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this will be long and annoying


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i lost my job

i lost my boyfriend

i lost my apartment

i lost my pat

and this is how it happened

i lost my job

getting laid off sucks

losing my job means losing

that 9-5(7-3)responsibilty

left, i was pissed and confused

so i did the dumb thing and

got drunk for a week straight

i didnt wanna go home because

i didnt wanna face any my

responsibilities and i wanst

ready for my consequences.

i lost my boyfriend

though we were fighting and

i was occasionally coming home i still

wanted to be with him as soon

as i got my shit together, but

he doesnt deserve to wait around

while i booze it up and clearly

he didn't. i came home one day

to see all of his shit packed up

along the wall and thats where

shit really started going bad.

i still love him.

i lost my apartment

i clearly can afford the whopping

435 a month. there's no way. i was

breaking even every month paying

217. so now i'm bringing my furnature

to my moms and am going to see how

much i can fit in my escort. i have

options but theyre not looking good.

i lost my pat

today after packng the escort to the

brim under cover cops came and stole

pat. he was really becoming a good

friend of mine. roseville pd say

there is no bail, and from what i've

heard thats not good. we had a job

interview tomorrow at comerica park

to be doughnut makers behind home

plate, so if anyone needs a job they

can be my partner and go do that with


as of now

-i'm emptying my apartment

-hopefully sam is serious about

getting a place with me

-i wanna get my pat back

-i know there is no fixing it with jeff

-i'm looking for a job

-going to school


this is where it gets weird

his friend horn has been asking me to

do a whole bunch of shit with him and

his girlfriend behind his back and i

told him i was unsure of the whole

girl thing and we left it at that. and

finally i cheated on him. it was

the first time i've ever cheated on a

boyfriend but it's different. i tried new

things with a couple i know and pat and it was

f-in awesome. so i tell this boy all about

it and he wanted to meet them and me to

tell them about his hot gf so i did an

whatever and horn and i went back to

my apartment and got drunk with my bf.

well my bf went to bed and i passed out on

the living room floor only to wake up to

him face down between my legs if you

know what i mean and i got all weirded out

and was like wtf and went to bed. never to

be brought up again. so today jeff asked me

if i cheated on him and i didnt wanna lie

so i told him i had sex with pat. well then he

went on with the whole f-you youre a slut...

and then casually admitted that he fucked

with horn and his girl. we fought for another

25 min and he threatened to take my snake

and thats my baby so i gave him the x box

that i'm still paying on instead. and while i

was taking the snake back to where i'm staying

he call back because horn had at that time

felt the need to tell him about me and my 'couple'

experience. and i tried to explain that this 'friend'

of his has been trying to fuck me for 2 1/2 years

and he wouldnt even hear it cuz i'm such a dirty

dirty whore.

if you read all this i applaud you and thank you

for listening because now that i'm done i dont

even know what i was getting at.

i just have that icky throw up feeling...

thank you for your time and co-operation


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I guess the first thing i have to say is, if Jeff really wanted to be with you, really wanted a serious relationship, he would have never said all the nasty crap he would say to you when you were not fighting. He does not deserve you, if he really wanted to work things out with you he should have helped you deal with getting "laid" off, not sit around and and make comments like "well i hope you are doing something "productive" while i am at work,........ I mean honestly you spent two years with him continueing where his mommie left off, hello lets think about who was the Responsible one???? Was it YOU? hmmmm yep i think it was!!!!!!! And what was your age again my dear????? 19???? and you have been out paying bills, earning good credit with a car loan, going to work, and living the "married" life for the past two years, and you are going to get chastised for freaking out a bit, yes you made a mistake by "boozing" it up but my god woman dont ya think you desreve at least some slack in the responsbility area.

As fer the "cheating" well, you know what i have been through in my life, I unforunatly understand both sides of the issue, at this point in time i can not make any comments on it for that reason. :blink:

Your apartment was a freakin death trap any how, when you come home and open the windows on a reg. basis cause it smells like gas, and the landlord wont fix the problem, you should be happy to be getting out even if it meant you had to deal with a creapy basement or three kids and there imaginay friends :laughing:

That whole thing with Pat and the cops was just weird. We should send a care package! :ermm: I dont know what to say, i have nothing.


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Ummm...  am I missing something here? Squee = Lillith?


no, squee is moving in to my house, hence she has been using my puter, i am not used to having others logged in on my PC, so when i sat to check out dgn i did not pay any attention to who was logged in. I did not notice it till after i had made my comments, to her posts. I have had a very long frustrating week with alot of weird crap happen, and i have had to deal with it all with out my husband,

My apologies..... I feel extreamly stupid right now :blushing: i am sorry


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No need to be so apologetic, and no biggie.

