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City Club/dgn Saturday Nights

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So, seriously. I see maybe 2-4 DGN'ers these days. Occasionally a few more.

Has this been abandoned? Are people going elsewhere? Do people just not give a damn anymore, and if so, why?

Just curious. I started going there not knowing anyone, and I can still go there with just my husband to dance and have fun with. But I wonder what's up with the number of DGN'ers in attendance going from minimum 15-20+ a year or so ago to so few these days.

Also curious is the lack of official posts about it in this forum. It was nice of GothMama to take over for a while, but why has this been abandoned by DGN staff?

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I haven't remembered to check if it is posted lately either - sorry!

I just have not been going out anywhere lately. The fellow I'm seeing is working in another state and we are taking turns paying for plane tickets every few weeks, so cash is low, plus I'm just still feeling like a hermit too.

Likely I'll feel more like making the drive when it gets warmer.

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:mellow: I think a lot of my lack of attendance is based on the fact that everytime I go lately there never seems to be anyone I know anymore. That makes it kind of boring. So I guess the lack of attendance is feeding off lack of attendance and it is just all one vicious circle. That and the fact that the boy never wants to go out lately. Sigh. :mellow:
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So, seriously. I see maybe 2-4 DGN'ers these days. Occasionally a few more.

Has this been abandoned? Are people going elsewhere? Do people just not give a damn anymore, and if so, why?

Just curious. I started going there not knowing anyone, and I can still go there with just my husband to dance and have fun with. But I wonder what's up with the number of DGN'ers in attendance going from minimum 15-20+ a year or so ago to so few these days.

Also curious is the lack of official posts about it in this forum. It was nice of GothMama to take over for a while, but why has this been abandoned by DGN staff?

I show up now and than..we keep missing eachother sweetheart.

-CatsEye :cat:

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I would love to start going again but it seems like everytime I have plans to go, something stops me. Well, not actually stops me but the person I planned on going with.

And I would go but I hate going alone.. hate it. So I'm always waiting for other people to go.

I know the feeling..

-CatsEye :cat:

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Eh, its been break time from the club for me. Get tired of going there and coming home smelling like a sweaty cigarette butt. Maybe once my hearse is ready to roll I will be making it more often again. I lack serious motivation anymore. I have been spending the last few saturday nights going to the local bowling alley to bowl all night. Been more fun and resourceful way of spending my money as I have been scoring up on a lot of 200 games and showing off :D

I'll be back into it again soon enough. Probably just keep it to once to maybe twice a month so I don't overdo it again.

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Friday nights aren't better...

are they?

but yeah, i don't like being "alone" either, but i go anyway. EVERY week i meet new non-dgn types. that's so much more fun than sitting around getting drunk and chatting with the same old vamps week after week after week, y'all should try it =D

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1. I hear the "Friday nights are better" thing a lot. Jon and I want to go on Friday, but I can't seem to work up the mood like I can on Saturdays. We have gone on Fridays a couple times in the past year, and it really was not better. There seemed to be a lot of obnoxious people there that day, yelling stuff like "HOMO!" and crap like that. It annoyed the piss out of me.

I respect that Troy chose Saturday as "DGN night" so I wouldn't try to change it. Especially with other "official" events scheduled on Fridays now. Though I wonder what would happen to attendance if it was switched.

And not to piss Troy off, but if Saturday wasn't "DGN night" - how many people would rather go on Friday? I smell a poll...

2. Lack of fundeage, I can understand. Been there.

3. When I started going there about 16-17 years ago, I knew no-one. I went by myself, sat by myself, danced by myself, went home by myself. Rarely talking to anyone. I enjoyed that. But I have also been enjoying talking to people and schmoozing waaay more than I ever thought I would. I can go back to it just being Jon and I, as we get more dancing in that way. But I do like having someone to chat with sometimes. I don't know any one person a ton, so I can be at a loss for things to talk about if I'm just trying to socialize with one or two people. But it's nice to have a half dozen or more people to go from one to the other to the other.

3. Belle, you're spot-on, methinks. But girl, you're too gorgeous to stay at home. And Daevion is a great guy, and a pleasure to chat with. I'd like to see both of you up there more.

