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Goth Enough?

Crazed Vampyress

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so ive heard people talk about other people saying so-and-so isnt really goth or isnt goth enough. but i had never actually heard anyone say this myself. i didnt realize i had never heard it til i thought about it after a conversation with troy. but once i thought about it i realized being called 'not goth enough' was something an an idea but nothing i had actually ever heard anyone say to anyone else.

until today.

i was at the laundrymat waiting for my stuff to dry and i heard the couple of guys sitting nearby talk about 'the black car with the goth bumper sticker on it' out in the parking lot. ( i have a black saturn with a black bumpersticker with white writing that says 'yea, its goth' a friend of mine made it from those stickers that say 'yea its got a hemi' and gave it to me as gift) they were saying something about how they could probably look in the washers and figure out whose clothes belonged to the person whose car that was cuz they would be all black. i said 'i can save you the trouble and just tell you which dryer my clothes are in if you want to see for yourself' they looked surprised when i spoke. it was cool at first a bit of small talk about where the bumper sticker came from and all that. and then the one guy goes 'but youre obviously not really a goth' and i asked why not. he said cuz i wasnt wearing black lipstick or nail polish. and he could see some of my clothes in the dryer were green, mostly black, but some green and white. this started a whole conversation about 'what is goth, really?' and by the time my clothes were done and i was getting up to leave the guy just said 'yea, well im sure youre kinda goth but probably not goth enough to own a hearse or know anyone cool like that'

not goth enough! i cant believe someone actually said that!

so i was just wondering - has anyone else ever encountered this personally? cuz up til today it was just things i had heard about but never experienced first hand....

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So how old was this guy, 14?

Seriously though, some people aren't comfortable unless they can put everyone in neat, convenient, narrow little boxes. It saves them from having to actually think or get to know people as individuals. I've never experienced this on the goth tip... but then again I have a horror of being boxed in so my personal style is pretty eclectic. However, if I had a dollar for every time I've been accused of being "not black enough" in one way or another, well, let's just say I prolly wouldn't be short selling my house right now.

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I had this experience with my friends of all people.

I was wearing a dark blue shirt and they told me that I wasnt really goth because I didnt wear black all day everyday.


They even had the nerve to call me EMO...can you believe that shit?

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uh wait.

so these guys were saying that to be "goth" was cool, and so was owning hearses or having friends who own hearses, but they themselves didn't self-identify as "goth" or dress the part?

i will never fucking understand people ever

Yeah it doesnt make sense....they can tell someone that their lifestyle isnt "enough" but they arent even a little bit...what is the world coming too?

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I used to get called not goth


Then I bought a hearse :D

But seriously, they don't have any understanding of what goth is and probably never will. Just exclaim that you're more goth than they are and that's what counts if they want to get into a pissing black contest.

Also if you see them again ask them if they know anyone with a hearse and/or thats in a hearse club. If and when they say no tell them you know the president of The Dead Society.

(edited to add)

Owning a hearse doesn't make you a goth, being a goth makes you a goth. Just look at Todd LaRosa (Erin can back me up on this, she's met him in person).

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I used to get called not goth


Then I bought a hearse :D

But seriously, they don't have any understanding of what goth is and probably never will. Just exclaim that you're more goth than they are and that's what counts if they want to get into a pissing black contest.

Also if you see them again ask them if they know anyone with a hearse and/or thats in a hearse club. If and when they say no tell them you know the president of The Dead Society.

(edited to add)

Owning a hearse doesn't make you a goth, being a goth makes you a goth. Just look at Todd LaRosa (Erin can back me up on this, she's met him in person).

Dude, when did get your neons?!

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I get it all the time once people learn the music I like, the clubs I like to go to, etc. I don't look goth. I'm not trying to look anything, but myself. I gave up a long time ago trying to conform to someone's idea of what you should look like because of a label. It's hard enough to be comfortable in your own skin. I listen to music that moves me, I dress in clothes that make me feel good about myself, etc. It just so happens that the people who like the same things, same music, similar ideals and thoughts are "goths", though I don't like confining anyone to a single label when each person is soooo very much more. Those guys were obviously narrow-minded, immature puds and you are goth enough and more!

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Dude, when did get your neons?!

e-bay, 50 bucks (actual neons too, though the LEDs would probably work better come winter, but I like neon).

