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I don't like a lot of poetry. There. I said it.

I like poetry the has a pattern or rhyme to it. That's something I like in general with music, words or images. Not very sophisticated, perhaps, but it's how my brain processes things best. I also learn best when things are in story form rather then charts and dry information. Blech.


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I like poetry. I like writing it, though I'll never win any awards. It's for me alone, so that's ok. I enjoy reading it as well, but as with all media of art, it only evokes emotions or meaning to a person if they can relate. I enjoy all forms of poetry, from limericks to epics, as long as it touches me in some way. Music lyrics are the most stirring for me, but perhaps that's only because it's what I am exposed to the most.

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saying you "love poetry" is like saying you "love" novels. or music. or movies. or artwork.

that said, i love most poetry i encounter. just like with the rest- i love MOST of them... i'm that kinda cat. but god, is there an overabundance of shitty poetry in the world!

yet for every man who thinks he hates all poetry, there's an undiscovered poet who could touch that man's imagination with one exposure

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I don't like blunt, to the point poetry..I don't like the message spoon-fed to me. It doesn't evoke any emotion from me. To me, that kind of poetry is like reading a research paper or an essay. It says what it says and nothing more.

I like to come up with what I think it might mean (and really what it means to me). It want it to evoke some sort of emotion. Then I like to analyze what mind state the poet was in at the time.

I like word play and twisted phrases. I hate rhyming.

I like poetry that makes most people say "wtf?"

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I don't like blunt, to the point poetry..I don't like the message spoon-fed to me. It doesn't evoke any emotion from me. To me, that kind of poetry is like reading a research paper or an essay. It says what it says and nothing more. I like to come up with what I think it might mean (and really what it means to me). It want it to evoke some sort of emotion. Then I like to analyze what mind state the poet was in at the time. I like word play and twisted phrases. I hate rhyming.

tschoo must love me poems =O

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There is no question that a lot of people, and i mean a LOT don't like it. Ever see a poetry book on the best sellers list? Pfft. Thats like seeing a straight man at city club.. oh wait nvm.

But , really its very unpopular. I think its something that your "supposed" to like, and it has a very high level of academic credibility so its hard to outright "dis" it, but if people liked it, they'd be buying it.

Having said that i do like it, its just not my first choice. Typically i don't care so much about style as i do substance, and poetry is in a general sense, very much about style over substance.

I do have several Poetry "classics" anthologies so im at least mildly aware of all the major classic poets. I have read all of Shakespeare's sonnets and a random collected works of Burroughs, E. E. Cummings and Edgar Allen Poe but thats about the extent of it.

Some specific works that pop into mind as being just amazing though are:

The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Daddy by Sylvia Plath

Put Something In by Shel Silverstein

The Road Not Taken and also "Mending Wall" by Robert Frost

O Captain! My Captain! by Walt Whitman

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Yeah, I tried to buy a book of poetry once (and it was not great). I spent a good hour or so reading through the selection thinking "this sucks...who published this crap...oh gag me...boooring" I ended up buying a book that I was somewhat satisfied with becase I felt like I needed to own a book of poems. Have I taken it off the shelf since I bought it? Nope.

I generally don't read poetry because I'm so damned picky about what I like. My honey writes some good stuff, and there are people on here that have some good stuff. *shrugs*

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Eh, it seems like, to a lot of people, poetry's one of those things you're expected to hate. Depends what crowd you roll with and what stereotypes you feel you need to fit (of course that doesn't apply to people HERE, goths in general are supposed to be "artsy." i'm talking more about the normals).

and troy, if you like "daddy," start coming to trixie's sunday nights. you'll enjoy it on a whole new level

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There’s definitely more bad poetry than good out there. Far too much of it makes me think some nitwit just threw their angst and a thesaurus in a blender and called the resulting mess a poem.

I enjoy hearing poetry recited (or reading it aloud myself) instead of just reading silently. I “get” it a lot more that way.

At the risk of sounding like a goth stereotype I do love Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven;” I like the way the rhyme and alliteration makes it flow. Other favorites are “My Last Duchess” by Robert Browning (fuckin creepy) and Walt Whitman’s “Song of Myself” and “I Sing the Body Electric”

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Especially if they have a good reading voice. That I can get into.

That definitely makes a difference. When Rogue performed "Annabel Lee" during the Cruxshadows concert I got CHILLS I'd never get just from reading it.

Of course, I could listen to him read the phone book, but that's another matter altogether... :swoon

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There’s definitely more bad poetry than good out there. Far too much of it makes me think some nitwit just threw their angst and a thesaurus in a blender and called the resulting mess a poem.

I enjoy hearing poetry recited (or reading it aloud myself) instead of just reading silently. I “get” it a lot more that way.

At the risk of sounding like a goth stereotype I do love Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven;” I like the way the rhyme and alliteration makes it flow. Other favorites are “My Last Duchess” by Robert Browning (fuckin creepy) and Walt Whitman’s “Song of Myself” and “I Sing the Body Electric”

If you haven't yet, read Porphyria's Lover. Hot, and creepy, all at once.

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i love to write poetry... i love reading poetry depending on the author

i write in the form of poetry to get my thoughts out of my head

most prayers, spells, whatever religion you practice... are a form of poetry... think of that

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i enjoy writing it, but haven't been exposed to enough writers to know whether or not i'd enjoy reading it. one thing i'd really *love* to do is learn how to read poetry aloud, with the right meter, timbre, pauses, etc... i think it would really help me clarify mood, tone, etc...

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I have a difficulty with "reading between the lines" and with automatically recognizing symbolism.

That automatically makes it difficult for me to "get" a lot of deeper poetry.

Add the fact that I have some amount of dyslexic inability to grasp more academic written word, and yes, poetry can be VERY academic in nature - and reading poetry becomes more struggle than it's worth to me.

That said, I like a good poetry reading. I much more enjoy spoken poetry than written.

I wish I liked poetry more. I enjoy a good descriptive - I'm very visual. I like it when I can close my eyes and hear a poem that brings vivid visuals to me. Whether they be of a misty woodland scene at dawn, or a drunken sailor walking into a brothel.

I used to write poetry - very light, Ogden-Nash style witticisms. I stopped with the poetry when I started writing lyrics. It just seemed a natural progression for me, and enabled me to get into more serious subjects. People used to enjoy my poetry, but I just am not into it anymore.

Jon is a very, very good poet. He wooed me with a tape of him reading some of his originals. He hasn't written a word since we've been together. That's a pity - he's much better than I ever could be.

I own several books of poetry that I have never read. Dorothy Parker, Poe, Shelly. The only one I've been able to enjoy was Ogden Nash.

I admit to envying those who can get into poetry. I do feel a bit of lack in my intellectualism due to not being able to include myself in conversations about it.

Then again, fuck it.

In a bucket.

And then suck it.

Good subject.

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