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Heh, I was curious to see what kind of crowd lurks on Match.com so I signed up for a few months. Damn, I was quite surprised that so far about 90% of the women there are turned off by long hair or have no opinion on it. Its going to be quite rare to find someone that floats on both sides of my interest. I consider myself someone who enjoys many normal or even boring things, but at the same time, I have this morbid side such as the cemeteries and hearses. I've been on Gothicmatch.com for awhile too and am going to give that one a break. Time to stop looking and see what happens again.

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Heh, I was curious to see what kind of crowd lurks on Match.com so I signed up for a few months. Damn, I was quite surprised that so far about 90% of the women there are turned off by long hair or have no opinion on it. Its going to be quite rare to find someone that floats on both sides of my interest. I consider myself someone who enjoys many normal or even boring things, but at the same time, I have this morbid side such as the cemeteries and hearses. I've been on Gothicmatch.com for awhile too and am going to give that one a break. Time to stop looking and see what happens again.

don't forget you are super nice (that's not a bad thing!), friendly and easy to talk to. screw the chicks who don't dig long hair.

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Weird thing about match.com,

Our one friend Rob, he's ALWAYS talking about how he's got all these hot dates, but then, it's weird, because he's telling us this at parties...on a Saturday night...at 10Pm, and we're like 'Um, we've all had hot dates, and hot dates don't end before 10' He's always telling us crazy stories about how he finds them - there's the stripper who hit on him in the shampoo aisle of CVS, the girl at the chinese restaurant who was SO taken by him that while he was waiting for take-out she got up from her table to come talk to him, and other such fantastic tales, of how his manly aura makes the ladies swoon. None of these stories mind you, involved the internet.

So anyway, our other friend, Corene, goes on Match.com and gets MATCHED UP with Rob!!

And he says to her 'So I guess this is our little secret, huh?'

And she's like 'Um, no, not really. I plan on telling everybody' which she dutifully did.


What a liar-head.

Anyway, my friends have had mixed results on match.com. Some met great people. Some only got offers from women in Russia. It's a mixed bag.

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Yup, I know someone going through this right now....she said yahoo personals suck....they lie so much, even using phoney pics...lie about income....marital status......everything.

I admit I am very picky and would rather sit home than settle, but this ladies list of dating criteria is sooo long....she may be single for life.

Some women like guys with long hair though....maybe if you attended more metal concerts and/or harley shows you would bump into someone who likes that sort of thing....

Getting out beats sitting in front of the computer anyway, its the getting up guts to go up and talk to someone.

People lie to much on the internet and I personally think it hinders social skills.

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There was a whole crew of people at one of my old jobs that dated with yahoo personals. As far as i know all of them are in relationships that one way or another sprouted from that some of them long since married.

If your actually looking, and don't want to waste time with other people that are not looking, seems like an easy way to save a hell of a lot of time.

Everything that is a deal breaker can be skipped over right from the start. Sure its POSSIBLE you might miss out on something, but you have a hell of a better shot at it working if you at least have a basic framework. They are , real people on the other end of the profiles. It does work, and is well documented, because of this its growing larger every year.

Now, when your a loser like me its a waste of time because if your a woman, looking for a boyfriend, why would you stop on the guy with massive health issues and no job when there are 1000 other men, with similar qualities, but aren't shut-ins? I don't mean that as a cynical viewpoint, its just a fact. So i think if you are , from a tradtional viewpoint, "a bad catch" then the lavalife.coms of the world might be a bad place to start.

As for the "long hair" thing. Yeah, its well known that your average woman prefers short hair from a statistical standpoint. Theres studies about it. Only in (ahem) certain subcultures is long hair preferred.

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lol yeah I hear that Troy. It just amazed me that 18 out of the 20 I looked at said that long hair was a turnoff. 1 of the exceptional 2 didn't have an opinion, and the other had long hair as a turnon. lol Statistics are great! Anyway, I did get e-mailed from someone on that site. But she's from Nevada! bleh. Had another one without a photo from Ohio as well. I think the one from Nevada is foreign, like Russia I believe I saw somewhere.

I've been a member of both Match.com and Gothicmatch.com for awhile. But I am letting the memberships run out as I tend to do what they say, which is to not look and that is when something will happen. I have had it happen both ways, so it really doesn't make any difference to me. I even have old connections reappearing from the past recently, so I may see what happens with those as well.

I walk a fine line with my interests still to this day from being a sports person and doing anything besides go to a club or dress every day like I couldn't afford anything but black and vinyl. I am actually fairly average and maybe "normal" in many ways. I just have morbid tendencies, so I tend to waver between a normal average Jane to the scenester in the City Club type atmosphere. So my tastes are wide in variety and I have seen relationships short with each type. Just haven't found the one I "feel" that instant chemistry with in a long time. Some say it takes time for something to develop and I have dealt with that one time and it still didn't work out.