4. Kids - the ultimate reason to not be able to go, and probably the very most understandable. :)

5. Catseye - yeah, true. We seem to end up going only once or twice a month now, and it appears we go on the weekends you don't, and vice-versa. I think we're going to be going more regular, though, so hopefully we'll meet again and chat. :)

6. Going it alone - You know, I never had a problem with that. I still could if I had to. And chances are, there will be at least one person up there you know. If safety is an issue, it's definitely an area that's rife with car-burglary and the such. But I've not heard a lot of stories of personal assaults and the like. Though I hope that doesn't come back to bite me.

7. Last but not least, the unspoken - "City Club is a shithole, and I won't go there anymore." Well, it's a goddamned classic shithole, and I'll still be going there, I'm sure, as long as it stands. :)

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:mellow: I think a lot of my lack of attendance is based on the fact that everytime I go lately there never seems to be anyone I know anymore. That makes it kind of boring. So I guess the lack of attendance is feeding off lack of attendance and it is just all one vicious circle. That and the fact that the boy never wants to go out lately. Sigh. :mellow:

Last weekend I was just getting over being sick the previous week so I wasn't really up to going out. We went out to CC for new years the week before, so how exactly do you figure that I "never" want to go out lately?

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I tried the Friday night thing... It was DEAD. =(

That's one of the reasons why it's better. I like to dance and IMO Friday night has better music to dance to and more space for me to dance. I can't stand being squeezed onto a dance floor with less personal space than a Chinese apartment and everyone around me smoking. I got burned by a cigarette once by some lame ass thrashing around on the sardine can dance floor not even paying attention to who's right in front of him.

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That's one of the reasons why it's better. I like to dance and IMO Friday night has better music to dance to and more space for me to dance. I can't stand being squeezed onto a dance floor with less personal space than a Chinese apartment and everyone around me smoking. I got burned by a cigarette once by some lame ass thrashing around on the sardine can dance floor not even paying attention to who's right in front of him.

Me too...

I like Fridays better, for the reasons of music... and less crowded...

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I suspect this is natural scene evolution... watched it happen lots of other times/places. Attendance patterns shift as people's lives do.

Personally I've never been a weekly attendee at City, but I'm certainly there a lot less than when I was down there for juggalo events a couple times a month. Like others the main issue is $$... it costs around $40 to gas up White Grrl for the trip down & back... I can't party & drive back the same night so I have to get a room which is another $40 or $50 at the Leland (that's with the City discount). And of course the minimum $20 or so I drop on drinks (not a beer drinker so my ETOH costs are always high). For an unemployed person that's just not doable more than once a month, if that.

The going alone thing is an issue for me also... I don't like to go unless I know someone I've talked to before will definitely be there... because I'm (a) shy & (b) really shitty at identifying people from their online pics, esp. in dimly-lit clubs

My new sweetie has expressed interest in sampling the City Club experience, so maybe things will change since he's considerably better fixed than I am... not that I'm the type to leech off a lover but having someone to share expenses will help a lot. And I have a couple job prospects too, so... we'll see...

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For the most part I have lost alot of intrest in CC. I start going frequently, then ppl there start dumping drama on me from the moment I walk in the door. I don't mind helping ppl, but I go there to relax, drink, dance, and play :devil That is supposed to be "ME" time ya know

But I can't do that anymore, so I quit going for weeks on end. It gets old really quick

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So, seriously. I see maybe 2-4 DGN'ers these days. Occasionally a few more.

Has this been abandoned? Are people going elsewhere? Do people just not give a damn anymore, and if so, why?

Just curious. I started going there not knowing anyone, and I can still go there with just my husband to dance and have fun with. But I wonder what's up with the number of DGN'ers in attendance going from minimum 15-20+ a year or so ago to so few these days.

Also curious is the lack of official posts about it in this forum. It was nice of GothMama to take over for a while, but why has this been abandoned by DGN staff?

Ok...I haven't logged on to this board in quite awhile...and I'm certainly not a part of the 'group' here, but I have been going to City Club (off and on) since I was 18...I just turned 29...like..3 weeks ago.

Sometimes, people grow out of it. Other times, we just get sick of people trying to "shock" people, just because they can.

Either way, dear...I'm going to be there tomorrow night....feel free to come and talk to me...I'm not antisocial, but I DO have social cancer.

That goes for anyone posting here....I might seem like some douchebag that posts every once and while here, but I've been going to LCC for more than a decade now...and I've never met anyone who posts on this board.

To be fair....look for the guy that looks like he doesn't belong, and say "hi". If nothing else, I'm good for a laugh.


