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Does it alarm anybody else that so many people are taking medication to combat their problems?

Surely there are other ways to combat lazyness, depression, lethargy and bad moods than taking some sort of chemical inhibiter.

I know that when I am feeling down I'll get busy. Getting physical and away from your tiresome situation does wonders for your mental health. Sometimes you just need to push yourself out of lethargy, sure it is a pain in the ass and you couldn't be bothered, but after about a week of activity you are over it.

There has to be a better way than just medication.

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My doctors wanted me to go on something for my ADHD but it constipates which could lead to very serious health issues. All 'speeds' constipate. That could lead to my death. It is more important for me to be physically healthy than funtional at work right now. My health has gotten that bad.

The side effects sometimes out weigh the risks......

I don't like all the kids on legal speed these days just because they are lazy minded or easily distracted. I never let them do that to my kids even though they wanted to and threatened to intervene. I told them to go to hell. I won, they are fine and make almost str8 A's now so I was right......

I wonder what people did years ago without anything.

I guess they were fine too.

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Does it alarm anybody else that so many people are taking medication to combat their problems?

Surely there are other ways to combat lazyness, depression, lethargy and bad moods than taking some sort of chemical inhibiter.

I know that when I am feeling down I'll get busy. Getting physical and away from your tiresome situation does wonders for your mental health. Sometimes you just need to push yourself out of lethargy, sure it is a pain in the ass and you couldn't be bothered, but after about a week of activity you are over it.

There has to be a better way than just medication.

I agree with you. All I'm "on" is coffee.

And weed from time to time. XD

And liberal splashes of alcohol here and there.

(Not many people on this board will share your opinion)

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Drugs are bad mmmmkay

you dont need drugs to become un depressed, sure life sucks, do something about it, i was depressed for half my life, and how did i overcome it? i got out. friends, outside activites, i didnt sit indoors and mope. kids today just need some stern teaching, drugs only make it worse in the end. not paying attention? sure as hell dont spare the rod.

I honestly think that if schools were allowed to hit children (in moderation) it would help a great deal

dont go overboard, but a good paddle would help a lot

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I'm one of those who think to myself, I SHOULD be on something.....but I refuse.

I like to think I can handle my own issues.....

Once in a while I'll freak out and cry sob get angry...but I get over it....sometimes it takes longer than other times.

I've noticed having a good cry/realization helps.

I work across the street from a doctors office.....and when Bored I take my binoculars and spy.....

Everyday I see hot young Pill Reps going in to entice doctors to prescribe thier pills - and the more they prescribe, the better the incentive....

Trips to Malibu, free Dinners at the best porterhouse restarant in town.....giant gift baskets...etc....

They don't get paid to prescribe, but they sure do get nice little incentives.

It really is sick....

I see it everyday.

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I've gone over this point umpteen times in other threads, so I won't rehash the whole thing here.

Short version: I prefer to NOT take medications, and will do everything I can to combat a problem without them first.

But I also have found my life benefits greatly from:

The Synthroid that helps my underactive thyroid work so that I no longer am cold all the time, I'm not tired all the time, my hair actually grows again, and I can actually lose weight again.

The Singular & Claritin that pretty much neutralize a serious allergic condition so I can have pets for the first time in my life, something which I'm extremely thankful for.

The Bupropion that pretty much overnight snapped me out of a very serious clinical depression that had been going on for well over 4 years, to the point where my house no longer is a knee-deep mess of trash, I actually enjoy going out again, I can do the every day normal things most people take for granted.

The atenolol that has kept my husband from possible heart attack or stroke since his teens due to some undiagnosed condition that gives him horrible hypertension (and he's been through dozens of tests, scans, you name it - they can't figure out why he suffers from this).

The Effexxor that changed my husband from a raging, angry, anxious unreasonable maniac into a calm, collected, reasonable and loving partner who can actually discuss issues with me without calling me a bitch or slamming the accellerator to the floor in a fit of rage.

I do not advocate taking a medication as the first step. But if everything else has been tried and a person is walking through life miserable, I do advocate taking the proper med to allow one to function happily in life.

Emphasis on proper medication. If a particular anti-depressant isn't making you better - try a different one. We went through about 4 different ones before a little bit of self-research helped me realize we weren't targeting the right brain chemisty.

One shouldn't allow someone else to stigmatize themselves away from seeking and accepting methods that will give them comfort, peace of mind, proper function & health.

Is it fair to say there's too much push for medicating EVERYTHING in this day and age? Yes, definitely. Don't get me started on ritalin. But it's not fair to over-generalize and say that NOBODY needs medications and EVERYBODY can fix EVERYTHING through pure willpower, and NOBODY should take medications period.

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Some people seriously need them.

My mother without her meds ... not fun. Not fun at all. I've been there, done that and chose not to do it again. She punched me in the face and physically fought with me in front of my children because there was dishes in the sink. I got my daughter taken away from me because of it.

I later got her back.

My mom with her meds, isn't hostile and can rationalize and discuss things with someone.

My daughter is on a few meds for psychological problems.

To try and tell me that sugar and caffeine is causing it is bs. The child has no synthetic sugar (only natural sugars in things) or any caffeine. I am soooo strict about that stuff. We tried the cutting this and that and things out of her diet. Nothing worked. We tried this and that behviour modification. It didn't work. The only thing that does help her is a regiment of medications. We held off as long as we could. She started psych help 4 years ago, she just started meds 2 years ago ... and we still are trying to fond the right combinatiobn for her.

