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For The Music Snobs


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I gotta say, kids make mistakes... let's face it... they're stupid. It's not their faults... it's Barny's. He's a menace, and he must be stopped.

And the Timber thing... teach on, brother... really... I didn't know that, and probably would have said it incorrectly... if I were the type to start yapping about something I don't know about. Which makes me wonder if I'm really a sad specimen, being that I'm in a band, and have no idea what Timber (Tamber, Tamara, Gamara?) is... hemm...

Course to be fair, I only play guitar, but am self taught, and not very good yet, besides... The funny thing is I know less about wood than I do about musical technique, so If I start talking about Timber at all, I'm Full of CRAPOLA, and someone should hit me with their car.

Now having personal preferences is -fine-. I've never had sex with a -live- wolverine... they just aren't as sexy as... like, the hot little scene savvy chicks here on dgn... and for the most part I get the impression that Wolverines are a lot less vicious... My point is...wait... what -is- my point?

Oh yeah, having an opinion is fine as long as you don't swing it around like a hammer, smacking everyone else over the head with it. (Real hammers = good / proverbial hammers = painful) And for my $.02, at least think about why you don't like what you don't like. If one more person says they don't like rap cause it's all about 'Bustin caps, Bitches and hoes' I'm gonna bust a cap in that hoe bitch ass... You can find what you're looking for in Any Genera if you look hard enough, and if you want something that's not out there, maybe you should be a musician.

In any case, if the color of the progenators of a sound is what determines weather or not you will buy/listen to it/appreciate it, you don't deserve to have ears... give them back.

That's just my hairbrained 2 cents.

Sorry for infecting you guys...

and sorry for all the cancer.


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OK, so as I'm reading this thread, a guy across from me says, "What the hell are you playing?"

I say, "It's Suicide! 70s electro-punk. Kind of a cross of the Stooges and Kraftwerk"

Right away I realized I sounded like a snob.

(How I would describe myself: As someone who does not make music, does not understand time changes, has less than 1000 pieces of music and unlike some other FLA fan on this thread, does not know every spinoff band from Front Line is---

I'm an avg music listener when compared to snobs, and a snob to avg music listeners. )

So, anyway he says, "I dont know what you just said, but it's not Ozzy and it's not ZZ Top" "You should really just turn it off"

I'm thinking that translates to--"It's not on the radio, I can't relate to it, so it shouldn't be played"

It's a good thing I turned it down before Frankie Teardrop came on. The screaming in that song would've probably made him do a hoe down on my forehead.

Jesus! Open your mind a little! His favorite new bands are Hinder and Daughtry, two bands that would be right at home with 80s crap rock.

I do think the only VNV song I've ever heard with chord progression is the one your referring to on the new album (track 9 I believe) ... I know that. I just like them because I do though. There's probably no "real" reason I'll ever know.

I like Dismantled, because I do. He's got chord progressions in his songs.

I like Linkin Park, just because I do.

There's no "real" reason I can dictate to anyone.

But I also know when I don't like something.

Good posts

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I gotta say, kids make mistakes... let's face it... they're stupid. It's not their faults... it's Barny's. He's a menace, and he must be stopped.

And the Timber thing... teach on, brother... really... I didn't know that, and probably would have said it incorrectly... if I were the type to start yapping about something I don't know about. Which makes me wonder if I'm really a sad specimen, being that I'm in a band, and have no idea what Timber (Tamber, Tamara, Gamara?) is... hemm...

Course to be fair, I only play guitar, but am self taught, and not very good yet, besides... The funny thing is I know less about wood than I do about musical technique, so If I start talking about Timber at all, I'm Full of CRAPOLA, and someone should hit me with their car.

Now having personal preferences is -fine-. I've never had sex with a -live- wolverine... they just aren't as sexy as... like, the hot little scene savvy chicks here on dgn... and for the most part I get the impression that Wolverines are a lot less vicious... My point is...wait... what -is- my point?

Oh yeah, having an opinion is fine as long as you don't swing it around like a hammer, smacking everyone else over the head with it. (Real hammers = good / proverbial hammers = painful) And for my $.02, at least think about why you don't like what you don't like. If one more person says they don't like rap cause it's all about 'Bustin caps, Bitches and hoes' I'm gonna bust a cap in that hoe bitch ass... You can find what you're looking for in Any Genera if you look hard enough, and if you want something that's not out there, maybe you should be a musician.

In any case, if the color of the progenators of a sound is what determines weather or not you will buy/listen to it/appreciate it, you don't deserve to have ears... give them back.

That's just my hairbrained 2 cents.

