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For The Music Snobs


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Ok so... All of us have favorite music, and some of us feel really passionate about it, and some of us practically make it into a religion.

I just started this thread as a venting place/battleground for musical frustrations... espescially when it comes to other people... and especially especially, when one clashes with other music snobs...

For example: A long time ago, I was talking to a youngster who was talking about how much he loved the song "Blue Monday"... and he was very happy to own it... I asked if he liked the orignal the best, or some of the covers better... he responded with "No I like the original by Orgy the best"... And I wanted to physically kill the poor young man... I mean... how can you love something if you don't even know what it is? I mean seriously, I wanted to sit him down put headphones on him, force him to listen to good music, while I beat him with a badmitton raquet.

Another example and a more personal one is this.... Frontline Assembly, if anybody knows anything about electronic music/programming it is obvious that this band is SOOOO MUCH better then 95%-100% of all of the electronic stuff that they play in clubs... There are more layers, more melodies, more sound design, more production, less repetativeness, then OMG everyone (The exception to this is vocals... they use so many effects on the vocals that well the vocals are blended with the music)... I am not saying that other music is "bad" but really do people even realize what they like??? I mean Combichrist WTF? There is NOTHING THERE... I swear some of the stuff I hear must take longer to play the song then it does to write? Copy Paste Loop and play it for about 6 minutes...

Is all anybody wants is a four on the floor beat with the bass turned up and some guy with a European accent singing in broken English?

*pant pant*

Not done yet, but done for now...

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Not done yet, but done for now...

Here's my gripe...

When asked, most often than not, people tell me 'I listen to everything', only when I present things that I listen to and ask what they think of it, they are quick to say 'I don't listen to <insert genre here>...


Let me qualify this statement.

I'm not saying that if you don't listen to Jay-z/Metallica/Bobby Blue Bland/Boyz II men/Fidler on the roof/ Max Rhebos, that you don't listen to everything, but saying that you don't like -anything- in an entire GENRE of music, is like... it's like... it's stupid... (sorry couldn't think of anything clever).

FURTHERMORE, it's usually people who have their heads up their asses who are the biggest idiots. My ex once said. "Rap, R&B, and hip hop is stupid..." And then we get in the car and she's listening to Beastie Boys, ICP, and Eminem...

Oh you mean you don't like it if it's produced by black people?

89x pissed me off for this. I once called and talked to Dave from the morning show, and I asked him, why they don't play Ice Cube, or DMX, or Jay-z on the ex. He explained that it wasn't the proper music forum. I then pointed out that they -do- play Eminem, Linkin Park, Limp Bizket, and lots of other 'white rap acts'. Somehow we 'conveniently' lost connection. BASTARD!

Oh and while I'm on the subject. I went to book as show in Ypsilanti, at the Elbow Room, and the guy says to me... "We don't book Metal Shows anymore... "

WTF? FIRST OFF Listen to music before you decide you don't want to play it. Yeah we're metal but we're not grind core, or 'screamo'. We're Groove Metal, and we're -new- as far as style goes. I would think that the trendy college crowd (From EMU and UofM) would be looking to latch on.

He says "The tend to just hear the first cords of the music and turn their back. Not because they don't like you but they don't like metal." YEAH RIGHT... if you -ever- see a misconceived show, people don't turn their backs on us. We are -not- typical metal... we're so much different.

And lastly... PHEE WHEN ARE WE GONNA GET BACK TO 'CONCEPT EXIT'? It's been to long, and if we're gonna do it let's get in there and do it, MAN... GEEZE... we gotta do it.


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Here's my gripe...

When asked, most often than not, people tell me 'I listen to everything', only when I present things that I listen to and ask what they think of it, they are quick to say 'I don't listen to ...


Let me qualify this statement.

I'm not saying that if you don't listen to Jay-z/Metallica/Bobby Blue Bland/Boyz II men/Fidler on the roof/ Max Rhebos, that you don't listen to everything, but saying that you don't like -anything- in an entire GENRE of music, is like... it's like... it's stupid... (sorry couldn't think of anything clever).

FURTHERMORE, it's usually people who have their heads up their asses who are the biggest idiots. My ex once said. "Rap, R&B, and hip hop is stupid..." And then we get in the car and she's listening to Beastie Boys, ICP, and Eminem...

Oh you mean you don't like it if it's produced by black people?

89x pissed me off for this. I once called and talked to Dave from the morning show, and I asked him, why they don't play Ice Cube, or DMX, or Jay-z on the ex. He explained that it wasn't the proper music forum. I then pointed out that they -do- play Eminem, Linkin Park, Limp Bizket, and lots of other 'white rap acts'. Somehow we 'conveniently' lost connection. BASTARD!

