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Vintage Gaming

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I'm quite the vintage gamer, I'm big into collecting SNES and NES games and SNES is still my favorite system of all time. Who out of all of you still play it, and for those of you who do, what is your FAVORITE game of all time?

I would have to say mine is Earthbound for SNES. It's this old RPG, I believe circa 1994 if my memory holds up, but it's easily the most original RPG of its time seeing as it was pretty much one of the first to take place in the modern age and the storyline is just epic.

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For Snes it's A Link To The Past, with Super Metroid coming in a close second. Both games were just epic. Now they're under-appreciated, and no 2-D Zelda, or side-scroller Metroid I've played has had the amount of feeling that those two had.

Favorite game of all time would be Ocarina.. When it came out with the debute of N64 it moved me, there are so many memories of that game I have that are just really good memories.

As for the newest Zelda, Twilight Princess was ok, but they shouldn't have released it for the Wii; they could've put more work into the Gamecube version. The segmented hyrule field felt like a cluttered mess, aswell as many of the lands. The dungeons went increasingly smaller just like in Windwaker. The plot didn't feel like it twisted as much, such as Ocarina had that unforgettable scene in Kakariko village with the two witches. No voice acting. It had the best ending out of all the Zelda's in my opinion, but there was so much more they could've done with it.. Malo Mart however, was just awesome.

Back on topic.. I've been meaning to get together with a friend and play through all three of the original Donkey Kong games. Something I can't do on my own, and also some of the later levels piss me off too much, lol.

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Kudos! Totally. Dragon Warrior/Quest is one of my favorite game series of all time. I have played everything except for 7 all the way through already. Nowadays I just don't have the time to commit to it, and that's a really long game.

The early Final Fantasy games also have a certain memorable ring for me. Sitting around, playing each others' characters, leveling up.

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I've got about 5,800 ROM's taking up just over a gigabyte of space on my system and I've got emulators for almost everything under the sun.

SNES favorite game? Super Metroid for sure.


Me too! I love emulators! I love Dragon Warrior too, but (and it's redundant I know..) Chrono Trigger is teh bomb!

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Geez, my favorite game of all time. This is a toughie. I have owned an Atari 2600, Collectivision, NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, Sega CD, 3DO, Gameboy, Gameboy Color, N64, PSX and now I have XBOX,PS2, GCN, and A DS.

Well, I can't name just one, so I'll list a few for the vintage systems.

Moon Patrol -Atari 2600

Super Mario Bros. - NES

Donkey Kong - Atari 2600


Killer Instinct - SNES

Final Fantasy 3 (originally 6 in Japan) - SNES

Super Mario 64 - N64

Golden Eye - N64

Asteroids - Atari 2600

Centipede - Atari 2600

Gex - 3DO

Lion King - SNES

Megaman 2,3,5 and 6 - NES

Megaman 7 - SNES

Megaman 8 - PSX and Sega CD

Geez, I gotta stop here. I'm going to fill up this entire page if I keep going.

But now, my favorite games of all time as of now (and I think for ever) Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil : Code Veronica, The rest of the Resident Evil games (just 2 and Code Veronica are at the top), Zelda : The Ocarina of Time, and newly adapted to my list: Zelda : The Twilight Princess, Final Fantasy 7 and The Original Megaman Series (I really didn't like X so much) I think that's it. (Thanks again to Scary Guy reminding me of Megaman *kicks himself in the head for forgetting MM*)

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Well for vintage games... like SNES, there's of course Zelda, "A Link To The Past"... and of course Super Mario World... I can never get tired of that game, they never made a Mario game that good since IMO. My top 10 list of games goes as follows...

1)Final Fantasy VII (PS1)

2)Legend of Zelda, "Twilight Princess" (GC, Wii)

3)GTA "San Andraes" (PS2)

4)The Godfather (PS2)

5)LoZ, "A Link To The Past" (SNES)

6)Super Mario World (SNES)

7)Jak and Daxter III (PS2)

8)Jak and Daxter II (PS2)

9)Legacy of Kain, "Defiance"

10)Final Fantasy VI (SNES or PS1)

There's others to list... like old school NES Zeldas ect, but unfortunately, before my rat died, he chewed through the power cord so my NES no work :cry (This didn't harm the critter in any way, he stole a slice of pizza after he chewed through the thing, then drank vodka)

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Well for vintage games... like SNES, there's of course Zelda, "A Link To The Past"... and of course Super Mario World... I can never get tired of that game, they never made a Mario game that good since IMO. My top 10 list of games goes as follows...

