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Criminal Past

Fierce Critter

What's your criminal past?  

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Guest Megalicious

  Fierce Critter said:
Wow, Meg. That sounds really interesting. Was it a protest or some kind of performance art situation?

Graffiti, it's addicting =). I use to have this wonderful passion for it and was pretty damn good at it as well. One of the best girls in Los Angeles anyway. It's kind of a sexist scene lol ...

So I got caught..... but I didn't get it as bad as my cousin and my SO at the time. They were fucking stupid and ran across a freeway ... so they got alot more time and fines and shit.

I spent 3 nights in Jail, only due to the fact that it was a friday and I couldn't go to what they call "video" court untill Monday.

It sucked, but hey that is the price we pay for love.

A valid point is it didn't stop me from painting. As a matter of fact I believe I went out again the night I got out. I believe they should have an area that artist can go to and just paint. Most ppl don't realize that it's not really a "gang" thing. There are alot of wonderful and gifted artist out there, graffiti just happens to be their medium.

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  Megalicious said:
A valid point is it didn't stop me from painting. As a matter of fact I believe I went out again the night I got out. I believe they should have an area that artist can go to and just paint. Most ppl don't realize that it's not really a "gang" thing. There are alot of wonderful and gifted artist out there, graffiti just happens to be their medium.

I think that would be awesome if there were places for that - perhaps even a few designated buildings as a blank slate for the taking. I've seen some amazing graffiti artwork.

It wouldn't stop the ones who do it for the kick of doing something illegal though. There's actually graffiti on the house I'm buying and since the house is taking all my cash it'll be a while before I can hire a painter. Sort of spoils the look of a 97 year old victorian home :(

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Wow. That's actually very cool.

I LOVE graffiti. I've seen a couple documentaries on artists, and read books about it.

I've often thought to myself they should have ground-level billboards and stuff erected in neighborhoods where graffiti is prevalent so the artists have a designated place to work their magic.

I'm willing to bet you have pictures of your work, Meg. I'd love to see them.

Did you have a particular "tag"?

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Nothing I got caught for....I guess I wake up and break at least 10 laws before noon everyday....usually about 7 a week......lol......working on more.

On record though just speeding and parking tickets.

When I was underage I got busted once for drug and weapon possession and I was a runnaway......but I think that is wipped off when ya turn 18......dunno......they said it would be but they felt sorry for me at the time.

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Guest Megalicious

  Fierce Critter said:
I've often thought to myself they should have ground-level billboards

Getting up old buildings and billboards is half the fun, plus the view can be amazing =)

  Chernobyl said:

You are now officially at BAMF status. Jeeeeezus, you get a gold star. I'm jealous :-P

Thanks :biggrin:

Tiss the only time I've been to jail, thank god. =)

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  bean water said:
Hehe, I'm glad someone caught that.

Paying $100 and getting points was not great, but what was great was that I was going 12 over, but got a ticket for only 5 over. :bunny:

hey i was caught going 20 over onetime and was given a 5 over ticket.

plus i was caught driving while a lil drunk, but was given the option to go and have some coffee at the coney island or to go to the station... i took the option of going and getting coffee.

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I am shocked I never got busted for anything in my youth. I somehow narrowly missed the hard swift hand of authority. I do have a funny story tho. In Junior High a police officer was doing a speech and a demonstration with a drug sniffing dog. He was trying to explain to us how the K9 unit worked. He took out a bag of narcotic to let the dog sniff...but the dog was too busy barking and trying to head towards a girl in the front row... :whistle:

Needles to say I asked to go to the bathroom and disposed of my contraband.

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I've only had a few minor traffic tickets, but my husband when he was younger got in a barfight (he was actually to young to be there at the time... he was the designated driver...) and the guy attacked him with a knife.... he 'relieved' the man of his knife, and gave it back to him in a manner he didnt like much.... being a minor at the time, it was supposed to be off his record by now (and i think it is).

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've done many things and never been caught either by luck or by design. Someone didn't want a minor present and on the record. I get at least one speeding or such ticket a year. I started flirting w/ the law at 10 just because I was curious. I'd have to say I'm very lucky to be as alive and healthy as I am.

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I've never been arrested for anything.....and considering my fingerprints and background are on file with state police, FBI & michigan lottery its a good thing. Apparently Im such a good citizen that the cops are really nice to me when I get pulled over.

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I've been incredibly lucky, most people don't spend 15 years of opiate addiction without acquiring some kind of legal woes. I take credit for always making an effort to cover my ass, and never getting totally stupid desperate... but past a point it's just plain dumb luck.

I get speeding tickets every couple years... just got two in the past month in fact. Ended up having to pay both but only got points on one (thanks to a very nice Eaton Cty Sheriff officer). Fortunately the points from my last speeding spree are about to drop off so with a bit of luck my insurance won't go up.

Do have one thing from back in the day... not gonna give details, time, or place... supposed to be some kind of not public record deal. Which it apparently is, 'cos it hasn't showed up on any of the numerous criminal background checks I've had as a teacher. It did cause me to spend a very uncomfortable morning in jail, and made a big impression re: the importance of dealing with legal issues in a timely manner.

