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What Type Of Government Would You Have..

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Civil war broke out a while ago, and both sides destroyed eachother. For the past month this country has been in a state of Anarchy until a new form of organization came about in bringing order to madness. By a twist of fate, you find yourself in charge of this organization. It's big enough where it can be now considered the new US government, yet still fresh enough where you can mold it into any type of government you wish. So...

What type of government would you form this group into and why?

Monarchy, Dictatorship, Republic, Democracy, ect.

Are there any policies you would change?

War, Health Care, Borders, Drugs, Crime, Economics, big corporations, ect.

What would you hope these new policies would do?

What set backs may you see?

Add your input, even if you would use it to be a tyrannical dictator hellbent on world domination (fuck, i know there's at least a handfull of you lovable evil and insane bastards out there that would do this) or even if you would try to turn it into a virtual paradice for everyone (and I know you lovable bleeding hearted hippies are out there too) or somewhere in between?

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I have been a fan of Socialism for a while now...

There are so many things that go into a government... such as which other parts of the world it depends on for natural resources? How technologically advanced is the culture? For example....

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I have been a fan of Socialism for a while now...

There are so many things that go into a government... such as which other parts of the world it depends on for natural resources? How technologically advanced is the culture? For example....

Completely understandable, and you are right about depending on other countries. I'm trying to keep this as simple as possible however. So lets just assume that we have all the recourses we need in our own country, and need no outside help other than maybe Canada because yeah.. Canada is cool.

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I have been a fan of Socialism for a while now...

There are so many things that go into a government... such as which other parts of the world it depends on for natural resources? How technologically advanced is the culture? For example....

Socialism it is

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There are a lot of reasons too many to get into here... but

I don't like the concept that some people have to bust their ass their whole lives and get nothing but fucked for it until the day they die... followed by there kids... And I watch people who have never done shit with their lives coast on by and never have any accountability for anyone or anything... That pisses me off...

I think no matter where you born or whom you were born from, you should have the same chance as anyone else... I am not against making money, but to be totally void of any chance to make it by the way that the social structure is controled makes it so many good people with good ideas never get a chance...

... Socialism would be a step in the right direction IMO

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There are a lot of reasons too many to get into here... but

I don't like the concept that some people have to bust their ass their whole lives and get nothing but fucked for it until the day they die... followed by there kids... And I watch people who have never done shit with their lives coast on by and never have any accountability for anyone or anything... That pisses me off...

I think no matter where you born or whom you were born from, you should have the same chance as anyone else... I am not against making money, but to be totally void of any chance to make it by the way that the social structure is controled makes it so many good people with good ideas never get a chance...

... Socialism would be a step in the right direction IMO

I agree

Yeah in other words foreclosure of the American Dream,.

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As for me, I would Pick a true democracy, now being if you were born in this country, you are a member of politics, no matter what, it's your duty you are part of the government. this way EVERYONE has a voice that feels individually bigger than picking a representative. This would also discourage key political people of power like congressmen from making deals with corporate businesses behind closed doors. It would all in all do away with corruption I would hope, and since people would have to actively participate, the would have control of what goes on in their own personal town and society. I would keep capitolism, however to prevent monopolies, I would disband any company from conducting business within more than one state. They could franchise so to say, like the taco bells in michigan can't have anything to do with the taco bells in ohio ect. I would provide universal health care, because there's some things that just shouldn't be for profit, the health of a human being is one of those, because when it's for profit, it's going to leave some people out. Weed would be completely legal as far as I care. Any other drug still is a no no. I would honestly stop all wars going on over in the middle east. As for economics, I'd bring it back to the scale of the gold in Ft. Knox, not of what's invested in what. For the unemployed, the would be on a list. Any business or company seeking or needing an employee would go to this list. Any unemployed person on this list who lacks experience that is in high demand would be provided training for such job so they can return to the contribution of society as quickly as possible. Now for elections, the presidential campains use up a vast ammount of money that's completely unneccesary. I would not allow donations greater than $5,000 from any one person. No donations allowed from ANY corporation. This would encourage them to actually get out there and meet the people and communities. Also, it would encourage thier political history to either make them shine or burn depending on how well they've done things in the past.

And the constitution would get etched in stone.

This is what I feel the best way to be, force the people to become the government instead of letting someone they really don't even know represent them.

