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I Hope I Am Not...but Feel I May Be.....

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I hate to say it but I have no faith in our youth. Most just sit in front of the tv playing video games.....they rely on family to help them out financially until they are damn near or way past 30.....Hell I was out on my own by age 15 but thats a different story....

Most are on meds.....have mental disorders I have never even heard of. Almost seems like an excuse to be fucked up if you ask me. Then they don't have to work as hard!

In my old neighbor hood there was this one lady who sheltered her daughter and spoiled her so much that.....the kid got pregnant at 12.....hell she probably didn't even know sex caused it. (they built her a huge playhouse you could LIVE IN at age 11! It had electricity!)

They kept her baby and pretended it was theirs and sent her to a private school to avoid embarressment. I dont' know that not making your kids face reality is doing them any favors.

I have some younger friends in college. Some have switched majors like 3 times......wasting mom and dads money while they figure out what they want to do......and are reaching 25. You should be done and on your own already! Jeez! Just pick something you can make money at and have a hobby on the side like most functioning adults!

Whinning about how they can't do art for a living.....or travel.......well boo hoo welcome to the real world where most of us have to get student loans to pay for school then work for 10 yrs paying it off......which I am still doing. Hell at least I got jobs in the things I went to school for, for a while without just giving up.

I can't count the times I starved.....to proud to ask my parents for money. They have no sense of embarressment these days. Go ask mommy for MORE money......hell god knows she wants to work till she can no longer stand supporting you just so you can abandon her in old age.

Always wanting to borrow money......or need something......rides.....

I guess there are some who turn out ok......I see very young doctors.....they must have done something right.....

Personally I am making sure mine learn to stand on their own two feet...go to college for something secure......I don't care if you HATE it. Go out and make money and leave me alone.

I guess I am ranting because I have a relative....I won't mention any names.......who is spoiling her kid beyond repair. This girl can deal with no trouble, messes...or conflict. She is 17. Mommy has to go with her EVERY where.....tell her what to say......how to say it......

Example. Yesturday thing 2 had to go to the school to straighten out a financial mess with her books. We were right, the school was wrong. I did NOT go with her. She is 18! I made her do it herself and she was ok.

This person I know would just do it for the kid......hell not even make her go with so she can learn how to speak and stick up for herself with authority figures which is a HUGE part of being an adult.

What the hell are you waiting for? When this kid is 18 and has a issue at college.......are you going down there FOR her? That is rediculous.

Also, she said.....I don't want her driving yet as there are too many wierdos on the road. Oh thats good. So......even though you work full time.....you have to make sure your schedule and hers fit so you can give her rides everywhere she needs to go.......? And then you get mad you have no time for yourself. Hello......MI does not have a good transit system you are going to HAVE to let that girl drive eventually!

17 and never even been behind the wheel of a car.....can't shoot a gun......ride a horse or motorcycle.......hell at least she can swim.

This relative kid..she cries at the drop of a hat. If someone picks on her clothes in school......she calls mommy to come pick her up!

My step son tried to pull some crap when his mom came back into his life at 16. (thanks bitch.....you were never there for him until it caused problems for US)

He tried the 'but my MOM lets me....gives me.......' crap. You know what? We made him go live with her. It lasted a whole week lol. He found out she was full of crap.

When he started pulling some pretty outrageous crap....we kicked him out. Made him go live with an inlaw.....it made him straighten right up. He went from failing to straight A's. Stopped drinking and smoking....hell he still doesn't smoke now.

He turned out ok because we pulled the tough love stuff. He actually THANKED me for it the other day! (pats self on back)

I think my kids will turn out ok.....but we are leaving this world in the hands of a bunch of selfish spoiled brats who cannot think for themselves for the most part......and it worries me.

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I hate to say it but I have no faith in our youth. Most just sit in front of the tv playing video games.....they rely on family to help them out financially until they are damn near or way past 30.....Hell I was out on my own by age 15 but thats a different story....