... The only thing that would convince a non-believer however, is to see her on and off her medication.

I have ADD. Diagnosed in 3rd grade. I suffered greatly in school because I couldn't concentrate. Although I don't blame my parents for no medicating me (at that time there were huge myths floating around about ADD meds) it hurt my educational career a lot. To the point where they didn't find a learning disability of mine until it was way too late.

I ended up dropping out of high school because of it.

The last thing I want is my daughter to suffer because of it. Knowing I could have helped her. All I can do is hope one day when she gets older she learns to deal with that portion of it without meds.

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I do not advocate taking a medication as the first step. But if everything else has been tried and a person is walking through life miserable, I do advocate taking the proper med to allow one to function happily in life.

Emphasis on proper medication. If a particular anti-depressant isn't making you better - try a different one. We went through about 4 different ones before a little bit of self-research helped me realize we weren't targeting the right brain chemisty.

One shouldn't allow someone else to stigmatize themselves away from seeking and accepting methods that will give them comfort, peace of mind, proper function & health.

Is it fair to say there's too much push for medicating EVERYTHING in this day and age? Yes, definitely. Don't get me started on ritalin. But it's not fair to over-generalize and say that NOBODY needs medications and EVERYBODY can fix EVERYTHING through pure willpower, and NOBODY should take medications period.


I really think this anti-medication mentality actually causes more harm than good in the end.

I deal with medical histories in my job and I think the top two examples of this are people who go off their blood pressure medications because they start feeling better and convince themselves they "don't need medicine" and diabetics who don't keep up with their meds. There are a lot of people's loved ones going to an early grave for lack of proper meds. Sure, it would be great if diet and exercise worked for everyone, but sometimes it isn't enough.

It also makes me wonder how many people would not have committed suicide (or would stop the slow suicide of drugs and pickling their liver with heavy drinking) if given proper depression treatment. I wish I could find something that would work for me. I'd take it gladly.

I also find it amusing how most people who are saying this have no problem using alcohol as a mood-enhancer and to make themselves more social.

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Drugs are bad mmmmkay

you dont need drugs to become un depressed, sure life sucks, do something about it, i was depressed for half my life, and how did i overcome it? i got out. friends, outside activites, i didnt sit indoors and mope. kids today just need some stern teaching, drugs only make it worse in the end. not paying attention? sure as hell dont spare the rod.

I honestly think that if schools were allowed to hit children (in moderation) it would help a great deal

dont go overboard, but a good paddle would help a lot

No, what would help alot is if parents would take the responsibility that they should be taking over their kids and bother to be real parents to them and raise them the right way and teach them how to act properly from an early age and instill morals and values into them. But that seems to be too much for some these days. Some work alot, and some just dont care. A lot of parents would rather blame musicians, and school teachers when their kids misbehave or get hurt. Some just dont talk to their kids and dont care about whats goin on in their lives, which leads the kids to pill poppin and doin drugs as a temporary sanctuary from their problems.

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No, what would help alot is if parents would take the responsibility that they should be taking over their kids and bother to be real parents to them and raise them the right way and teach them how to act properly from an early age and instill morals and values into them. But that seems to be too much for some these days. Some work alot, and some just dont care. A lot of parents would rather blame musicians, and school teachers when their kids misbehave or get hurt. Some just dont talk to their kids and dont care about whats goin on in their lives, which leads the kids to pill poppin and doin drugs as a temporary sanctuary from their problems.

Dude... I'm a musician AND a teacher... but it's hilarious, those kids' parents let me off the hook for EVERYTHING.

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Before too many people get on the defensive, I know that alot of people have serious conditions that need medicating, It's not my intention to insult and question your medication.

It just seems that people are slapped onto medication as a precursor to making a proper diagnosis. It's like "here, take this, if it fixes the problem then you have X problem, if it doesn't then you might have Y problem"

This can't be good for the body, this mix and match of drugs to find out what will fix you or not. Just like GOREgeous said "Now a days doctors just wanna drug u up instead of addressing the real underlying problem"

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Yeah we live in a medicated society here,Me myself I would rather smoke a little weed,since it helps me

relax and feel better and I get no wothdrawls,but that me only,other people might react differently.

I don't believe in pills,and the idea that there is a cure with chemicals,just read about all the side effects,

I think the side effects are usually worse than the problem you are trying to treat,IMO.

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also, some doctors would rather just throw another med at their patient then actually try and solve that patient's problem. they say here take this....

Yep... That's me! Drug upon drugs upon drugs with nothing really to back it up. I kept getting sicker. Turns out I had cancer and they were trying to treat me for everything from constipation to depression! I got sick of, well, being sick, researched my own symptoms and took mysel to the hospital for tests. Expensive but it saved my life...

Then it started again... so I took myself off all the crap but 2 that I really need and lost a bunch of weight. Healthy again!

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Yep... That's me! Drug upon drugs upon drugs with nothing really to back it up. I kept getting sicker. Turns out I had cancer and they were trying to treat me for everything from constipation to depression! I got sick of, well, being sick, researched my own symptoms and took mysel to the hospital for tests. Expensive but it saved my life...

Then it started again... so I took myself off all the crap but 2 that I really need and lost a bunch of weight. Healthy again!

That's so lame that you had to diagnose yourself, I'd be changing doctors, what a bunch of morons.

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