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And The Good News Is...


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.. .I'm NOT preggo!

This is a relief, and stressful at the same time... This means that I really am turning into a fat cow, I could have cycsts on my overies, I may have cancer, I could be going threw more stress than I realized... it could mean alot of things...

But I have a Dr.'s apointment tomarrow at 10am with Dr. Khaneja, so wish me luck!

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And btw... ovarian cysts are fairly common and are benign a great deal of the time. They can fuck with your metabolism and make you gain weight, but the awesome part is, they can go away on their own if you take off a couple pounds. And since you're active already, you *probably* have nothing to worry about.

Best of luck with the follow ups and staying healthy =)

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If you think you have cysts get checked out asap. They usually are benign so don't get too worried. They come in three species though. Fluid which go away on their own, solid which don't and can eventually cause you big problems so you'd need them removed, and cancerous. I've had all 3.

The good news is that after I got it all taken care of, it hasn't come back.

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If you think you have cysts get checked out asap. They usually are benign so don't get too worried. They come in three species though. Fluid which go away on their own, solid which don't and can eventually cause you big problems so you'd need them removed, and cancerous. I've had all 3.

The good news is that after I got it all taken care of, it hasn't come back.

My X finace had the first 2. She had them on one overy so bad they had to rebuild her ovary.

Go get it looked at if you know want to take care of yourself.......If they burst your gonna experience a serious amount of pain.

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My X finace had the first 2. She had them on one overy so bad they had to rebuild her ovary.

Go get it looked at if you know want to take care of yourself.......If they burst your gonna experience a serious amount of pain.

It's good to catch them early. If they burst you can run a risk of internal infection due to all that crap that would then be floating around in there. It had gotten so bad with me by the time I figured out what was going on that I ended up losing one ovary entirely, and part of the other.

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Hey I just noticed the Cyst part. My older sister had one about the size of a softball back when she used to play softball. They had to go in and drain it (water type), problem solved. That was many years ago. She recently just had her first child and during one of her routine check-ups they found a cyst on her other ovary. They ended up needing to remove that cyst as well as the ovary it was attached to.

Are we gonna need another timmy?

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