I blame this partially on the parents. I was an only child so naturally i was a little spoiled growing up. . .ok a lot spoiled. Pretty much anytime i wanted something (within reason) i got it from one of my parents. When my parents got divorced my mom still gave me pretty much everything i wanted, which i found out later was because then she had a reason as to why she didnt have any money instead of the fact that she just couldnt manage it for shit...anyway diff topic. my dad spoiled me rotten. . .ROTTEN! take me out anywhere i wanted to eat, buy me the clothes i wanted hell i got a friggen allowence at 5 for doing nothing, when i got a repport card (still at 5 through about 10) if he saw an A 100 bucks each, a B 50 bucks each AT 5 AND 6!!! There was never ok put this in your piggy bank it was usually money? oohh look i want that ill buy it and that was fine with them (wich was usually good because if i didnt spend it my mom would "borrow" it). I didnt live with him, he didnt tell me to clean my room and i would get it, i just got it. when my room was messy they cleaned it, when my clothes needed to be washed they did it, when i got into trouble he fixed it! at no point in time did they ever try to prepare me for when i was older. they never told me that one day i would be 18 and have to have my own life and pay for my own things. my dad actaully forbid me to get jobs and told me that if i didnt have one he would pay ME! 3 weeks before i graduated high school he moved me out of my mothers house and put me in my own appartment, payed for rent, i got money for food, and for going out, got my cable payed for, car insurance, health insurance, all my college (only if i went for what he wanted tho) you name it, he payed for it. this went on for . . . fucking 3 years, and still hes not telling me now soon your gonna have to get a job and pay for this. nope it was still your in college your not to get a job ill pay for it! then one day. . .one fucking day he tells me you have 3 months to go out and get a job and pay for everything im not paying anymore so start looking. now im not going to say that i thought i was going to get a free ride my whole life but this is putting me at 20 years old with little to no job experience, and basically no life experience. i was lucky enough that i had friends and a wonderful man around to help me grow up and learn what it takes and i think (i hope) that i turned out alright. point beeing, up untill that point the most life experience (real, not the bs my parents were teaching me) i got from a senior seminar class in h.s.

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i'm 25 soon. still at home with my mum and dad.

i cant afford to move out even though i am earning what my dad does. you should see the house prices here.

we pay council tax, council spends it on fancy things and when asking for council property to rent i am in laymans terms "not a black one legged paraplegic asylum seeker so will have to wait 6-8 years for something to come up as i am low priority".

i wish i were on my own two feet right now.

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i'm 25 soon. still at home with my mum and dad.

i cant afford to move out even though i am earning what my dad does. you should see the house prices here.

we pay council tax, council spends it on fancy things and when asking for council property to rent i am in laymans terms "not a black one legged paraplegic asylum seeker so will have to wait 6-8 years for something to come up as i am low priority".

i wish i were on my own two feet right now.

It's ok. You can use your work and intimidation skills to get a high-paying job in Detroit, uh, maybe, and we can get an inexpensive apartment together, one that like, allows dogs, so we can have those, and i'll still teach but other than that i'll just like sit around and practice my guitar and stuff and I can show you off to all my friends cuz you're all sexy and stuff.

Happily ever after.

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20 is still plenty young to figure out what you want to do and furthur your carreer though. Plan to keep my kids at home until they are done with college for a yr so that puts them at oh say....25 when they move out perhaps...but I am hoping after that I will NEVER have to help them again.

I blame this partially on the parents. I was an only child so naturally i was a little spoiled growing up. . .ok a lot spoiled. Pretty much anytime i wanted something (within reason) i got it from one of my parents. When my parents got divorced my mom still gave me pretty much everything i wanted, which i found out later was because then she had a reason as to why she didnt have any money instead of the fact that she just couldnt manage it for shit...anyway diff topic. my dad spoiled me rotten. . .ROTTEN! take me out anywhere i wanted to eat, buy me the clothes i wanted hell i got a friggen allowence at 5 for doing nothing, when i got a repport card (still at 5 through about 10) if he saw an A 100 bucks each, a B 50 bucks each AT 5 AND 6!!! There was never ok put this in your piggy bank it was usually money? oohh look i want that ill buy it and that was fine with them (wich was usually good because if i didnt spend it my mom would "borrow" it). I didnt live with him, he didnt tell me to clean my room and i would get it, i just got it. when my room was messy they cleaned it, when my clothes needed to be washed they did it, when i got into trouble he fixed it! at no point in time did they ever try to prepare me for when i was older. they never told me that one day i would be 18 and have to have my own life and pay for my own things. my dad actaully forbid me to get jobs and told me that if i didnt have one he would pay ME! 3 weeks before i graduated high school he moved me out of my mothers house and put me in my own appartment, payed for rent, i got money for food, and for going out, got my cable payed for, car insurance, health insurance, all my college (only if i went for what he wanted tho) you name it, he payed for it. this went on for . . . fucking 3 years, and still hes not telling me now soon your gonna have to get a job and pay for this. nope it was still your in college your not to get a job ill pay for it! then one day. . .one fucking day he tells me you have 3 months to go out and get a job and pay for everything im not paying anymore so start looking. now im not going to say that i thought i was going to get a free ride my whole life but this is putting me at 20 years old with little to no job experience, and basically no life experience. i was lucky enough that i had friends and a wonderful man around to help me grow up and learn what it takes and i think (i hope) that i turned out alright. point beeing, up untill that point the most life experience (real, not the bs my parents were teaching me) i got from a senior seminar class in h.s.
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I heard it was more common there to live with your parents as an adult....because of lack of rental units....is that true?

