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Geh So Effin Lame


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surprised by your height?

Yeah she probably was going to yell out something negative/derogatory and her drunken brain switched gears. I was after all dressed like I normally do. The fact that it's not anywhere near or close to halloween yet for the normal people means that this is the most logical course of events.

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Yeah she probably was going to yell out something negative/derogatory and her drunken brain switched gears. I was after all dressed like I normally do. The fact that it's not anywhere near or close to halloween yet for the normal people means that this is the most logical course of events.

or you're just a cynic. if you don't WANT attention, stop masochistically dressing in order to get it

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or you're just a cynic. if you don't WANT attention, stop masochistically dressing in order to get it

I dress how I wish. If idiots can't handle that then that's their problem. I don't do it to get attention I do it because I like the style.

You of all people should know I don't give a shit what anyone else thinks of me.

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I dress how I wish. If idiots can't handle that then that's their problem. I don't do it to get attention I do it because I like the style.

You of all people should know I don't give a shit what anyone else thinks of me.

i've seen you before. you're not very weird/odd looking at all imo. i find it hard to believe the girl commenting on how tall you were actually wanted to insult you in another way.

as for my own experience... well i don't have any really. i am pretty damn normal/plain looking so if anyone ever had something to say about me it would probably be like "wow, that girl has no style at all" or "i've never seen someone so plain before" :p

actually one time at city club i did get made fun of. i was wearing a leather jacket, a fitted short black shirt, a fitted short black skirt, fishnets and heels. all fairly acceptable i'd say for city club in the early 90's.

so i was walking by (past the bar, where the tables are) and i hear "nice spandex" and i kept walking. then i paused (mentally) thinking "oh my god, they were talking about ME" nice spandex? i was horrified. i didn't bother to look at who said it so every time i had to walk by that spot i wondered if they were still sitting there, laughing at my spandex ass. i NEVER wore that skirt again but the shirt was awesome so i wore it til it was more like blackish grey and not really black anymore.

back then i hated ANY kind of attention at city club. (i still don't like attention good or bad but i don't get embarrassed by it anymore. at least i try not to.) even though i dressed in a way that looked like i WANTED attention, i didn't. i normally ran from the dance floor to the bathroom and back again, without looking at anyone ever. if that happened to me NOW i would stop and say something back. back then i was way too timid to even look at anyone there. i don't even bother to "dress up" to go to city club anymore, i'm even too plain for that.

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  • 1 year later...

I agree with HH. I dont call myself Goth. I used to be back in middle and high school. I usually get called goth now bcuz of the way I dress. I dont really care but I never had anybody say a thing to my face. In high school plenty of people called me weird but nobody has dared to disresepcet to my face. I have had plenty people tell me about "hersey", I dont deal with hersey because its not true half the time.

Wow what an expeirence though. At least you were the bigger person. I have an anger problem and I would have surely thrown a rock through the back window. I would have also written down the liscence plate and call my cop-ex-boyfriend and ask him about impounding the car. If he did I would ask him to get his buddies to fuck it up at a undisclosed location. Then I would get their address and send them bullshit. Like I said I have an anger problem but you rock. I would have been in jail or in Preppy Hills starting a fight.

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Me and my kids are used to this. Just sorta strike a pose when this happens. Feed into it! Crouch, maybe hiss a little....growl at them.....make like your casting an evil spell....

..."make-like" MY ASS!...when SO blatantly attacked...it is you G*D given right to "DEFEND WITH THE SWORD"...(& I DO.)

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Yeah I have had this situation happen to Me plenty of times.....

The only time it really bothered Me was when I had my son with Me.....He was like 3 or 4 at the time & I didn't even look all that freaky that day.....They passed by like 3 times yelling shit & I couldn't do a damn thing cuz I didn't want to freak my kid out any more than he was already.

He now refers to people like that as "the dumb 'ol kids".....His words, not mine

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I have an anger problem and I would have surely thrown a rock through the back window. I would have also written down the liscence plate and call my cop-ex-boyfriend and ask him about impounding the car. If he did I would ask him to get his buddies to fuck it up at a undisclosed location. Then I would get their address and send them bullshit. Like I said I have an anger problem but you rock. I would have been in jail or in Preppy Hills starting a fight.

Sounds like something I would attempt to do. :whistle:

I had this problem in middle school (typical)

One guy would rarely leave me alone

So one of the times he decided to try and say crap he was right behind me in the hall

I was getting pissed so I jammed my elbow into his stomach.

After that he never said anything while he was near me anymore

but did end up yelling across a distance outside after lunch doing it again.

Getting pissed again, I yelled and cursed at him and as soon as I started to, he ran away like a

frightened deer or something then hid behind a trailer.

Nowadays he says hi to me and doesn't bother to give any rude remarks.

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Unbelievably, someone I work with was making rude comments the other day. I'm not horribly goth at work, but she made some snidy comment behind my back about "skirt and combat boots". Basically, i was wearing a dark blue renaissance full skirt, a normalish looking black short sleeve v-neck blouse, and my knee-high docs.

she's normally nice to my face.

well, until recently, anyway.

i wore my hair in buns and got a bunch of 'princess leia' cracks.

i think she has jealousy issues. she's not getting attention anymore.

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Unbelievably, someone I work with was making rude comments the other day. I'm not horribly goth at work, but she made some snidy comment behind my back about "skirt and combat boots". Basically, i was wearing a dark blue renaissance full skirt, a normalish looking black short sleeve v-neck blouse, and my knee-high docs.

she's normally nice to my face.

well, until recently, anyway.

i wore my hair in buns and got a bunch of 'princess leia' cracks.

i think she has jealousy issues. she's not getting attention anymore.

Jealousy is another reason why people talk shit, especially attention whores.

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Jealousy is another reason why people talk shit, especially attention whores.

Yeah, i think this is primarily the case.

im waiting for the cracks to start getting more personal and nastier.

i didnt do anything to this girl, except make friends with someone as weird as me, and now they talk to me more than to her.

people suck.

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