Oh and while I'm on the subject. I went to book as show in Ypsilanti, at the Elbow Room, and the guy says to me... "We don't book Metal Shows anymore... "

WTF? FIRST OFF Listen to music before you decide you don't want to play it. Yeah we're metal but we're not grind core, or 'screamo'. We're Groove Metal, and we're -new- as far as style goes. I would think that the trendy college crowd (From EMU and UofM) would be looking to latch on.

He says "The tend to just hear the first cords of the music and turn their back. Not because they don't like you but they don't like metal." YEAH RIGHT... if you -ever- see a misconceived show, people don't turn their backs on us. We are -not- typical metal... we're so much different.

And lastly... PHEE WHEN ARE WE GONNA GET BACK TO 'CONCEPT EXIT'? It's been to long, and if we're gonna do it let's get in there and do it, MAN... GEEZE... we gotta do it.


Say it brother Cix.... I am foaming at the fucking mouth.... thankyou for understanding the spirit of the thread...

Well I get a computer back soon... very soon... then I have to get some more sequencing software.... then I have to get our stuff off the mac.... then we can do Concept Exit again.... FUCK

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Say it brother Cix.... I am foaming at the fucking mouth.... thankyou for understanding the spirit of the thread...

Well I get a computer back soon... very soon... then I have to get some more sequencing software.... then I have to get our stuff off the mac.... then we can do Concept Exit again.... FUCK

... Fuck...

I'm going Emo... it's easier, and some chicks actually dig it... Ya know, that's -why- I do music... actually it's why I do 89% of everything that I do do... CHICKS... is there -anything- they can't do?


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oh GOD, cix, i'm so there, it pisses me off to be pigeonholed six ways from sunday, it's such incredible bullshit...

but what's spacebrass? sounds intriguing =D

Oh, I don't know. I made it up... it was better than saying 'Or what ever...' I'll make it up for you, though? Cix introduces Spacebrass for BrassFusion... ;)

In any case, cool I'm glad you agree... where's your rant girl... tell people off for us. It'll make you feel better.

And I missed you at FRB last week... coming out this week?


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You know what I like about Pandora.com internet radio: the color of the artists is not considered a characteristic of the music.

Seriously, I've been introduced to a heck of a lot of great music that I otherwise wouldn't be presented with because I'm not part of their "target demographic".

I don't have the credentials to be a music snob these days: I've become lazy in my old age. :)

I DO know what you're talking about, when I go to the club and wonder: WOW - someone has a sequencer and knows how to use it - like if you press this button music comes out. Simple is not always BAD; however, it does get a bit unnerving when you're being reminded of Casio rhythm banks.

IheartMoby in that he isn't the least bit pretentious about his style. He even makes fun of the fact that he writes a song in a matter of minutes. It's not that it's overly complicated; he just makes intriguing/pleasing choices.

Some of the pieces I have put the MOST effort in, I have enjoyed the least. Then again, I like to experiment in the pure sense - and well, sometimes it really falls on it's face however intriguing the concept of the whole thing may have been.

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Ok, there are 2 things that piss me off. The first is VERY eliteist.

1. The pronunciation of the musical element "timbre".

No, it's not Timbre like a tree, it's pronounced "Tambre" Please get it right. this REALLY pisses me off. and of course the people that use the term, are the ones that think they know what they are talking about, but they just end up looking DAMN stupid. Especcially when they argue with ME that they are right. ah, sorry dude, I've been playing piano since I was 3, I think I should know.

2. When people say that something I am listening to is crap. That really pisses me off. I don't care if they don't like it, that's their own ignorant agenda, thats fine. But to call it bad is just SO wrong, and it makes them look stupid. I don't listen to crap music, I listen to intelligent, creative, and moving music, and if you don't like it, I don't care, just don't be an asshole and tell me it sux. because it doesn't. it's very very good.

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I absolutely agree with the "I listen to everything" comment. Drives me up the freakin wall. Ill pull out some complete whack ass crazy genres like IDM, drillcore, illbient, and noise when people give me that line of bs.

Much like Phee's situation with Orgy. There was this kid that always came into my work with dashboard confessional, fall out boy, etc tshirts on. well one day the kid surprised me and wore a Social Distortion shirt. i got excited and started talkin Social D with him. asked what his fav album was... he said "the only one they got out" like IM the retard. I looked him dead in the eye (best part he was with his girlfriend whom he immediately turned to and smirked at after his snide little "if he was 18 i wouldve jumped the counter and shoved my social distortion down his throat" comment) and said ummm kid... im 25 (at the time) and that band is older than i am. She laughed and he got cranky... think it was passed his bedtime. he just looked at the floor and never came in again. I love crushing douchebags spirits. its so invigorating!

