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Are You Happy?

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I just signed legal separation papers yesterday. My wife and I haven't been getting along for a while.

Am I happy? I suppose, in a way. Its funny how your whole life can change in a matter of a few days. I don't like that I won't be able to see my step son much anymore. My son (4 years old) is taking it pretty good... I'm sure he doesn't understand too much, just that he doesn't get to see "mama" every day.

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I just signed legal separation papers yesterday. My wife and I haven't been getting along for a while.

Am I happy? I suppose, in a way. Its funny how your whole life can change in a matter of a few days. I don't like that I won't be able to see my step son much anymore. My son (4 years old) is taking it pretty good... I'm sure he doesn't understand too much, just that he doesn't get to see "mama" every day.

I'm going through the whole Divorce thing myself. I can totally sympathize with you. I don't have the child thing, but if you ever need someone to talk to, you can PM me.. sometimes I've felt that it's easier talking about crap like this to a stranger than your best/closest friends, cause they've not been on the divorce boat. Or they're just too close to the other person.

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I'm ok some days and miserable others when I go out and see so many couples out there enjoying themselves. Makes me wonder why I had to be so picky lol. Other than that, work keeps me fairly busy during the week so I don't end up thinking about it. What is making me happy at the moment is the many thoughts of what I will do with the hearse and what it will look like when its done :D

you're doing it right. =P if you wasted your energy just trying to find any old chick, that's all you'll be to her- the guy who settled. if you work on living your dreams, it'll attract women who share the same ones. there could be hundreds of random women on the street who would just cream if they saw a really gorgeous hearse roll by and want to know more about the guy who pimped it out...

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Guest Megalicious

I probably the most miserable I have ever been in my life, but it's not due to my relationship. Michigan is not my home and well I miss home and thats why I so fucking unhappy.

:counts down the days::

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Okay.. is it just me???


Nope.. right there in the middle it says "and a certain rotten bitch makes things more difficult"..

Catch me Bean .. I am fallin' down laughin' at this...


Well whoever she is, I hope she stops causing you hard times.


hehe, I'm glad I made someone laugh! :biggrin:

She's always going to cause problems, but it's ok.....I'm just hoping Karma really does exist.

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Happiness isn't something that you just wish out of the void, it takes time to get there and I have done some stupid shit the past 8 or 9 months that I wish I could go back and wipe out, but thats life, I am back on the track to where I want to be, I have a great circle of friends, I am out doing things again and I don't feel like I am babysitting anymore, so ya things are increasingly getting better and I have learned alot of life lessons in the past year or so...so I guess it wasn't a total loss. I honestly couldn't ask for much more.......except maybee a mexican pizza lol :)

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*Hugs for you!!*

(hahaha Somedays life sucks WORSE when there is someone RIGHT there ALL the time. hahaha I am saying this in jest with a sprinkle of true... )

I hope you find exactly what you need!!


This is feeling just like when I was married. Only difference is I don't get bitched at for nothing but still sleeping alone. At least I'm not kicked out of the bedroom but then again, I don't really have one anymore. It's couches for me now.

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This is feeling just like when I was married. Only difference is I don't get bitched at for nothing but still sleeping alone. At least I'm not kicked out of the bedroom but then again, I don't really have one anymore. It's couches for me now.

hehe I know how the couch thingie is.. I've slept on the couch for like no fewer than six months..it's weird to me to actually sleep in my bed now.. I sorta get creeped out and lay on the couch on occasion .. i love my couch :)

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Here's the truth.

I grew up rough. I've not had -one- year where I haven't been in -some- form of physical altercation. Not one year. When I was young, I ran with gangs, and caused trouble. Got shot at age 14, stabbed several times by the time I was 18. Sold drugs, lost family members, and friends to drugs, disease, and violence.

I've been the victim of stupidity, racism, and stereotyping. I've been taken advantage of by people whom I've offered only love to. I've offered helping hands to folks who, when they see me in need, say "We'll He must have done something wrong to get himself into that situation."

I've had my first born child stolen from my life, and given to another man to raise, all they while them living off the exhorbitant amount of money I've paid to support my little girl. And when I go through legal avenues to see my child, it incurs even steeper support cost. THEN The mother ignores the court rulings and moves her across state lines. What happens when I approach FOC about it. "Well, guess we'll have to change the support order, cause you obviously can't see her every week if she lives in North Carolina." When I refused to pay support until they bring her up on charages... now I'm in contempt of court and face jail time.

