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Geh So Effin Lame


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I had to rant to people who would understand, so I came on here. Today I was waiting for a bus on Van Dyke, when four little preppy kids driving around in daddy's Lincoln Navigator kept driving past me and screaming shit. I couldn't figure out why they were targeting me at first, but then I finally realized: My purple hair, long black skirt, lip ring, black wardrobe etc. They started yelling "goth bitch" and shit like that, so there was my sign. I just was like, being the bigger person about it, and after the third time they passed by hanging out the window screaming shit, I put my head down pretending like I was fiddling with my mp3 player. What they did after this was unbelievable, they PULLED up to the side of the road saying "look at this loser" (talking about me, and not at me like I was subhuman or something) and "man I hate loser goth bitches" and shit like that. They PULLED their cameras out, and I was starting to curse at them at this point like "You guys are the fucking LOSERS! Fuck you (flipping them off)! Don't you preppy snobby whores have anything better to do?! Isn't there some STD infested dick at some frat party you should be choking on? TAKE YOUR DADDY'S CAR HOME!" and they were still cackling, some of them ducking down in the seat like cowards, but now there is video and pictures of me that will probably end up on myspace someplace. I was so (and still am) hurt and kinda like violated by this I just HAD to post it somewhere. But then as I started to type I wonder: How many of you guys had something like this happen to you? What was the extent of it? Where were you when it happened? I'm sure nearly all of us have had a similar experience, due to the fact that preppy kids usually troll around looking for people to rag on and make fun of because of their own insecurities, and goth people are an easy target because we're, well, highly visible. Care to share your bad harassment experience?

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look at it this way- MOST of the people (the worthwhile ones, anyway) who see any images of you on those kids' pages, along with descriptions of the incident, are going to lose all respect for the little douchebags. and you get to be the vehicle for that.

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once. in collage i was studdying engineering and we had aprentices. hired on basis of "inteligent enough to fasten a nut but not too bright, they may get bored and fuck off somewhere else". me and the mrs of the time were walking to the car park where there was a collection of apprentices hanging round a bodykitted car. they hurled usual abuse but we walked on.

so they jumped in car

started it.

revved it


steam and engine oil everywhere.

snapped a timing belt, which snapped the camshaft, witch punctured the rocker cover, the bonnet, and broke off the plastic moulding they had put on the bonnet. the force of this also put a rocker through the radiator smashing thier grille. that was just what i had saw after they sheepishly looked under bonnet while myself and the mrs laughed our asses off. before getting in my unmodified, mint condition unrestored datsun and drove off to next campus

kharma's a bitch

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once. in collage i was studdying engineering and we had aprentices. hired on basis of "inteligent enough to fasten a nut but not too bright, they may get bored and fuck off somewhere else". me and the mrs of the time were walking to the car park where there was a collection of apprentices hanging round a bodykitted car. they hurled usual abuse but we walked on.

so they jumped in car

started it.

revved it


steam and engine oil everywhere.

snapped a timing belt, which snapped the camshaft, witch punctured the rocker cover, the bonnet, and broke off the plastic moulding they had put on the bonnet. the force of this also put a rocker through the radiator smashing thier grille. that was just what i had saw after they sheepishly looked under bonnet while myself and the mrs laughed our asses off. before getting in my unmodified, mint condition unrestored datsun and drove off to next campus

kharma's a bitch

GOOD one! Yeah I woulda sat there and pointed and laughed and made them feel like total asshole retards. Kinda like the karma that's going to hit these kids, I got down their license plate, make and model of their car, and low and behold I called the police station and there actually IS something I can do to get these little preppy snobby brats in trouble. I can't wait!

