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It Has Come To My Attention

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That many people, seem to feel the need to announce or otherwise broadcast there unhappiness on this board now I understand that this is a goth board, and that it is a place to vent ones misery in a "safe forum" amongst "like minded people" ... but it is after all is said and done, a public board, you don't need to be a member of DGN to read this stuff...

I am just curious as to why people seem to feel that they must announce there personal problems on here (and I am not judging or saying this is wrong or anything) It is just a state of mind that I don't understand. I understand talking to your friends, or maybe even blogging or journaling... but I guess I am not getting the post in a general forum that states "I have been lied to and mistreated!!!" or something like that... what does it do exactly? What is it's purpose?

Just wondering

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Don't know. I keep that kind of stuff for my Livejournal. Only trusted people have access to that.

Other than that, I may mention something here and there, but nothingI wouldn't mind complete strangers reading.

It's a public forum there's no way to hide being a part of a public forum ... so I just keep what I don't want to share off.

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Odd. I just got my new issue of Maximum PC... there is a sidebar editorial about something like this. At least I think it fall sinto the same catagory. It's about Diaries... and how people have kept them for hundreds of years... but they have kept them secret. For what ever reason, since the advent of the Internet... blogs, journals of various types and message boards... people seem to be opening them up for others to read.

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Odd. I just got my new issue of Maximum PC... there is a sidebar editorial about something like this. At least I think it fall sinto the same catagory. It's about Diaries... and how people have kept them for hundreds of years... but they have kept them secret. For what ever reason, since the advent of the Internet... blogs, journals of various types and message boards... people seem to be opening them up for others to read.

Same idea yes...

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Well...personally it was to confirm that I had'nt lost any freindships through those ordeals...but some may do it to "fish" for compliments...cause we all know there are going to be people,regardless how much they like or dislike like you, will lie to either avoid conflicts or spare a persons feelings. Thus, those "paranoians", if you will, come to the board making a topic such as ; "Nobody likes me, everyone hates me, guess I'll go eat worms" specificly looking for those kind hearted (yet not always true) comments, like : "No, everyone loves you!" or "You're such a sweetheart!", things of that manner. For sympathy and/or attention. But that may not always be true. There maybe better intentions behind it and/or they truly felt "hated" and wanted to confirm it.

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Well...personally it was to confirm that I had'nt lost any freindships through those ordeals...but some may do it to "fish" for compliments...cause we all know there are going to be people,regardless how much they like or dislike like you, will lie to either avoid conflicts or spare a persons feelings. Thus, those "paranoians", if you will, come to the board making a topic such as ; "Nobody likes me, everyone hates me, guess I'll go eat worms" specificly looking for those kind hearted (yet not always true) comments, like : "No, everyone loves you!" or "You're such a sweetheart!", things of that manner. For sympathy and/or attention. But that may not always be true. There maybe better intentions behind it and/or they truly felt "hated" and wanted to confirm it.

seems intelligent.... thank you

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I also noticed that there is a lot of paranioa on the board as well... there is a lot of "you all hate me now.... you are all in on his/her lies" type of posts...


but yeah. anyway i've been thinking about starting a good old fashioned pen and paper diary to keep track of/vent the stuff i'd never talk about on here or myspace. but i'm such a damn procrastinator.

poetry sure does help, though.

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but yeah. anyway i've been thinking about starting a good old fashioned pen and paper diary to keep track of/vent the stuff i'd never talk about on here or myspace. but i'm such a damn procrastinator.

poetry sure does help, though.

GOD...why do you hate me Brass?!

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I usually vent here because I don't have anyone objective to vent to offline. It's just me, my husband, and my family. And my family are all fucked-up, repressed Polish Catholics who are usually more hurt than help. So that leaves Jon. And DGN. So here I am, and here I spew.

By the way, as for the "people are lying to me..." type of things... I have personal experience with this, and it's directly related to this board. It basically comes down to he said/she said. I have spouted off about this sort of thing once or twice because I'm astounded at the childishness of that sort of behavior amidst a bunch of people who consider themselves mature, intelligent adults.

I spew, therefore I am. :)

Sometimes I vent because I just need to get something out. Sometimes I vent because I really do want oustside opinions. Sometimes I'm just feeling sorry for myself and am looking for a shoulder.

I'm not posting a ton on here right now because I have a lot of major, major bullshit going on in my life and it's a lot of stuff I really don't feel I can get into in a public forum. Some days I've been pushed to my limit, and have posted, and very soonafter asked a moderator to delete my thread.

Things are tougher for me right now than I've shared. I don't need sympathy, I need answers. And I'm not going to find those on DGN right now, so I'm not asking.

And that's the story of why I bitch on DGN.

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I usually vent here because I don't have anyone objective to vent to offline. It's just me, my husband, and my family. And my family are all fucked-up, repressed Polish Catholics who are usually more hurt than help. So that leaves Jon. And DGN. So here I am, and here I spew.

By the way, as for the "people are lying to me..." type of things... I have personal experience with this, and it's directly related to this board. It basically comes down to he said/she said. I have spouted off about this sort of thing once or twice because I'm astounded at the childishness of that sort of behavior amidst a bunch of people who consider themselves mature, intelligent adults.

I spew, therefore I am. :)

Sometimes I vent because I just need to get something out. Sometimes I vent because I really do want oustside opinions. Sometimes I'm just feeling sorry for myself and am looking for a shoulder.

I'm not posting a ton on here right now because I have a lot of major, major bullshit going on in my life and it's a lot of stuff I really don't feel I can get into in a public forum. Some days I've been pushed to my limit, and have posted, and very soonafter asked a moderator to delete my thread.

Things are tougher for me right now than I've shared. I don't need sympathy, I need answers. And I'm not going to find those on DGN right now, so I'm not asking.

And that's the story of why I bitch on DGN.

Well put!! That's my feelings exactly! Well...except having a "Jon" and I don't "spew", I like to consider it an "oozing"...but pretty much the same...

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Every time I've posted something personal on this board, I've regretted it. So I don't do it any more.

That's what I would assume would happen yes.... which is why I wonder why people continue to do so....

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