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Criminal Past

Fierce Critter

What's your criminal past?  

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Watching a lot of crime shows today, and I got curious. Everybody shares their sexual histories, etc. Wonder how many DGN'ers have had run-ins with the law in the past. I'm supposing everybody knows these polls are anonymous, but if you're not comfortable responding, of course, don't.

You can select more than one.

And since I am no expert on any of this, I'm sure I left out tons of stuff, and maybe even some of the things I put there aren't really possible (I don't know, for instance, if you can commit a felony without some kind of time served).

Damn. I forgot to put a choice like "arrested, charges dropped". I'd like to say pick "Childhood/teen stupidity like shoplifting, valdalism, etc. - no record." in that sort of situation, but I guess most people would go with "other" in that situation.

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I was arrested for a crime once.. and then the paper work got sorted out and was released and they took my statement as a witness and I testified in court to the fact that I had not only seen the man raping the woman but had been one of the 4 men that stopped the rape.

That's scary.

glad they sorted it out. Really makes me wonder how many people get arrested for things they did not do.

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You don't have an option for traffic tickets where you did get points.

I keep getting caught speeding. I swear I really don't mean to speed. I really need to get a car with cruise control.

I'm trying to pay more attention, but I have gotten points for the first time this year for speeding. I seem to always mess up when I'm driving back into a small town from the bigger city traffic (where if you don't speed at least some they run you over) and I forget to slow down enough.

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I didn't have any traffic tickets until last year, I got three. No points for any of them ... but impeding traffic for my accident in April 06, speeding a mile over in June 06 AT WORK, none the less! And speeding a mile over on my way to the hospital on I-94 in October 06.

Prior to that, I had immunity from the state to testify against another's crimes ... I'm not really going to claim that because they were completely wrong on it, I never should have needed the immunity anyway - but it was dumb. The City that took my statement screwed up my statement and it was to late to fix it when it went to trial.

I've had a couple Contempt of Court's ... but they've all been no time served - and brought on by lies anyway.

With all that said - I chose the third one.

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This is really interesting.

And "Minor traffic tickets" will cover ones that put points on your record.

I actually should have added "major traffic tickets" too.

I had a stupid run-in with a Dearborn cop at Ford Field (the one in Dearborn, of course, not the stadium in Detroit). I was in my own car follwing a car full of friends. They pulled into the parking lot there, and I thought they were parking, so I pulled into a spot. They actually u-turned and went on, so I pulled back out of the spot and followed them. A cop gave me my first ticket then - I forget what for, but I went to court and fought it, and won.

I had another incident where I got stupid in Westland. I was driving some friends, and as usual, I was designated driver (I didn't drink at all back then) and they were all drunk. So I took them down a cul-de-sac and was going to spin them around it a couple times and make them sick. Dumb, dumb dumb. I went too fast, jumped the curb, and took out a sapling tree. Started to stop, but I was very freaked out by what I'd done and all it took was one freaked-out pal in the back seat yelling "GO GO GO" to set me to running.

I ended up in Garden City, where I got pulled over. Seems the tree I was dragging under my rear bumper kinda caught their attention. So I had to go back to the "scene of arboreal crime" and show them where it had happened, and get passed on to the Westland police.

I have to say, both sets of cops treated me very nice considering what a dumbass thing I did. They could see I was really upset and regretful, and even sat in the front seat discussing between themselves what to charge me with and how it could be pled down to lighter charges. In the end, I went to court and got I think 4 or 6 points, for temporarily leaving the scene of a property damage accident, and the other for careless driving. That's been a long time ago now, and dropped off my record.

I really hate traffic court now and do everything in my power to avoid it. :D

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I was arrested Oct. 2006 on some really messed up charges, two of them. Things just got out of hand, two against one and I was the one arrested. I spent four nights in Westland jail. These two charges will be dropped at the end of my probabtion which is in Sept. if I continue my good behavior.

I have reporting probation which I see my PO once a month and I had to submit to six random drugs screens which usually happen every couple of months. I have two left to do, from now till Sept. The good thing is these tests are always on a Sunday.

Looking forward to Sept.

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raer end of my corrola overhung a residents only space for 30 mins while i quickly visited my uni campus to drop in a report.

technically i should not have had it as my wheels were not in the space but its easier just to give the £30 fine than argure with the council fundraisers.

other than that, clean police and criminal records, intend keeping them that way

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Back in the day, like when I was 19, I used to kinda be a hoodlum still, but never got caught for anything. My current boyfriend, Raven, and I, my ex, and another girl, Lindsay, decided we were going to go to this place by Universal Mall called White Hill (if any of you are familiar). We had been going to White Hill since I was like 16 so I never really thought anything of it, and definately didn't think of it as private property, it was just some shitty wooded patch of land behind a subdivision full of junk, but in high school we'd go back there and drink and smoke (if ya catch my drift). So my at-the-time-friend, Raven, was always talking about his "running from the cops" stories, none of which I actually believed because back then he was always bragging about shit that I figured wasn't true. Well, we went back there, got situated, and he had the bright fucking idea to start a bon fire. Yeah, bon fire, in the "woods" in the middle of Madison Heights. Not very smart. Well sure enough, maybe 20 minutes later Lindsay looks up and says "I hear people". We shrug it off and keep doing what we were doing. Five minutes after that she says "I see people!" Still, no response from us, people pass through there all the time. That was when we should have stopped what we were doing and gotten the hell out of there, because only a second later she says "I SEE COPS!" Apparantly they saw our unintentional smoke signal. I turn around to be all "Raven, what do we do?", but low and behold, the kid was right about out-running the cops, because the only thing I saw was the bottoms of his shoes about a half mile down the path. He never did get caught (was actually arrested for it later b/c a warrant turned up b/c the other girl had gave his name to the cops). He outran their DOGS, jumped over a cliff (which is where he lost the dogs at) squeezed in a drain pipe, changed his clothes in 30 seconds, hopped out and walked to Universal Mall to call for a get away. He was passing right by cops, who were swarming the area looking for him, but since they had only gotten a clothes description of him (since they only saw his back) they didn't suspect anything and he got away scott free. The rest of us however? I got charged with trespassing, open fire, and MIP (my ex had put his beers in my backpack), the girl Lindsay got charged with possession (she had weed on her) along with the other charges, and my ex got charged with the same except he got "contributing to a minor". His charges were all dropped, I had to do 6 months probation (which is crap), and the other girl got a year plus drug tests. All of this on Easter Eve. Needless to say, when I called my mom telling her she had to come up with 600 dollars at 9 at night or gramma would wonder where I was the next day for holiday dinner, she wasn't all too thrilled with the situation. Wow...sorry for the novel (again). I'm starting to realize I have a real bad habit of doing that.

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I had a shoplifting phase in my teens. I got busted at Meijer but they just handed me over to my mom. LOL Traffic tickets and that's all though there's plenty I got away with in the drug category. I was a but of a hoodlum in high school.

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