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once. in collage i was studdying engineering and we had aprentices. hired on basis of "inteligent enough to fasten a nut but not too bright, they may get bored and fuck off somewhere else". me and the mrs of the time were walking to the car park where there was a collection of apprentices hanging round a bodykitted car. they hurled usual abuse but we walked on.

so they jumped in car

started it.

revved it


steam and engine oil everywhere.

snapped a timing belt, which snapped the camshaft, witch punctured the rocker cover, the bonnet, and broke off the plastic moulding they had put on the bonnet. the force of this also put a rocker through the radiator smashing thier grille. that was just what i had saw after they sheepishly looked under bonnet while myself and the mrs laughed our asses off. before getting in my unmodified, mint condition unrestored datsun and drove off to next campus

kharma's a bitch

Uh.. wow.. a rocker through the radiator? Correct me if i'm wrong, but a rocker is one of the engines internal moving parts that helps aid it's assigned intake or exhaust valve open and close in the cylinder right? They had to have blown a head clean off at that point, which if that's the case, the idiots obviously didn't know how to bolt it on proper, for any engine i've worked on, that should NEVER EVER EVER happen... lest it's an engine i've yet to get my hands on.. do tell in pm more detail about the mechanics.

And for the record, brass is right, when the camera is pulled out, it don't matter what they're motives are, what matters is how you come out in the pics. Act cool, confident, cocky, and given that you're sexy as hell, they really won't be able to do much with those pictures lest they photo edit them. If they do that, then it'll REALLY look like they just found a random pic from the net and fucked with it. Either way, if you show good attitude in the photo, it'll defeat any purpose they have..

and remember... always stay to everyone's right, that way you'll appear first in order from left to right in the photo.

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Uh.. wow.. a rocker through the radiator? Correct me if i'm wrong, but a rocker is one of the engines internal moving parts that helps aid it's assigned intake or exhaust valve open and close in the cylinder right? They had to have blown a head clean off at that point, which if that's the case, the idiots obviously didn't know how to bolt it on proper, for any engine i've worked on, that should NEVER EVER EVER happen... lest it's an engine i've yet to get my hands on.. do tell in pm more detail about the mechanics.

And for the record, brass is right, when the camera is pulled out, it don't matter what they're motives are, what matters is how you come out in the pics. Act cool, confident, cocky, and given that you're sexy as hell, they really won't be able to do much with those pictures lest they photo edit them. If they do that, then it'll REALLY look like they just found a random pic from the net and fucked with it. Either way, if you show good attitude in the photo, it'll defeat any purpose they have..

and remember... always stay to everyone's right, that way you'll appear first in order from left to right in the photo.

Yes...I would like to say I stayed cool, calm and collected, however I probably looked pissed and was flipping them off. Whatev, my hair is purple and sexy now so that's all that matters. I wasn't dressed grody or anything either, nothing embarassing, my black hoodie, green & black shirt under it, my long ass flowing dress that has layers (you know which one KBK, of course nobody else will, but for everyone else: it is CUTE), and my stompin' ass black boots. So I'm not too worried about it, but let's just say it was one photoshoot I'd like to forget.

Yes! You score more points for the James St. James Party Monster quote (always stay to everyone's right, that way you'll appear first in order from left to right in the photo), as a matter of fact, you're now moving up on my top 8 myspace slot because James St. James is my hero and anyone who references him MUST be a professional badass IMO. Good job. :animier::thumbup: :peanutbutterjellytime

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I had to rant to people who would understand, so I came on here. Today I was waiting for a bus on Van Dyke, when four little preppy kids driving around in daddy's Lincoln Navigator kept driving past me and screaming shit. I couldn't figure out why they were targeting me at first, but then I finally realized: My purple hair, long black skirt, lip ring, black wardrobe etc. They started yelling "goth bitch" and shit like that, so there was my sign. I just was like, being the bigger person about it, and after the third time they passed by hanging out the window screaming shit, I put my head down pretending like I was fiddling with my mp3 player. What they did after this was unbelievable, they PULLED up to the side of the road saying "look at this loser" (talking about me, and not at me like I was subhuman or something) and "man I hate loser goth bitches" and shit like that. They PULLED their cameras out, and I was starting to curse at them at this point like "You guys are the fucking LOSERS! Fuck you (flipping them off)! Don't you preppy snobby whores have anything better to do?! Isn't there some STD infested dick at some frat party you should be choking on? TAKE YOUR DADDY'S CAR HOME!" and they were still cackling, some of them ducking down in the seat like cowards, but now there is video and pictures of me that will probably end up on myspace someplace. I was so (and still am) hurt and kinda like violated by this I just HAD to post it somewhere. But then as I started to type I wonder: How many of you guys had something like this happen to you? What was the extent of it? Where were you when it happened? I'm sure nearly all of us have had a similar experience, due to the fact that preppy kids usually troll around looking for people to rag on and make fun of because of their own insecurities, and goth people are an easy target because we're, well, highly visible. Care to share your bad harassment experience?

