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DGN Night Question

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Totally blown out of proportion from my original intent of the subject... I'm almost starting to feel sorry I ever brought it up!

1) Luna is closer - for how many? A good deal of DGN'ers live west and south of Detroit. Including a heaping helping of downriver rats, Ann Arborites & in between. Detroit is THE place most central to the majority of us. For instance, a Mapquest done on my parents home in Taylor to both Luna and CC came up with the following travel times & distances: Taylor to Luna: Total Est. Time: 31 minutes Total Est. Distance: 25.44 miles. Taylor to CC: Total Est. Time: 18 minutes Total Est. Distance: 14.48 miles. Luna may be closer for SOME, but hardly for MOST. And DEFINITELY a LOT further away for many.

2) CC doesn't play "goth"/the music on Saturday night blows - I've said it before, and I'll say it again - CC has NEVER been proclaimed a "goth" club. I really don't think most people, if they're honest, would say that's really what they want to hear played there. I really think the attraction to CC is the big dancefloor and danceable music. Why else would people flock to a club that otherwise is known for overpriced drinks, filth, etc? Why else would the dancefloor empty by at least half when actual "goth" music is played?

I checked out the Luna playlist linked in another thread. Fact is, I can stay home and hear a majority of that music either from my own CD collection or on my Sirius satellite radio subscription. I personally don't go to clubs to hear music I can hear every day through either of those methods played. If it was being performed live, that would be different. But to hear a DJ spin basically my CD collection on a loudspeaker system - that's not a club date for me. For me, going to a club means dancing - and I don't necessarily want to dance to what I'd listen to. Luna may be a great place to go and hear music you LIKE. But from what I hear, the dancefloor is small, and the playlists, while pleasing to the ear and "different and broad-ranging", don't seem all that danceable to me. There are plenty of people who can dance to ANYTHING. But there are a LOT more people who are interested in going to a club where they know they can dance to almost EVERYTHING. And CC caters to dancers - that's pretty obvious.

And I know a lot of people out there would like to hear something different played at CC. But you know something, CC is very busy every weekend. So SOMEBODY likes what they play. Maybe not as many people dislike the playlists as you might think.

But I haven't polled anyone, and I'm definitely guessing on all this. So forgive me if I'm talking out my ass. :wink : It's all just coming from what I've observed.

3) Luna is smaller - well, again, if you're interested in going to a place to hear music and talk to people, that's definitely better than CC. Trying to have a conversation at CC is an exercise in spit-in-my-ear futility. And I could see where that might actually be better for a "group night" situation. But if I get Troy's aim correctly, the focus of a "DGN night" is a regular sort of "networking" situation where DGN'ers can meet and greet and have a good time within the walls of a place that's pretty central to the goth theme. And if people prefer dancing & mingling with people outside of DGN, CC is the place most people are gonna be - "officially" goth or not.

4) Luna is 21+ - while I don't like mingling with a particularly young crowd myself, I can definitely see where that would be a MAJOR disadvantage to the entity central to this question - DGN. It's eliminating a percentage of DGN's members, and frankly, that just sucks.

5) CC on Saturday sucks - you know, I've read this and heard the debate so many times. And you know what just struck me? How about using the #'s of DGN people going to create a united front and work on IMPROVING what sucks about CC on Saturday?

Say you think the clientele sucks. Well, if you get a lot of DGN'ers going, and DGN'ers don't suck, HOW many people do you need to NOT suck to be around you? Can't you put the cretins who are cliquey, snooty or in some way distasteful on ignore and not allow them to crap up YOUR evening?

So the music sucks - they never play new stuff? How about DGN'ers put your heads together each night. Pick three songs three members want to hear, and ALL of you go to the request sheet and request those three songs. Give a different three people said privilege each Saturday. Betcha you start hearing those new, different songs more often.

Power in numbers, you know?

