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Weird Red Blotches On My Legs

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I went to the Ann Arbor art fairs yesterday with my sisters - an annual event that's a lot of fun.

By the time I got home, I noticed some weird, red blotches on my lower, inner calves. I hesitate to call it a rash because it's not itchy. They're sorta raw to the touch, though. Mostly located on the inner part of the leg, above the ankle area, creeping up and around to the back just a bit.

As the evening went by, they darkened some, and today, they're nice and vivid and slightly raised.

I'm not prone to rashes. And the only thing I know for sure I was exposed to was some spray-on sunblock my sister lent me. But I had that all over my body, and didn't get this anywhere else. I also didn't sit in any grass.

Hm. I did use one single porta-Jon, but I don't recall actually touching my legs to anything.

Any clue? It's not something I feel a need to run to the doctor about. But I'm real curious about where in heck iti might have come from.

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I went to the doctor twice for "random odd blotchy/reddish rash-like" things (very sensitive skin) neither time did i really get a good diagnosis.

Basicly they told me to throw some random cream on it and wish it away unless it started being very painful then they'd do some tests.

I guess there are so many pathogens that can cause such symptoms it bewilders even dermatoligists.

We could all make some random guesses though.

Bugs? New soap?

That lime or lye or whatever they use sometimes in outhouses/portajons is some pretty hardcore stuff, seems a likely candidate.

I'd be hard pressed to guess that it was just something floating in the air though, really thinking you HAD to have rubbed up against something (even yourself possibly)

Too much sun even?

But now i think the trick is to leave it alone and not touch it and be real gentle when cleaning the area or it might take forever to go away.

Both times the doctors told me if the "ruddy patches get larger" or "become very painful" that it might be a sign of something more serious than just "irritation" and to come back in.

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  • 2 years later...

OK, I just HAVE to ask--

WHO KEEPS LOOKING AT THIS THREAD??? I see this one come up in the "online users" list at least once a week!

Is there some weirdie out there who has a fetish for medical conditions, or something?! :hrhr:

*scratches head*

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