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I don't think any official document should ever get etched in stone... the times change... so the laws should too... this is why we get fundamentalists still trying to force shit from thousands of years ago trying to force their outdated bull down everyones throats

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I will never wonder why the universe and/or various deities never let me rule the world because at heart i truly am a villain. I would have an evil dictatorship with myself as supreme ruler of everything. i have no idea how i would accomplish this, because i never put much thought into it past that sentence- mostly because i know it wont happen and that makes me :sad: sad. I would wipe out many people and things and build all to suit me. rule by the laws of club and fang. as for the future- whoever's left can sort that out when Im dead.
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I don't think any official document should ever get etched in stone... the times change... so the laws should too... this is why we get fundamentalists still trying to force shit from thousands of years ago trying to force their outdated bull down everyones throats

True there's some things that need to change with time however there's two such things I believe should be timeless, and never EVER have to risk the threat of being changed..

1)Freedom of speech. Freedom of religion would fall under this as well as religion is a way of expressing one's self in their beliefs. There's no exceptions to this in my opinion

2)Right to bear arms. Yeah, cuz ya know what, look at our current situation, call it tin hat but the government is starting to look less and less like our friend, and more and more like the enemy trying to take us over. Should it happen, I'd like to take a few of them bastards down with me before I get taken down ya know?

That's just my 2 cents though.

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OK, I would wait for Phee's socialist government to collapse into the Dictatorship they all seem to... and when your true democracy is busy counting votes while the left hand is constantly bitching about what the right hand is doing because there are too many people for it to actually govern...

I would set up a Constitutional Democratic Republic with checks and balances. I would go for a direct vote for all officials though and campaign finaces would be equal. As in, a set amount no matter what the source is. The Bill of Rights would be directly incorperated into the Constitution with the only way to change it being a popular vote.

The President would have control of the military, law enforcement and set all Policy in regards to the rest of the world as we have now, but would add Line item veto power.

Judges would judge cases based on the Law and not on what seems right to them.

Congress would be responsible to the people they represent.

All government officals would have clearly defined powers, responsiblitys and dutys. If something new comes up, then a body would be created to do with that problem... if it was a permanent problem, then the People would decide how it will be taken care of. This would be done in much the same way that Admendment to the Bill of Rights are done now.

There would be no permanent Political partys. if people of common mind want to join together for a certain cause.. fine. But they would get no special political clout becaue of it. Nor special governemnt favors.

lobbyist and thier ilk would be outlawed.

The Federal Government would have little to do with the common man. States Rights. A Republic. the Feds would deal with other countrys, defense and relations between the member states.

Everything else would be handled by local state governments.

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The Federal Government would have little to do with the common man. States Rights. A Republic. the Feds would deal with other countrys, defense and relations between the member states.

Everything else would be handled by local state governments.

what's with the republican obsession with "state's rights?" i see no difference between being fucked by the state government and fucked by the federal government. the only reason that was ever in place as a party "value" was when the southern states tried to secede so they could maintain ownership of their darkies... or so they thought. modern conservatives later co-opted it (or at least they pay lip service to it) for no reason i can fathom.

i hear politicians (mostly republicans, because dems like to distance themselves from the topic) complain about "big government" and act like autonomous states would somehow decrease the overall red tape instead of turn into a bloody fucking bitchfest nightmare for all concerned parties...

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BF - States Rights. read the Constitution. this country was formed as a Republic with the States (local goverments) having the power, not the Feds.. so that say most of the people in California wanted to legalize Pot but the people in Mississippi didn't. no problem.. Cali makes it legal and Mississippi makes it illegal. We are not sopposed to have Fedarl laws that govern our lives. We are not sopposed to have Federal taxes. our money is sopposed to be backed by Gold.. not promisses. Republicans and Libertarions scream about wanting a small federal government because thats what the Constitution says we are sopposed to have.

I know I know... change and all that.. get with the times and all that crap. fine. There is actually a process to change the Constitution. you get enough people who want to and it can be done.

i like the country I live in. I dont want to be in a Socialist state where I work my fingers to the bone and never have anything so that everyone can be equal.. equal in poverty and starvation. All that work so lazy fucks can do nothing to contribute to sociaty but still have the goverment send them that check. Fuck that. Sit on your fat lazy ass and wait for everyone to spoon feed you life and wipe your shitty ass. What the fuck kind of life is that? Everything's free though.. as long as you dont think about the people who are actually working to pull your weight.