This is why I hate 90% of society,remember you are alot better than them,because you are yourself.

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Ye yeah I know. Before I moved away from town and into the country where there is no one to look at me except the cows; I could not walk down the street without someone yelling something out the window at me. I would wear my headphones so I wouldn't have to hear them show off their low IQs. One time while on one of my walks, someone drove up beside me and tossed a roll of fire crackers at me. Then they drove off like the cowards they are. All kinds of stuff like that has happen to me. I have even had rocks thrown at me. I don't bother anyone. I dont talk to anyone. Yet they find me. So yeah I understand where you are coming from.

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I have very little regard for my father, but I've had to come to terms with inheriting that side of my family's temper.. so I have developed a mental switch and I switch off my ability to feel ill will towards people who are picking on or laughing at me; it's partly because it is much more beneficial to be calm, and partly because the less they are joking around the more insecurity they are showing.

I usually scare people in public somewhat, even when I dress 'low key'. All the footwear I own is black, my hair is dyed black, most of my t-shirts are black, I think it's partly some conservative mindset, "Why does this person exist around here? The media told me all about these kinds of people." (..whether they think I'm a goth, emo, a serial killer, a criminal, a stoner, insane, ect...) But mostly just being calm and seeing through people, negativity comes from insecurity that comes from ignorance (I learned this playing Donkey Konga against the white bearded sensei off of Kill Bill 2), seeing through insecurity has the tendency to scare the hell out of people.

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So, they picked on you. :unsure:

I've heard it said that when people pick on someone, it is because they themselves have something wrong with Them.

So, they pick on someone else in order to make them feel better about themselves.

I'm sorry to hear that this happened to you, but hey at least they didnt have guns; you went through that, and walked away in one piece. :thumbup:

Karma will come back and kick their asses.

I hope the police offer some real help for you.

Hopefully you will get the last laugh. :respect:

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Well first off, im taking a break from my DGN Unpaid coding job to reply here i promise i will go back in my cubbyhole and get to work on fixing all the f-ups asap! :unsure:

Just semi-ignore my comments below as they don't relate specifically to what happened to you cher. In that situation there , that really was lame and im sorry you had to put up with that shit. *hugs*

I've had several different "lookit the goth boy" situations, but really what should we expect? That everyone in the world is level headed and not superficial? We know going into this we ARE going to get more attention than the average person, and the negative attention that sometimes comes along with it is part of the social compact, unfortunately.

So anyhow most all the "bad" stories i have usually seem to turn out ok because I'm fairly good natured about it even if the people perpetrating it aren't.

I remember being in line at Cedar Point with full goth makeup on and some girls in front of me were like "OMG DO YOU WORSHIP THE DEVIL???" and i just sort of chuckled and said "no not this week anyway" and they just sort of went about their business but gave me dirty looks. (Whoopty do)

Then at Borders one time i was standing by the art magazines and some 60+ year old lady looked at me and said "Crazy artist types always trying to get attention...doesn't matter what generation it is." I responded... " Your probably right, must be my poor upbringing." She just sort of chuckled a "i win" sort of laugh and moved along.

I've had various other situations but almost every time, if i dont respond with "OMG YOUR PERSECURITING ME HOW DARE YOU" it usually turns out ok with a minimum of bullshit, often it turns around very quickly and just ends up being some wise asses throwing jokes back and fourth at each other. (me and them)

The two times it turned out badly was when i basically was very confrontational and it just escalated. Once on the way to the Neck (formerly The Nectarine , now called Necto) some jocks were being dicks behind me making comments and i turned around and said "YOU HAVE A FUCKIN PROBLEM?" ... well one jock his ass handed to him by a goth boy... and 4 other jocks got to beat the shit out of a goth boy. :laugh:

Really all this crap comes with the territory. Contrary to popular belief (from the outsiders) it does take some balls to "look the part". Also contrary to popular belief (from the goth community) we are asking for it, don't be too surprised when we get it.

