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I Love This Woman


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Trueness... personally, I eat when I have an appetite, what I have an appetite for, and as much as I want before I start to feel full.

i wish i could do that. . .lately ive had to force myself to eat, and if i only ate when i was hungry i would probably have about 400 calories a day. :doh :oops

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i wish i could do that. . .lately ive had to force myself to eat, and if i only ate when i was hungry i would probably have about 400 calories a day. :doh :oops

I had a passing problem like that a few years ago... is it a recent thing with you, or have you always had a small appetite?

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I had a passing problem like that a few years ago... is it a recent thing with you, or have you always had a small appetite?

my appetite has almost always been a little smaller than it probably should be, but for some reason lately (especially the last week or so and terribly the last 2 days) i litterally have to FORCE myself to eat. even my favorite foods dont even sound good. a day that would probably be decent for me lately, without forcing myself would probably be about 150 calories for breakfast, nothing for lunch, probably no snacking, and then maybe another 2 or 3 hundred calories for dinner. . .

the worst part is that i cant even find a reason for it. . .

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my appetite has almost always been a little smaller than it probably should be, but for some reason lately (especially the last week or so and terribly the last 2 days) i litterally have to FORCE myself to eat. even my favorite foods dont even sound good. a day that would probably be decent for me lately, without forcing myself would probably be about 150 calories for breakfast, nothing for lunch, probably no snacking, and then maybe another 2 or 3 hundred calories for dinner. . .

the worst part is that i cant even find a reason for it. . .

Hmm. Maybe there's some herbal remedy that encourages appetite. Hmm.

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when i first started losing weight, i was pushing 190... and i went to the gym in leggings and big tshirts and 2 exercise bras. (I was a 42 DD). In exercise classes, I would jump to the right and then the left, while the rest of me was still to the right. My point being: I jiggled. I looked like a damn Russ Meyer film. I thought it was hilarious. *shrug* Especially since, on average, most people at the gym are obese, fat or pudgy. We're all there together, working it off. so who cares? shit, a lot of aerobics instructors got some pudge on their bellys. Big DEAL!! They're still fit. They can instruct a class and workout. I highly doubt i could do that. And since, america is in an obescity crisis, i'd say there isnt anything to be ashamed of, except not actively doing something about it. Torn is right, medical conditions aside, if you eat less than you burn, YOU WILL LOSE WEIGHT.

The least i allowed myself to eat a day was 1200 calories : most sites recommend not going below 1200

I did get down to 135 last July, but i was dancing for 4 hours a night for two weeks straight when I followed a band around the midwest. Aaaah. The good ol' days. Plus, during that time I actually did eat a lot, because i was dancing so much. The best part, well besides seeing the lead singer all muscley and sweaty, was sitting in my hotel room eating a full Indian dinner and then a whole dark chocolate bar and dipping it in peanut butter. :drool Peanut Butter... Chocolate.... hmm, don't know where i was going with that one.. but anyways.

The lady in the video was obese. Blatantly obese. Unhealthily obese and i'm sorry but i'm not going to enable her by saying, "oh, honey, youre just big and beautiful. accept yourself. go ahead and play those sports, but you can still eat those bag of dorritos and dozen donuts. Because you're good enough and smart enough and i love you." Whatever. You know how many loved ones told me, "Oh youre not fat youre beautiful. It looks good on you."??? I was obese! FAT! yep. FAT! I wasn't afraid to say it then and i'm sure as hell not afraid to say it now. Do you tell a drunk or a drug addict, "oh, youre just fine. go ahead and continue drinking yourself into oblivian." Um, NO.

My parents are damn fat and i grew up chubby. I knew it wasnt the right way to live, so i researched and changed. It can be done. Oh, it's slow and painful and there was much crying and whining.. and moping. And what the hell is up with losing 3lbs one week and gaining 7lbs the next? That was within the first two months. and it was most likely water loss and gain. and yeah, it sucked!