Lazy, stupid, ignorant wastes of skin.

Life, Liberty and the PURSUIT of happyness. Thats the onyl promise you get. you want to be happy... then you have to work for it. Actually getting there was never in the deal.

Besides... the apple you climb the tree for tastes better than the one that fell at your feet.

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BF - States Rights. read the Constitution. this country was formed as a Republic with the States (local goverments) having the power, not the Feds.. so that say most of the people in California wanted to legalize Pot but the people in Mississippi didn't. no problem.. Cali makes it legal and Mississippi makes it illegal. We are not sopposed to have Fedarl laws that govern our lives. We are not sopposed to have Federal taxes. our money is sopposed to be backed by Gold.. not promisses. Republicans and Libertarions scream about wanting a small federal government because thats what the Constitution says we are sopposed to have.

I know I know... change and all that.. get with the times and all that crap. fine. There is actually a process to change the Constitution. you get enough people who want to and it can be done.

i like the country I live in. I dont want to be in a Socialist state where I work my fingers to the bone and never have anything so that everyone can be equal.. equal in poverty and starvation. All that work so lazy fucks can do nothing to contribute to sociaty but still have the goverment send them that check. Fuck that. Sit on your fat lazy ass and wait for everyone to spoon feed you life and wipe your shitty ass. What the fuck kind of life is that? Everything's free though.. as long as you dont think about the people who are actually working to pull your weight.

Lazy, stupid, ignorant wastes of skin.

Life, Liberty and the PURSUIT of happyness. Thats the onyl promise you get. you want to be happy... then you have to work for it. Actually getting there was never in the deal.

Besides... the apple you climb the tree for tastes better than the one that fell at your feet.

state government as opposed to federal government has nothing to do with capitalism OR accountability.

and if you're so psyched out about the rights of the state instead of centralized government, why not take it to another level? county/parish rights. city rights. hell, let's build a fuckin' fort around sterling heights and make our own laws. i trust my local govnerment more than the fat cats in lansing...??

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Look, you don't like our government, I do. I think it has problems, most of which started when it became less of a Republic and more of a Socialists state. When the Federal government started having direct influence ont he lives of it's people.

I don;t think people in California should decide whats legal in Maine and what is not. I think the people of Maine should decide those things.

Our founding Fathers built a model government. One that, at one point in time, was considered to be one of the best governments systems that has ever existed. other countries model thier governments off our constitution. Then, in 1913, people like you and other socialist bent people started wipping your collective ass on with it. People bitch and moan about the Federal government... and never stop to think that it's like they way it is becuase they keep demanding that it get bigger and bigger and deeper and deeper into thier lives. With laws that govern everything we do and how we do it.

People that don't understand that they are the ones that gave the government the power it has. People who don't understand that you should really never say.. "There should be a law against that" becuase you just gave someone the idea to make it a law.

and you may be uncorruptable.. but I dont want you running my life. you have no idea how to make my life better, your not living it.

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I never mentioned Capitalism btw. I didn't mention it because it's not a form of Government. it's a form of finance.

Nor did I say that States rights makes for accountability. I just said in my government politicians would be held accountable to the people they represent.

In my government there would be a maximum of 10 years in office in any level of government. No cofidence Votes would be standard at the half way point in every term. Voting would be mandatory to get any form of government benifit. No more life time politicians. Get a real job,

You want the benifits of being a citizen.. then be one. Get involved. or be alone.

Public service would be mandatory too. Be it military, police, emergancy response, coast gaurd, border patrol or government.

BTW, politicians would get paid a matched annual salary to the civilian job they would hold if not in public service. and not a penny more.

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I never said your ideas for government were "bad" ones. Quite the contrary. I think you could model an excellent government. I wouldn't want you in charge as a law maker or enforcer, or a representative, but that's completely different than say, writing a constitution.

I am just concerned that there is too much of a republican focus on the rights of individual "states" (as far as a state instead of its citizens can enjoy rights, anyway) than living under a federal law. If a federal law is still engineered by the people (preferably in a more direct form of democracy), it wouldn't be any more or less oppressive than the same laws created in any given state.

I would become a dictator so I could enforce civil liberties, mostly. I'm sure there would be a few genuinely tough moral questions to resolve (not too many, honestly), and I'd try to delegate most of those to the public.

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