People suck, we know this... if we play into their bad judgment by basically giving them a target (like i do myself) then when they take the bait, we can't put 100% of the blame on them. Most people do have decent hearts, they just live in society and society teaches them things. Hell i still wonder if i could have ended up getting some beers with them jocks rather than eating pavement. =P

(Note: I only came to this conclusion recently, i was the stereotypical "fuck the world they are all bastards out to get me my life sucks." type dumb ass for the first two and a half decades i was on the planet.)

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I have very little regard for my father, but I've had to come to terms with inheriting that side of my family's temper.. so I have developed a mental switch and I switch off my ability to feel ill will towards people who are picking on or laughing at me; it's partly because it is much more beneficial to be calm, and partly because the less they are joking around the more insecurity they are showing.

I usually scare people in public somewhat, even when I dress 'low key'. All the footwear I own is black, my hair is dyed black, most of my t-shirts are black, I think it's partly some conservative mindset, "Why does this person exist around here? The media told me all about these kinds of people." (..whether they think I'm a goth, emo, a serial killer, a criminal, a stoner, insane, ect...) But mostly just being calm and seeing through people, negativity comes from insecurity that comes from ignorance (I learned this playing Donkey Konga against the white bearded sensei off of Kill Bill 2), seeing through insecurity has the tendency to scare the hell out of people.

I once learned the lesson that, the more calm you remain while getting picked on, the more that will piss the bully off, and when they see that they are not getting the reaction from you that they are trying to instigate, they usually give up and go away. If I were in that situation, I would stare at them and say nothing and watch how mad they got,wait till the finished, and then I would walk away. Being comfortable in your own shell is very powerful, because then you are happy with yourself and you don't give a fuck what anyone else thinks.

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(Note: I only came to this conclusion recently, i was the stereotypical "fuck the world they are all bastards out to get me my life sucks." type dumb ass for the first two and a half decades i was on the planet.)

A lot of people fall into that though. I used to be like that and the only reason I am the way I am now, is because of mistakes that turned out to be the right ones.

I once learned the lesson that, the more calm you remain while getting picked on, the more that will piss the bully off, and when they see that they are not getting the reaction from you that they are trying to instigate, they usually give up and go away. If I were in that situation, I would stare at them and say nothing and watch how mad they got,wait till the finished, and then I would walk away. Being comfortable in your own shell is very powerful, because then you are happy with yourself and you don't give a fuck what anyone else thinks.

I agree, except I usually don't stare back unless someone is really trying to be obnoxious; most of what I get is just people staring at me for various instances of time. Some of them smile, some few look angry, but the long "WTF!?" looks are the best; when my trench finally came in the mail my mom looked at me that way for about a split second, which was very funny.

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Well I do believe all "preppy" kids, well jocks anyway are not always this way. Then again i am kind of big and scary to a lot of people, I keep to myself and would have probably looked at the kids laughed hystericaly, talked to them and myself like I had MPD and pointed and pretended to cast a satanic spell on them...lol

But I do believe you have every right to feel violated because in a way your respect as a fellow human being was violated greatly. Me and my co-workers were talking recently about this and I found it odd how often it seems that future generations mouth off. I mean I know I am not that old, but for christ sake, even a differance of 4 years seems like a backward spiral into the past of humanities respect, and...no...I take that back...people probably had more respect for ohers before humans even exsisted.

I do believe that you cannot say everyone is like this, but it does seem to be a very unfortunate popular trend.

As far as anything that is like it happening to me personally, well...ummm...like I said not many people talk to me, or pick on me anymore, and when they do at work I kick them out...teach the little bastards to talk behind my back...mwahahahahaha!

But, first off I do not consider myself gothic, I believe gothic is a state of mind, like the art was and that it is the understanding of beauty and sorrow in life and death. Mostly I am labeled gothic because I like wearing black, and spikes, and eyeliner...lol

With me, it is just always my crushes, I brush others off unless they make fun of my friends, (which seem to be numbered at the moment), and bascially I am just the freak, they say they don't want anyone then they date someone else 3 days later, they call me a freak behind my back and leave me dateless...it makes me feel pathetic although I know I am being a better person by being direct with people and saying what I do think and believe, but it still leaves me alone.


