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I had an AK-47 but I traded it. Still have my trusty .20 gauge double barrel shotgun though.

I say if you get anything get a nice small .38. Not a pussy ass .22 so it will do some damage, but won't blow you on your ass when you shoot it (which looks like it may be easy to do with you lol).

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1.20 guage shotgun

2. 22 rifle

3. 257 roberts,(rifle)all stored up at my dads place

4. 4 claw knife,8" blades

5. iron cross folding knife(4 blades)

6. 18" knife(similar to a dagger)

7. 10" curved knife(medievil style)

8, pipe bombology,(don't bother with anymore,too dangerous)to be used only in case of a revolution.

if I had pics I would post them.

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I don't have any at the moment

I am wanting to get a shotgun just for self-defense for keeping in my house.

I shot my honey's AK and I loved it. I want some assault rifles to have just for fun for shooting at the range, but the ultralight cool-looking ones I want are way above my budget at the moment since all my cash is going into trying to get a house.

I have a problem with the heavier weapons - too heavy for me to aim well.

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I have an 8 year old ... and a Chihuahua.

That's all I got. The 8 year old is more adept to bite you than the Chihuahua is ...

LMAO!!!!! Ok that's vividly horrifying.

I've got lets see... *digs into arsonel*

1 Katana

1 Fencing style sword

1 Broad sword

shitload of knives

few jack knives

a spork


(soon to have a 12 gauge)

and if i ever get back up to clio soon, I'll get my base ball bats

and really, anything blunt and heavy that i can throw at people (ALL the furnature in my place)

*quick edit*

almost forgot, a shovel, and an axe are still in another location but with the bat, i'll be getting them back next time i'm up in Clio.

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Let's see...swords, knives, shurikens, shotguns, pistols, rifles, ect. I have a littlle bit of everything. I personally as far as guns go like my 22 rifle and 12 guage shotgun using slugs.

But really it is up to the individual on what they are looking for really...lol


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All you people scare me....

Hell I don't know about the others but I'm just living up to my name :)

Anyhow I've got all my dad's guns too. Which are mostly .22 rifles but they're fun to shoot. A bolt action and a semi-auto. Couple of .12 gauges (single barrel, which is more fun because you don't have to reload as often). Then there is the black powder stuff "just for fun".

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I had an AK-47 but I traded it. Still have my trusty .20 gauge double barrel shotgun though.

I say if you get anything get a nice small .38. Not a pussy ass .22 so it will do some damage, but won't blow you on your ass when you shoot it (which looks like it may be easy to do with you lol).

Actually someone did that to me as a joke when I was like 12, I wieghed like 80 lbs and he didn't tell me to brace a shot gun. Ouch my shoulder. It knocked the wind out of me too and I flew back a few feet lol it was a drunk neighbor.

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I am getting a gun soon......recomendations?

It depends on what you are going to use it for. Hunting, target shooting, home defense, personal defense, crime, decoration, historical reinactments, theatrical combat, instruction, ... ?

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I would suggest, a semiautomatic Remington 1187 12 gauge shotgun, with bird shot, with out a choke in the barrel for home defense. its a really easy gun to learn on. there's hardly any kick to it. and if your a petite woman, you could brace it against a wall waist high, point it at your intruder, and make him regret he even thought about invading your home. Its easy to break down and clean. the trigger mechanism is easy to get to and clean (witch you should do every 500 rounds on any fire arm). and you could probably find one for about 400 dollars. witch is pretty cheap as far as firearms are concerned. Dont get a pistol for home defense. Unless you have been shooting pistols at targets for years, and are a hell of a shot, your more apt to hit something other than your intended target i.e. home invader.

Allways keep in mind, education and common sense are the key to firearm safety.

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HARDLY ANY KICK TO IT? Get a .20 gauge shotgun. MUCH less kick with the same obliterating effect.

Alternatively if you don't wan to kill them you could find some salt shot (really stings) or rubber bullets to knock them down.

Keep in mind the spray that doesn't hit the intruder of the bird shot will hit other things in your home.

I say go to the shooting range and get some practice in. Then get a nice .38 since they're just a good overall weapon.

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Here are some nice alternatives as well.

When I clicked to see the price it said "NO MAIL ORDER SALES TO


so, they won't sell those long range pepper spray guns in Michigan.

Why in the world would Michigan restrict sales of that?

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When I clicked to see the price it said "NO MAIL ORDER SALES TO


so, they won't sell those long range pepper spray guns in Michigan.

Why in the world would Michigan restrict sales of that?

I know in New York any pepper spray is illegal. In DC it has to be registered to own. In Michigan you can own if it's less than 2%. Maybe the formula they use is too potent. Or maybe since it's not compression that fires the spray but a small explosive charge, you might be able to get it but only if you go through an FFL gun dealer.

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