Are the owners complete monsters, or might they be open to a symbiotic relationship of sorts? Put your heads together and see if there might be a way to form a mutually beneficial relationship. Maybe propose a way to get drink prices lowered for DGN members. Wanna show the owners how much $$ DGN'ers spend on drinks every Saturday? Propose a test. Print "A DGN member just bought a drink" chits up and every time a DGN'er buys a drink, one of those is handed to the bartender who collects them in a bucket. Once the owner sees, over a couple weekends or so, how much $$ DGN members spend on drinks, they might be willing to work WITH you more on some kind of benefit. Maybe a reduced drink price for DGN members. Maybe reduced door prices. Maybe just allowing DGN'ers to pick a setlist one Saturday out of a month. The possibilities are myriad. But it takes a non-defeatest, non-"nah, they'll never go for it, there's no use" attitude to put this kind of thing into action.

Look, my cousin is a club owner in Detroit. He and his boyfriend know the owners of CC - I've run into them there before on rare occasions. I'm not sure of the depth of their relationship with the owners, but I've wondered if it's close enough for me to throw some of these grievences their way and see if they're willing to talk to the CC owners and say, "you know, these are the things that are keeping people away from your club, just thought you might like to know". But thusfar, I haven't been willing to impose on them.  I mean, we're not even THAT close. But that card IS in my hand, and I'm willing to play it - IF I see DGN'ers willing to put some effort in THEMSELVES. Thusfar, I haven't seen much of anything past the whining stage.

I'm afraid that, overall, I just agree that spreading "DGN Night" around is counterproductive to the aim. Which is networking of DGN members. At least, that's the impression I get.


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i like both places for different reasons.

at this point in time it would be much more likely that i would personally go to luna over city club. city club is closer to me but if i were going alone i would feel much safer going to luna. and if i were going with friends they would all be way more likely to go to luna than city club. they don't seem to like city club too much anymore.

city club definately has something that no other club i have been to has, and that is what i really like about it. and when i want to feel that feeling, i go back.

i like the large set up of the place and the darkness there. i like that the dance floor is totally seperate from other areas of the bar. and even though i personally don't feel safe, i like that it is downtown in the type of building that it is. and when i go there, the whole time i am there, i have TONS of memories of being there and i like that too although sometimes it is depressing. the thing i hate most about cc actually is the bathrooms. :p i like people watching there for sure. more interesting characters there than anywhere else i have been.

i like that luna is small, sort of cozy. it is cleaner, but when there is a smoke machine on there i get sick. i have yet to leave luna and not be sick after being there. i used to go every tuesday (when it was 3d's) and had to have someone drive me cuz i knew i would be sick and not be able to drive (and i would only drink water all night so it was not from drinking). i like that it is 21+, no offense to anyone under 21. i just like the more adult atmosphere. i have always liked the music when i go, no matter what night it is. i always want to dance when i am there.

it is funny to me that i like each place for totally opposite reasons. i like that cc is in detroit and so dark, but then i like that luna is in a safer more lit up area. i like that cc is so big and spread out but then i like that luna is so small and cozy. i like the variety of people at cc, but then i like that luna is more laid back feeling to me.

i think it is too hard to compare the two, they are entirely different. and no one should be offeneded that people might prefer one over the other or down right hate one over the other. they are 2 totally different places, in different areas, with the hint of similarity coming from the people that go there all being part of a "scene".

i know that people are more worked up over the "dgn [saturday] night" thing more so than anything about the places themselves.

but all i see here is a dj trying to get some people to come out and enjoy the music he plays on the same night that has been indefinately reserved for another place that some people adore and some people loathe.

instead of being such an issue i think everyone should make an effort to just all go one saturday there (to luna) and see what's up there for a change of pace. and show some love for chris rohn.

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Totally blown out of proportion from my original intent of the subject... I'm almost starting to feel sorry I ever brought it up!


I admit - I was kinda responding to a combination of suggestions made in this thread as to why Luna is a better place to go, as well as general complaints about CC made ad infinitum on this and other Detroit Gothic-related boards. It's nothing personal.

I think the point is being missed here, even after multiple explanations. It's not that any DGN'ers want to lock ANYONE into strictly going to CC on Saturdays - who in hell has the power/desire to do that? Nobody here far as I can see.

It's that DGN is an entity with certain set-ups and things purposefully done in the name of that entity. The leaders of DGN have decided to choose a specific place for a specific night be THE designated DGN meet-up, and wish it to remain consistent in the name of "spreading word".

It's similar to knowing that you can walk into any city and find a particular church related to a certain religion. You know you can go there and rub elbows with others of your religion EVERY week at the SAME time, pretty much until the walls fall down.