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*shrug* I'm a bitter old person. My rule is: When a musician comes over and pays all my bills, finds me my dream job, gives me inner LASTING peace (and not just for the 5 minutes the song is playing), and cleans my place on a regular basis, that's when i'll turn music into a part-time job-religion-something to get snobby about.

Until then, it stays a mild distraction from my reality: entertainment.

But hey, i'm weird.

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Let's face it, being a band geek is going out of style, and most people are pretty simple-minded.

Therefore, Combichrist gets floor-play like no other, while Siouxsie is only played on request.

I love being able to pick out certain parts of a melody, I'll move my fingers to what I hear.

I dont listen to everything, but I can be convinced to listen to one thing or another. So, I apparently dont like rap that much, but I'll definitely listen to lady Sovereign, Beastie Boys and Eminem. I'm not much for metal, however I love the new Killswitch Engage album.

I dont like Slipknot all that much, save for a few songs, but StoneSour I enjoy listening to (( and call me a dumb blonde for not realizing, until recently, that the vocalist for StoneSour is also Slipknot's vocalist )).

I grew up on variety, I stay in variety.

Sadly, most of the people that come into my store are ALL for their scene bands, which admittedly I'll listen to, but not religiously like they. Fallout Boy will be out of the scene in the next couple of years, as will Panic! At the Disco. Then we watch where the scene goes. oO

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Actually, this whole thread has only served to reinvigorate my appreciation for FLA. I always liked them, but I feel as if I now see them in a slightly different way.

Boyah!!! thankyou for saying so sir


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I absolutely agree with the "I listen to everything" comment. Drives me up the freakin wall. Ill pull out some complete whack ass crazy genres like IDM, drillcore, illbient, and noise when people give me that line of bs.

Much like Phee's situation with Orgy. There was this kid that always came into my work with dashboard confessional, fall out boy, etc tshirts on. well one day the kid surprised me and wore a Social Distortion shirt. i got excited and started talkin Social D with him. asked what his fav album was... he said "the only one they got out" like IM the retard. I looked him dead in the eye (best part he was with his girlfriend whom he immediately turned to and smirked at after his snide little "if he was 18 i wouldve jumped the counter and shoved my social distortion down his throat" comment) and said ummm kid... im 25 (at the time) and that band is older than i am. She laughed and he got cranky... think it was passed his bedtime. he just looked at the floor and never came in again. I love crushing douchebags spirits. its so invigorating!

Great post!!!

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Another thing that pisses me off... (this goes in league with the "timbre" comment)

When someone is describing what they like using terms that they don't understand.

Now my lovely wife never makes this mistake, she has enough self confidence to state that she likes certain music just because, and she feels no need to explain any further, she is not a music snob... and when I ask her, her response is usually "I just like it"

My problem comes when someone goes into "detail" about the music they enjoy, without having the balls to say that they simply like the music and they are not sure why. Honestly if you like Combichrist then GOOD!!! Please love it as much as you like... I encourage it. But really don't make yourself look ignorant by trying to explain why.

I once heard someone describe VNV as using "complex chord progressions" and I was a bit er... like.... WTF??? Now I like VNV, I liked there last album and one song in paticular because it's the only "dance" songs that I have heard by them that actually implimented a key change... In other music I like (Tangerine Dream, Skinny Puppy, Fishbone, etc...) you hear key changes and chord progressions quite often.... but VNV as well as most other clubby bands, generally don't do this... ever.... so don't use the term to explain why you like something if you don't even know what it means...

Be comfortable with the fact that you like it... don't try to sound smarter then you are.... sheesh

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Another thing that pisses me off... (this goes in league with the "timbre" comment)

When someone is describing what they like using terms that they don't understand.

Now my lovely wife never makes this mistake, she has enough self confidence to state that she likes certain music just because, and she feels no need to explain any further, she is not a music snob... and when I ask her, her response is usually "I just like it"

My problem comes when someone goes into "detail" about the music they enjoy, without having the balls to say that they simply like the music and they are not sure why. Honestly if you like Combichrist then GOOD!!! Please love it as much as you like... I encourage it. But really don't make yourself look ignorant by trying to explain why.