1)Final Fantasy VII (PS1)

2)Legend of Zelda, "Twilight Princess" (GC, Wii)

3)GTA "San Andraes" (PS2)

4)The Godfather (PS2)

5)LoZ, "A Link To The Past" (SNES)

6)Super Mario World (SNES)

7)Jak and Daxter III (PS2)

8)Jak and Daxter II (PS2)

9)Legacy of Kain, "Defiance"

10)Final Fantasy VI (SNES or PS1)

There's others to list... like old school NES Zeldas ect, but unfortunately, before my rat died, he chewed through the power cord so my NES no work :cry (This didn't harm the critter in any way, he stole a slice of pizza after he chewed through the thing, then drank vodka)

If the only reason your NES doesn't work is because the cord to the ac adapter is severed, then it'd be really easy to fix it. You can pick up a new adapter at anyplace such as Walmart for like 10$. PM me if you're intrested, I can tell you how to fix it. It's not difficult at all.

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If the only reason your NES doesn't work is because the cord to the ac adapter is severed, then it'd be really easy to fix it. You can pick up a new adapter at anyplace such as Walmart for like 10$. PM me if you're intrested, I can tell you how to fix it. It's not difficult at all.

I tried, but i electrocuted myself and said to hell with it and broke it even worse. As if that would make any difference anyway, my vcr (wich is needed to hook up game systems to the tv went explody on me a few months back. When I'm in germany and get the cash flow again, I'm going to restock all my fav games one by one... FF6 shoulda been up a few more, I just remembered how cool that game was with Kefka and all...

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I have many a fond memory of my NES.

I got one new when it came out.

I played it just about every single day,

for many many hours.

It finally crapped out after 13 yrs of heavy usage.

It got to the point where I would have to invent tricks just to get it to turn on.

Then the power cord crapped out.

My favorite games were Dragon Warrior, & Super Mario Bros.

I learned a trick in Super Mario Bros, where you could really rack up extra points by kicking the turtles just the right way on the stairs on certain levels.

Ah the good ole days...

Strangely enough, Ive never bought a home game system since.

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no kiddin... damn... meh my list stays the same but mega man would for sure be in my top 20... 2 anyway... god i remember back in the day, i used to play it so much i could beat any robot before any other robot.. well except for quick man, he would always kick my ass until i got air man's tool

If you have a PS2 or GCN you should pick up The Megaman Anniversary Collection. It's AMAZING!! It has ALL the original 8-bit Megaman goodness plus some. Megaman 1-8 are on it, plus some of the original music is on it but most of the music has been remixed. Plus it has the 2 Japanese arcade games on it that you can unlock. And the GCN version has an unlockable interview with the creator of MM and the PS2 has an (get this) unlockable episode of THE FRIGGIN CARTOON!! (You guys HAVE to remember the cartoon!!) So, I had to get the PS2 version!! lol

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I bought an old school NES from a Del Rio, Texas flea market for $20. I bought a bunch of games from various people too for $2 each including the original Final Fantasy. I also liked playing Dragon Warrior and Chrono Trigger for PS.

I also have Megaman 2 and 4 in my NES collection along with Friday the 13th, and both Double Dragons among many other games like Zelda 1 and gold version of 2.

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I have probably 90% of all NES games ever released, and probably 50% of all SNES games. At one time i was a fanatic. long into the age of PS2 i was still playing SNES/NES/Sega Genesis/Master System stuff.

I've long not cared all that much about graphics, a good game is a good game. =) But, the advances in modern gameplay vs games of ye olden days is difficult to ignore.

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Mmmm I read a few people mention Chrono Trigger in there, which is amazingly hard if not near impossible to find. Chrono Trigger is tha sex. Also, I'm surprised I haven't heard Secret Of Mana yet, but I should probably put that on my favorites list along with all three Donkey Kong Country games, which I <3 more than Mario (and will most likely have all of you disagree with me, but whatev, I like whut I wawnt).

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