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It Has Come To My Attention

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I agree that most of the people here who post a lot of personal details about their life are looking for attention. But if you post at all aren't you looking for attention(someone to read what you say) at least a little bit? And one could argue that anyone who has ever posted a picture of themselves on-line is fishing for compliments.

Personally, I don't like to share too much about my personal life. For one thing, as Phee said, it's a public forum and you never know who might be reading and gathering info about you. For another, I'd never post something about someone on-line that I'd be uncomfortable saying about them to their face, in front of all their friends. I prefer to either keep those things to myself or take them up directly with the person I have a problem with.

I always hesitate before posting something even kind of personal, and think "Do I really want complete strangers to know that about me?" And there have been a few times that I've read things on-line and been embarassed for the person who wrote them that they felt the need to exploit themselves that much just to get attention(for the insecure people, I'm probably not referring to anyone reading this right now).

You know, this is very true. The same could be said about those who post poems, song lyrics and music links and whatnot on here. They (like myself) are looking for opinions, though (honestly) it's rare you get an honest and constructive opinion on it for fear of being shunned for it. But in a sense, wouldn't that be "looking for attention" too? So, with that in mind, are the "Woe is me" threads really THAT bad phee?

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oh and for those that don't want to read my page long reply i basically said:

"like you said phee, it is a state of mind i don't understand. you don't now and you never will. and that is not a bad thing."

Gee... thanks. I just got done reading that to find a summerization below it...my head hurts now...haha jk ;)

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Its natural that all people are going to behave differently. If someone chooses to post they're problems for what might be extremely open opinions then let them. I can understand why some people are very paranoid about it, but I can't see why any of you don't understand the flip-side of the coin. I mean it comes off as a need to belittle each other, is it that hard to be tolerant of other people or something? If you want to start blatently stereotyping people thats your problem, if you want to post it, thats your choice.

Everyone is analyzing everyone, just about everywhere, just like this post originated from the analysis of reading through this thread. Some people aren't afraid of the odds of them getting stalked, or someone gathering information on them, or whatever insert-terrible-thing-here. Then some people are. This thread just seems like a blatent back and forth without any acknowledgement that every person is different, and by all means think what you will, but I truthfully find it sad.

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Crimson Scales - you took the words right out of my heart.

I'm really amazed at how people here like to kick people when they're down. It's surprisingly ugly and cold. And I wonder at the psyche of the people doing it.

I honestly don't think they care or are at all trying to help. I think they're taking glee in kicking dirt on others and acting like they know everything - when they don't know jack shit.

I've been following the lead of people like Dyno lately in trying to keep my own personal bullshit just that - personal. I find I'm spending less and less time on DGN because the overall feel has been one of "let's all gang up on (insert name here) and show them how much smarter we are and what a fuck up they are". I've mostly seen it done to others, and I cringe at the callousness. I haven't spoken up because I've learned I really need to cut down on the amount of negativity I allow into my life.

This is probably inevitable with a board that has grown to be more than a small, cozy group of "oddballs" who at one time had something in common that brought them here. Now it's like the kid who is beat up in school that goes home and kicks puppies. A lot of us are here because we're oddballs in society's eyes, and maybe that makes some of us - myself included - feel like we can relate to people here as peers who can relate to what we go through daily, and give "been there - done that" feedback, or even just provide a virtual shoulder to cry on.

There's a fair share of kindhearted people here who will do just that. But there is a larger percentage now of people who are just salivating at the chance to kick a puppy.

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Crimson Scales - you took the words right out of my heart.

I'm really amazed at how people here like to kick people when they're down. It's surprisingly ugly and cold. And I wonder at the psyche of the people doing it.

I honestly don't think they care or are at all trying to help. I think they're taking glee in kicking dirt on others and acting like they know everything - when they don't know jack shit.

I've been following the lead of people like Dyno lately in trying to keep my own personal bullshit just that - personal. I find I'm spending less and less time on DGN because the overall feel has been one of "let's all gang up on (insert name here) and show them how much smarter we are and what a fuck up they are". I've mostly seen it done to others, and I cringe at the callousness. I haven't spoken up because I've learned I really need to cut down on the amount of negativity I allow into my life.

This is probably inevitable with a board that has grown to be more than a small, cozy group of "oddballs" who at one time had something in common that brought them here. Now it's like the kid who is beat up in school that goes home and kicks puppies. A lot of us are here because we're oddballs in society's eyes, and maybe that makes some of us - myself included - feel like we can relate to people here as peers who can relate to what we go through daily, and give "been there - done that" feedback, or even just provide a virtual shoulder to cry on.

There's a fair share of kindhearted people here who will do just that. But there is a larger percentage now of people who are just salivating at the chance to kick a puppy.

Well I'm new on here and I don't want to kick anyone..........Maybe pinch a little....I have noticed that with just the little time that I have been on here. I think it is that there is nothing better to do.........Everyone just needs to take their aggression out on the dance floor or between the sheets.......Take your pick, they are both good.................................D&D

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What's wrong with being a little tactful and considerate of other's feelings?