And if the walls of CC fall down, well, guess everyone will switch to a different "church". But until then, that's the place and time with which DGN leaders wish to associate DGN. NOT the place where DGN leaders want to RESTRICT DGN'ers go period - just "in the name of" DGN, CC on Saturdays is the place to go.

That said, lack of response to my suggestions - even in the form of different suggestions - tells me 1 of two things. Either 1) people aren't as unhappy with CC as they like to profess or 2) people really aren't interested in putting in ANY effort to improve things and are content to just whine. Subject for another thread I guess.

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Generally , unfortunately i think people tend to skim, or just ignore, long posts. Not everyone, but a lot of people do.

Myself i did read your post, but all the responses would have just ben basicly my same 10 things i say over and over again on thoes subjects (many of which i already stated in various forms)

My first post, quoted, would conver all my thoughts in a general sense about the topic post. The sub points that have been brought up since are even more age-old than the topic post. I get exausted discussing the same ones over and over , until my exuastion abates for a bit. heh

Also, this one is, i happen to know, one of thoes "omg not that (or those) subjects again! >zone out

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It's similar to knowing that you can walk into any city and find a particular church related to a certain religion. You know you can go there and rub elbows with others of your religion EVERY week at the SAME time, pretty much until the walls fall down.

That's really funny but also a valid analogy. I've noticed that people tend to have just as much an extreme reaction to topics about "teh scene" as fundamentalists do over their favorite pet issues.

That said, lack of response to my suggestions - even in the form of different suggestions - tells me 1 of two things. Either 1) people aren't as unhappy with CC as they like to profess or 2) people really aren't interested in putting in ANY effort to improve things and are content to just whine.

I can't speak for anyone else hear, but when I read your suggestions, I had some thoughts on them but decided not to respond to them for a couple of reasons, but the main thought I had reading this thread was:

"Oh, its time for the CC sucks argument again".

So in spirit of this time-honored tradition, I now await for Phee to suggest that the music format there include polka.

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"Oh, its time for the CC sucks argument again".


That's my point, though. I wasn't stating anything about how CC sucks - but how it might be improved.

Yeah, the subject as to why CC sucks HAS been brought up again, and again, and again. But anytime someone makes legitimate suggestions on trying to FIX those things - cricket noise.

Myself i did read your post, but all the responses would have just ben basicly my same 10 things i say over and over again on thoes subjects (many of which i already stated in various forms)

My first post, quoted, would conver all my thoughts in a general sense about the topic post.  The sub points that have been brought up since are even more age-old than the topic post.  I get exausted discussing the same ones over and over , until my exuastion abates for a bit.  heh

Also, this one is, i happen to know, one of thoes "omg not that (or those) subjects again! >zone out<"


I didn't make any complaints about CC - that's, again, my point. I made suggestions on fixing it, from making organized playlist requests to actually offering to get other, possibly VERY influential club owners to talk to the CC owners. You're going to tell me THAT'S been discussed before, ho hum, yawn?

People don't want to get involved in the discussion of actually taking action, 'cause nobody wants to lift a finger. They just want to sit back and whine about it. At most, hoping someone ELSE will fix it FOR them.

Again, probably better suited to a different thread. But it'd most likely be ignored there, too, so I give up.

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i'm not ignoring you critter. i just personally don't care so much about the clubs like other people do. i mean, i like them so i go. i don't like them, i don't go. i don't want to argue over it or put it down. i just won't go if i don't like it.

going to "clubs" is really not so much a part of my life anymore. and really i would not go somewhere at all that i think sucks. i happen to like cc, just don't go anymore. and i happen to like luna, but again just don't happen to go anymore.

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oh i take it back- my complaint is the bathrooms. but that is anywhere i go. and that is only cuz i pee alot. a LOT. and thinking more about it now, i don't have actually complaints against the club/bar itself - it is the people using the bathrooms that are disgusting! girls, we are not designed to pee standing up so when you are doing that wipe the seat when you are done! and flush.

ok yeah sorry that has nothing to do with any of that ^^^ being discussed up there but whenever i think about my big "bitches" about clubs/bars/public places it is the bathrooms that bother me.

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