I know in Japan they live with both sets of inlaws...god...I would honestly shoot myself in the head if that were to happen.

Or become an alcoholic lol

But I am talking more about people who can't even make a disision on their own....or are 33 and have switched majors 3x....and are still in school on their parents expense....

I know a lady who is 44 and cannot take care of herself but she is able bodied and sane. Her parents babied her THAT much. I was over there visiting her sister the other day when she came downstairs and started whinning until mommy wrote her a check for 100 bucks....to buy cigarrettes and gas no less....

They are leaving everything to the YOUNGER brother with the stipulation that he let her stay in the house and he take care of her for the rest of her life....even though they can't stand each other.

Good thing they are leaving them with allot of money seeing as she will need a babysitter for oh say 40 yrs since they are both near death already

i'm 25 soon. still at home with my mum and dad.

i cant afford to move out even though i am earning what my dad does. you should see the house prices here.

we pay council tax, council spends it on fancy things and when asking for council property to rent i am in laymans terms "not a black one legged paraplegic asylum seeker so will have to wait 6-8 years for something to come up as i am low priority".

i wish i were on my own two feet right now.

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Figureing out what i want to do isnt the problem tho. i have dreams and goals and i know exactly where i wanna be and what i wanna do in great detail. i know what classes i need and i know SOME of the steps that i need to do to get there. the problem tho is that the few things that i dont know, the few steps that i havnt been helped out with are some of the most important. i agree that its not to late, im going to get where i want to be if it takes me the rest of my life. my whole thing is that if my dad (who by the way couldve tought me some amazing shit) wouldve taken the time to teach me some of the things that i needed to know i could probably have made the bussiness part of my dreams a reality by now. this isnt neccesarilly a bad thing tho because if i wouldve gone down that road, while i would have that part of my life completed, i probably wouldnt have met the love of my life, and i dont think thats something that couldve come together so perfectly say. . .5, 10, 20 years down the road. after all timeing is everything and with the drive i have i know i will make my dreams a reality, just might take me a little longer.

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in short, i want to start a photography business. this would include more than just studio/senior picture type stuff, i want to branch out into onsight shoots, maybe a bit of traveling the world for an agency. i have quite a bit of photo editing experience so part of my business would be editing/enhancing/adding to/creating photos, and photo restoration. i would loooove to also be working with some sort of advertising agency or magazine on the side maybe with professional models. i want to have my business in an inspiring place, florida, germany maybe. thats the short cause i could talk about it all day

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I sometimes wish we could bring back communal living in order to bear each other's burdons and create some balance and group hope thru combined talents and resources....

but in this present society, that seems to be alot to ask.

I bought my first house by borrowing 2 grand from my mother for the downpayment. Thats the only time I've ever received help from the parentals, and I paid her back within the year. All of my cars were crap, I bought them myself. Ive lived in Shitty McNasty High Crime Ville plenty of times and would still do that to avoid living with parentals. Ive worked two and three jobs at a time, doing stuff I hated, because I had to do what I had to do and pride does not buy a loaf of bread or pay the phone bill.....