Oh - that's right. My mistake. All the world is expected to buck-up and take what's lobbed at their heads. One should keep their mouth shut if they don't want someone else to throw their words back at them and kick 'em in the teeth for daring to share with the public.

Guess we'll all be safe when we all decide to stop talking to everybody else and just lock ourselves in our rooms.

Fun fucking world that'll be.

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have you ever considered the possibility that that which doesn't kill you might make you stronger if you let it?

i mean, damn... *my* lifestyle hasn't contributed to any anxiety disorders lately.

Have you ever considered the possibility that it's not your job to continuously beat people down for "their own good"?

Say what you want about your intelligence, knowledge, etc. You can be freaking MEAN. And what's worse, you seem to take pride in it. You obviously get off on it.

Of course, you're not alone. There are a lot of people on this board - shit, in this WORLD - who think it's their job to be a walking arbiter of all that is wrong with everyone around them. And yet who can never ever seem to admit to a single solitary fault of their own. If that is what "perfect" and "always right" and "intelligent" and "logical" is, I'll be very happy to be flawed, wrong a percentage of the time, sometimes ignorant, and occasionally downright illogical.

Humility, tact, kindness, consideration, compassion - things this world is losing more and more each day. :(

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Most the time, I do keep things to myself because often, i find myself in situations that others simply cannot understand... and often pass a wrong judgement due to the lack of understanding... other times i do bring up personal things as a means of a topic of conversation that i find relatively harmless...

My thoughts as why some drama gets out of hand is because of gossip... someone has an opinion, and a rumor is always so much more interesting than the truth...

And before one knows it, their reputation is being tainted by a rumor spreading around, some don't care as it's just a forum board, it depends on how close of friends that one is with the people on here, so sometimes they fight back to try to stop the rumor... It all boils down to why rumors are being started in the first place... people with no lives... they're bored, they don't have a life so they dig into other's personal business, and if they cant, they're offended and spread a rumor, or start a rumor on some tainted judgement from personal moral beliefs...

a simple rule is forgotten... it's their life, not yours... shut up and let them live their own life...

..often that's ignored.

Mainly, another root cause of personal drama is ignorance, wich develops into rumors, wich spread, wich causes drama, and often unwanted attention, and just an all around miserable time for everyone...

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This whole thread just seems like a kick in the face to anyone who dares come here and vent thier problems to people who, while claiming to be thier "friend" are really just looking for another way to feel like they are better than everyone else.

Being an elitists does not actually make you elite. No matter how much perfume you put on an asshole... it still smells faintly of the shit it's full of.

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In the past im guilty as well for posting personal shit on here (especailly when dgn use to exist on ezboard).

My reasons was just to get things off my chest, never looked for attention nor didnt want anyone to feel sorry for me. Yeah maybe a little advise there and there was helpful but I've never seeked for advise either.

Here in the present, things are diffrent now. I keep EVERYTHING personal to myself (specailly since losing most majority of friends here on dgn). I finally figured out that I feel much more better just keeping things to myself the whole time anyway. To be bluntly honest, posting personal stuff on here has not done a damn thing except just make things worse. Specailly last summer when things totally hitted the fan between me and another former dgn'er here (which im sure most of you remembered).

Well, since while im on the subject and in a good arrogant mood right now I might as well say this too.

1. I was never involving anyone.

2. I wasnt mentioning any names

3. Im not the one who started the drama break-out in that thread (nor did he) It was thanks to most of you ignorant shits who had to rub your fucking noses where it dont belong and go litarly out your ways just to investigate the thread and post things that were found out. This is ANOTHER reason why I stopped posting my personal shares on here. Plus the reason why I dont get along with 90% of dgn'ers here. Of course me and crank already done had things patched up, but im never patching things up with most of you ignorant brown-nose-smelling peices of shits because I dont like people butting into my business. *sigh* since this has finally came out of my system now I prolly dont have to worry about see'ing another long post come from me again.

Note: This does not include everyone on here, just a very good majority.

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As I said before. Some people find a comraderie here and feel they can vent and possibly hear some constructive advice on how to deal with things or a place to look for a job or how to handle something in a relatonship. Not everyone on here who vents personal stuff is a whiner in real life and was suggested. Personally I don't vent to my local friends. I keep it bottled up and once in a while I need to release it so I post it here. I believe it could be the same for others. Are we looking for attention, yes a little. We are hoping for a pat on the back, a reminder that others are going or been thru something similar and have a possible way to deal with it. Nothing wrong with that. Yet I've noticed that some people find a need to be not so nice about their replies. Make comments that they are whiners, complainers and such. I wonder how many who think that way have gone to a friend and vented only to have that friend think that of them? Maybe that's why they think that of the posters? Only they know the answer. Something else that surprises me is that while this thread was started about those who complain, no thread was started about the sexual exploits that everyone posts about. So does that mean if you want to complain or vent don't bother no one wants to hear it or offer advice but it's ok to post about doing it in every room, position, new territories and how long it went on? Methinks there is a mixed message there.