I once heard someone describe VNV as using "complex chord progressions" and I was a bit er... like.... WTF??? Now I like VNV, I liked there last album and one song in paticular because it's the only "dance" songs that I have heard by them that actually implimented a key change... In other music I like (Tangerine Dream, Skinny Puppy, Fishbone, etc...) you hear key changes and chord progressions quite often.... but VNV as well as most other clubby bands, generally don't do this... ever.... so don't use the term to explain why you like something if you don't even know what it means...

Be comfortable with the fact that you like it... don't try to sound smarter then you are.... sheesh

I love Joy Drop's song "All To Well" because the guitar is laying down 3/4 time signature and the drums kick in with 4/4. I have no idea what the vocalist is doing but it all syncs up some how. Oh, and it's just a damn good song just because. :wink

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I love Joy Drop's song "All To Well" because the guitar is laying down 3/4 time signature and the drums kick in with 4/4. I have no idea what the vocalist is doing but it all syncs up some how. Oh, and it's just a damn good song just because. :wink

You see... it works if you know what you are talking about

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Wow: "timbre" --- hilarious. I've had that conversation many times. Using terms they don't understand: GRATING. Saying you, "listen to everything" is just a euphemism for "I don't pay attention and don't care".

However, even when they DO know what they are talking about: it can certainly be annoying.

I enjoy the The Dandy Warhols. I do. I'm listening to it and my snob friends are like: wow - they haven't changed chords this whole song (insert technical babble about what chord it was, arpeggios, etc) - and then they start laughing.

-Same breed of people who would have pretended to like 12-tone "music" back in the day-

I've definitely had to school people on what songs are covers or not covers. You can't blame them THAT much - I used to do that when I was young as well. I just didn't know - for some reason my memory doesn't go past about 1975.

"Hurt" was not a Johnny Cash song.

"You think that this song is about you: don't you?" is not an original NIN lyric.

Now: if you DON'T know and you ACT like you know: that's just comedy.

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You can buy disposable paper cups for that. Women use them when they go hiking and hunting and stuff. So better say: "Pee standing up, unaided"


Actually, women -can- pee standing up, unaided... it's just not pleasent to be around them afterwards... well... not for some of us, anyways...


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Another thing that pisses me off... (this goes in league with the "timbre" comment)

When someone is describing what they like using terms that they don't understand.

Now my lovely wife never makes this mistake, she has enough self confidence to state that she likes certain music just because, and she feels no need to explain any further, she is not a music snob... and when I ask her, her response is usually "I just like it"

My problem comes when someone goes into "detail" about the music they enjoy, without having the balls to say that they simply like the music and they are not sure why. Honestly if you like Combichrist then GOOD!!! Please love it as much as you like... I encourage it. But really don't make yourself look ignorant by trying to explain why.

I once heard someone describe VNV as using "complex chord progressions" and I was a bit er... like.... WTF??? Now I like VNV, I liked there last album and one song in paticular because it's the only "dance" songs that I have heard by them that actually implimented a key change... In other music I like (Tangerine Dream, Skinny Puppy, Fishbone, etc...) you hear key changes and chord progressions quite often.... but VNV as well as most other clubby bands, generally don't do this... ever.... so don't use the term to explain why you like something if you don't even know what it means...

Be comfortable with the fact that you like it... don't try to sound smarter then you are.... sheesh

I do think the only VNV song I've ever heard with chord progression is the one your referring to on the new album (track 9 I believe) ... I know that. I just like them because I do though. There's probably no "real" reason I'll ever know.

I like Dismantled, because I do. He's got chord progressions in his songs.

I like Linkin Park, just because I do.

There's no "real" reason I can dictate to anyone.

But I also know when I don't like something.

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OK, so as I'm reading this thread, a guy across from me says, "What the hell are you playing?"

I say, "It's Suicide! 70s electro-punk. Kind of a cross of the Stooges and Kraftwerk"

Right away I realized I sounded like a snob.

(How I would describe myself: As someone who does not make music, does not understand time changes, has less than 1000 pieces of music and unlike some other FLA fan on this thread, does not know every spinoff band from Front Line is---

I'm an avg music listener when compared to snobs, and a snob to avg music listeners. )

So, anyway he says, "I dont know what you just said, but it's not Ozzy and it's not ZZ Top" <Pause> "You should really just turn it off"

I'm thinking that translates to--"It's not on the radio, I can't relate to it, so it shouldn't be played"

It's a good thing I turned it down before Frankie Teardrop came on. The screaming in that song would've probably made him do a hoe down on my forehead.

Jesus! Open your mind a little! His favorite new bands are Hinder and Daughtry, two bands that would be right at home with 80s crap rock.

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