Oh yeah... I was arrested for being in a protest in San Francisco back in the late '80s, then blew off the court date... so I guess they would've issued a warrant for that. Fortunately I moved back here so I never had to worry about it.

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Ive never been arrested, never been to jail, have many times been lucky.

but I have been investigated, cuffed and stuffed on the curb, chased by cops on foot, in a car, on a motorcycle, and by the LAPD heliobotus (helicopter). I have watched from a distance, many times, the people that I was running with get arrested, and have seen drug busts happen miraculously right after I left the house. Pomba made a good point about addiction....if you've ever had a lengthy problem then the riff raff becomes you and it did and it was and all sorts of fucked up as various forms of shit, capers, people, sitches, and drama goes with that lifestyle.

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  Chernobyl said:
Back in the day, like when I was 19, I used to kinda be a hoodlum still, but never got caught for anything. My current boyfriend, Raven, and I, my ex, and another girl, Lindsay, decided we were going to go to this place by Universal Mall called White Hill (if any of you are familiar). We had been going to White Hill since I was like 16 so I never really thought anything of it, and definately didn't think of it as private property, it was just some shitty wooded patch of land behind a subdivision full of junk, but in high school we'd go back there and drink and smoke (if ya catch my drift). So my at-the-time-friend, Raven, was always talking about his "running from the cops" stories, none of which I actually believed because back then he was always bragging about shit that I figured wasn't true. Well, we went back there, got situated, and he had the bright fucking idea to start a bon fire. Yeah, bon fire, in the "woods" in the middle of Madison Heights. Not very smart. Well sure enough, maybe 20 minutes later Lindsay looks up and says "I hear people". We shrug it off and keep doing what we were doing. Five minutes after that she says "I see people!" Still, no response from us, people pass through there all the time. That was when we should have stopped what we were doing and gotten the hell out of there, because only a second later she says "I SEE COPS!" Apparantly they saw our unintentional smoke signal. I turn around to be all "Raven, what do we do?", but low and behold, the kid was right about out-running the cops, because the only thing I saw was the bottoms of his shoes about a half mile down the path. He never did get caught (was actually arrested for it later b/c a warrant turned up b/c the other girl had gave his name to the cops). He outran their DOGS, jumped over a cliff (which is where he lost the dogs at) squeezed in a drain pipe, changed his clothes in 30 seconds, hopped out and walked to Universal Mall to call for a get away. He was passing right by cops, who were swarming the area looking for him, but since they had only gotten a clothes description of him (since they only saw his back) they didn't suspect anything and he got away scott free. The rest of us however? I got charged with trespassing, open fire, and MIP (my ex had put his beers in my backpack), the girl Lindsay got charged with possession (she had weed on her) along with the other charges, and my ex got charged with the same except he got "contributing to a minor". His charges were all dropped, I had to do 6 months probation (which is crap), and the other girl got a year plus drug tests. All of this on Easter Eve. Needless to say, when I called my mom telling her she had to come up with 600 dollars at 9 at night or gramma would wonder where I was the next day for holiday dinner, she wasn't all too thrilled with the situation. Wow...sorry for the novel (again). I'm starting to realize I have a real bad habit of doing that.


I think that's the best version of that story I've heard yet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've only gotten one speeding ticket and that was back in October. I didnt even have my car for a MONTH and I got a ticket. The cop was nice though...... I was going 17 1/2 over (( he got technical )) and he only wrote me up for 5 over.

It happened at one of those times during the year where my paychecks were getting friendlier..... so I had the money. And it was my first 'offense'. So many people told me to fight the ticket but I said I wasnt going to, and therefore didnt. A little more than two years from now, those points wont be on my liscense anymore.

So I got a ticket. I looked at it and said "Big farkin' deal."

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I don't have the balls to come out with what made me ask this question.

But I only today was able to answer the poll itself.

Suffice it to say, my criminal past is going to stay just that - in the past. I got off - this time. :whistle:

I am sooooooooo going to be a good girl from this point forward.

Anarchist, my sorry ass.

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I've received various traffic tickets. One which was about a week and a half ago in OH.

About 15 friends and I were at Shaw park in Warren by the trailer parks. Comming out of the wooded area after a nice smoke out. We were walking out when 5.0 were walking in. Needless to say, they had our whole cheech and chong collection of bongs, pipes, hookas, baggies on the back of a cop car and they called all our parents. My dad laughed his ass off when he picked me up. That and so did the cops. They had the oldest ones (which included me) sitting in front of one of the squad cars for about 3 hrs indian style. Cop called me and I tried to get up and walk to him. My leg was asleep and said NO. Which resulted in me falling and dragging me foot with me. I broke my ankle and some toes that night.

For a while two friends of mine and I were dealin small amounts of herbage to the lower east side. We got caught up with one wrong person in '05 after almost 2 yrs of dealing. We were set up with Saint Clair Shores 5.0 at Big Kmart on 9 and Harper. We were arrested. Two of my ex-friends are currently on probate and have about 7-9 felonys. I walked away with nothing. Yea, cause I'm cool like that. And, no I didn't nark.

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