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Being a computer idiot, I really haven't a clue about these contraptions. My attempts to hook up the router thus far have failed, even though it is suppose to be simple. :confused: Looking for more instructions

Unhook the new router, un-install the software, and then re-install it. You may want to un-install whatever software is present from the old router or whatever device you were using for your network before. :)

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Unhook the new router, un-install the software, and then re-install it. You may want to un-install whatever software is present from the old router or whatever device you were using for your network before. :)

Thanks for the pointer. I tried unhooking it and starting over, but I didn't try uninstalling anything. Maybe my next day off, I have had enough for today, if I get any more frustrated, I will smash things. :nut

I have moved on to shopping for garter belts and looking at fetish gear

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putting the finishing touches on reshaving my head.

I have to do it in short bursts of time, I charge my shaver alittle, and use it, then charge it some more.

I don't want to wait for it to fully recharge as that takes a very long time.

I'm also typing in this thread, telling all of you what I'm currently doing :thumbsup:

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thread sparring w/ miss kitty....*sings* "oh how i want to taste her kitty..." (just kidding... i was singing it in my head for some reason... i feel like I am drunk, tho i know its only from lack of sleep)

sorry folks, Im not sleeping very well

so i guess i am fighting what ever monster is keeping me up, losing terribly...

fighting my urge to hump every falic shaped object around me... (oh god, October isn't coming soon enough)

being goodfy as hell

flirting w/ a chick that i don't even know

thinking really hard about my head on my pillow (tho its NOT working!)

and wishing that i was w/ my fiance, so that i could tame the lion of a beastly itch! ggrrr! lol :biggrin:

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