And Troy, it didn't seem to matter for me when I was living in a car with hardly a job to back me up, where women still didn't pursue me. Whether you think you are a loser or not, I don't believe it to be a factor with women until they start thinking long term.

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Jeff... I did the online dating thing for long enough to have a pretty solid opinion on how weirdos like us fare there. Not really well. :-P

The best way to increase the odds is to have your profile up on more then one or two sites. Put up profiles on Yahoo, and three or four of the other sites. Spend a little time looking at profiles and see what's available. Only spend $$$ if there look like there are a decent number of prospects. I really like the Salon.com/Nerve.com personals. There were lots of edgy, literate, people compared to the Yahoo/Match crowd. The overall pool of people was far less then the big sites but the percentage of worthwhile people was far higher. Yahoo was full of spam and crap... But there were a couple diamonds there too. The quality at Match is decent but there are still a lot of seemingly illiterate people to wade through. Use the search tools diligently. Also: Be as specific and accurate about yourself as you can. No use attracting people that aren't going to like something about you because you distorted the truth. Have a good picture up there. You don't have to wear a three-piece suit but it should be clear and complimentary. I can hook ya up for a contribution to my dry county beer supply. :-)

Funny thing: Even though I did a lot of online dating, I met Carla through friends from DGN. This was on the same day that I had TWO dates from online sites. (Brunch and dinner.) Feast or famine....

Anyways.. Good luck to ya.

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lol yeah I hear that Troy. It just amazed me that 18 out of the 20 I looked at said that long hair was a turnoff. 1 of the exceptional 2 didn't have an opinion, and the other had long hair as a turnon. lol

Some women do prefer long hair. My guess is that you may not be compatible with a woman who prefers short hair anyway.

Every man I've dated since my divorce has had long hair. The man I'm seeing now cut his gorgeous hair all off about six months ago. I cried.

He's growing it back - yay! :)

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Jeff... I did the online dating thing for long enough to have a pretty solid opinion on how weirdos like us fare there. Not really well. :-P

The best way to increase the odds is to have your profile up on more then one or two sites. Put up profiles on Yahoo, and three or four of the other sites. Spend a little time looking at profiles and see what's available. Only spend $$$ if there look like there are a decent number of prospects. I really like the Salon.com/Nerve.com personals. There were lots of edgy, literate, people compared to the Yahoo/Match crowd. The overall pool of people was far less then the big sites but the percentage of worthwhile people was far higher. Yahoo was full of spam and crap... But there were a couple diamonds there too. The quality at Match is decent but there are still a lot of seemingly illiterate people to wade through. Use the search tools diligently. Also: Be as specific and accurate about yourself as you can. No use attracting people that aren't going to like something about you because you distorted the truth. Have a good picture up there. You don't have to wear a three-piece suit but it should be clear and complimentary. I can hook ya up for a contribution to my dry county beer supply. :-)

Funny thing: Even though I did a lot of online dating, I met Carla through friends from DGN. This was on the same day that I had TWO dates from online sites. (Brunch and dinner.) Feast or famine....

Anyways.. Good luck to ya.

Good advice as I never tried surfing through other sites. I just went with some that had a good number in them to increase the odds. But yes, I have noticed a lot of illiterate types at places like Gothicmatch.com. As for Match.com, I plan on just letting my subscription run out as I am not confident enough for something to come about in that site. But yes, I have put a lot of description into my profiles and that may be what keeps most from being interested. At least it knocks out the ones that are not going to be compatible.

I think for now though that I will leave it in the air until after this year. Right now, I am going to be concentrating energy on a new house. Going to start doing inquiries again near the end of this month. My lease ends in August so I need to get started.

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I don't believe it to be a factor with women until they start thinking long term.

I wish this was true. Its actually , i think the opposite though. They don't care about how much money you make or other stuff it they are thinking short term. If they start thinking long term, especially older women , do factor in "worldly goods". Not that i fault them for it, its just a frustrating fact for us that have fallen from grace. :cry:laugh:

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i took the personality test on e-harmony (oh hi everybody) and it was like "we are sorry but you have failed the e-harmony personality test. We can not help you".

that was a shock. how do you fail? i thought it would just rate you like a horrascope thing. a few folks have success on there. course i know a guy who lost thousands on a russian con-woman who is in the custody of interpol as we speak. no lie.

so i advise to judge people by there actions not there words, but with no interaction there is no person to judge. an don't think to hard be casual just watch your ass

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i took the personality test on e-harmony (oh hi everybody) and it was like "we are sorry but you have failed the e-harmony personality test. We can not help you".

that was a shock. how do you fail? i thought it would just rate you like a horrascope thing. a few folks have success on there. course i know a guy who lost thousands on a russian con-woman who is in the custody of interpol as we speak. no lie.

so i advise to judge people by there actions not there words, but with no interaction there is no person to judge. an don't think to hard be casual just watch your ass

you can't be serious... did you take a screenshot of that, lol?