But back to original topic HH I think your right. I think we're breeding a generation of softies who cant cope, dont HAVE to cope, and are not equipped to push themselves. Whats worse, is that there seems to be a mindset of entitlement added to the mix.

When we finnaly get invaded they'll overthrow us just using dispariging remarks, sticks, and stones.

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I heard it was more common there to live with your parents as an adult....because of lack of rental units....is that true?

I know in Japan they live with both sets of inlaws...god...I would honestly shoot myself in the head if that were to happen.

Or become an alcoholic lol

But I am talking more about people who can't even make a disision on their own....or are 33 and have switched majors 3x....and are still in school on their parents expense....

I know a lady who is 44 and cannot take care of herself but she is able bodied and sane. Her parents babied her THAT much. I was over there visiting her sister the other day when she came downstairs and started whinning until mommy wrote her a check for 100 bucks....to buy cigarrettes and gas no less....

They are leaving everything to the YOUNGER brother with the stipulation that he let her stay in the house and he take care of her for the rest of her life....even though they can't stand each other.

Good thing they are leaving them with allot of money seeing as she will need a babysitter for oh say 40 yrs since they are both near death already

i earn 14K a year, 13K when i go back to my normal grade. teraced houses go for 110K work out how much i'd have to mortgage. i'm only gonna get myself bankrupt and totally screwed over if i do buy a property.

renting is on ave 4-600 per month.

that doesnt include council tax, gas water and electric rates, and we are having an energy crisis in the UK right now (north sea oil reserve is all but depleted)

i cant aford to move out. if i have a steady girlfriend in a similar job we may be able to rent.

the labour govt have rigged the housing market so it benefits 2nd home owners (landlords) such as the major lettings/holdings companys and MP's renting thier 2nd 3rd and 4th houses out.

and i get the feeling nothing will change in a while.

i am seriously considering germany. at least there the pension i work up to retire on will actually still be there, everyones pensions in the UK is at risk. except members of parliment. thier also excluded from the freedom of information act now on thier wages and expense accounts after a couple of papers did some digging and found a lot of MP's taking the piss (£7000 haircut for cherie blair on expenses/taxpayers money).

i am getting beyond contemptful with the government. the queen should have enacted the magna carta by now and thrown the lot out so a new parliment can form. but the tabloid papers who have quite a few lords in them (theres been a recent cash for honours scandal with the labour party) will probably scream about that being undemocratic (even though the labour govt wants police to be able to watch over you night and day and question you without any suspicions).

george orewell was out by 20-30 years.

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We pretty much had to work for our prized possessions,Nothing was ever handed out to any of my siblings.

I believe if you want something you have to work for it,I did,occasional gifts are ok,but most of what I own right now I worked my ass off to buy.

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Same here, It really would be nice to get paid $30 an hour doing a simple friggin job sitting on my ass 40 hours a week like how my folks had it hooked up... and those were handed out on a silver platter to everyone back then... though now they're trying to take away the retirements. But seriously, full time is hard to come by as it is... on top of that getting a full time job of at least $15 an hour... AND bennefits (especially a 401K) are extremely rare now. Yet I'm still managing on my own.

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Same here, It really would be nice to get paid $30 an hour doing a simple friggin job sitting on my ass 40 hours a week like how my folks had it hooked up... and those were handed out on a silver platter to everyone back then... though now they're trying to take away the retirements. But seriously, full time is hard to come by as it is... on top of that getting a full time job of at least $15 an hour... AND bennefits (especially a 401K) are extremely rare now. Yet I'm still managing on my own.

Yeah being born and raised here really goes against you,these days,Megadeth's song Called Foreclosure of a Dream says it all,its on Countdown to Extinction

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I totally agree but don't want to go live in a hippie commune, lol.

I sometimes wish we could bring back communal living in order to bear each other's burdons and create some balance and group hope thru combined talents and resources....

but in this present society, that seems to be alot to ask.

I bought my first house by borrowing 2 grand from my mother for the downpayment. Thats the only time I've ever received help from the parentals, and I paid her back within the year. All of my cars were crap, I bought them myself. Ive lived in Shitty McNasty High Crime Ville plenty of times and would still do that to avoid living with parentals. Ive worked two and three jobs at a time, doing stuff I hated, because I had to do what I had to do and pride does not buy a loaf of bread or pay the phone bill.....

