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Sometimes It Even Happens To Me....

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Not sure why Im posting this other than I like to be honest and I beleive in transparancy, even if it makes you shmuck-like occasionally.

Laura and I never fight.

We did all of that shit for years, many years ago, and learned certain tools and relationship 'rules" and roles to get around conflict.

But fucken A we're fighting now. The house is currently divided in to her side and his side. That kind of fight.

Fuck. I'm not even sure WHY this diagreement has had such volatility and why its escalated like it has.

double fuck.

ok so there ya go. I suppose I'll post something much more revalatory when I learn something.

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Fighting is hard. It's exhausting. It's one of the most difficult things for me to do. I hate to fight. You'll work through it.

There is so much truth in what she said, I feel the same, keep up the spirits bro, it will be fine, I know you two both well enought to know things will work out :)

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naw dude, women hate men who go fetal. shit, I hate men who go fetal.

Ugh. Definitely. I've seen women like that too, who give in to everything - nothing but doormats.

If there's no give and take then it's not really a relationship at all. Where would the spark and passion be? It wouldn't be real at all.

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Ugh. Definitely. I've seen women like that too, who give in to everything - nothing but doormats.

If there's no give and take then it's not really a relationship at all. Where would the spark and passion be? It wouldn't be real at all.

exactly. its painful when its not working right but in the end you have to have some dignity and self respect because if you dont you surely cant expect someone else to hand it to you.

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I can't say that I've ever had a "split the house in two" fight. We've had a fair amount of disagreements, and um... I've been sent to the couch a couple of times. (I know, the woman being sent to the couch instead of the man, strange, but true. I'm clingy when emotional, I'd rather fight while wrapped in a blanket together.)

Must've been serious, good to hear that you're out of the boiling pot though.

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I can't say that I've ever had a "split the house in two" fight. We've had a fair amount of disagreements, and um... I've been sent to the couch a couple of times. (I know, the woman being sent to the couch instead of the man, strange, but true. I'm clingy when emotional, I'd rather fight while wrapped in a blanket together.)

Must've been serious, good to hear that you're out of the boiling pot though.

"splitting the house in two" basically equated to nutrral territories (we have an upstairs and a downstairs TV)

but if you've been to the couch you know what I mean, ha ha.

but we worked it out. in the end it was probably good for us. You know you (me) can get a little too comfy at times and fail to recognize the writing on the wall....

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I can't say that I've ever had a "split the house in two" fight. We've had a fair amount of disagreements, and um... I've been sent to the couch a couple of times. (I know, the woman being sent to the couch instead of the man, strange, but true. I'm clingy when emotional, I'd rather fight while wrapped in a blanket together.)

Must've been serious, good to hear that you're out of the boiling pot though.

Shit. I've had fights so bad it split the entire NEIGHBORHOOD in two.....

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    • Sounds like a real moron!  Don't let one idjit sour you on everyone.  Sometimes what's going on with someone isn't about you, you just happen to be in range. Miss you n' Trene!
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