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Goth Enough?

Crazed Vampyress

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I pretty much said this in your other thread, do what ya like to do. Wear what ya like to wear.

If other people want to stand there and judge you for whatever reason, let them.

You are not required to listen to, or care about what they think.

Let them flap their gums pretend like you're hearing what is being said, then just walk away.

If they're picking on you, it is nothing more then a desperate attempt to fill the craters in their wounded egos.

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you do remember i find the label entirely meaningless?

Yeah but as far as the meaningless label goes, who's more goth me or him?

or maybe you're cool because of who you are instead of who you know... =D (or what music you listen to or what car you drive or what clothes you wear or what body parts you've pierced)

Yes but all of those things help to define us as people. Without those things all we have to distinguish ourselves from eachother are our bodies.

I'm getting a really goofy mental image of a "pissing black" contest. :rofl:

All part of my evil plan

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Back when I was in school, I remember telling a person I was a goth, and then them telling me I wasn't because I didn't have the look then (expensive ass clothes and no job); looks don't matter worth shit, I dress in a lot of black because I enjoy it, and I've hung out with all sorts of people with us both able to accept each other's preferences.

Their opinions don't matter, all opinions are subject to change.. but you usually can't instantly change idiotic mindsets, especially when in droves.. you have to wait for the little switch to come on with the dinging sound effect followed by 20 seconds of recording.

The thing that annoys me is these days there are all these people tagging the term 'emo' on anyone who expresses a negative emotion other than anger; so the way the word 'Emo' is conditioned is basically going to continue to develop huge emotional potency to piss people off if they don't associate with it. It's annoying how there can be so much information pouring out, and yet masses of people continually to carelessly habituate the most conditioned, mind-numbing media.

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What is goth but a meaningless title? If if helps you classify yourself, then use it, but I refuse not only to confine myself one category, but to really classify myself at all.

That said, I think people who are "subtly goth" are way cool. They don't walk down the street spouting morose bs or look like they were burried in a hot topic avalanche, they just have an air about them.

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but I refuse not only to confine myself one category, but to really classify myself at all.

Which hits on my views on it directly. It spans multiple cultures and categories and the traditional sense is now just another section of it.

That guy I mentioned earlier is technically more goth than me in certain areas since he actually does body removals and works at a graveyard. Also he started the hearse club in the first place.

In any case I've already explained why classification is a good thing in 2-3 other threads already. You can look that up as well if you want.

I'd post it here again but most people would skip past it anyway.

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What, does he think it's like selling Mary Kay?

Four more routine human sacrifices and I get the hearse.

*scattered applause*

Hey Scary Guy! For the last time... NO ONE's technically more or less "goth" than anyone else because there are no technical standards agreed upon by any person or group in charge. Which is, of course, the way it should be... why not see everyone as either "goth" or "potential goth" instead of "gothier than me" or "NOT goth?" It's not a contest and no one's keeping score =P

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No wonder I like her. :-)

Me.. I'm a punkrockgothemohippyearthyathleticfreakboy. Classify THAT.

I identify as neo-hippy-multidimentionalwondergothsporkgirltypething

I guess I would fall into the freakgeekpervposerdesperateagedenyingoldmanweirdo category.

hey i like those types of categories....

it's like being a chameleon who fits in anywhere... which i tend to do... or like being a ghost where no one even notices me.... which tends to happen...

so someone who loves the all types of music from classical to *goth/industrial* metal, with very little rap and wheres all colors of clothing but perfers black at times... i'm not a specific category...

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all of this shit to me smacks of "know your role", which I cannot stand. As human beings we do this constantly regardless of our own particular clicks. I've been told Im not Christian enough, cool enough, white enough, brown enough, man enough, hard enough, soft enough, angry enough, passive enough, etc etc etc.......I remember as a young boy my own grandmother looking at me in disgust and telling me in spanish that I was no kind of REAL Mexican because I didint speak spanish, although she lived in this country for 50 years and never learned any english.

My favorite kinds of people are the ones who just "are"..... rare finds but I always feel most welcome in their presence. And thats one of the main reasons why anybody that comes to my house is welcomed with open arms, my house is the safe house.

unless your wearing eyeliner. you freakin freak....

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The Defention Goth has chaged through out history

The early goth period was in the early dark ages or the macabre ages of the early 15th and 16th centry.

In arcture and art went hand and lot of pleag and death and the burning times.

Latter goth was defind in artwork more and less fashion statement.

The 30s and 40s had goth look was germany/france with the bondage and french noir look. Also, very own American Betty Page.

The late 1960s - 1970s was Glam Rock (which is the orginal goth look stemed from)

Then late 1970s and early 80s started a whole new subculture better know as Punk/New Wave.

New Wave/Punk branched off to many sub geners in the 1980s.

New Romantic Movment



New Wavers

Gothic people with punk and goth of there own...it was more main stream in the UK than USA for along while.

The 1990s rolls around..the Goth Culture boomed..for us late bloomers in the USA.

We, still have the goth looking peoples in diffrent sub catagorys today but defind diffrently.


Cyber Goth

Raver Goth

Candy Goth

Old Skool Goth

New New Wave Goth

Psychobilly Goth

Pin up Goth

Punk Rockers

Part-Time Goth

Corprate Goth

Fetish Goth

Transgerder Goth


That is truly goth but, no matter through history it's all sumed as goth..no matter who you are, if your diffrent than someone else you might as we'll be not normal, weird or just call your self goth if you like it's all one lable with many sub catagorys under them..

-CatsEye :cat:

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