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We spent all yesterday afternoon and this morning having a nice little practice run for the real thing. Grr.

They told us to come in when contractions are 5 minutes apart for any length of time. Under normal circumstances, they say 5 minutes for one hour, but this is twins and my first labor was very fast (6 hrs from start to finish). We were pretty confident that this was "it" when we went in after 2 hours of contractions 5 minutes apart. They examined me. I was dilated to 3-4, the babies were in position and they admitted me. This was it, this was labor and we were going home with our babies. Or so we thought...

About 4 hours in, they examined me again and I was still only dilated to 3-4, the contractions were going away, my cervix was long, water still had not broken and neither of the babies had descended far enough into position. They gave us the option to stay the night since it was late and walking around helped contractions to pick up again. Insert horrible night's sleep and about 4 bags of saline. 10 am they checked and still nothing. Bah, Time to go home.

How frustrating!!

We have an induction and/or Caeserian scheduled for Friday.

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Dammit drop them already, I am tired of dave calling me with bad news....I wanna see the babies :)

I am trying, I am trying!!

take a short walk, or go up and down some stairs. Hot/spicy foods work, oh, and sexual arousal works too.

The walking only helped for very short term. Haven't tried the foods, but I'll consider it.

Sexual arousal...lol. Never really been a problem there. We'll have to keep working on that one. Good thing hubby is still quite interested!! He suggested that we snag one of the hospital gowns this morning so that we could play doctor :)

Only a few more days, though for you!!

(I've got a pair on the way myself...it's the DGN mojo. It makes us super fertile.)

I didn't know yours were twins! How great - when did you find out?

I have two words. Raspberry tea.

Hmm... I have heard of that!!

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I didn't know yours were twins! How great - when did you find out?

A couple of weeks ago, at the ultrasound. It's weird. My husband has said it's twins all along, but when we only heard one heartbeat I was sure it was just one, but there they were, chillin like villains on the ultrasound.

Go big or go home. That's how we roll.

I'm 23 weeks along.

How many weeks are you?

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A couple of weeks ago, at the ultrasound. It's weird. My husband has said it's twins all along, but when we only heard one heartbeat I was sure it was just one, but there they were, chillin like villains on the ultrasound.

Go big or go home. That's how we roll.

I'm 23 weeks along.

How many weeks are you?

That's when we found out too. Never an iota of thought that it was twins and there we were, 20 weeks in and BAM! Pretty amazing eh?

I am apparently one of the few women that are able to carry twins full term. I am almost 38 weeks.

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That's when we found out too. Never an iota of thought that it was twins and there we were, 20 weeks in and BAM! Pretty amazing eh?

I am apparently one of the few women that are able to carry twins full term. I am almost 38 weeks.

Woo... I found out at 11 weeks that I was having twins and I was EXACTLY 38 weeks when I had them. :)

Good luck to you and to Sass

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Well, good luck to ya Marblez. :sorcerer: I didn't even know you were expecting. I hope all goes well for ya hon. Please let us know what you have. *hugs*


We are very sure that it will be one boy and one girl.

Congrats on your new ones...for whenever they get here..

Thank you :)

My doctor said an orgasm would help bring them on....but........I couldn't even reach it myself and had broken up with there dad.....

Nipple stimuliaztion helps too.

Maybe that's what all that cramping was in previous weeks?? lol.

The dr did say that semen contains a chemical which causes contractions. That was when I didn't WANT contractions though.

Woo... I found out at 11 weeks that I was having twins and I was EXACTLY 38 weeks when I had them. :)

Good luck to you and to Sass

Wow, maybe sass was right. There might be something to the fact that 4 moms of twins post on DGN. Hmm. I assume that all were spontaneous twins (vs from fertility meds).

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Wow, maybe sass was right. There might be something to the fact that 4 moms of twins post on DGN. Hmm. I assume that all were spontaneous twins (vs from fertility meds).


Although mine did not survive. :confused:

Technically my first child was also a twin and I lost the first one at 9 weeks. My daughter survived and we didn't know for a little while.

All spontaneous. No fertility meds here ever. My other three were all singles.

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Guest Megalicious

The babies will know when it's time to come out =) OH I CANT WAIT!!! YOU HAVE TO POST PICS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!! I CANT WAIT TO SEE THEM.

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VERY spontaneous :)

We were shooting for zero, and got two. :)

Did anyone do that thing where you put a ring or a needle on a string and put it over your belly? All my old bitty aunts did it. What's supposed to happen is that it's supposed to go in a circle for a girl, back and forth for a boy, and my old bitty aunts would do it to me, even BEFORE I was pregnant mind you, and the ring would go in figure eights, or switch up, or always do some weird thing and they were all like 'It's TWINS! It's DESTINY! She'll have TWINS!' and I was like 'Or maybe I'll have a drag queen?'

I said 'Yeah, why do we even bother with those big expensive ultrasound machines when clearly a ring on a thread works SOOOO well'

Yeah, I'm gonna be eating crow for the rest of my life for this one.

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Although mine did not survive. :confused:

Technically my first child was also a twin and I lost the first one at 9 weeks. My daughter survived and we didn't know for a little while.

All spontaneous. No fertility meds here ever. My other three were all singles.

Sorry to hear that, Rayne. The coincidence on here is rather uncanny though, isn't it?

The babies will know when it's time to come out =) OH I CANT WAIT!!! YOU HAVE TO POST PICS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!! I CANT WAIT TO SEE THEM.

Pics will be provided asap.

I'm so happy for you.

Thank you :)

gah all that fertility crap! i have at least 3 sets of twins come in every single day and its driving me absolutely bonky

I never had that experience during my time at Kmart portrait studio... twins seem much more common thought these days.

*Keeps legs closed*

I have one: white wine. It will not hurt the babies.

Sure, and the babies come out over the legal limit....who'll drive me home? kidding.

Actually, I heard that alcohol tends to delay labor??


Too hot for me. Actually, I had to let go any ideas of speeding up the delivery as I was diagnosed with strep throat on Tuesday. Last thing I want to do is contaminate my newborns. Tomorrow is a go though. I am feeling much better and am no longer contagious.

VERY spontaneous :)

We were shooting for zero, and got two. :)

Did anyone do that thing where you put a ring or a needle on a string and put it over your belly? All my old bitty aunts did it. What's supposed to happen is that it's supposed to go in a circle for a girl, back and forth for a boy, and my old bitty aunts would do it to me, even BEFORE I was pregnant mind you, and the ring would go in figure eights, or switch up, or always do some weird thing and they were all like 'It's TWINS! It's DESTINY! She'll have TWINS!' and I was like 'Or maybe I'll have a drag queen?'

I said 'Yeah, why do we even bother with those big expensive ultrasound machines when clearly a ring on a thread works SOOOO well'

Yeah, I'm gonna be eating crow for the rest of my life for this one.

I bet crow tastes a lot like chicken!! I like chicken.

Um. White wine is two words also GrannyB. You must have had a few glasses already.


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