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A Question To The Women.


Long hair or not?  

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I have been noticing a trend lately that a lot of the long haired guys I have known or met tend to be single. I began to wonder if women thought of these guys in general as immature or was it for another reason? I came up with this poll to help get a grip on the trend here. I have already seen the trend on various dating sites where long hair is a turn off for women. And the numbers were pretty staggering. I started having those thoughts again of cutting my hair solely for comfort reasons and secondarily for dating purposes as well as my job for delivery for a grocer which makes me appear more professional. So, what will the polls say? Let's find out.

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There isn't an answer that applies to my situation.

When I met Jon, he had long, gorgeous hair. I have been and always will be turned on by long hair on guys. So it was really a treat when I met him and he had that long, gorgeous hair. He used to get complimented on by strangers - some women at Greenfield Village even told him never to cut it.

If it's GOOD long hair, it's great. I don't mean these 40+ year old guys who are thinning and greying and wear a looooong ponytail or even worse - the "thin braid" - down their back. Ick.

And I don't mean when you hit 40 you have to cut it. Just if it's skanky or otherwise unattractive. Ever see the guy who sells the "Crystal Sticks" - juggling sticks - at the ren fest? He's usually in the parades, too. He's probably in his 60's, and has a lovely head of silver hair that he wears in a ponytail down his back. I had always hoped to see Jon with that kind of hair when he's in his 60's.

But Jon cut his hair for the whole "professional" thing back in 2002 when he was going to the new job in NC. I took him to London Calling so he could get it done by someone who wouldn't give him a totally "corporate" look. I actually cried while she cut it. I kept his ponytail for a long time after that. I cried often.

Eventually, I just got used to it. I did see he was more comfortable. Though I really still hated the shortness of it. He gets it feathered all over and kinda short. I don't care for the style because he has a tendency to slick it down with a lot of gel so it won't fly loose while he works.

I have come to realize I now probably prefer him with short hair, but I really wish he could become comfortable with an "in-between" length. Something with a lot of shape/style, but maybe falling somewhere between the nape of his neck and his shoulders. But he goes nuts if his hair touches his ears. Once it starts growing to that point, he puts a damned ballcap on and I hate that even worse than the cut.

I still mourn the loss of his hair. But he's pushing 30 now, and not the 19 he was when I met him. He's got a more "manly" appearance now, and I think shorter hair suits him better.

Sigh. <-- remembering how he'd bend over me in bed and "tickle" my body with his gorgeous, thick chestnut hair. Gads, that was a TURN-FUCKING-ON.


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by all means, get your hair cut if you you want to attract throngs of women who care more about your looks than your personality...

DAMN BOY DON'T BE DAFT!!!! If YOU like having long hair, then don't change yourself to attract women who aren't on the same wavelength as you!

(P.S... you *know* I think you looked a lot sexier with short hair... but confidence and putting his own wants before those of any potential bitches is way more important than what any guy's hair looks like)

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I will admit I prefer short hair on guys. Long hair can look good if it suits the person and is well-maintained; too many guys just grow it out indefinitely without bothering to brush, trim, style, or use good conditioner, and just throw it in a ratty-looking ponytail 99% of the time. Even in the case of well-kept long hair I still prefer short, but that's just me. If I met a long-haired guy who was wonderful in every other way and I felt we were compatible I wouldn't turn him down just because of the hair, but in Saechaland where I get to design my own man, he has short hair.

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I didn't vote cause there was no option for it doesn't matter!

Some of the sexiset men I've ever seen had long hair....and better, thicker shinier hair than my own!

I don't think it should matter really.....I guess it depends on ones taste!

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I didn't vote cause there was no option for it doesn't matter!

Some of the sexiset men I've ever seen had long hair....and better, thicker shinier hair than my own!

I don't think it should matter really.....I guess it depends on ones taste!

You taste men? :secret:

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I'd like to add that I think some long-haired men, while sexy or good-looking or attractive - however you want to put it - could benefit from the fresh look of a new haircut.

I was at first aghast when Anthony Kiedis of Red Hot Chili Peppers cut his hair. But now that it's long again, I think I liked him better short.

James Hetfield of Metallica should never have cut his hair.

I think I like whas-his-name from Soundgarden better with short.

But I think even Fabio - he of the treasured golden mane - seriously needs a haircut. I think at this point in his life he'd look manlier with it short.

