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Yuh-huh! Victory At Last! Paris Back In Jail.

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I usually don't pay attention to any sort of celebrity bullshit, well not mainstream celebrity bullshit per se, however over the past, oh I dunno, 4 years maybe I've begun to notice how horribly bad I hate Paris Hilton. As South Park put it perfectly (as it usually always does) Paris is no more than a stupid spoiled whore who basically got famous for doing absolutely nothing aside from being born rich. No talent whatsoever, I mean come on at least Britney pretends to sing and dances around on stage right? Even THAT is something, albeit minimal, but indeed something. On top of things, Paris Hilton, is dog mother fucking ugly, easily the ugliest celebrity I've seen in quite sometime. So obviously I was pissed when Paris went to jail, for what was supposed to be 45 days then got halved into 23, and after 3 days behind bars was sent home merely for "medical conditions". I wish I could get arrested, I'd go right in there and tell them I had a "rash" and some mental issues and be sent on my way with no more than a slap on the wrist :rolleyes: Well people, here it is, today justice was served:

LOS ANGELES - Screaming and crying, Paris Hilton was escorted out of a courtroom and back to jail Friday after a judge ruled that she must serve out her entire 45-day sentence behind bars rather than in her Hollywood Hills home.

“It’s not right!” shouted the weeping Hilton, who violated her parole in a reckless driving case. “Mom!” she called out to her mother in the audience.

Here's the full link for those of you who want to read the rest of the article. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/19102663/

I was overjoyed at the fact that they had to practically drag her spoiled ass out, kicking, screaming and yelling for her mommy.

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Yah I heard they had let her out on some medical thing? Like maybe she was traumatized because she couldn't get a manicure....dunno. Glad to see having lots of money (for doctors and lawyers that will lie for you) doesn't always make you get your way.

Lol oh I know, I'm sure once she found out that other people have used the showers before and filet mignon wasn't on the menu she had a break down lol.

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Gives me faith in the system again, although she should never have been let out in the first place.

Besides she isn't famous for being rich, she's famous for being a dumb slut who got videotaped doing the nasty. Before that 90% of us didn't know who she was.

Also if your child is bad you do not send them to their room, it's where all their toys are.

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I usually don't pay attention to any sort of celebrity bullshit, well not mainstream celebrity bullshit per se, however over the past, oh I dunno, 4 years maybe I've begun to notice how horribly bad I hate Paris Hilton.

i don't pay attention (or care) either but she is one celebrity that i can NOT stand. i have a hard time understanding people's fascination with her.

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i don't pay attention (or care) either but she is one celebrity that i can NOT stand. i have a hard time understanding people's fascination with her.

So you do care. You're happy like the rest of us.

I like it when bad things happen to people I hate.

But I'm a jerk like that.

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So you do care. You're happy like the rest of us.

actually, in this case, i did care a little. i only cared because it shocked me that someone like her was going to "get away with it". to find out she is not- gives me a little smile. so yes, you could say i am happy about it. :thumbsup:

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In my opinion,

it really isn't so much as people are so fascinated with her;

The news media just kept rambling and babbling on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on about her, and since so many people watch and or read the news, she got massive amounts of unwarranted attention. :rolleyes:

As if there isn't more important stuff to be reporting..... :verymad:

I have No sympathy for her. I smiled when she got hauled off back to jail. Its good to see that the California justice system can't be bought off by some overspoiled lil rich slut. :thumbsup:

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I honestly feel a little bit of sympathy for her. She didn't choose to be raised in the family that she was, which I am sure played an important in her turning out like she did, spoiled rich brat. On the other hand, I can't say that I regret seeing her go back to jail. Celebrity should never be an excuse or a mitigating factor.

I only hope that her six weeks behind bars teaches her something. It's likely a vain hope, but I hold it just the same.

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will it fuck. this has taught her if she moans like fuck she can get out of shit.

she shouldnt have been released in the first place. its not like she was given propper prison experiance now was she?

All I can say is waaaa!!sux to be you Paris,still funny when she cried out "mommy" LOL!!

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Just in case you didn't know - this is all due to her violating her original probation.

She was given a 2nd chance. She blew it. She deserves what she gets.

Wonder if this'll keep her from the same fuck-up in the future.

Yes, I for one am fully aware of what she did to earn this sentence, and I think that not only should she serve her time in jail, but also that it's good for her to finally be getting a dose of reality.

My sympathy comes from the fact that this is a hard first brush with it. It's sort of an odd feeling, having both sympathy and schadenfreude (though a preponderance of the latter).

