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Best Brand Name Booze

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What is the best nationally known store-bought brand name alcohol in your opinion? (nationally known, meant to separate it from some obscure hard to find stuff)

i saw something on tv about this recently. people did a taste challenge with vodka. they picked their favorites and then did a blind taste testing of ... i don't recall how many brands... but most of them didn't even end up liking their "favorite" brand once they had it "straight up". they realized they were paying more for brand than taste.

with that said... i have never had a favorite brand name alcohol. just last year i started to even like to drink at all. for most of my adult life i had a hard time drinking because i just hated the taste of most things except a select few mixed drinks.

i've come to find, for mixed drinks, i like vodka the best (but currently like a drink that has coconut rum in it) and last summer i finally started to like red wine.

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I have poor taste in liquor. I like Boone's Farm. :p

Seriously, though, I like Chambord for liquor. Fighting Cock whiskey. Just about any flavored vodka. And for "soft alcohol", Woodchuck hard cider.

We are now a dry household, however. So I may only have something when I go to CC. Jon is not drinking at all anymore.

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i saw something on tv about this recently. people did a taste challenge with vodka. they picked their favorites and then did a blind taste testing of ... i don't recall how many brands... but most of them didn't even end up liking their "favorite" brand once they had it "straight up". they realized they were paying more for brand than taste.

with that said... i have never had a favorite brand name alcohol. just last year i started to even like to drink at all. for most of my adult life i had a hard time drinking because i just hated the taste of most things except a select few mixed drinks.

i've come to find, for mixed drinks, i like vodka the best (but currently like a drink that has coconut rum in it) and last summer i finally started to like red wine.

Yeah somehow i don't think people can really tell the difference between one glass of hairspray (vodka) and another all that well. I bet if you filled up one of them glasses with White Rain someone would be like.. omg my brand!!

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Jose Cuervo 1800

I <3 muh tequilla, it's the only thing I take shots of. Everything else isn't good enough for my taste, so I have to mix it, and if I have to mix it I don't really give a fuck what it is.

Most nationally known though?

Vodka - Smirnoff

Rum - Probably Bacardi, knowing those parties I've been to, but I've got a little Captain in me personally.

Gin - Tangueray

Whiskey - Jack Daniels

In my opinion anyway.

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So far Ive basically found that I'd rather have Koolaid or Pop over any kind of alcohol I've ever had. I keep thinking im going to find some "type" of alcohol that actually tastes good on its own, without the lure of getting hammered to get me to actually drink it. =P

Some of the girly drinks almost approach what i'd call "tasting good" on their own , but still.. gimi the Koolaid. If there was a kind of alcoholic Koolaid , i'd be hammered 24/7 i think.

When i was in Florida (Ybor, a goth club called The Castle) I told the guy "make me something strong as hell, that ill get hammered from in one cup, hopefully that doesn't taste like total piss"

He threw a bunch of clearish stuff into a medium sized cup and said "don't ask , just drink it." It really didn't taste like much of anything in particular. Within about 5 minutes i was blasted, and stayed blasted for a good 4 hours i think. Never did find out what it was. Definitely did not taste like hairspray the way most very strong stuff seems to taste. Later on a guy i had met there who saw me get it said "i think that was some version of what they call "liquid cocane" here" Still... gimi the Koolaid.

I'm unsure if i ever actually had Tequila straight.

I've never even heard of "Chambord" or "Hypnotic". I'm guessing these have the nice motor-oil / hairspray taste of most all the liquors?

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Guest Megalicious

Scotch- Ardbeg

Vodka- Chopin

I fucking hate Gin but if I had to drink it - Junipero

I hate Tequila probably because every weekend in Highschool we would go down to TJ and get shitfaced.

Whiskey- Jameson, I'll take it over Jack any day.

Troy, that hairspray taste comes from cheap shit. Get yourself something nice and smooth. In liquor you really do get what you pay for.

I believe both Chambord and Hypnotic are of the fruity kind, and by saying that I mean fruit flavored. I've never had the Chambord, I have had hypnotic but it just wasn't of my taste.

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This is Chambord:


It has an orange flavor to it.

I can't really drink any liquor straight. I used to slam Vodka when I wanted to get wasted because 1) it was simply the first thing I ever drank 2) it mixes well in juices 3) it comes in really cheap brands that make it easy on your pocket to get shitfaced.

