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i hate exercise. *sigh* i lost 30 pounds since march but the weight loss has hit a plateau and i cant put off the working-out part of it any more if i want continued results... anyone have any ideas? whats a decent work out that doesnt include jane fonda videos? or maybe some suggestions of short aerobics tapes that arent too hideous...?
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maybe start reading here!?

(not knowing your fitness level, the following assumes you're a beginner - if not, just increase the difficulty!) :thumbsup:

as far as working out, if you're not walking yet, that would be a great first step. if you are, try to alternate jogging/walking - maybe 10 seconds jogging/20-30 sec. walking to start. repeat 5-7 times, or build up to it. when able, increase time, always keeping a ratio of 1 (unit) high(er) speed, 2-3 (units) slow(er) speed.

also, try googling something called "HIIT" (high intensity interval training) when you get to the point you can run fairly comfortably. "sprint" for 20-30 sec. (sprint being relative - 80% of whatever you think is the absolute fastest you can run), then jog/walk 40-60 sec.

feel free to PM me if you have any questions - i'm no expert, but i can point you in some good directions! :welcome:

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mmmm I love Yoga.. I used to go to yoga classes every day .. and i LOVED it..it was so peaceful and calming and made me feel so positive..i felt like i was on happy drugs.. *sighs*.. heavy breathing.. and stuff.. the only negative thing I saw about it was that I used to stay up for days while doing yoga.. i was so centered and rested i was way too productive.. (if there is such a thing).. I need to get back on that excercise boat aswell..

OH and congrats on the30lbs.. i'm on a diet (life change) as well..i've only lost 8 lbs though but it's only been five weeks..:) keep up the good work!!!

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Hate working out? You know you have to breathe hard, have a hard pumping heart and sweat for an hour a day right?

Do something you find fun and keep altering it!

Bike, skate.....dance.....soccer, basketball, (upper body think rowboat)

But that only works lower.

Lifting weights sux but it gives good results or go out and do various incline pushups on stairs and go to the playground and play on the monkey bars.

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the best exercise is the kind that you will keep doing.

Regardless of what it is, if it is something that you will stick to, that's the exercise for you.

I'm not a tae-bo fan myself. I find Billy Blanks' portruding nipples and that onesie that he wears too distracting.

Denise Austin, I really like.

If you have Comcast digital cable, they have something called Fit TV or something like that On Demand. There are a whole bunch of different exercise videos that you can choose from and they rotate the selection every few weeks.

Lifting weights is great - you get alot of result for a little bit of time.

There's also some really FUN weekend activities that you might not even regard as exercise - go to one of the metroaprks and rent a canoe. Go to adult skate night at one of the roller rinks. If you think hiking might be something you would enjoy, do a google on 'geocaching' - my friends who do it can't get enough of it. Go swimming at your local pool - swimming is one of the BEST exercises you can do - easy ont he joints and you still work your ass off.

Good luck and congratulations on the 30 lbs!!! That's quite an accomplishment!!

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find a training partner. seriously.

will help motivate you when training together.

also yoga isnt the answer to everything

part of my routine is yoghic excercises and even before then we need to warm up and put 10-15 cardio vascular excercise before starting.

and this is from the doctine that people took yoga from (like most things a lot is skipped out foolishly)

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Unfortunately the "workout videos" are all Jane fonda-ish . That is, some guy or girl doing exercises and talking all motivational. (i assume thats what you meant by "too hideous".

But, that's what you want. If your not really hardcore self-motivated, DVDs are good. You don't have to drive to the gym, you don't have to remember what exercises to do, you don't have to time yourself, it does all that stuff for you and you just follow along.

If you can find someone thats actually motived, and will stay motived to come over and do the stuff with you thats good. But they can also drag you down and talk you out of it and drag you to McDonalds instead, so its a tough call. Also the "get together time" can suck down your free time, rather than you just walking over to the TV and gettting the ass moving with no preamble to it.

I use these here:


Oh and if the idea is to lose weight... traditional yoga isn't much use (although almost all workouts i've ever done at some point do incorporate some type of it). Its better than nothing but you want cardio to burn calories, not slow flexing-toning stuff.

Although regardless of what you do, you need to DO IT. That's more the key than any specifics. You can get bogged down trying to find the uber-mega-perfect system and just end up doing nothing. No, bad bad.

Just get up off the pirate treasure (a.k.a. booty) and DO IT.

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yoga is good for keeping the flexability.

theres a few guys in work who look very fit. but cant touch thier toes forwards.

also at a certan level yoga will maintain a physique, but that comes after a certan point in your regime.

a friend of mine is in his mid 60's and has a physique better than most 20 year olds maintained by yogic stretches.

but yes, cardio is the burner.

avoid the diet pills like the plague. thier not good for you at all

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Unfortunately the "workout videos" are all Jane fonda-ish . That is, some guy or girl doing exercises and talking all motivational. (i assume thats what you meant by "too hideous".

Although regardless of what you do, you need to DO IT. That's more the key than any specifics. You can get bogged down trying to find the uber-mega-perfect system and just end up doing nothing. No, bad bad.

Just get up off the pirate treasure (a.k.a. booty) and DO IT.

Well, i did it. i just DID IT. i finished a 60 min cardio whachamacallit. i feel a little shakey, those muscles arent used to being used like that! but i did it. the first one is always the hardest. I used this video thats part of a set called The Firm (my friends mom had it lying around after she bought it and never used it) it combines simple weights with cardio and step aerobics and it actually wasnt too bad. it didnt lag on, you moved quickly from one set to another and it varied enough i wasnt getting bored. but man, was it tough! but at least i did it... ! :yes

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