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Pain Relief Maybe...


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:shock: Ok I'm petrified but I agreed to try a new pain relief device. It's called a Spinal Cord Stimulator.

:secret: YES it gets surgically implanted into your spinal cords nerve canal!

My GAWD I know I'm desperate and it will take a while to get the operation actually done but I have to go thru another round of doubling the heavy narcotic diet I take daily as it is. :happy:

I don't even get the benefit of getting high from these pills and such but I have to take them to show the insurance jack offs that we have tried every existing method that was available. I have already tried the steroid injections into the spine. I am allergic to steroids so guess what that was like!

I got on 3 diferent major narcotics. Even 3 times a day and it wasn't taking care of everything it should have. I mean if you were LOADED up on something like for example...Vicodin 750 and let's say 3 times a day all day or more and it didn't take away all your pain, would you be willing to do more? Sure you would. So I am. I am taking more combinations of different crap and if my liver and kidneys make it thru the required amount of time , maybe a month maybe 2, I can possibly get this bionic shit implanted into my spinal collum and tell it to intercept my pain signals to the brain without drugs.

IF THIS WORKS MY PEOPLE... no more pain... I can go back to work...have a regular life...no more canes or booogiechiars to go shopping....I can shake it up on the dance floor again...loose weight again...I mean a lot of things can't change but the pain part OMG! If I can stop it, I mean they can stop it. I can really live again, maybe.

Spinal Cord Stimulators offered by ANS

I would really appreciate a prayer...a kind word or thought..anything.

MORE THAN ANYTHING let's hope I get to be funded for this thing man it's a damned expensive little gadget

and that could just cut the whole deal right there so I have to go collect bottles off the street for a while guys. Catch ya in a bit :laugh:

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Good Luck Saephyr, I hope you find relief from you're pain.

I'm just wondering how much this thing is going to cost and aren't you woryed about dieing?

That would end you're pain two but I don't think that's what you are looking for.

I mean one slight mistake from the doctor and you might find yourself in a worse position than you are in now.

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Good Luck Saephyr, I hope you find relief from you're pain.

I'm just wondering how much this thing is going to cost and aren't you woryed about dying?

That would end your pain too but I don't think that's what you are looking for.

I mean one slight mistake from the doctor and you might find yourself in a worse position than you are in now.

I hope this doesn't sound rude or condescending, but you have obviously never been in severe, constant, long-term pain. When you have unceasing pain that interferes with the most basic day-to-day functions, very little seems "worse". And also, as Saephyr mentioned, if she keeps up with the heavy doses of pain meds she's looking at major kidney and/or liver damage down the road anyway... doesn't get much more life threatening than that.

Good luck Saephyr, I've heard about this treatment and it seems to have a good success rate. If your insurance won't cover the cost, does the company that makes the gadgetry have some kind of assistance program? Sometimes they do, worth looking into if you haven't. Also, can you take milk thistle? That will help beef up your liver against the meds. Schizandra is supposed to help also, but milk thistle has actually been "proven" to work in clinical trials.

Froyn, if it's the same thing I've read about, it only blocks pain signals via some electrochemical means. Roughly the same principle as a TENS unit but using direct rather than induction stimulation since you're dealing with spinal & not peripheral nerves... But there are a couple variations on the same technique so this might not be the one I'm thinking of.

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That kind of reminds me of a thing I saw on Discovery Health where these women were getting spinal stims in order to have orgasms. Ask your Dr if you can get like a "multi-function" one... Cuz... well that would be pretty sweet.

Anywho... Does it block only the pain receptors? Or all sensory receptors in the target area?

:unsure: Since you asked...the FAQ's should be able to tell you that one on the website which I haven't yet really studied ans as you may rememner, I can't remember most thigns so I know I read it a while back but now that it may actually happen I have to study up.

My guess is that is ONLY tells the nerve bundle to not report pain to the brain so you are not then able to feel it, but you DO get a funky tingle :welcome:

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I researched into this for myself and it seems to be a great option. I was able to get a handle on my pain another way, but for the levels you suffer it may be just the thing! Here's to hoping the insurance company decides to be logical. (though they rarely are...) I've got my fingers crossed for you.

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I researched into this for myself and it seems to be a great option. I was able to get a handle on my pain another way, but for the levels you suffer it may be just the thing! Here's to hoping the insurance company decides to be logical. (though they rarely are...) I've got my fingers crossed for you.

You are so damned nice to me when I feel so down Nienna!

Well what's the best part about this guy, Dr. Jeff Rosenberg in Garden City, is that he doesn't care what the insurance company says. If he is sure that after the 'trial' run it wil work and keep me pain free if even for a time and not permanently, he will EAT THE COST OF THE ENTIRE OPERATION AND THE HOSPITAL STAY :confused

I almost literally fainted when he said this just Tuesday. He's totally serious. If he thinks that what he wants to happen will get you at least 40% better, he literally let's the cost get taken from his budget and basicly makes his funding take the cost off of you! :ralph I did ask if he was 'certifiable' and his Physicians Assistant said no he's done it with a few hundred people so far :bow:bow:bow

Talk about not being able to hold back tears :cry

This si a maybe so finger crossing is good my friend. Thank you so much. Keeping u posted as things come up cuz I'm sure this could be a really good-bad daytime drama :doc:

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You are so damned nice to me when I feel so down Nienna!

Well what's the best part about this guy, Dr. Jeff Rosenberg in Garden City, is that he doesn't care what the insurance company says. If he is sure that after the 'trial' run it wil work and keep me pain free if even for a time and not permanently, he will EAT THE COST OF THE ENTIRE OPERATION AND THE HOSPITAL STAY :confused

I almost literally fainted when he said this just Tuesday. He's totally serious. If he thinks that what he wants to happen will get you at least 40% better, he literally let's the cost get taken from his budget and basicly makes his funding take the cost off of you! :ralph I did ask if he was 'certifiable' and his Physicians Assistant said no he's done it with a few hundred people so far :bow:bow:bow

Talk about not being able to hold back tears :cry

This si a maybe so finger crossing is good my friend. Thank you so much. Keeping u posted as things come up cuz I'm sure this could be a really good-bad daytime drama :doc:

He gets to use it as a tax write off so you both win! What an AWESOME doctor! Whooo hooo!

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Yeah Nienna and I know you MUSt be feeling loads better with all the weight loss but if you EVER need him. He said he'd take any referral I gave to him and I did ask with you in mind as well as a few of our other DGnrs fab fems.

It's just that adoration thing I have with you tramps XXX

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Yeah Nienna and I know you MUSt be feeling loads better with all the weight loss but if you EVER need him. He said he'd take any referral I gave to him and I did ask with you in mind as well as a few of our other DGnrs fab fems.

It's just that adoration thing I have with you tramps XXX

I do appreciate the offer and will remember that! My doc is amazing too and I think I'm sticking with her, but you never know!

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