But I never liked the flavor. Expensive or cheap - it all tastes like shit to me.

I prefer girly drinks. I asked whas-his-face, the bartender at CC that makes the strong drinks - to make me something fruity, sweet & strong and watched as he mixed a bunch of fruity shnapps and then top it off with 100 proof Banana schnapps. It did the trick.

I'm not fond of banana flavor, but that same brand of shnapps also comes in berry & one other flavor I'm forgetting.

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Captain Morgan

Jack Daniels


Jameson!!! <---new to me thanks Odims!

Mint Chocolate Bailey's - mmmmmmmmmm esp with coffee!

or beer. Whatever.

Disarono on the rocks<---just kidding, I fucking just HATE the commercial where the bartender guy wants to take away the bitches glass and she's like no no, and eats the ice....and he gets turned on....

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it comes in really cheap brands that make it easy on your pocket to get shitfaced.

Mwahhaha. I like the sound of that.

I wonder if there is some sort of uber-potent fruit flavor stuff that you could basically fill up a big ass cup of some random rocket fuel.. then cover it up with the fruit flavor so much that you don't even notice the shitty rocket-fuel taste.

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I have been drunk off 100 proof straight-up Popov (ghetto ass vodka), it's the reason I haven't been drunk since. I probably have ethanol and lead poisoning permanently swimming in my bloodstream, and I'll probably shoot out a fireball when I die. The moral of the story is that rocket fuel just isn't worth it, and mixing something that has barely been filtered is not worth it either. Rocket fuel is evil, just pure evil.

Captain Morgan Tattoo (Dark Rum)

I have to say that drinking this straight is amazing, dark rum is leaned more towards being made from molasses, and drinking this at first was kind of like classic Coca-Cola to me (haven't ever tried mixing the two yet, but I'm eager to try it at least once someday). There is still a nasty bite, nowhere as severe as vodka, nowhere as bitter as Cap'n spiced rum, but it's there and asking for a chaser or a mixer.

Anyways, Tattoo seems worth buying if you want to go cocktail experimenting.

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This is Chambord:


It has an orange flavor to it.

I can't really drink any liquor straight. I used to slam Vodka when I wanted to get wasted because 1) it was simply the first thing I ever drank 2) it mixes well in juices 3) it comes in really cheap brands that make it easy on your pocket to get shitfaced.

But I never liked the flavor. Expensive or cheap - it all tastes like shit to me.

I prefer girly drinks. I asked whas-his-face, the bartender at CC that makes the strong drinks - to make me something fruity, sweet & strong and watched as he mixed a bunch of fruity shnapps and then top it off with 100 proof Banana schnapps. It did the trick.

I'm not fond of banana flavor, but that same brand of shnapps also comes in berry & one other flavor I'm forgetting.

I have been drunk off 100 proof straight-up Popov (ghetto ass vodka), it's the reason I haven't been drunk since. I probably have ethanol and lead poisoning permanently swimming in my bloodstream, and I'll probably shoot out a fireball when I die. The moral of the story is that rocket fuel just isn't worth it, and mixing something that has barely been filtered is not worth it either. Rocket fuel is evil, just pure evil.

Captain Morgan Tattoo (Dark Rum)

I have to say that drinking this straight is amazing, dark rum is leaned more towards being made from molasses, and drinking this at first was kind of like classic Coca-Cola to me (haven't ever tried mixing the two yet, but I'm eager to try it at least once someday). There is still a nasty bite, nowhere as severe as vodka, nowhere as bitter as Cap'n spiced rum, but it's there and asking for a chaser or a mixer.

Anyways, Tattoo seems worth buying if you want to go cocktail experimenting.

Uggghhhh hangovers! Fierce Critter, you're more of a trooper than me, I drink the table varnish kind of shit, but fruity/sweet stuff leaves me sick the next day. I'm not gonna LIE, I mean I love the taste and all, but not the million pound throbbing headache the next day. I think that Captain Morgan Tattoo falls under the same category, one night my roommates and I stayed up good and late and I (yes I, not us or we, but I rather) polished off the whole fifth of that Tattoo. I remember throwing up at least 10-15 times the next day. Blech. Tastes good though.

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