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What I find ironic, is her protest against going to jail being, "She brings beauty and entertainment to our otherwise dull and meaningless lives"

...really can't give her credit for the beauty part, but her GOING to jail, then throwing a big freakin tempertantrum about it on top of that... most deffinitely entertaining for at least 5 minutes, max of 10 minutes...

....ok maybe 15 minutes if I really stretch it, other than that, I really can't give a crap about Paris.

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All i really know about Paris Hilton is that she is rich, and seems pretty dumb. Beyond that i'm unsure of any reason to "hate" her. Some very kind / intelligent people have been guilty of drunk driving. Just that alone isn't a fair reason to dislike her is it?

Is she bad / negative in some way i should be aware of? I'm not defending her exactly since i have no basis for it. I hope we aren't hating her just because shes rich/famous/blonde.

Its probably not the best thing for me to gauge though, since i cant hold a grudge even on people that have fucked me over specifically for longer than like 2 weeks.

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At least she finally stated (if the report was true)..

she has in her past "played dumb consistently"..

she says she is NOT a dumb girl..

she is said to have passed on a public apology to well, everyone basically, that she is sorry to have "played this game" in her life..

So if the report is true, I respect this statement.

An apology holds ALOT of weight with me.

Afterall, we all make mistakes and the first step to making things better is an admitance of guilt..

Now, we wait to see what floods the radio and such..

I have not paid too much attention to "young hollywood".. the things i have heard have made me shake my head and reflect on my own youth, but WHAT CAN I DO?! about young hollywood?! currently, nothing.

i live in Michigan and am not a counselor to Hollywood's lil naughties..

things i HAVE heard have made me wonder though?


is anyone dumb like that REALLY?

My guess?

A game.. a ploy.. a trick (get an ax)..

It was a RELIEF to hear this (supposed) apology.

...and she said she wont appeal her time... she is going to take her lesson.

do her time.

.....what are ya gonna do.....

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When I saw the 'news' report of her being escorted back to jail, all the while crying like a baby, I thought, what a fucking cry baby. She's 26 for crying out loud. She KNOWS better. She should be very lucky that she didn't kill someone while driving drunk. Besides, I keep reading in the paper that there's ZERO tolerance for being DUI. It's about time they made an example out of someone famous. Or in this case, imfamous. I also won't be holding my breath to see how long her new found faith in GOD holds up. Hopefully though, this will be a wake up call for Miss Hilton.

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When I saw the 'news' report of her being escorted back to jail, all the while crying like a baby, I thought, what a fucking cry baby. She's 26 for crying out loud. She KNOWS better. She should be very lucky that she didn't kill someone while driving drunk. Besides, I keep reading in the paper that there's ZERO tolerance for being DUI. It's about time they made an example out of someone famous. Or in this case, imfamous. I also won't be holding my breath to see how long her new found faith in GOD holds up. Hopefully though, this will be a wake up call for Miss Hilton.

You have kids right?

Do you have a daughter?

Does she watch for Paris on tv and get excited?

I ask because the way I learned who Paris Hilton was was through young girls.

:o I didnt know what to say?!?!?! It can be shocking that people go un-dealt with for long periods of time... some of the reported behavior is so thoughtless. Its very sad. Why does her mom not counsel her better?

DOES she counsel her?

Does she ignore the behavior because her child is a WOMAN and no longer a child?

I feel now like I should air info about myself.

In my teens to early 20s.. 15-22 .. I partied A L O T. I was downing 6 packs at 15. Using a rainbow of drugs.. And my mom got FED UP with my lack of care for myself, friends, family, S O C I E T Y.. So, she kicked me out of the house. She did not want to watch me rebel and did not want my bro and sis watching it either.

So, I was on my own living in Hamtrack. Making my own decisions which included heavy drinking and snorting cocaine on the weekends. My boyfriend at the time (i was 20) was so disgusted and frightened for me it sparked HUGE fights.


Ms Sybil had some act-cleaning-up to do.

And I did.

I have been clean since I was 22.

I have an occasional beer.. glass of wine. But I dont drive afterwards.

I could NOT LIVE WITH MYSELF if I hurt someone.. if I endangered someone.. again.

Young and angry and inconsiderate is bad enough. (me when i was younger)

I have not seen Ms Hilton looking angry while she does these things.

I have seen partying.


I hope she learned.


GROWS from this.

Young girls want to be her. (some that I have seen.)

In her recent state she is not a very nice rolemodel.

I hope it works out for her. That she learns about moderation. How to CONTROL her very OWN life.

And I hope she finds out how to be a REAL strong woman.

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