And there was that one week where i actually replaced the batteries in my scale because i thought it was broken. guess what? It wasnt! damn! I gained?? GAINED?? WTF???!!! and it was all due to HOW MUCH I WAS SHOVING IN MY MOUTH. that's because i stress eat.

you know how hard it is for me now? I still stress eat! When i get stressed now, I TRY to drink hot tea, water or chew gum, just so that i can get some form of satisfaction. It's damn annoying, i'll tell you that. and it aint easy, but it's effing worth it.

Now all i really need to worry about is maintaining. and its still a challange, but i've accomplished so much i know i can rely on all that in the future.

Another tip: I dont read magazines or own a TV. I don't need to have the idea that i have to be anorexically thin to be beautiful and i don't need to have the constant barrage of food commericals making my life a living hell. I'm not anorexically thin like models are. I'm toned: very toned. and that's not exactly socially acceptable in our society either, especially if you compare me to magazine covers and tv models. whatever. I like being strong and buff and stuff. It's fun. I can throw my man around as much as he can throw me around. What's not fun about that?

oh and i still go to the gym in my leggings and big tshirts and 2 exercise bras. I dont care if youre a greek god or chubby wubby, cover yourselves ppl! theres a time and place for everything. I'm there to sweat not get a date. GRRRRR!!!! ok, no more espresso for me.

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What the FUCK, dude!!!

We (fat people and friends...? i couldn't think of a better way to word this lol) aren't angry at you for being skinny! We're pissed off because a lot of people undervalue us just because we're fat. And it's not just skinny people doing it, either. I can't blame YOU for culture, or man's natural attraction to an hourglass shape, or the simple fact that my ass is fat, and I don't.

I mean, I've heard of white guilt, but... thin guilt?

Thank you! =)

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I like the way she looks.

I disagree that she is "blatantly obese," but if that's your view, fine.

(Is there a "subtly obese" or maybe a "subdued heiferness"???)

I don't think the comparison to drugs or alcohol is fair, since being fat doesnt necessarily mean that you're

engaging in negative eating habits.

It would be fair if you saw a thin person eating a whole pizza

It would be fair to criticize a person took three trips to the buffet.

But you're intermingling a physical state and a behavioral problem, which aren't always linked.


We never got the impression that's she eats a dozen donuts or a bag of Dorito's-from her video.

There's a HUGE difference between:

A. Accepting someone for their size and acknowledging that BBWs can IN FACT be--Big Beautiful Women


B. Telling said women to scarf down a bunch of hohos.



I cut out junk food at home (I'll eat birthday cake or pizza on occassion at work if it's brought in )

I look for healthy foods on the restaurant menu.

If I go to MCD's, it's to get a salad.

I eat turkey all the time, and can't remember the last time I had a slice of bologna

But, that doesn't mean I'm as thin as I'd like.

And I dont think it's productive for women to be told that they're disgusting or ugly or blatantly obese, because it sure won't make them reach for their leotards--

When you're told you're hopeless, or if you're made to feel in this society that you're unwantable,

what's the point in trying????

Why attempt to better yourself when you're made to feel that everyone just views you as a fat cow, moo.

That's why the only solution is to take away the negative labels and the ominous warnings and encourage healthy living and support people for how they look.

Otherwise, it'll always be this way...

Unattainable ideals and a growing number of disenfranchised people who have given up on trying to achieve it.

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i dont know what kinds of things your eating but its also dependent on the kinds of things that are makeing up the calories. saturated fats and transfats are not good even if your calories are low, same with simple sugars (like whats in sweetened food like candy and other treats)

opt out of these things for stuff like whole wheats and grains, most nuts are good, as well as complex sugars like in fruits and vegies,

TA can add to this or correct me if im wrong :)

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Holy damn, Hellequin!

2 things- Most of the people at MY gym are buff as hell, because people who go to the gym more often than people who don't have better bodies.

And who are you to judge whether someone's "unhealthy" just because they're fat? I lead a very healthy lifestyle (ok except for the binge drinking, thank you dr. phil ;) ), and I AM healthy (I have awesome blood pressure, cholesterol, heart rate, etc, and my endurance is pretty darn good) but I'm STILL fat, because I've only started to counteract the years of abusing my body.