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As I said before. Some people find a comraderie here and feel they can vent and possibly hear some constructive advice on how to deal with things or a place to look for a job or how to handle something in a relatonship. Not everyone on here who vents personal stuff is a whiner in real life and was suggested. Personally I don't vent to my local friends. I keep it bottled up and once in a while I need to release it so I post it here. I believe it could be the same for others. Are we looking for attention, yes a little. We are hoping for a pat on the back, a reminder that others are going or been thru something similar and have a possible way to deal with it. Nothing wrong with that. Yet I've noticed that some people find a need to be not so nice about their replies. Make comments that they are whiners, complainers and such. I wonder how many who think that way have gone to a friend and vented only to have that friend think that of them? Maybe that's why they think that of the posters? Only they know the answer. Something else that surprises me is that while this thread was started about those who complain, no thread was started about the sexual exploits that everyone posts about. So does that mean if you want to complain or vent don't bother no one wants to hear it or offer advice but it's ok to post about doing it in every room, position, new territories and how long it went on? Methinks there is a mixed message there.


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I have to agree DC,I really don't go on here much anymore,considering there are some people on here I cannot stand anymore,the I know everything bs got really old,if you think you know everything,then try to set-up and run the kind of machines that I work on,this is basically all I will say to anyone that thinks they know it all. I myself do not know everything,but I do know alot. Other than that I know several friends on this board that I highly respect,and they know that.I also won't even bother posting personal shit anymore on here,since I usually get some kind of hate mail sent to me.Last but not least if you have a problem with me,or you hate my guts fine,if you start spreading false accusations about me,be prepared to face the consiquences.nough said,

carry on.IMO I do miss how the board used to be awhile back.

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In the past im guilty as well for posting personal shit on here (especailly when dgn use to exist on ezboard).

My reasons was just to get things off my chest, never looked for attention nor didnt want anyone to feel sorry for me. Yeah maybe a little advise there and there was helpful but I've never seeked for advise either.

Here in the present, things are diffrent now. I keep EVERYTHING personal to myself (specailly since losing most majority of friends here on dgn). I finally figured out that I feel much more better just keeping things to myself the whole time anyway. To be bluntly honest, posting personal stuff on here has not done a damn thing except just make things worse. Specailly last summer when things totally hitted the fan between me and another former dgn'er here (which im sure most of you remembered).

Well, since while im on the subject and in a good arrogant mood right now I might as well say this too.

1. I was never involving anyone.

2. I wasnt mentioning any names

3. Im not the one who started the drama break-out in that thread (nor did he) It was thanks to most of you ignorant shits who had to rub your fucking noses where it dont belong and go litarly out your ways just to investigate the thread and post things that were found out. This is ANOTHER reason why I stopped posting my personal shares on here. Plus the reason why I dont get along with 90% of dgn'ers here. Of course me and crank already done had things patched up, but im never patching things up with most of you ignorant brown-nose-smelling peices of shits because I dont like people butting into my business. *sigh* since this has finally came out of my system now I prolly dont have to worry about see'ing another long post come from me again.

Note: This does not include everyone on here, just a very good majority.

Kinda like the Bush administration sticking their nose where it don't belong,"don't invade my issues like you invaded another country"

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In the past im guilty as well for posting personal shit on here (especailly when dgn use to exist on ezboard).

My reasons was just to get things off my chest, never looked for attention nor didnt want anyone to feel sorry for me. Yeah maybe a little advise there and there was helpful but I've never seeked for advise either.

Here in the present, things are diffrent now. I keep EVERYTHING personal to myself (specailly since losing most majority of friends here on dgn). I finally figured out that I feel much more better just keeping things to myself the whole time anyway. To be bluntly honest, posting personal stuff on here has not done a damn thing except just make things worse. Specailly last summer when things totally hitted the fan between me and another former dgn'er here (which im sure most of you remembered).

Well, since while im on the subject and in a good arrogant mood right now I might as well say this too.

1. I was never involving anyone.

2. I wasnt mentioning any names

3. Im not the one who started the drama break-out in that thread (nor did he) It was thanks to most of you ignorant shits who had to rub your fucking noses where it dont belong and go litarly out your ways just to investigate the thread and post things that were found out. This is ANOTHER reason why I stopped posting my personal shares on here. Plus the reason why I dont get along with 90% of dgn'ers here. Of course me and crank already done had things patched up, but im never patching things up with most of you ignorant brown-nose-smelling peices of shits because I dont like people butting into my business. *sigh* since this has finally came out of my system now I prolly dont have to worry about see'ing another long post come from me again.

Note: This does not include everyone on here, just a very good majority.

this kind of insulting is unacceptable... (point #3)

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