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Stress And Overall Health


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So, over the past few years, we've all known me to be what some people call "Laid-back". I've often been accused of being a bit childish because of my laid-back, chipper, energetic nature.

This may turn into a rant, so I apologize here and now.

Happiness.... believe it or not, happiness means you're healthier than others. Stress is a direct cause of bad health, depending on how stressed out you are. Stress can lead to hypertension with the heart and arteries, this can lead to poor heart health, strokes and other "wonderful" things.

I myself dont let myself get too stressed out over things. Granted, I'm still a college student, havent yet made it out into the big, scary world (( closest thing I have is a car payment, gas and insurance.... whoopdee doo )). Recently, I've received a paycheck that DID NOT cover payment and insurance, but luckily I had money in my savings to cover the balance. Okay, problem solved and pretty damn easily.

We all get stressed out over some things. Stress itself isnt always the main cause of some health issue or another, but it's how we DEAL with it.

I had this talk with my dad. We were talking about my mother and how she still smokes, still drinks Pepsi, though granted she drinks water a lot too, sometimes milk (( despite my repeatedly saying how icky dairy is for people..... wont get into that )). I told my dad that people dont realize how big of a role stress plays with peoples' health problems. Mom wont quit smoking because she 'gets stressed out'. However, I always have a suggestion to counter her complaint. How often is it heeded? Thus far, never.

Music. Dad said "Music soothes the savage beast" and I said "Too bad people dont believe that now." I told him how no matter how shitty of a day I've had, it just takes the right song as the right moment, and instantly, I feel ready to fling a figurative punch at whatever is rattling my nerves. Music, drawing, something that enables me to escape for a brief period of time, to regain my composure, alleviate the stress (( even only slightly )) and end up solving the problem better than I could beforehand.

Dont tell me that there isnt a certain time of the day when you can take just a brief minute or two, and just enjoy something. Yes some of us have kids, have jobs, have school..... but there has to be Something ABOUT that you enjoy, something at some point during the day that you ARE able to take a breather and relax.

Lately, mother has been taking all natural supplements (( ie, fish oil and hawthorne berry..... which are actually good for you as there's no side effects that can cripple you, no side effects whatsoever )) to lower her blood pressure. That's a good sign. We live with cats and the softness of their fur is relaxing and calming. But still, I fear that music isnt a big thing in my mother's life anymore.

I'm not saying that music promotes good health, though it can in certain ways. It can also keep your ears in tune to everything around you.... rhythms, sounds, sounds your car is making, even something soft like snow falling. However, being able to FIND a certain mode of temporary escape is what promotes good health.

Work tired you out.... give the kids an early dinner and then take a nap. Go to bed early? Take a brief catnap before you go pick the babies up from school? My dad mentioned how one of his co-workers would shut his office door and take a 10-minute power nap whenever he felt stressed out. I draw and put my headphones on, and zone out. Everything around me vanishes and it's just me, the pencil and paper, and the tunes. If I get a good drawing out of the mix, some of my stress is alleviated. If a song inspired that image, less stress.

I'm laid-back and proud of it, because even though I'm young, you dont see me with high blood pressure. I dont know my cholesterol level but still, apparently, I'm pretty healthy via the way I live. Some of it has to do with the food I eat and the methods of exercise (( mostly moving around in retail, the rest from walking and spurts of running/dancing )). The rest has to do with how I deal with the problems I face. I dont let things hold me back or get me down, because something better is bound to come if I wait and work enough.

Emotions, yes believe it or not, do have an effect on your health. It's why, sadly, people take pills for Depression, because Depression isnt healthy. People take pills for high blood pressure, because high blood pressure isnt healthy. Some of it is caused by the big S word.

So, state your arguments, tell me how you cope with a stressful day, or what little things tend to just turn your emotions 180 degrees around.

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Honestly, I've heard people say you're childish, but I've never thought so myself. you actually have a very warm and friendly personality. In face to face I'm the same way. Though I'm a very very blunt and to the point person so I may sound angry often online, but if i could actually say it, then people would know how I feel about what I said.

But you are right, stress can lead to alot of problems. I for one, was tired of being pissed off all the time. And I figured, hey, what someone does to me is their problem, yeah it fucked me over, but am I to hold a grudge and just keep the hurt feelings alive? Or should i just forget about it and actually stay calm and happy. Of course, this took me a while to get to, alot of shit had to be dumped on me, along with alot of weed smoking to help me get to that point but... in the end, it boils down to this..

the sooner someone fucks you over the better, because at that point, ya can just block/ignore/walk away from them and not have to worry about them screwin you over even harder later. Those who don't, are those worth my company.

Edit for further input below

I'm a smoker, and I can tell you something, it's a hard habit to try to break from I don't offer any excuses to why I smoke, I do wish I didn't, but the whole withdrawl stuff is what stresses me out. I've cut down quite a bit and I'm happy about that but... let me tell you, if the world has a nuclear crisis, there's only going to be two things that survive... cockroaches and smokers.

As for music, there's still alot of people that still belive that music is a good way of releiving stress. I can't ever get enough music.

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theres a chance i have the same condition some of my family has, so far i get the preliminary symptoms. (somedays i can hear all that well, others i can distinguish people talking quietly in a crowded room from the other side; somedays colours look muted, others, well i've been able to lell to colours on a hot air baloon 7 KM away)

what triggers this condition is stress. after its really triggered it will develop into stroke like attacks, and heart malfunctions. purely neurological and debilitating.

i intend not to get stressed.

whats more, stress can cause all sort of probs.

any cold sore sufferers here? its a virus thats normaly kept doormant by your imune system, once you get run down however it blooms. i have been cold sore free for over a year now, a few years ago in uni they were monthly.

stress does lower your imune system, leaving you more sucepable to viruses. its hard to meet the deadline your supposed to when suddenly struck down with flu. causing more stres....

st johns wort, evening primrose oil and cod liver oil are your friends in times of need.

also. why not try and find meditation classes that teach centering/focusing and relaxing meditation techniques. the spiritual meditation is not your friend here sorry folks.

