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Valentines blows, what about St. Patrick's Day?

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Ok, so Valentines isn't everyone’s favorite holiday but what about St. Patrick’s day? I know it's not really more then an excuse for most to go out a get for snickered but hey can you blame them? I've got some Irish heritage in my blood and I really enjoy this holiday, probably my favorite behind Halloween of course. Seems like everyone out celebrating is always in a great mood and I rarely if ever get any flack from people if I decide to go out "gothed" up. So what is everyone doing if anything for the occasion? I'll be at my local dive, Claddagh’s Irish pub all day drinking and making merry. We got live bands all day, Celtic dancing and tobacco rollers. Top that off with lots of real Irish and English beer on tap and a huge selection of scotch and I’m a happy camper.

*Raise a mug with me*


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Being 1/3 Irish, I love St. Patty's Day. I don't do beer. I do everything else. Especially if he's Irish.


I'm 60+ % Irish. What's that get me BrendaStarr69? :clover:

I like St Patty's. It's an excuse to be as drunk as I usually get! I'll probably be at Mulligan's. That way if I have to crawl home it isn't too far.


Crawling home is fun. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy :clover:

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Well since i will be working and i have worked many st pattys day in the past i must say i like them alot......$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$............

:clover: Its a green holiday for people to come in drink green beers and give me green cash :clover:

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LOVE st. patricks day. my grandfather when he was alive dressed up as leprechun. he died last year right before hte holiday. my uncles take the costume and dress up in memory of him and go to ALL the local bars that he went to. he was written up in the paper bout him doing it too. he was 6'6 and 280 pounds. he was the biggest leprechun that i had ever seen!! we went to chicago one year for the parade and people would stop and ask to take his picture. st. patricks day is even more special to me now :)

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Wow. What a cool memory, BB.

I liked SP'SD as a kid, 'cause it gave me an excuse to dress a certain way for a certain occasion.

I'm not into it now. I don't go to bars - especially not on heavy days like that when the bar will be packed beyond capacity. Jon has some Irish blood, but he's so Heniz 57 it doesn't mean much to him.

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It's a Stone. You kiss it for luck.

As for the holiday. I hate it. Another excuse that is not needed for people to over indugle. Like we need more drunken frat boys. The holiday should be outlawed all together.


How about we keep the holiday and lose the alcohol?

Even though I'm Irish myself (25% at least) I hate it. I don't need a holiday to celebrate something, any day that ends in Y is good enough for me.

The only days that actually require a holiday are ones that really are based around time related events (and not just our perception of it). For example my birthday is nothing since our calander is so screwed up. But say the lunar/solar eclipse, and summer/winter solstice and spring/fall equanox count I might sound like an über goth but I really love to celebrate the longest night of the year.

OK not that it matters much but some purely time based events are cool too. Like the first time i had a computer up for over a year was fun.

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i used to like it as a kid because my mom loves it so much. would decorate, talk with an accent, etc. her name is patricia - had she been a boy it would have been patrick. she was born around st. patrick's day so to her i think the day is sort of her day. so that is the only reason it is special to me, cuz of her.

now i don't care too much about it. i don't do anything for it and i'd rather stay away from the bars with all the drunks. i don't like beer so the idea of green beer does nothing for me.

i think i am more irish than anything else but to me people have made the holiday about drinking more than anything else and that to me is boring/a turn off to the holiday.

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It's a Stone. You kiss it for luck.

As for the holiday. I hate it. Another excuse that is not needed for people to over indugle. Like we need more drunken frat boys. The holiday should be outlawed all together.



On my walk to work today, I almost got hit by an SUV with some jackass painted green behind the wheel as I was crossing the street. He didn't seem to notice me crossing, or even the large red stop sign in front of him till almost too late.

Drunk before 1pm or just an idiot?

So to all you SUV-driving, beerpong-playing, binge-drinking, date-raping, vomit-colored, obnoxious assholes in my neighborhood that are blaring their 80's cock-rock...to you I say happy St. Patrick's day and drink up! When you run out of booze, stop on by! I think I can find some lighter fluid or some canisters of Sterno for you to imbibe.

I'm too old to living in the fucking student ghetto.

Edit: This is not aimed at anyone on the board, or those that are responsible with their drinking, this is a rant intended for all the frat-fucks that are in my neighborhood. The price I pay for living downtown Ann Arbor, but I really just want an ice pick right now.

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My husband and I talked in bad Irish accents when on the phone during lunch today. There was one double entendre shared based around the fact that my husband has about 1/4 Irish blood in him - insert joke here.

That's about the extent of our St. Pat's activities.

Ordinarily, I would take advantage of grocery store sales on corned beef brisket this time of year and make a tasty boiled dinner. But even the sale prices are out of our budget right now, so it'll be leftover turkey a la king here.

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