All that aside- even if someone's fat AND unhealthy, why is it important to judge them on the "fat" aspect? That's only aesthetic, and aesthetics are subjective.

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i dont know what kinds of things your eating but its also dependent on the kinds of things that are makeing up the calories. saturated fats and transfats are not good even if your calories are low, same with simple sugars (like whats in sweetened food like candy and other treats)

opt out of these things for stuff like whole wheats and grains, most nuts are good, as well as complex sugars like in fruits and vegies,

TA can add to this or correct me if im wrong :)

most chicken breasts are under 200 calories and i've found they fill me up and keep the hunger from returning right away. Baked fish fillets are good too. Add onto that with a big ol' helping of cooked veggies with no butter or oil and im always full. Protein bars for a midafternnon snack are also good and it's how i've gotten the extra vitamins and minerals, as opposed to taking those effing vitamin horse pills. OOOOH!! I hate those horse pill things. I recommend Pure Protein Bar's Cookie Dough. It also helps to curb my sweet tooth. If i don't eat those things on a regular basis, I go on insane candy binges. *sigh* stupid binges!!

Giving myself a taste of what i crave helps keep off the binges in general. So i do still salt stuff, buti also put curry and other seasonings on food to counteract the lack of butter and fat.

Wikipedia's article on obesity:

Obesity is a condition in which the natural energy reserve, stored in the fatty tissue of humans and other mammals, is increased to a point where it is associated with certain health conditions or increased mortality.

Obesity is both an individual clinical condition and is increasingly viewed as a serious public health problem. Excessive body weight has been shown to predispose to various diseases, particularly cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus type 2, sleep apnea, and osteoarthritis.[1]

the article

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i dont know what kinds of things your eating but its also dependent on the kinds of things that are makeing up the calories. saturated fats and transfats are not good even if your calories are low, same with simple sugars (like whats in sweetened food like candy and other treats)

opt out of these things for stuff like whole wheats and grains, most nuts are good, as well as complex sugars like in fruits and vegies,

TA can add to this or correct me if im wrong :)

Absolutely right.

Stuff to add to your diet:

Polyunsaturated fats

Whole grains

Fruits and vegetables

Lean protein


Stuff to avoid:

Saturated and trans fats (partially hydrogenated oils)

Sugars in general, but especially high fructose corn syrup

And processed starches (white bread, white rice), on account of the sugar



That's at least what I remember having read from a fantastic article in Discover a few years ago. I guess the gist of the diet is if you lived on a jungle island and foraged for carbohydrates and roughage and ate fish for proteins and fats, you'd be a shining example of health.

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most chicken breasts are under 200 calories and i've found they fill me up and keep the hunger from returning right away. Baked fish fillets are good too. Add onto that with a big ol' helping of cooked veggies with no butter or oil and im always full. Protein bars for a midafternnon snack are also good and it's how i've gotten the extra vitamins and minerals, as opposed to taking those effing vitamin horse pills. OOOOH!! I hate those horse pill things. I recommend Pure Protein Bar's Cookie Dough. It also helps to curb my sweet tooth. If i don't eat those things on a regular basis, I go on insane candy binges. *sigh* stupid binges!!

Giving myself a taste of what i crave helps keep off the binges in general. So i do still salt stuff, buti also put curry and other seasonings on food to counteract the lack of butter and fat.

ooooohhhhh we need to get together and cook sometime! curry mmmmmm :drool:drool:drool

and i second the horse pill things bleh i started taking them about a week ago, i feel great but they smell and taste like something my cat would puke up lol.

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i dont know what kinds of things your eating but its also dependent on the kinds of things that are makeing up the calories. saturated fats and transfats are not good even if your calories are low, same with simple sugars (like whats in sweetened food like candy and other treats)

opt out of these things for stuff like whole wheats and grains, most nuts are good, as well as complex sugars like in fruits and vegies,

TA can add to this or correct me if im wrong :)

Pretty much all I eat are fruits and vegetables. Once in a great while I might eat a piece of cheese. I don't eat sweets anymore, except for a slim-fast bar every morning. On the rare occasion that I do eat bread, it's whole wheat.