Sorry for infecting you guys...

and sorry for all the cancer.


Infected eh?

You gave me the musical HIV

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HEY... I like Hinder...

I don't like Daughtry. I did when he was in American Idol (I would have voted for him, if I was a mindless zombie, who obeyed the all knowing god box), and he really should have taken the offer from Fuel (Another band that I like) because he would have learned a little something about diversity within the genre of music.

I think Daughtry has one good song... spread out over about 14 tracks...

I like Linkin Park, honestly because they take two or 3 genera's of music, the do each of them well, and then they blend them well... what's not to like. If there's something I don't like about them, it's the mix of what they do. I'd like to have a little more of the rap and less singing, or a little more singing and less rap, but you know what? It's their thing, I let em do it, and I live with it.

I like Hinder... why? Because the album I have is fairly diverse as far as music, but the LYRICS are awesome on some of the tracks. Not because they are profound, or overly poetic, but because they say things to you. Some of the lyrics touch you. Get stoned, for instance... or Better than me. I love both of thoes songs, cause they honestly speak to me. With lyrics like

'Rolled up my sleves today cause I thought that this had ended

and then you called to tell me how you were gonna blow my best friend'

Who -DOSN'T- that speak to?

I love (not like, LOVE) 3 doors down. Not Kryptonite but some of the more obscure B-side tunes are just phenomenal. I'm still trying to figure out what the hell the song 'Fathers Son' is about... Down Poison... what a great tune. In fact, 3dd is one of the few bands (FLA is another) that I can put their entire repertoire in my mp3 player, put it on shuffle, and love every freaking moment of it.

I like oldschool ministry, NIN, Niteside Eclipse, IEC (Backspace), PRONG, TOOL, Leather Strip, Covenant, Velvet Acid Christ, Apop, 242, Pigface, TKK, DMX, SiegeMachine, 2pac, NWA, ICE CUBE, GAME, Silk the shocker, Mystical, Boyz II men, Shai, Dru Hill, Nelly, Luthor Vandross, Freddie Jackson,Marvin Gay... the list goes on and on... I have to say I feel blessed to never -ever- have to consider the color or even nationality of what I'm listening to.

In fact it feels good to be able to rate each song on it's own merit... if the singer is bad, I wont listen to it, regardless of what the content is, but...



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Timbre is the quality of the sound... so, in physical terms, think of a piece of wood, it's texture, is it rough, or smooth etc. that's Timbre. that and melody, harmony, rhythm, and form make up the 5 elements of music. :secret:

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Oh no you didn't! Those bands SUCK!!!

I heard one of the keyboardests from nightside is gay but has a hot wife... and one of the guys is in both bands... and has a hot girlfriend and is twice as gay

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Oh, and Phee...

Thank you for this thread. you have made me realise that I have a lot of repressed anger, and as such, have helped me to release it.

Thanks again :thumbup:

You welcome... and yeah... I did too....

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I heard one of the keyboardests from nightside is gay but has a hot wife... and one of the guys is in both bands... and has a hot girlfriend and is twice as gay

Ya know, it sucks to talk about how hot your respective significant others are, when I'm all single... you guys -are- gay. LOL


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You welcome... and yeah... I did too....

I've always known I had anger... my mother used to tell me my anger was a gift from god; a spear of vengence to be visited upon the witless, and hapless foo... er... never mind... my mother made the -best- cookies.



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Ya know, it sucks to talk about how hot your respective significant others are, when I'm all single... you guys -are- gay. LOL


Someone needs a hug

(and we all know that you have a hot girl... she is just under your floorboards)

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"Music is my life"

this quote can completely make me want to tear someones lips off so they cannot speak ever again in a coherent manner. If you can actually back this up and play music, understand musical theory, read music, and/or know what a time signature is, etc, then I do not believe one can say "music is my life"

"Hi im Francois! I work 40 hours a week at mortgage company. I cant play any instruments, cant read music, and listen to top 40 only. Music is my life!"

Just thinking about it makes me want to punch my neighbor and tell them their dog told me too

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"Music is my life"

this quote can completely make me want to tear someones lips off so they cannot speak ever again in a coherent manner. If you can actually back this up and play music, understand musical theory, read music, and/or know what a time signature is, etc, then I do not believe one can say "music is my life"

"Hi im Francois! I work 40 hours a week at mortgage company. I cant play any instruments, cant read music, and listen to top 40 only. Music is my life!"

Just thinking about it makes me want to punch my neighbor and tell them their dog told me too

Standing ovation.