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Ultimately, life for each of us has changed quite a bit from last year, even though I'm new to this board, I've seen things in my life to know this better. Some people have families like Phee and Rayne, wich is completely understandable, other's lack of cash or time due to work.

Perhaps this official meetup could be changed too, as once every week seems a bit demanding on most people, and the numbers are thinned out due to so many times there's a dgn event each month. I'd have a suggestion for a temporary fix on this problem, that will need some participation from all of us. Make a DGN night at CC once every month for now. That will give people time to plan the event around their busy work schedual, and ultimately, getting us all to show up on the same day instead of some this saturday, other's next saturday ect ect. Once we get enough people making these events, and other people getting used to seeing new faces and making new friends to make it enjoyable to them again, we could slowly increase the events to 2 sat's each month, then back to every saturday when the weather gets warmer.

That's just my idea and reason behind it.

My reasons why I've not been able to go much is due to lack of time because i tend to work fridays, saturdays, and sundays.. and also lack of cash, all my paycheck goes to bills and i'm barely able to afford food for myself still. I always feel alot safer around a greater number of people i know at anyplace. Just one of a few street rules i always try to follow, especially there as the most recent couple times i've gone i've gotten bad vibes from a few shady characters that frequent there, so I will make effort into getting people to come once again.

Not to offend everyone, but any significant other that isn't as serious as a fiance or marrige you use as an excuse not to hang out with friends is pathetic in my book. You're letting one person, who's being a dead fuck not let you go out and have fun with many friends. They could just as easily come too. That way you're not sitting at home being bored and depressed all the time just because your "other" don't wanna go out.

That leads me to the point of participation from everyone, if you wanna go out, and have the numbers back to where they used to be, you gotta put a bit more effort to show up yourself, be willing to meet new faces and make new friends, and stop complaining that things aren't how they used to be, things change, that's just life. Accept the new, it's fun actually and helps live life alot easier instead of getting stuck in your ways. Again, this isn't directed towards anyone who's got the responsabilities of work, family, or lack of cash due to bills, that's just being mature and responsible, and you got my respects for knowing how to take care of yourself.

That's all I got to say on this, but maybe the once a month thing will be a good idea to get things back in the groove again?

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Ultimately, life for each of us has changed quite a bit from last year, even though I'm new to this board, I've seen things in my life to know this better. Some people have families like Phee and Rayne, wich is completely understandable, other's lack of cash or time due to work.

Perhaps this official meetup could be changed too, as once every week seems a bit demanding on most people, and the numbers are thinned out due to so many times there's a dgn event each month. I'd have a suggestion for a temporary fix on this problem, that will need some participation from all of us. Make a DGN night at CC once every month for now. That will give people time to plan the event around their busy work schedual, and ultimately, getting us all to show up on the same day instead of some this saturday, other's next saturday ect ect. Once we get enough people making these events, and other people getting used to seeing new faces and making new friends to make it enjoyable to them again, we could slowly increase the events to 2 sat's each month, then back to every saturday when the weather gets warmer.

That's just my idea and reason behind it.

My reasons why I've not been able to go much is due to lack of time because i tend to work fridays, saturdays, and sundays.. and also lack of cash, all my paycheck goes to bills and i'm barely able to afford food for myself still. I always feel alot safer around a greater number of people i know at anyplace. Just one of a few street rules i always try to follow, especially there as the most recent couple times i've gone i've gotten bad vibes from a few shady characters that frequent there, so I will make effort into getting people to come once again.

Not to offend everyone, but any significant other that isn't as serious as a fiance or marrige you use as an excuse not to hang out with friends is pathetic in my book. You're letting one person, who's being a dead fuck not let you go out and have fun with many friends. They could just as easily come too. That way you're not sitting at home being bored and depressed all the time just because your "other" don't wanna go out.

That leads me to the point of participation from everyone, if you wanna go out, and have the numbers back to where they used to be, you gotta put a bit more effort to show up yourself, be willing to meet new faces and make new friends, and stop complaining that things aren't how they used to be, things change, that's just life. Accept the new, it's fun actually and helps live life alot easier instead of getting stuck in your ways. Again, this isn't directed towards anyone who's got the responsabilities of work, family, or lack of cash due to bills, that's just being mature and responsible, and you got my respects for knowing how to take care of yourself.

That's all I got to say on this, but maybe the once a month thing will be a good idea to get things back in the groove again?

Good suggestion, well put.

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