But back to original topic HH I think your right. I think we're breeding a generation of softies who cant cope, dont HAVE to cope, and are not equipped to push themselves. Whats worse, is that there seems to be a mindset of entitlement added to the mix.

When we finnaly get invaded they'll overthrow us just using dispariging remarks, sticks, and stones.

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The problem with today's youth is caused by the greedy older generation making fair paying jobs a fairy tale... and also all the friggin drugs the old generation did... kinda got passed on in the gene pool....


if you do drugs you'll end up like tony blair.

this past 3 months i would like nothing better than seeing tony blair tried for high treason and the traditional penalty applied

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Well it was reaffirmed for me today sorta. None of my friends who are over 30 call before 9am or after 12 am because they know I have trouble sleeping and that if I got to sleep......they better leave me alone unless its an emergency.

But the 19-say oh 23ish yr olds are bad. Call whenever they want like at 3 am because they are bored....?

Or like this morning. He calls at 6:30 because he had class early and just wanted to chat.

It took me like 2 1/2 hours to get to sleep.....I sleep for a half hour....and someone wakes me up?

Even my kids know better than to do this to me. :verymad::verymad::verymad:

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Oh, kids today.

If I complain about kids today, does that make me my dad?

I am forever grateful that my parents encouraged my independence. I have friends who are STILL financially and otherwise dependent on their folks, and you know what, they're miserable about it, just miserable, and they can't seem to figure a way to stop their dependency. I will take the stresses of adulthood over the stresses of indebtedness any day. It worries me, about younger kids. I know the kind of life they're heading towards, and I can tell them now that they're not going to like the pot of gold at the end of that rainbow. But they wouldn't listen anyway. They already know everything.

I wasn't really worried about kids until I went to 'career day' at my girlfriend's school. I talked to them about the amazing and wonderful world of accounting and finance. Now, mind you, I wasn't expecting eyes to light up or anything. I'm a realist. But, I told them all about careers in accounting and finance, that analysts make 80K, that financial advisors make 120K, and partners at accounting firms, 250K, easy.

I work at a cable company, so I told them about job opportunities in the telecommunications industry.

They said 'So, if you work at a cable company, do you get free cable?'

'um, yes' I said 'But listen, I JUST TOLD YOU about how you can make a quarter MILLION dollars every year. That can buy alot of cable. Maybe you'll want to look for more in a company than free cable'

'Would they, like, let me sweep their floors for free cable?'

'A quarter million dollar salary, people! Stop thinking about the cable!'

'Do you have to pass a drug test to work there?'

'Um, yes'

And you should have seen their faces - they were crushed. Seriously, unless the job you were talking about was smoking weed in their mom's basement, they didn't want to hear about it.

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Lol our youth....must have their weed and cable. Who cares if you can eat and have a nice place eh?

Exactly. The scary part was that some of the more ambitious girls wanted to be nurses. But then they would say that they don't like math. Riiiiiight, because, yeah, when you're a nurse, you certainly don't need MATH skills.

*smacks hand on forehead*

I told Guy when I got home if any girl from that school tries to medically assist me in any way at any hospital that I will rip IVs right out of my arms and just start running.

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I could complain, but it never gets me anywhere.

Long story short - my little brother, his wife, his stepson and their baby live in my parents house. Now, mind you I lived there, but I paid a good chunk of the mortgage that the cash out they took - that I didn't get to see a dime of - wasn't figured into.

They don't pay anything, and haven't for over a year ... and she's pregnant again! Neither one of them has jobs. The wife refuses to do anything ... my brother was sticking up for her to me telling me she CAN'T do anything. Screw that, I had rough pregnancies ... she's pregnant, not dying of cancer. She won't allow him to work, calls him home when he leaves and tells him that he has to come home and take care of the kids because she can't. The house is filthy and disgusting with huge gashes in the wood floor - that wasn't the best in the world, but I kept decent as I could with it being so faded ... kept my kids in check on it and my dogs nails clipped.

My parents pay everything for them. My brother calls and says he can't afford diapers, food and gas all the time, my parents give him cash. My parents complain about it - but won't do anything to stop it.

.... He's never known what living on his own means. He's 26, his wife is 28.

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