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Heh, I was curious to see what kind of crowd lurks on Match.com so I signed up for a few months. Damn, I was quite surprised that so far about 90% of the women there are turned off by long hair or have no opinion on it. Its going to be quite rare to find someone that floats on both sides of my interest. I consider myself someone who enjoys many normal or even boring things, but at the same time, I have this morbid side such as the cemeteries and hearses. I've been on Gothicmatch.com for awhile too and am going to give that one a break. Time to stop looking and see what happens again.

Yeah I will never waste my time and hard earned money on any of those online dating bs

If your in and out of jail/court,have a mile long rap sheet,thats the kind of people they want,

or a Bush/Cheney supporter

Being yourself and and being a nice person ususally goes against you,IMO.

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Heh, I was curious to see what kind of crowd lurks on Match.com so I signed up for a few months. Damn, I was quite surprised that so far about 90% of the women there are turned off by long hair or have no opinion on it. Its going to be quite rare to find someone that floats on both sides of my interest. I consider myself someone who enjoys many normal or even boring things, but at the same time, I have this morbid side such as the cemeteries and hearses. I've been on Gothicmatch.com for awhile too and am going to give that one a break. Time to stop looking and see what happens again.

Yeah it is discouraging that the women at Match consider long hair a "turn off". One of the reasons why I decided to butch my hair. Like whatever.

Dating sites and dating in general just make me more depressed as time goes by.

Being alone I am getting pretty damned sick of.

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Yeah it is discouraging that the women at Match consider long hair a "turn off". One of the reasons why I decided to butch my hair. Like whatever.

Dating sites and dating in general just make me more depressed as time goes by.

Being alone I am getting pretty damned sick of.

Yeah, seems like you just can't win huh? Ah well, I have gotten a couple of winks and responses so far, though they have mainly been from people that can barely speak english. I must say that they look attractive physically though, so I was surprised to get something from them, unless they have a lot of long haired guys around their country. One gal was from Russia and moved into this area, so she sent me an email and I just barely understood her on it lol. I don't mind the challenge though.

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  • 2 months later...

I talked to maybe one person on that website ever in 3 months. All the rest never replied back. I can't get back into Match.com at all so it makes me wonder if they blocked my IP. I went to a forum where a lot of other people showed their complaints with them as well and it seems that if you do not make much contact with others on there, you get booted. I guess they want results and if you are a dead log, they will get rid of you. I just never really found that anyone cared to reply to emails or winks. Glad I am done with them. Although that may not be true from what was said on the forum where some people still got charged after awhile of not being on there, or people still recieved the match results emails. I may have to do some blocking of my own.

Here is the link to that consumer complaints board http://www.consumeraffairs.com/dating_services/match.html

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I'm pretty fed up with Match. It seems every time I log in they've restricted more and more stuff to paying members. They're using their position at the top of the dating site heap to try coerce people into paying for membership. If people aren't responding to you... you're not helping generate money. *Poof*.. you're gone.

Fuckers... I'm getting off the site soon... even though I don't even pay. I can't support them.

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I'm pretty fed up with Match. It seems every time I log in they've restricted more and more stuff to paying members. They're using their position at the top of the dating site heap to try coerce people into paying for membership. If people aren't responding to you... you're not helping generate money. *Poof*.. you're gone.

Fuckers... I'm getting off the site soon... even though I don't even pay. I can't support them.

Hey baby... let's you and me start our OWN dot com. GIGGITY.

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Heh, I was curious to see what kind of crowd lurks on Match.com so I signed up for a few months. Damn, I was quite surprised that so far about 90% of the women there are turned off by long hair or have no opinion on it. Its going to be quite rare to find someone that floats on both sides of my interest. I consider myself someone who enjoys many normal or even boring things, but at the same time, I have this morbid side such as the cemeteries and hearses. I've been on Gothicmatch.com for awhile too and am going to give that one a break. Time to stop looking and see what happens again.

There is nothing wrong with liking cemeteries. I love walking through them, hence my nickname, The Graveyard Groupie. :peanutbutterjellytime::jamin Don't worry, you'll find someone soon. Keep the faith hon. *hugs* :wink

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