Music is not my life. It's just something cool to listen to. And I actually do play music, read music, know time signature, etc. I'm rusty on theory though. But when it comes down to it, even if the music is technical crap that would make any student in MUS101 cringe with it's amount of unmusical suck, if I like it for some bizarre reason then it's good music to me.

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Standing ovation.

Music is not my life. It's just something cool to listen to. And I actually do play music, read music, know time signature, etc. I'm rusty on theory though. But when it comes down to it, even if the music is technical crap that would make any student in MUS101 cringe with it's amount of unmusical suck, if I like it for some bizarre reason then it's good music to me.

Umm... Music is my life...

::Covers his head with his arms::

No really... I listen and play music as often as I can. I'm pushing at my band as hard as I can, not to mention, there's -never- a time where there aren't several songs stuck in my head.

Music is quit literally my life.

But I agree with you whole heartedly.


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Umm... Music is my life...

::Covers his head with his arms::

No really... I listen and play music as often as I can. I'm pushing at my band as hard as I can, not to mention, there's -never- a time where there aren't several songs stuck in my head.

Music is quit literally my life.

But I agree with you whole heartedly.


I can back this up

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[...]that's Timbre. that and melody, harmony, rhythm, and form make up the 5 elements of music. :secret:

imma smack the balls out of you for that 1980's middle school marching band definition, boi. you should know better...

and i don't get what musical snobbery has to do with scene snobbery. seems like people intertwine them and call themselves "music experts" when they know the names and birthdates of everyone in bauhaus or whateverthehell (obviously i don't)

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Umm... Music is my life...

::Covers his head with his arms::

No really... I listen and play music as often as I can. I'm pushing at my band as hard as I can, not to mention, there's -never- a time where there aren't several songs stuck in my head.

Music is quit literally my life.

But I agree with you whole heartedly.


Yeah, I can totally respect that. Entertainment is my life. Whether through magic, acting, comedy, and even occasionally music. www.all-in-one-entertainment.com That's me. Well, it's my company and it sounds like I have tons of entertainers who work for me, but no. That's pretty much all me. There are a few people I subcontract out to if I can't do the gig, but otherwise I do all that stuff. Well, used to. Working night shift, going to school for an MBA, and spending time with my girlfriend has become my life so I can hardly do entertainment anymore. :cry

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Ahh, organized sound. now here's when I start to become a music geek.

I love sound, and noise. I can listen to a machine, or some other seemingly mundane sound creating "non-musical" machine for hours. I love drones. I listened to a song for about 20 mins on the radio before I realised that I was stuck between 2 stations - so I was hearing 2 stations together, plus the static!! I loved it! then realised that I'd spent too much time at university!!

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imma smack the balls out of you for that 1980's middle school marching band definition, boi. you should know better...

and i don't get what musical snobbery has to do with scene snobbery. seems like people intertwine them and call themselves "music experts" when they know the names and birthdates of everyone in bauhaus or whateverthehell (obviously i don't)

Yes what you are describing is musical trivia.... which is one peace of the whole....

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Yes what you are describing is musical trivia.... which is one peace of the whole....

not sure what that has to do with it. it's one thing to say that bach's death coincided with the end of the baroque period because he milked the style for all it was worth and no one wanted to try to top him so they moved into a more stripped down counterpoint and focused on instrumentation, but when you know what year his third bassist went into rehab and became born-again and joined a bluegrass combo and they got that new guy on drums who had six toes on each foot that doesn't seem to have anything to do with the music

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not sure what that has to do with it. it's one thing to say that bach's death coincided with the end of the baroque period because he milked the style for all it was worth and no one wanted to try to top him so they moved into a more stripped down counterpoint and focused on instrumentation, but when you know what year his third bassist went into rehab and became born-again and joined a bluegrass combo and they got that new guy on drums who had six toes on each foot that doesn't seem to have anything to do with the music

Toes eh....? not really what I am talking about.... at all...

What I am refering to is closer to the Bach example.... as was brought up before, which musicians are responsible for which music... for example the fact that the bands FLA and Delerium are comprised of the same members, which can effect the way in which one might listen to the music.... likewise Mozart and Salieri, were they actually connected somehow as has been popularized? or were they simply alive at the same time...

Another thing I am pissed about....

The song "Starfucker" by Hanzel und Gretyl came out years before NIN's "Starfuckers"... and you can tell without a doubt that Reznor blatently RIPPED IT OFF of HuG... but everyone seems to like Trent anyway... because not as many people have heard of HuG... so he can get away with it... I used to love NIN... then the music started to suck... and then that rip off was the last draw.

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