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How much sleep do you get?


How much sleep do you average a night?  

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Do you feel like you get enough sleep most nights? Considerations of children, work, activities, etc aside, speaking of yourself as an individual only, do you think you get enough? Do you need more or less? Do you get enough quality sleep?

This poll brought to you by a bought of sleeplessness.

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I couldn't make a choice, 'cause my sleep patterns are totally f-d up.

I fall asleep around 3:00 a.m., then have to be up at 6:00 to make my husband breakfast. After he leaves the house at 7:00, I go back to sleep and generally get up about 11:30. So I'm getting 7.5 hours, but it's broken-up, and dissatisfying.

I'd like to get a solid 7-hour block. When I worked full-time and started work around 8:00 a.m., I generally functioned best on 7 hours.

I'm not happy with this super late-night pattern I've developed, either. It's nice if I fall asleep closer to 11:00 or midnight. But lately, I just don't feel like sleeping at night. It's the only time I get to guilt-free do things like play computer games, chat on message boards, watch crappy TV, etc. I try not to do those things when Jon's at work, 'cause I feel that's when I should be working, too.

I actually had a bout of all-nighters earlier this year. But I put a stop to that when my periods ended up fubared. I'm back to normal now, but that got scary.

Part of me hopes to return to some kind of part-time job upon returning to Michigan so I'm forced into a more regular schedule. Of course, I've always been a night-owl, so I also love this freedom to stay up late and sleep in. But it has its drawbacks.

Sleep patterns are a concern for me due to a bout of mono I suffered in the mid 90's. I was seeing someone whose weekends were mid-week, but I was working a M-F, 9-5. But I ended up staying up all night on his nights off, and my immune system seriously weakened until I was susceptible to lots of ills.

Since then, I have made it a point to get a ton of sleep when i need to be up early, and I keep on Jon's back about it, too. I hate it when he's up past 11:00, I get worried about him getting sick or hurting himself 'cause he's tired.

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used to be that i could get by on 3 hours or even just stay up a few days (at extremes). then a few years back i had a semester where i took 2 eng lit classes and a gov class (i also work and have a family, so i go to classes at night). that was really dumb. i got about 2-3 hours sleep a night on average, the whole semester. it was nothing but reading and writing in my spare time. i think i broke something after that... :ermm:

now i find its hard to get out of bed without at least 6 hours sleep.

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  • 2 months later...

I am a person that requires quite a bit of sleep. If I do not get at least 7 hours I feel shitty. The less I get the worse I feel including my stomach to hurt from the lack of sleep.

For me to feel good and well rested I like to get about 8-11 hours.

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I get around 3-5 hours. I NEED around 10 hours. If I can loll around forever and sleep I can get enough in, but I wake up frequently. I sleep deeply, and poorly, and have nightmares often. It sucks.


Bedtime stories work...and sleep spooning therapy. These are my reccomendations

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i am real high energy and dont sleep much.. i would rather spend time with friends than sleep.. i would rather work than sleep.. i would rather do laundry.. clean house... read... sit on the computer til wee hours of the morning lookin up random stuff..

i sleep about 4-5 hours a night..

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I need a lot of sleep--any less than 7 hours and I can't function well without massive amounts of caffeine. Right now I'm flip flopping between 6 hours when I have my early class and 10 hours when I don't. The ideal amount of sleep for me is 8.5-9 hrs...

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got a 1 1/2 hour sleep cycle. multiples of 1.5 please or you get a not very nice chris.

3 hrs sleep for 20 hours uptime on average

i feel shitty a lot, but top it up for 45 mins when you get the chance, not enough to go deep sleep, enough to trick the brain that you,re rested.

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I tend to average 2-3 hours of sleep per night, though I generally don't get to bed until 5 or 6 am. Sometimes I sleep less, or go a few days without sleep. About once every two weeks I will sleep for 14-16 hours, so I guess that's my catch-up time. I do fine with little sleep, but when I start going days without sleep I start to get a bit goofy.

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I need about nine hours of sleep a night to feel fully rested. I'm used to getting about six most nights when I have to work the next day.

Lately though, I've been getting between two and four hours a night, because I'm having a very difficult time getting used to sleeping alone and just being alone in the apartment at night in general. I have a dog who growls at the tiniest noise, so I feel safe, I just feel lonely without another human presence in the vicinity though.

I used to think I'd like living alone... now I'm not so sure I could handle the seclusion.

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