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Songs You're Ashamed To Listen To


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oh god you guys are so young..when I was young i rocked it to New Kids On The Block (Oh oh oh oh oh.. oh oh oh oh..the right stuff) *hangs head in shame..yeah i still know the lyrics to most of those songs and I have to admit Joey still does it for me.. it's those incredible blue eyes.. although jordan knight.. mmm have you seen him lately? *sighs* .. anyway.. that's a tad embarassing *looks for the delete button*

Ahh and I reminesce about Debbie (now deborah) Gibson and Tiffany.. and Cindy Lauper.. yes Girls really do just wanna have fun!

OH i also have another secret.. I know the entire soundtrack to the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie..you know the live action one (geesus this dates me).. heeh (on the half shell the hero's for in this day and age who could ask for more.. crimewave is high and muggings mysterious all the police and detectives are furious)...

Oh my, I forgot about the fact that i mysteriously know the lyrics to every Hall & Oats song and John Denver.. the way I found out about this was because I had this stupid board game from the 60's &70's.. I think I was a musically abused child..hehe and I know a lot of kenny Rogers songs and Air Supply..Crap I'm pathetic.. I think I lost some cool pegs in this post. :/

*hides in corner*

Okay, I'm done now..

Nobody should be ashamed of listening to John Denver, because he guest starred on the Muppets.

Hell, he was practically a Muppet himself.

I love anything by Jimmy Buffett, and I am not ashamed!

Guilty pleasures? What are those?

I still smile when I hear New Kids on the Block and Spice Girls. Ace of Base isnt a guilty pleasure, I'd proudly blast them from my speakers any day! =3

No one in between.. how can we be wrong.. sail away with me.. to another world.. and we rely on eachother uh-huh.. someone other to another uh-huh

Kenny Rogers & Dolly Parton.. Islands in the stream..

*hangs head in shame*

Ok I am so like the most of you that I quoted. I have listened to everything from classic.. .Love John Williams to music from the 20's and 30's to now... I don't like ICP, or alot of Rap. I love John Denvers, Roy Rogers, Kenny Rogers, Dolly Parton, Elvis I can stand now and again *grew up with a mother addicted to him and still is*, Neil Diamond, John Philip Sousa music, Sound of Music, New Kids on the Block, Ace of Base, and DC Talk, and so many more... so there. :tongue: Plus I love Jimmy Buffet and Meatloaf!!!

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Hrmm... it would be easy for me to say stuff like "Pearl Jam" or "Simon & Garfunkel" but that's not stuff that's particularly damming. Lol Metallion ... Steely Dan that's not even remotely "uncool" that gets like a 8 on the cool scale. Creature.. U2 , INXS? Pfft! That's basically admitting to liking cool music. =P

Really have to dig deep to admit to something really shameful. Hrmm *ponders*

John Denver? Barry Manilow? Neil Diamond? All have some very good stuff. *puts bag over head*

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Hrmm... it would be easy for me to say stuff like "Pearl Jam" or "Simon & Garfunkel" but that's not stuff that's particularly damming. Lol Metallion ... Steely Dan that's not even remotely "uncool" that gets like a 8 on the cool scale. Creature.. U2 , INXS? Pfft! That's basically admitting to liking cool music. =P

Really have to dig deep to admit to something really shameful. Hrmm *ponders*

John Denver? Barry Manilow? Neil Diamond? All have some very good stuff. *puts bag over head*

"Cracklin' Rosie make a smile

Girl if it lasts for an hour

Well that's all right

'Cause we got all night

To set the world right"

I'm done.

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This is one a few people are agitated by the fact that I love: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_qwUS8Uqjg.

I wouldn't call it high art or a thought provoking production, but it makes sparkles in my brain. :)



You should NEVER be ashamed to listen to anything from Dance Dance Revolution. Actually the Butterfly Upswing mix is probably my 4th favorite song to dance to from DDR Extreme 2, my favorite being Cartoon Heroes by....*GASP* Barbie Young! (from Aqua for those of you who forgot the late 90's). It's funny too, because I'm at work all giddy because I plan on picking up either DDR Supernova or DDR Extreme. Muhahahah now I'm all excited again.

I now bow to you in DDR honor.

All hail the man who loves J-Pop!

Seriously, if you came to my house, I could so pwn you and anyone else in DDR (bet me, come on and step up, this rule does not apply to Asian kids. Damn Asian kids, how the fuck do they get that fast?)

Personally, I'll tell you what I'm NOT embarassed to listen to and THAT would be....the Hustle.

DO IT. Doo do do do do doo doo dooo do! DO THE HUSTLE!

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I dont even know where to start.

ELVIS PRESLEY- but that's not something anybody should be ashamed of. but I'm obsessed.

I own all Avril CD except the new one because I previewed it and nothing caught me. (I'll probably download it anyway)

Alanis Morissette, spicegirls, ashlee simpson, and barenaked ladies.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You're ashamed to be listening to TMBG?!

The band that's so filled with awesome that they do stints on homestarrunner.com?

I wonder if your feelings on this matter are entirely clear, Lord Vader.

I was going to say this too.. I LOVE TMBG.. i didn't know i should be ashamed to listen to them either.. :/ Of course, I'm definitely not the difinitive answer to what's cool..that's for sure.

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I have a confession to make, I didn't discover this till I went off to college, but I know almost every song Hall & Oats sang. I discovered this when I played a board game that you have to complete the lyrics to.

*holds head in shame*

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I have a confession to make, I didn't discover this till I went off to college, but I know almost every song Hall & Oats sang. I discovered this when I played a board game that you have to complete the lyrics to.

*holds head in shame*

hunhee, there's nothing to be ashamed of for saying that you like Hall & Oats. I love their music too. :thumbup: I also like Elvis's 'Heartbreak Hotel' & 'Jailhouse Rock'. Two great songs IMO. :thumbsup:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sometimes I shake my shit to the Ding Ding Dong song by Gunther. :X

If you are clueless as to what I am talking about, go to Myspace and look up Gunther in music artists.

*sings* Oooooh you touch my trah-la-laaa, Oooooh my ding ding dong.

Oh wait, and now that we're on the subject, I've actually driven in my car and bumped to O-Zone - Numa Numa before.

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Sometimes I shake my shit to the Ding Ding Dong song by Gunther. :X

If you are clueless as to what I am talking about, go to Myspace and look up Gunther in music artists.

*sings* Oooooh you touch my trah-la-laaa, Oooooh my ding ding dong.

Oh wait, and now that we're on the subject, I've actually driven in my car and bumped to O-Zone - Numa Numa before.

I once memorized all the damn lyrics to that song, just because I was bored.

It didn't stick around as well as "It's the End of the World As We Know It" did, though.

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