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The Physics Of Star Trek (again, 10 years later) Pretty much a book about Einstein/Quantum Mechanics , just happens to use star trek metaphors. Very good. Anyone can read it, defiantly no college-level education required. (if your a ST hater a better alternative is Fabric Of The Cosmos by Brian Greene. Don't try to start with Hawking or Einstein.)

Relativity / Quantum mechanics almost takes on a mystical / supernatural quality , with the exception that its factual. Some of it is often harder to believe than the most bizarre superstitions. If your familiar with star trek, probably the best entry-level book on the deeper nature of the physical universe to start with. Things are not as they seem, not at all.

I guess I'm "studying" it more than reading it at this point. It sounds cliche but in the case of relativity/QM truth really IS stranger than fiction.

Non-fiction , at least lets call it "hard" non-fiction often takes more than one read to really own the subject, this is one of many on my long "read again" list.

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The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins

Amazing so far as most all the reviews suggest (and its extreme popularity for a book of this subject matter). Surprisingly dedicated to Douglas Adams (found out later Adams was a personal friend of the well known scientist Richard Dawkins) Dawkins uses several analogies from Adams work to make some of his points. One more book like this and i might have to declare myself finally off-the-fence. The arguments are just too strong.

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Dune by Frank Herbert

The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins

Amazing so far as most all the reviews suggest (and its extreme popularity for a book of this subject matter). Surprisingly dedicated to Douglas Adams (found out later Adams was a personal friend of the well known scientist Richard Dawkins) Dawkins uses several analogies from Adams work to make some of his points. One more book like this and i might have to declare myself finally off-the-fence. The arguments are just too strong.

Grrr I want to get my hands on a copy of that..

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Grrr I want to get my hands on a copy of that..

I've got about another 90 or so pages to go, its very good. For me its the best book I've read so far on the subject as it sort of summarizes virtually every major concept involved. If you've not read one like this before or aren't used to reading nonfiction I'd probably suggest David Mill's "Atheist Universe" first, its a lot shorter and an easier read. Carl Sagans "The Demon Haunted World" and Michael Shermer's "Why People Believe Weird Things" are similar (Both are more generally concerned with errors in judgment based on various errors in perception about all things. Not specifically the god question.)

I keep meaning to finish Dune, just haven't yet. I started it twice, and keep getting sidetracked by other books.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ooh, Ooh.... I'm half way through Day Watch. Please let me know how you like Twilight Watch when you are through with it so I know whether to run and get it in the next few weeks or if it can wait a bit.

....still havent finished it, i just havent been in the mood. Good book, but im more up for brain fluff at the moment.

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....still havent finished it, i just havent been in the mood. Good book, but im more up for brain fluff at the moment.

I wound up getting it and devoured it in a short amount of time. Good story. Can't wait for the next one. I think it's out in July.

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