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Okay, There's A Big, Hairy Fucking Spider...

Brenda Starrr

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. It has some visible white hairs on it. If I can see hairs, it's too fucking big and doesn't belong in my house.

Look at it this way... free dinner for you and the kids... the furry ones are soft on the outside, chewy in the center!!!

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cave spider AKA the common house spider?

wolf spiders are cool. was fascinated with them as a kid. that and zebra jumping spiders (havent seen on in years) then i developed arachnophobia, which i dont seem to have any more.

harvestmen still slightly creep me out as thier not true spiders

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Normally, I get spiders and other bugs into a cup and take them outside, but the big hairy spiders scare the piss out of me, so I squish them..and then feel bad.

I moved my shower curtain today when I was cleaning and there was one hiding here - I screamed like a little girl, ran around the house freaking out, then smushed it with the end of a broom handle. Eww eww eww.

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Sounds like a wolf spider. I don't like them either... altho I made a successful effort to overcome my lifelong fear of spiders a few years back, wolf spiders just BOTHER me. They can be quite aggressive and they do bite, altho they aren't venomous. Unfortunately, I think there may be a lot of 'em this year 'cos the fucking things kept leaping out at me when I raked my flower beds during the warm spell a few weeks back.

Try spraying eucalyptus around the doors/windows to your home, also in the kind of crevices & crannies the beasties like to chill in. Get some eucalyptus oil at a health food store, head shop, or candle & root shop, mix it with water 20:1, and put it in a cheap spray bottle (the kind you can get at beauty supply stores). Be sure to shake it well each time you use it 'cos the oil & water will separate. This was recommended to me by someone on the board last summer for fleas, but I discovered that spiders & other crawlies hate it too... I was spraying it throughout the mid-late autumn and had a noticeable lack of vermin in my house all winter.

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great idea bout the Eucalyptus Oil. I have cats and summer fleas are always a concern...I'll try the oil thing...

Brenda - go get a can of Lysol (or any other spray substance) and a lighter.

Light the lighter in front of the can, aim the can spray AWAY from you at said spider, and torch him. Only takes a millisecond, he's toast, and problem is solved.

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I always catch them in a cup and put them outside.

I've never been afraid of them. I think my girls learned from watching me because they will do the same without fear.

Also, I don't like cleaning up squashed guts. ;)

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