, with that in mind...

1. Event Horizen

2. In the Mouth of Madness

3. The Blob (I don't know why.. it just freaks my shit right out)

4. The Haunting (both versions have their merit)

5. A Nightmare on Elm Street (The first one, the rest are just blood and gore slasher flicks)

Thats all I can think of off the top of my head...


THE DARK- My pal...always loved your taste in flicks babe. Thank you for the imput and I agree with all your choices as well...very much 'cerebral' like you :grin

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I loed ichi but i wouldnt label it as horror its more of a mob film that goes way over board on the blood and guts (but hey thats miike for you) Im pretty picky woth most horror films im a huge evel dead fan and the old tcm was great as well but other then that  now days the only real horror i watch is from japan (or china in the case of the eye) and even japaness horror has been going down hill lately seeing as how they will just base a movie around the most simple thing now


Just Dave...Nice to meet you. i also enjoy the foreign genre of horror/ultra extreme flicks. Yeah, they are kinda coming up with some schlocky stuff too but what is shock without SCHLOCK right? I need an ICHI t-shirt..he was the fkn coolest dude I've seen in a LONG time. Did you see PHONE from Japan yet? Or CRAZY LIPS? ha...try those on for giggles babe.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm still on my quest for more Horror genre guys. Throw them out here...I am an insatiable movie fiend. I have seen quite a few since the last posting but can't recall them all. Wanted to see Skeleton Key but was told it wasn't so good...anyone have a different take on it?

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I love horror movies, here are some of my favorites in no real order

Psycho (more of a drama/mystery, but the shower scene has not been tpped yet as far as realism and, for me, it makes stabbing come to life. How terrible it must be to be stabbed to death)

Texas Chainsaw Massacre (the original will always be porefered to me, but the remake wasn't too bad)

Friday the 13th parts I and II (everything after that was pretty terrible)

Halloween (one of the scariest movies I have ever seen, especially when Michael puts the ghost sheet on and strangles that girl, chilling)

Halloween II (pretty good for a sequal)

Dawn of the Dead (both the original and the remake are good but I prefer the remake, personally)

Shaun of the Dead (best horror comedy since Evil Dead II)

Evil Dead II (classic)

Event Horizon (already listed by another poster. Great sci-fi ghost film)

The Ring

The Shining

Alien (as listed by Troy, I think it counts. I disagree about Aliens, though, I thought it was ok, but nowhere near the level of the original)

Rosemary's Baby (made my ex-wife watch it while she was pregnant just to be evil)

The Exorcist (another classic)

The Blair Witch Project (listed because it was so damn original, which is refreshing these days, jerky camera nearly made me vomit in the theater, though)

Se7en (Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman, Kevin Spacey and R. Lee Ermy, directed by David Fincher, what more could you ask for?)

Henry: Portrait of a Seriel Killer (if you have not seen this, then go out and rent it right now)

Ted Bundy (recently made bio-pic of this ghoulish fiend. Nicely explores the sexual demons and lack of morality which made Ted such a sadistic killer. Much better than any other Bundy film in its realism. This movie shows that Ted was no Mark Harmon. Especially nasty is the cabin scene after the infamous lake abductions)

The Sixth Sense (Ghost story masterpiece)

American Psycho (not so scary, but very violent and over the top.)

Fright Night (a childhood favorite of mine)

The Howling (gots to love werewolf films)

The Others (A very haunting and original ghost story)

Salem's Lot

Scream (Made horror films 'cool' again)

I know What You Did Last Summer (cheesy, but I like it)

28 Days Later (A lot of people did not like this one, but I certainly did. Love how the plot twists towards the end)

Well, can't think of anything else off of the top of my head. Will add more as I think of them.

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:cool YOU GUYS ROCK! I love talking about my fav past-time with you guys...you understand me...in a nutshell you're sick too :nut ANYWAY to comment on a movie or two here

Henry:Portrait Of A Serial Killer-hit a personal nerve and I never finished but I will because since then I met the actor and he was great so I feel less creeped about it.

Romero...what can you say? The master of the zombie genre...always the bomb!

28 Days Later-Fucking fun! That was a rollercoaster ride!

Alien (quadrilogy) Awesome! Didn't have a problem with any of these and the Alien queens are some tough, scary, wild babes! Sigourney just ROCKS!

Exorcist & Exorcist 3- Wonderful stories and right from the books almost word for word. Max VonSydow never gets credit for that though which sucks! :tear

Texas Chainsaw (original) TOTALLY bias! Gunnar is my friend so need I say more?

House Of A 1000 Corpses- Go Zombie! He's terrific and payed proper homage to all the right people bless his twisted heart :tongue:

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