I get it all the time once people learn the music I like, the clubs I like to go to, etc. I don't look goth. I'm not trying to look anything, but myself. I gave up a long time ago trying to conform to someone's idea of what you should look like because of a label. It's hard enough to be comfortable in your own skin. I listen to music that moves me, I dress in clothes that make me feel good about myself, etc. It just so happens that the people who like the same things, same music, similar ideals and thoughts are "goths", though I don't like confining anyone to a single label when each person is soooo very much more. Those guys were obviously narrow-minded, immature puds and you are goth enough and more!

What a goth way of thinking :)

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I used to get called not goth


Then I bought a hearse :D

But seriously, they don't have any understanding of what goth is and probably never will. Just exclaim that you're more goth than they are and that's what counts if they want to get into a pissing black contest.

Also if you see them again ask them if they know anyone with a hearse and/or thats in a hearse club. If and when they say no tell them you know the president of The Dead Society.

(edited to add)

Owning a hearse doesn't make you a goth, being a goth makes you a goth. Just look at Todd LaRosa (Erin can back me up on this, she's met him in person).

you do remember i find the label entirely meaningless?

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yea... i dont know what these guys consider 'goth' and no they didnt do or say anything to make me think they were in any way involved in the gothic community... just a couple guys in jeans and t-shirts. they didnt offer up any music or interests to me to say 'hey we're goth' they basically just started questioning me cuz my bumper sticker. i put up on a post in the past where i actually used to kinda cringe when someone called me goth cuz 1- i was young and didnt know anything and 2- i thought goth was clothes/music/etc... it took me til i was a bit older to realize that the stuff im into just happens to be things that you find in a gothic community. (my living room has been described as 'decked out with vampire bling' lol) so i really like my bumper sticker i think 'yea, its goth' kinda sums up my feelings on the label. yea, i like black. i like dark colors. i like gothy looking things. yea, so what? Im so glad you guys understand! *grins* i love it here more and more!

oh yea, my best buddy scott owns 3 hearses, has one finished with his subs in a coffin inthe back takes it to the car shows, etc... is still workin on the other two. he is marrying his sweetheart he proposed to on 6/6/06 this september, in IL where they live, in an old cemetary (they got city approval!)

so i guess i am cool enough to know people like that after all, huh? *wink*

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yea... i dont know what these guys consider 'goth' and no they didnt do or say anything to make me think they were in any way involved in the gothic community... just a couple guys in jeans and t-shirts. they didnt offer up any music or interests to me to say 'hey we're goth' they basically just started questioning me cuz my bumper sticker. i put up on a post in the past where i actually used to kinda cringe when someone called me goth cuz 1- i was young and didnt know anything and 2- i thought goth was clothes/music/etc... it took me til i was a bit older to realize that the stuff im into just happens to be things that you find in a gothic community. (my living room has been described as 'decked out with vampire bling' lol) so i really like my bumper sticker i think 'yea, its goth' kinda sums up my feelings on the label. yea, i like black. i like dark colors. i like gothy looking things. yea, so what? Im so glad you guys understand! *grins* i love it here more and more!

oh yea, my best buddy scott owns 3 hearses, has one finished with his subs in a coffin inthe back takes it to the car shows, etc... is still workin on the other two. he is marrying his sweetheart he proposed to on 6/6/06 this september, in IL where they live, in an old cemetary (they got city approval!)

so i guess i am cool enough to know people like that after all, huh? *wink*

or maybe you're cool because of who you are instead of who you know... =D (or what music you listen to or what car you drive or what clothes you wear or what body parts you've pierced)

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Just exclaim that you're more goth than they are and that's what counts if they want to get into a pissing black contest.

I'm getting a really goofy mental image of a "pissing black" contest. :rofl:

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this started a whole conversation about 'what is goth, really?' and by the time my clothes were done and i was getting up to leave the guy just said 'yea, well im sure youre kinda goth but probably not goth enough to own a hearse or know anyone cool like that'

Wow, I guess that is supposed to classify me as goth because I pwn a hearse. I never ran myself a label as goth, more like a child of darkness. I enjoy horror movies and doomy music. I have a lot of black but hardly wear any during the week because of my work shirts and stuff. But for now....

I am gawth, see the hearzez? Feel my uberness

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