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The stress/health connection is indeed real and has a lot to do with hormones like cortisol and their effects on the body over long periods.

Personally I just try to keep things in perspective. When "shit happens" I: Think about what I'm grateful for in my life. Ask myself, "will this matter a year from now?" Try to find the lesson in the situation. Reflect on how much better I'm handling the situation than I would have 10 or 20 years ago.

On a day-to-day basis, well, I would like to say I meditate every day but that would be a complete falsehood. I try to watch my diet and get some kind of physical activity in every day, although I don't do any kind of formal workout these days. I'm usually working through some kind of daily affirmations book; right now I'm doing the Simple Abundance Journal of Gratitutde (Sarah Ban Breathnach), and One Day My Soul Just Opened Up (Iyanla VanZant). Not as consistent w/either as I should be but I'm trying and every little bit helps.

When I was getting ready to begin interferon therapy for hep C, I was very concerned about the side effects, especially depression. A person at my methadone clinic- someone who I had kind of a low opinion of in fact- told me "don't worry about the depression. If you do get depressed, DO SOMETHING.Hell, just go out for a walk and see how beautiful everything is". Some of the best advice anyone's ever given me. As well as teaching me the lesson that wisdom can come from what we may consider unlikely sources, that advice has got me through some hellaciously difficult times since then.

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I find I deal with stress better than when I was younger.

I love petting my cat and hearing her purr. (Lots of stress. I need more cats).

A hot soak in a bubble bath is awesome.

Music - definite stress reliever. Depressing music *really* cheers me up, oddly enough. I think matching my mood appeals tomy sense of humor and makes me realize how silly it is to sit in a dark room being gloomy when the sun is shining outside.

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Wow Farril, this is a really good post, I for one always thought of your "chippernes" just as a side of your personality and I think it's cute. Very honest and good post here...there are people that can learn from this one. Again, good post :respect:

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Wow Farril, this is a really good post, I for one always thought of your "chippernes" just as a side of your personality and I think it's cute. Very honest and good post here...there are people that can learn from this one. Again, good post :respect:

Thank you. My chipperness is a part of my personality, but I guess I just have too much of it for some people. =.0

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I find dumping people out of your life that always attract negative energy and drama helps and I am feeling better since I am being more choosy about who I hang out with but....

Had to give in and call my dad because I get my car through GM/his work.

I need the contact.

But honestly just being in his presence makes me feel uneasy.

Going to limit how much time I spend with them regardless but its there....the gnawing feeling in my stomach that I have to spend time listening to them soon.

Usually I am a pretty laid back fun girl as you all know or at least the ones on here who know me well. It takes Allot to get me upset. I am just too nice sometimes and getting taken advantage of hurts. I have to be stronger. No more rides....free drinks......ect....ect.....

It will bother me in the long run.

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I can relate.

I'm not exactly known for being "chipper." :) But it's very, very hard to get me riled up.

Sometime before I met Jon, I was in a minor car accident. It was rainy, my car had bad tires, I hydroplaned and a car ran into me as I floated across lanes.

Nobody was hurt. It was rainy so the cop who came to take the incident report had me and the girl from the other vehicle sit in his back seat as he wrote it up. Me and the girl started talking and conversing, laughing and smiling. The cop asked us if we knew each other or something. I told him "no. But no bones are broken, nobody's bleeding - everything's good."

Basically, that's what everything comes down to for me. I know I can get ranty about things that offend me and stuff like that. But overall, I'm exceptionally patient and laid-back.

My dad has told me that he told my mom that in the case of a crisis, he thinks I'm the person to call. That's a big compliment from him. Because NOTHING gets that man riled up. He's my major influence in that department.

It's just so much easier to go through life with a positive outlook - if realistic as well so your hopes aren't constantly dashed.

Jon, on the other hand, has NO patience and lets even minor things get to him. We've had a LOT of stresses in our life lately - coincidentally one of them happens to be Jon started smoking again this past year after having quit cold turkey when we got together 9 years ago.

Life in our home has been exceptionally stressful over the past year. Jon's had some struggles, I've been walking on eggshells to the point that I'm exhausted every damned day. All this while trying to get over years of severe clinical depression.

This past week, Jon has been on vacation. Once again, he quit smoking - cold turkey. He's been eating better. We just discussed tonight that this past week has been the most stress-free we've had in YEARS. It's like "the old days" when we first got together. Scratch that - it's like the days we had when Jon first went on Effexxor and blood pressure meds. :)

Not to mention, his blood pressure has been noticeably low this week, too. He's even thought about skipping his evening pill because he hasn't been needing it. Rather than quit a med without physician approval, he's taking it. But he hasn't been NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDING it, you know what I mean?

I'm getting to bed early and waking up early. I'm energetic when for years I've been exhausted - constantly.

Jon goes back to work Monday. I am PRAYING that the stresses of going back to work don't curb his resolve and send him back to old habits.

I've really been enjoying being with the man I married. I've been missing him.

Yes, indeedy. Happiness and healthiness definitely go together.

Now we just need to lose weight together. Yeesh. :o

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I've been attempting to use some NLP techniques for mood altering. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I can pull myself out of a bad mood fairly well but to amp it up into energy and motivation is still really difficult. I need more practice I suppose.

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