I could probably eat a bit more, but then I would lose the weight much slower, which is not an option. When I was eating 1400 calories a day, I was only losing 2 pounds a month. At that rate, it would take me 6 years to lose the rest of my weight. Fuck that. As it is, if I continue to lose about 10 pounds a month, it's going to take me a year to lose the rest of the weight I need to lose.

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TA--I'll let Bean PM you.

You obviously have researched this a great deal.

Right now, this is too overwhelming for me. All these numbers are swimming in my brain right now.

That's great that you've researched all this and that you can be of help.

(Now, don't take this as a "I know what I know" kind of thing but)-----

Based on her weight, she supposed to lose even if she eats 2000-3000 calories

YET, If she eats even 1200, she gains weight.

I ate two pieces of cake yesterday (and little else, mind you,

to balance)

and didn't gain a pound.

I cant explain it.

I have to think the formula has to change for different people.

I KNOW it's harder for me to gain weight (and in some cases easier) than other people

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Pretty much all I eat are fruits and vegetables. Once in a great while I might eat a piece of cheese. I don't eat sweets anymore, except for a slim-fast bar every morning. On the rare occasion that I do eat bread, it's whole wheat.

I could probably eat a bit more, but then I would lose the weight much slower, which is not an option. When I was eating 1400 calories a day, I was only losing 2 pounds a month. At that rate, it would take me 6 years to lose the rest of my weight. Fuck that. As it is, if I continue to lose about 10 pounds a month, it's going to take me a year to lose the rest of the weight I need to lose.

You NEED protein... it's just as important (if not more so) than fruits and vegetables. And why the hurry-up for weight loss? You're young, and the slower you lose weight the better odds it'll stay off.

Do you weight train, btw? Building muscle increases your metabolism. And makes you feel super buff. =)

I'm sick of all this foreplay. You and me need to work out sometime. I wish I had a set of free weights so I could do it all at home and just walk for cardio, but if I wish in one hand and shit in the other all I have is a handful of shit.

So let's walk, girl. There are some lovely parks by my house. =)

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You NEED protein... it's just as important (if not more so) than fruits and vegetables. And why the hurry-up for weight loss? You're young, and the slower you lose weight the better odds it'll stay off.

Do you weight train, btw? Building muscle increases your metabolism. And makes you feel super buff. =)

I'm sick of all this foreplay. You and me need to work out sometime. I wish I had a set of free weights so I could do it all at home and just walk for cardio, but if I wish in one hand and shit in the other all I have is a handful of shit.

So let's walk, girl. There are some lovely parks by my house. =)


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Wikipedia's article on obesity:

Obesity is a condition in which the natural energy reserve, stored in the fatty tissue of humans and other mammals, is increased to a point where it is associated with certain health conditions or increased mortality.

Obesity is both an individual clinical condition and is increasingly viewed as a serious public health problem. Excessive body weight has been shown to predispose to various diseases, particularly cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus type 2, sleep apnea, and osteoarthritis.[1]

the article

Correlation is not causation. It's true that the same things that make someone fat can cause all those problems, but a fat person who leads a healthy lifestyle slashes their risk, even if they haven't yet lost weight.

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Pretty much all I eat are fruits and vegetables. Once in a great while I might eat a piece of cheese. I don't eat sweets anymore, except for a slim-fast bar every morning. On the rare occasion that I do eat bread, it's whole wheat.