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I guess the most general answer I can give is that I prefer medium lenght hair on guys, meaning somewhere between the top of the ears and just below the chin. In general I don't like overly long hair or super short hair, I like to have just enough to run my fingers through.

It totally depends on the guy, though. I love long hair on my boyfriend because his is so thick and healthy. Short or bald can be hot on the right guy too.

I think a lot of women say they don't like long hair on guys because, like saechalyn said, so many of them don't do much to style or groom it. Often when I see guys with long hair it looks thin or frizzy or dirty. It's not exclusive to guys, either. Some women would look better if they trimmed their long, unkempt hair, too.

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I adore long hair on men. I'd consider dating a man with short hair if I really liked him, but I'd probably see if I couldn't convince him to grow it out a bit ;)

With that said though, you should do what's best for yourself, not for a potential date.

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You're missing a "I have dated guys with long hair, and am willing to do so again" option.

I like long hair so long as it's well cared for. Too many men with long hair have frizzy or thin hair, which is not especially attractive on a dude in length. Primarily, I've dated men with short hair, but I wouldn't say it's something I'm dedicated to.

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hey i have been out with men/boys that have short hair, long hair, no hair. depending on if it is kept clean and brushed or not is the main thing. hair doesn't bother me on men. some people are better with long hair and some are better with short or no hair. some people are better with beards and some are not. it mostly depends on if i hit it off with them right away or not.

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by all means, get your hair cut if you you want to attract throngs of women who care more about your looks than your personality...

DAMN BOY DON'T BE DAFT!!!! If YOU like having long hair, then don't change yourself to attract women who aren't on the same wavelength as you!

(P.S... you *know* I think you looked a lot sexier with short hair... but confidence and putting his own wants before those of any potential bitches is way more important than what any guy's hair looks like)



Passionate women are the good women.

(i found this reply adorable and hilarious and Passionate.)

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I have been noticing a trend lately that a lot of the long haired guys I have known or met tend to be single. I began to wonder if women thought of these guys in general as immature or was it for another reason? I came up with this poll to help get a grip on the trend here. I have already seen the trend on various dating sites where long hair is a turn off for women. And the numbers were pretty staggering. I started having those thoughts again of cutting my hair solely for comfort reasons and secondarily for dating purposes as well as my job for delivery for a grocer which makes me appear more professional. So, what will the polls say? Let's find out.

i dated a guy years ago with long hair. i liked his hair and i knew other guys who had similar length hair. it was nice on some of them but not all of them.

i only like long hair on guys if it is really nice hair and not TOO long. not just long hair for the sake of having it long.

i saw a man at the baseball game recently- he had a HUGE bald spot all over the top of his head and long stringy greasy hair on the sides and back. it was so disgusting. how can this guy NOT know how bad that looks? how come no one he knows would TELL him if he didn't know??? it was really really bad.

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Again as I mentioned in my original thread, I am not out to change my looks just for dating. I did it once back in 03 as a fresh change and it was getting too annoying to brush every day. Methinks its just time for a new change but different style than the last one. Its summer and I wouldn't mind wearing my ballcaps again. I have to wear them backwards currently or with the ponytail through the hole in the back and that to me is too tennis type heh. How about some help on who would do up a good style of hair after cutting all of it off? Do all shops honor the free haircut for the Locks of Love Foundation? I did it that way last time and it at least went to a good cause.

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All of you can, no offense intended, die in a fire. :cool

I've had it since I was 13 (barring a few months about two years ago), and I don't intend to change it, unless I start losing it. I like it just the way it is.

I think your hair works well for you man. I think it does for me as well, but I tend to change things up now and then when I get bored of what I do. I noticed that when I was in my sparatic job market search. I tried almost everything that I could get my hands on. It was cut in 03 and it will probably be again in 07 haha.

In the words of a friend of mine, "Jeff, go get a haircut!" lol

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All of you can, no offense intended, die in a fire. :cool

I've had it since I was 13 (barring a few months about two years ago), and I don't intend to change it, unless I start losing it. I like it just the way it is.

It was 3 years ago...and didn't you tell me that you got hit on more times the month that you got it cut than ever before. =P

Seriously, though, guys, we all have different preferences. I shared mine. The next woman to come along probably has completely different taste than I do, so cutting or growing out your hair solely to attract women is kind of fruitless. Not that I think anyone on here really needs me to reiterate this, but if you like your hair, who cares who else does?

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