I fell in love with the most perfect, and amazing woman I have ever known. Real lasting love, and she turned away from me, and the love she felt for me. She accepted her fate of being misrable, and never having her true happiness because she would not do to her children, what her mother did to her. She loves me... tells me all the time, but we can't be together...

You ask if I'm happy, and I say. "Fuck yeah."

REALLY. I made it through all that crap, and Im still standing tall. When hardship comes my way, I laugh at it. 'Thank you sir, may I have another?" I can live through my child hood, I can live through anything. And it makes persuing my dreams all the more worthwhile, cause what can they do to me that hasn't already been done?

I have the best friends in the world.

-Phee, Odims, mark, and so many others... It's not always how much a friend helps. sometimes a true friend just knows how to stay out of the way.

I have the most wonderful woman careing about me.

- I've recently started dating a young lady named Stephanie. She's amazing, an while we're not exactly serious yet, there is promise, and if it dosn't turn out, well, I will enjoy every moment we have together.

I have a great family.

- My in laws are there when I need them. We don't always see eye to eye, but they've shown me, finally, what a real family should be like.

A lot of hardship comes into my life, and at any moment, I could loose it all... but you know what? I would still be happy, because I'm alive... And as long as that's true, I have options, and opportunities. Yeah. I'm happy.

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Oh... you mean in relationships... heheh... this is akward. :D

Yeah, I'm dating, and I've finally find some one I can focus on. I miss the one that got away profusely, and I think her seeing me with someone else really hurt her, and that makes me sad, but I deserve -some- happiness as well. I love her, but I can't wait anymore... not for a fantasy.

Stephanie (My new squeeze) is an awesome lady. I'm a little weirded out, as She's 23, and I'm 33, and I alway thought that was messed up when I was younger. ::SHRUG:: Conversation is always awesome, we're both pretty passionate about each other, and while sex hasn't come into play (it's knocking on the door, but we haven't let it in yet, and by we I mean I. I refused to let my first time with -anyone- be in the back of a car.) the fire and passion that's there lets me know that, yeah, this is gonna be something -sweet-.

My only worry right now, relationship wise is Kelly (My ex). I still love her, and want her... I don't want to do anything to ruin what I have, but I also don't want to close the door with Kelly Forever. I'm being stupid, I know, but... Love makes m that way some times.

I'm happy though.

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Damn, Cix. What a life you've had so far.

Glad you're dating someone amazing.

Actually, looking back, I don't think I would appreciate a good relationship quite as much now if I hadn't experienced a really bad one. It's too easy to take things for granted if a person doesn't really appreciate how rare a good relationship can be. I would never choose to go through it because it was, and still is sometimes hell since there are children involved, but when you just make that decision to make the best of a bad situation and that you're not going to be defeated by it all, it's a better way of dealing.

"The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain" ~ Khalil Gibran

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Current Situation as of now:

1)Being optomistic, being happy get things acomplished for me and only me..to better my self.

2)Learning how take care of me, so I can take care of someone else that is more imporant for me more than ever.

3)Taking Charge of Life

4)Stop myself from dewling in the past and look towards the present and the future to come.

5)Don't stop beliveing in yourself, once you stop beliving yourself you won't progress any further.

So, I am currently single and try make friends with anyone and everyone.

Also, trying stay way from negtive energy forces..that isn't a postive experince.

Some days I just want a big hug and phone call from anyone get through my day to make me happy again.

-CatsEye :cat:

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Happy? there's one that requires some definition dont you think? there are so many different levels of understanding when it comes to that word....

I love my wife and yes on paper we are "happy". We are close.

But I love me first, and i dont mean that in a self centered manner or selfish way, I just mean that the older i get the more I realize how I cannot contribute much to anyone or anything when I'm not secure with ME.

and being secure with me means dealing with me. all of me. I'm almost 41. I'm still dealing with me. But - I've been doing it long enough now that even the process itself - makes me "happy".... I said to a lovely and fair freckled friend yesterday that even wrestling with something is a form of progress - because your engaged with it - you have to look at something to wrestle with it, and that is part of the healing process. I admire people who deal with their shit. Doesent mean they always find an answer, but I admire the effort that humility requires, and humility is dealing with yourself.

I sometimes wish we'd learn to give ourselves permission to strip everything down to the core of who we are and then slowly work up from there an issue at a time. But this world doesent really allow you that - its too chaotic, unless of course you say fuck it and rebel and dont listen to the world but then you've got some mighty big balls for ignoring the crowd dont you????

so there you go, takes balls to be happy.

