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Thanks to recommendations from this forum, I am now reading Clive Barker's Abarat, and loving it so far. Then it's on to the new Chuck Palanikjkjldf (however that's spelled)

Ohhh, Inferno! I got about 2/3 of the way through that last summer and then forgot about it amidst moving apartments. Hmm, and I was just getting to the good circles too....

Edited by SomeDanGuy
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I've read them all; I was a bit of a latecomer to the series, but was quickly ensnared.

Looking back, after having finished the series--and this may sound a bit to pretentious in regards to the work of Stephen King--but it seems to me that the story is beyond whether I like or dislike it. Some stories seem to swell or shrink, respectively, if I really enjoy or despise them. This one...seems to remain, just there, whether I like it or not.

That said, my only real complaint was that the conclusion was a bit abrupt. At the very least I thought he should have spent a little more time with the very end.

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Hooray for Clive Barker!

I just picked up the second Abarat book, though it'll be a week or two before i get to read it. The sad part is that I didn't even know it was coming out until last night when I saw it on the bookshelf at Title Wave. I'm ashamed of myself: he is afterall my very favorite author.

I am also currently reading Chuck Palahniuk's new book of short non-fiction. It's not all that I hoped it would be, but some of the stories are quite hilarious. I have to finish it ASAP. I actually bought the book when he came to town for a reading, and got it signed by him for my brother. It needs to be in the mail soon.

On a side note, Chuck is a very laid back kinda guy, though much shorter and skinnier in person than i expected.

I'm also reading "Under a Glass Bell" by Anais Nin, as well as a very very good book by a guy named Brady Udall titled "The Miracle Life of Edgar Mint." I highly recommend it for a good laugh, as well as a very realistic look at the human character. The Anais Nin on the other hand is very mediocre.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Slowy working my way through the current issue of Reason (Magazine) per usual.

I'm Stalled out around page 900 (again) of The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich

Just finished Gone With The Wind

Which, i've been avoiding for almost 10 years. Being the artsy snob, most of the intelligencia seems to assume this is a sappy cartoon history / love story and i, despite several recomendations, avoided it on that basis. I more recently had a friend of mine beat me into submission until i agreed to read this thing.

As noted by several reviewers as well as my friend paul , truely should be considered The American War & Peace, skeptic though i was, im now a convert.

This is a story about what amounts to The Apocolypse and the Post-Apoclypse , how some survive it, and some are destroyed (some emotionally, some physically, and many both) by it.

When the destruction of the south is described in the context of the book, it really would be better described as American Armageddon. You almost expect Sherman,Grant,Sheridan and Lincoln (northern personalities virtually synomous with "Satan" in the old south) to come riding in as the four horseman of the apocolypse or to take on a many-handed form of Shiva and scream "..And Behold , I Have Become Death The Destroyer Of Worlds.."

Very few of the main characters survive it and the ones that do have massive soul-searching ethica and emotional personality shifts. This book is readable on a "breezy" level , similar to many Hemmingway Novels for instance , but has a very deep undercurrent that is overlooked and continues to be overlooked by academia.

About halfway through The Watchmen for a second read. Its amazing peice of work, despite its very un-accpetable subject matter and format.

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  • 4 weeks later...

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