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But, first off I do not consider myself gothic, I believe gothic is a state of mind, like the art was and that it is the understanding of beauty and sorrow in life and death. Mostly I am labeled gothic because I like wearing black, and spikes, and eyeliner...lol

With me, it is just always my crushes, I brush others off unless they make fun of my friends, (which seem to be numbered at the moment), and bascially I am just the freak, they say they don't want anyone then they date someone else 3 days later, they call me a freak behind my back and leave me dateless...it makes me feel pathetic although I know I am being a better person by being direct with people and saying what I do think and believe, but it still leaves me alone

Aw this is kinda sad. My one kid has the same complaint. But, I tell her......don't settle or change. You will find someone worthy of your unique ness someday. And if not, your better off alone.

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Aw this is kinda sad. My one kid has the same complaint. But, I tell her......don't settle or change. You will find someone worthy of your unique ness someday. And if not, your better off alone.

Thanks...and I know...but it is not always easy to stand your ground, to stand on your own, and to do it with strength, no support but your own. But I try...I need a b/f...or at least to get laid...lol


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I had to rant to people who would understand, so I came on here. Today I was waiting for a bus on Van Dyke, when four little preppy kids driving around in daddy's Lincoln Navigator kept driving past me and screaming shit. I couldn't figure out why they were targeting me at first, but then I finally realized: My purple hair, long black skirt, lip ring, black wardrobe etc. They started yelling "goth bitch" and shit like that, so there was my sign. I just was like, being the bigger person about it, and after the third time they passed by hanging out the window screaming shit, I put my head down pretending like I was fiddling with my mp3 player. What they did after this was unbelievable, they PULLED up to the side of the road saying "look at this loser" (talking about me, and not at me like I was subhuman or something) and "man I hate loser goth bitches" and shit like that. They PULLED their cameras out, and I was starting to curse at them at this point like "You guys are the fucking LOSERS! Fuck you (flipping them off)! Don't you preppy snobby whores have anything better to do?! Isn't there some STD infested dick at some frat party you should be choking on? TAKE YOUR DADDY'S CAR HOME!" and they were still cackling, some of them ducking down in the seat like cowards, but now there is video and pictures of me that will probably end up on myspace someplace. I was so (and still am) hurt and kinda like violated by this I just HAD to post it somewhere. But then as I started to type I wonder: How many of you guys had something like this happen to you? What was the extent of it? Where were you when it happened? I'm sure nearly all of us have had a similar experience, due to the fact that preppy kids usually troll around looking for people to rag on and make fun of because of their own insecurities, and goth people are an easy target because we're, well, highly visible. Care to share your bad harassment experience?

To anyone who has gone threw something like that, all ill say is just let that go. Typically people who talk the most junk are the ones in the biggest groups. Let me assure you the preppy people are hated much more than goths any day. For one being a goth in my opinion is a lifestyle and culture aside from just dressing the part and some of the more intelligent people i know indeed are goths and or sway to that a little more than others. Its people like those kids that make the world want to be a part of the system. everyone dresses the same way, everyone eats the same thing, anyone over 90 pounds is considered fat. Fuck those kids, they are use to the suburbs, where everything is the same and nothing is accepted, deep burgs judging by what you described and when they see someone who dares be unique and their own person it blew their simple little minds away, enough as to where they had to pace around in their parents car and talk shit. id say the minute they began to do that you won, you successfully caught their attention and fascinated them to a point you stole some minutes out of their day without even having to do anything. you are a winner!

*rant deactivated*

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Actually this happened to me last Friday. A limo was driving by as I was walking into Luna when some girl yelled out "Hey... uh wow you're tall." to which I replied back "thanks".

I was kind of disappointed that she couldn't come up with anything better (or worse I should say) to yell.

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Actually this happened to me last Friday. A limo was driving by as I was walking into Luna when some girl yelled out "Hey... uh wow you're tall." to which I replied back "thanks".

I was kind of disappointed that she couldn't come up with anything better (or worse I should say) to yell.

if she was in a limo she was probably drunk. and it sounds like she complimented you

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