I could probably eat a bit more, but then I would lose the weight much slower, which is not an option. When I was eating 1400 calories a day, I was only losing 2 pounds a month. At that rate, it would take me 6 years to lose the rest of my weight. Fuck that. As it is, if I continue to lose about 10 pounds a month, it's going to take me a year to lose the rest of the weight I need to lose.

seriously, are you eating any protein? it really has kept me full and it's needed for weightloss and for healthy muscles. are you vegetarian? when i was losing, it was about 2 lbs a month. i know its slow and frustrating. you are still losing and it does mean that you WILL get to where you want to be, just at a slow rate. I was eating about the same caloric intake as that also. it was a personal preference, I didnt want to have to be annoying starved on a daily basis. I love food too much. *shrug* I dunno, you're losing and doing something about it. don't get too hard on yourself. i think it's great. What's the rush?

eh.. there were some months i didnt lose anything and other months were i lost a butt load.. it just averaged out...

let's see:

Lifespan may be cut short by obesity.

Major insurance company boosts coverage for obesity treatment and prevention.

New government report on morbid obesity finds weight-loss surgery effective.

Health risks related to obesity improved or eliminated with bariatric surgery.

Decrease in health care costs result with bariatric surgery.

Bariatric surgery patients show improved mortality and morbidity.

FDA weighs revisions to obesity drug approvals.

States failing to curb obesity.

New Medicare policy increases coverage for obesity treatment.

The impact of American culture on obesity.

Obesity reduces overall well-being of children.

Obesity on verge of surpassing smoking as #1 cause of preventable death.

New obesity drug shows positive results in clinical trials.

Obesity a factor in increase of disability.

The American Obesity Association Homepage

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i think also that once you loose a little weight and build a little muscle that your weight loss will start going much faster. the more muscle you have the higher your metabolism will be and the more you will burn for doing less. protien is a big factor tho because if you dont have it you most likely wont have muscle and thats just going to force you to work that much harder

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To answer Brass, Gauge, and hellequin:

I do eat protein. I drink soy milk, eat soy nuts, beans, and I eat chicken breast once in while. I don't eat red meat or pork.

I lift weights - I have free weights at home.

*lays down on the couch* therapy time...

I can't stand myself as it is. To have to go on 6 more years being fat, honestly, I'd rather be dead. People have been really cruel to me because of my weight. I'm tired of being treated like a second-rate citizen because of the way I look. Growing up with an anorexic mother (she really did/does have anorexia) fucked with my head a little bit too.

I've lost 91 pounds already. I STILL have 150 more to lose. I'm tired of this body.

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*lays down on the couch* therapy time...

I can't stand myself as it is. To have to go on 6 more years being fat, honestly, I'd rather be dead. People have been really cruel to me because of my weight. I'm tired of being treated like a second-rate citizen because of the way I look. Growing up with an anorexic mother (she really did/does have anorexia) fucked with my head a little bit too.

I've lost 91 pounds already. I STILL have 150 more to lose. I'm a whale, and I'm tired of it.

that makes me sad, your weight shouldnt be THE reason that you dislike yourself. i realize its something that you may dislike but we all have things that make us feel that way. the key thing is that your trying to change it and its something that you can change and 91 lbs is pretty significant. while it may be hard to block people out just realize that the people who are beeing retarded because they dont like how you are, dont matter. youve obviously got TE whos supportive of you and youve got all of us cheering you on. surround yourself with positive people and tell the others to fuck off, because people will only treat you the way you allow them to.

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that makes me sad, your weight shouldnt be THE reason that you dislike yourself. i realize its something that you may dislike but we all have things that make us feel that way. the key thing is that your trying to change it and its something that you can change and 91 lbs is pretty significant. while it may be hard to block people out just realize that the people who are beeing retarded because they dont like how you are, dont matter. youve obviously got TE whos supportive of you and youve got all of us cheering you on. surround yourself with positive people and tell the others to fuck off, because people will only treat you the way you allow them to.

I know. It's just really hard sometimes. I've always been overweight, except for a couple years when I was doing a lot of hard-core drugs, along with starving myself and throwing up what little I did eat. I've had to hear insults from people my entire life. Granted, I could have done something about my weight much sooner, and I have no one to blame but myself, but it's hard when you hear people yell "fat ass!" at you out their car windows, or you walk past people and you can hear them saying hurtful things about you.

I am very thank full for all the supportive people around me. If it weren't for them, I probably would have given up already.

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