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Wow, if my memory serves me right - I believe I haven't seen this many threads about relationships on dgn ever.

That being said - I've been with my current love interest for a while now and the quality is the best I've ever experienced. I'll admit to having a less than kind view of dating/relationships from past experiences but this woman is the complete opposite of all the others I knew. She really brightens my day.

There are so many things that are great about being with her but at times, it comes down to the little things that some might not notice or take for granted that make me happy to be with her.

I never knew it could be this good.

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Here's the truth.

I grew up rough. I've not had -one- year where I haven't been in -some- form of physical altercation. Not one year. When I was young, I ran with gangs, and caused trouble. Got shot at age 14, stabbed several times by the time I was 18. Sold drugs, lost family members, and friends to drugs, disease, and violence.

I've been the victim of stupidity, racism, and stereotyping. I've been taken advantage of by people whom I've offered only love to. I've offered helping hands to folks who, when they see me in need, say "We'll He must have done something wrong to get himself into that situation."

I've had my first born child stolen from my life, and given to another man to raise, all they while them living off the exhorbitant amount of money I've paid to support my little girl. And when I go through legal avenues to see my child, it incurs even steeper support cost. THEN The mother ignores the court rulings and moves her across state lines. What happens when I approach FOC about it. "Well, guess we'll have to change the support order, cause you obviously can't see her every week if she lives in North Carolina." When I refused to pay support until they bring her up on charages... now I'm in contempt of court and face jail time.

I fell in love with the most perfect, and amazing woman I have ever known. Real lasting love, and she turned away from me, and the love she felt for me. She accepted her fate of being misrable, and never having her true happiness because she would not do to her children, what her mother did to her. She loves me... tells me all the time, but we can't be together...

You ask if I'm happy, and I say. "Fuck yeah."

REALLY. I made it through all that crap, and Im still standing tall. When hardship comes my way, I laugh at it. 'Thank you sir, may I have another?" I can live through my child hood, I can live through anything. And it makes persuing my dreams all the more worthwhile, cause what can they do to me that hasn't already been done?

I have the best friends in the world.

-Phee, Odims, mark, and so many others... It's not always how much a friend helps. sometimes a true friend just knows how to stay out of the way.

I have the most wonderful woman careing about me.

- I've recently started dating a young lady named Stephanie. She's amazing, an while we're not exactly serious yet, there is promise, and if it dosn't turn out, well, I will enjoy every moment we have together.

I have a great family.

- My in laws are there when I need them. We don't always see eye to eye, but they've shown me, finally, what a real family should be like.

A lot of hardship comes into my life, and at any moment, I could loose it all... but you know what? I would still be happy, because I'm alive... And as long as that's true, I have options, and opportunities. Yeah. I'm happy.

Wow Cix thank you for sharing your story..this kinda makes me wanna start another thread.. :) It's great to see that you are honest and feel safe enough to share your emotions and heartships with us. I feel honoured to have read it.. :) *hugs*

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Damn, Cix. What a life you've had so far.

Glad you're dating someone amazing.

Actually, looking back, I don't think I would appreciate a good relationship quite as much now if I hadn't experienced a really bad one. It's too easy to take things for granted if a person doesn't really appreciate how rare a good relationship can be. I would never choose to go through it because it was, and still is sometimes hell since there are children involved, but when you just make that decision to make the best of a bad situation and that you're not going to be defeated by it all, it's a better way of dealing.

"The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain" ~ Khalil Gibran

Wow.. I've said this before to my Ex.. i told him that I wished that before I met him, that i experienced a bad relationship, because I know that there are some things about him that I was taking for granted, but at the moment I couldn't figure it out because I didn't have any other experiences to pull from.. woah.. hehe

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Wow.. I've said this before to my Ex.. i told him that I wished that before I met him, that i experienced a bad relationship, because I know that there are some things about him that I was taking for granted, but at the moment I couldn't figure it out because I didn't have any other experiences to pull from.. woah.. hehe

careful....you dont need to experience bad to recognize good...bad is just bad, it aint glamorous at all

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Wow, if my memory serves me right - I believe I haven't seen this many threads about relationships on dgn ever.

That being said - I've been with my current love interest for a while now and the quality is the best I've ever experienced. I'll admit to having a less than kind view of dating/relationships from past experiences but this woman is the complete opposite of all the others I knew. She really brightens my day.

There are so many things that are great about being with her but at times, it comes down to the little things that some might not notice or take for granted that make me happy to be with her.

I never knew it could be this good.

thats just it dude, life is made up of little things. thats the glue.

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