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Lets All Be Happy And Hug


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it's not just black and white. i have kids who love me AND my class and like their fellow students, they just have a ridiculously hard time focusing.

You should meet my seven and a half year old. She falls under your "ridiculously hard time focusing" genre. Among other things. She loves her teacher, she loves her class ... she is a very bright little girl. Test scores are high - when she DOES focus, she does EXTREMELY well.

i am very sure that they've been coddled and spoiled by their parents and that's why they act the way they do, but knowing the source of the problem doesn't solve it.

This one made me laugh (nothing personal Brass). My daughter is/was as far from "coddled and spoiled" as you can get. She just has severe psychological issues that go beyond just ADHD.

these are kids who are young teenagers, most of the time. kids who should've learned when it's important to pay attention by their age. i don't think drugs are the best solution to their problems, but i wouldn't rule them out when they work as well as they do.

I've stated before we waited three years to put my daughter on medication. The first three medications she tried had no effect ... one made her worse. We currently have her on a combination that is working well for her ADHD. She's on another medication for other psychological issues which we're still working with. It was working beautifully, then after a not intentional 2 week break off of it, now is not working.

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knowing the source of the problem doesn't solve it.

no, its a starting point. Pinpoint cause and build a plan upward from there.

Laura worked in Special Ed in california for almost 13 years.

Many of those kids I personally took under my wing and mentored for several years at a time.

Almost every one was medicated, and literally every one had major social issues at home, to include, parents who really did nto want to address unrest and upheaval at home, never got involved in their kids lives, never even came to teacher paretn meetings, and always wanted somebdoy else to fix their kids.

Incidently, every single one had a father missing at home.

they didint need drugs.

they needed structure, routine, order, discipline, and to feel safe.

By the way my youngest brother was also ADD and all that fun stuff and was on ritalin, and fit every category I just described above.

and no I'm not a teacher.

been a student before though.

and a kid.

and a mentor

and a confidant.

been doing it for a long time.

I am uneducated, but I do think I have the ability to spot some very basic trends.

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and by the way, as a message to Rayne andy anybody else in here, forgive me if I sound so generalizing. of course there are exceptions and not every parent with a child who has issues is clueless, thats not what I'm trying to say before y'all start hunting me....

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if i had a problem child of my own, steven, i'd follow your advice!

as it is, i don't have enough class time to waste it on family therapy sessions.

not your job babe, 'tis the job of the parentals....thats part of what I meant by teachers needing to do as they're told just to survive.....you get handed the problem and then have to reccomend to parents what to do to solve it. Something is wrong with that scenario, and its very common.....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh and I have PTSD

I dont see how feeling good for a couple hours once in awhile chemically is going to help it.

so far it hasn't helped my PTSD.

I still have a hard time sleeping or falling asleep and concentrating under certain conditions.

Still shake, hit, twitch... or yell as I fall asleep once in awhile. sometimes during sleep, as part of my PTSD

I think the reason they say it might help with PTSD is because it helps people feel relaxed, happy, and talkative (in the lower doses), and that can help dramatically with therapy.

And also, the purer the MDMA, the MORE damage it will do to you. It does eat holes in your brain's pleasure receptors, and that can happen from even one use.

I'm not against it at all, in fact I plan on trying to once or twice myself.

I'm just saying that you need to be careful and aware of the risks.

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