Just got confused there, that's all. :wink :

I hope things get better for EVERYONE soon. Is this a month of full moons or something?


lol i was confused too, i allways check out my post after i submit it...... and i was was like what the hell that not my avatar........ :doh:

There does seem to be more Full moons then normal, i should have thought about that too cause i allways look check on the moon when i work so i know what to be prepared for, makes sense that if the moon makes for a crazy night at work it would make for craziness in my life from time to time......... So how many days till this month is over?????

thank you for the well wishes.


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dont think you are a whore. you are not .  you made a mistake and are only human like the rest of us.


ha ha thanks

i know i'm not a whore

but it was just one of

those moments where

i wish i had a tape recorder

so you could hear what hell

sounds like when it breaks


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I guess the first thing i have to say is, if Jeff really wanted to be with you, really wanted a serious  relationship, he would have never said all the nasty crap he would say to you when you were not fighting. He does not deserve you, if he really wanted to work things out with you he should have helped you deal with getting "laid" off, not sit around and and make comments like "well i hope you are doing something "productive" while i am at work,........ I mean honestly you spent two years with him continueing where his mommie left off, hello lets think about who was the Responsible one???? Was it YOU? hmmmm yep i think it was!!!!!!! And what was your age again my dear????? 19???? and you have been out paying bills, earning  good credit with a car loan, going to work, and living the "married" life for the past two years, and you are going to get chastised for  freaking out a bit, yes you made a mistake by "boozing" it up but my god woman dont ya think you desreve at least some slack in the responsbility area.

As fer the "cheating" well, you know what i have been through in my life, I unforunatly  understand both sides of the issue, at this point in time i can  not make any comments on it for that reason.    :blink:

Your apartment was a freakin death trap any how,  when you come home and  open the windows on a reg. basis cause it smells like gas, and the landlord wont fix the problem, you should be happy to be  getting out even if it meant you had to deal with a creapy basement or three kids and there imaginay friends  :laughing:

That whole thing with Pat and the cops  was just weird.  We should send a care package! :ermm:  I dont know what to say, i have nothing. 



you seriously mean a lot to me,

you and lestat and i want you both to

know that i appreciate everything

you guy do for me. you've really been

there when i needed you. thanks. :happy:

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Squee / Angie i dont know if we are on hugging terms but ill offer one anyway. I really do hope things work out for you. I've been pondering this post for awhile (i tend to read more "personal" posts and stew on them for a long time before i feel comfortable answering)

This is such a complex hard to get my mind around thing with so many aspects and the fact that im sure theirs reems and reems of other factors im again, as often, at a loss to offer any thoughts other than well wishes and sympathy.

Please just try to stay calm and not let things get to you to much. Life can be a drag, i know.

much concern,


And guys please.. with the real names dont do that, not when its really sensitive stuff like this unless your sure the person your naming isnt going to mind. (and even then i'd be cautious about it)

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Squee / Angie i dont know if we are on hugging terms but ill offer one anyway.  I really do hope things work out for you.  I've been pondering this post for awhile (i tend to read more "personal" posts and stew on them for a long time before i feel comfortable answering)

This is such a complex hard to get my mind around thing with so many aspects and the fact that im sure theirs reems and reems of other factors im again, as often, at a loss to offer any thoughts other than well wishes and sympathy.

Please just try to stay calm and not let things get to you to much.  Life can be a drag, i know.

much concern,


And guys please.. with the real names dont do that, not when its really sensitive stuff like this.


i accept the hug and gratitude

and i know this is personal but this was the last straw

i dont know what to do... and it sucks even more

because everyone else(not talking about dgners)

wants to know what i'm going to do and i dont have an answer

my x wanted to commit me... he threatened to call my dad

i felt like a little kid again, and someone is going to tell on me

i mentioned in a different post about personal problems that

if i dont make if funny i wont make it at all

so my x is yelling and pulled the whole

'what the fuck are you doing with your life'

and i just started laughing, then he told me i was

crazy and i proceded to laugh harder.

its nut- or i am

and with the name thing he doesnt have the

internet or even no about this actually only the people

i live with know about this, but i understand where

you're coming from

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"if you read all this i applaud you and thank you

for listening because now that i'm done i dont

even know what i was getting at. "

--- i think what you were getting at was getting it off your chest. you are going through an awful lot right now and i am glad that you have friends to help you (lestat and lilith).

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"if you read all this i applaud you and thank you

for listening because now that i'm done i dont

even know what i was getting at. "

--- i think what you were getting at was getting it off your chest. you are going through an awful lot right now and i am glad that you have friends to help you (lestat and lilith).


i definitly needed to get it off my chest

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i am glad that you have friends to help you (lestat and lilith).


lol i find it rather ironic that i was think something a little similar just with the parties reversed, squee has been a great friend to us, she makes us laugh, she has been helping with our kids while either of us L's are away , omg she has helped so many times that i am sure she does not even realize it, i am so happy that we have her help and friendship.

I do thank you dynomiiiiite, i realy do apperciate your compliment. :happy:



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