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Hitting A Brick Wall


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Not sure if all of you dgn'rs have a full time job outside the net... but sometimes I hate it... I sometimes think that being stuck in the same place for so long can get stressful and tiresome... not sure if any of you have experianced stress before the kind where you lash out on people without realizing... it sucks you get to the point where you have hit a brick wall and you do not want to turn back but rather move forward. and then we turn around and look back on what we have accomplished and people make it seem meaningless and useless... when to you, you thought you were making a diffrence... you thought you were improving the companies stand point... it just sucks... now... back to work! where do you people in this world work? what do you do?

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I ran into this when I worked at AAA Michigan.

I got so fed-up with doing meaningless work for people who treated me like shit.

I needed a vacation badly. Just a few days off to clear my head and lose some stress. I asked for the time off, and was refused. So I walked out of my managers office promising him my resignation letter before I left for the day. And I followed-through with it.

That was 1995. I worked one other full-time job for 2 years after that. Then I worked a couple part-time jobs or day labor.

But that was all when I lived with my parents. I couldn't have done that if I was out on my own.

I've been married for 9 years now, and have mostly lived off my husband's full-time income. I have done eBay as a business off and on over the years to supplement our income. I'm looking at going back into the workforce in the next few years.

I can never be a clerical again. I'm too outspoken. Too unwilling to put up with bullshit. So I'm going to get my nail tech license, and try to get into voice work. Something that, maybe won't cure cancer, but means more to me than typing memos.

I'm greatful that my husband has managed - with little teaching or experience - to get into a field he can be successful and prosper, and he somewhat enjoys. But he's also a creative person, and we're hoping he can make a living off his art/woodworking in a few years.

The rat-race sucks. I feel so sorry for people who are stuck in it. I see how little choice most people have. I'm greatful that I'm not neck-deep in it anymore. But that could change, you know?

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One thing you have to realize, is your insignificance in the world is not a bad thing. You're job makes just as little to no impact as the next persons job. Why are you working to impress a company that's too big to give a rats ass about you anyway? Look at what GM is doing, they're trying to take away the pensions to those who have already retired. (according to some family members of mine) What I honestly tried to do when I was working is to just not get noticed period. I didn't wanna accell and be praised (because they never promote) nor did I wish to be yelled at and get reprimanded. Either way brought attention to myself. Nope, with whatever job it was, I just did it quietly, the same fucking thing day in and day out. The only time I actually would strive to stand out and over achieve was in the Marines. Since I'm going back in the army (wich yeah, shoulda already happened, i say it'll happen any day now like EVERY day) So your job sucks, you're not appreciated, you never will be, for you're taking up the space of employment that could easily be transfered to another country and only paid 2 bucks a day if even that much. Welcome to Michigan.

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Im a CNA work at Herritage Hospital, I just want to escape sometimes.... stress isnt even the word for it anymore..... its to the point i run out the door, cause who knows what happeneds in the span of 1 sec. I do alot for alot of people...... and not many of them say thank you... you think some would for helping make their life better, and 9 times out of 10 saving it cause they just coded....... always wondering if it is all worth it... watching familys keep the worst of the worst alive for their own selfish needs..... I mean really keeping that poor 89 yr old women alive on a vent, cant move.. always in pain.....cant talk..... all you hear is her wimpers of her crying cause she dont want to do it anymore but yet cant speak her mind....... what kind of job is this...... Have I thought of changing jobs yes..... but why? all i can do is continue my education and move to being an RT or RN and making that 28 bux an hour.... cant beat the pay really.....

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Yup. I am about to take a job (don't laugh) selling used cars. Not just any, they are mostly hot rods and re made up classics.

I know now come the used car sales (wo-) man jokes so go ahead I dont care.

I am passionate about these cars 1 and 2, its right down the street.

At least this time I won't have to lie, they take GOOD CARE of these vehicles.....

I won't have to swindle like my last sales job.....'oh no, we can for SURE save you money......' 'oh yes WE HAVE THAT'......to people with little kids just so mine can eat........

And hopefully I won't have a boss telling me if I don't lie, cheat.......swindle and the like I will get fired because there are a dozen young suckers out there like vultures just waiting for a shot at a job where you basically party in the back room and walk around looking cool lying all day......

Sales is like selling your soul to the devil sometimes. I would go home and just feel like crap.

But our buisness is slow so off I go......

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I like my job. I got a 4k a year raise on my second paycheck. I have a Personal Assistant. Is there stress? Yes. Do I get frustrated, oh hell yeah. People are stupid self centered assholes who expect life to hand everything to them on a silver platter.

I cope with the stress by telling myself that "My job is not my life. I have this job, so I can enjoy/fund my life." I don't take my work home with me, even when I do. Meaning, I may take a pc home to rehab it over the weekend, but only if it doesn;t interefear with my weekend plans.

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I work full time at a call center for an art gallery. It's boring, repetitive work that pays crap. I will never move up in the company because everyone higher up is family. I do not use any of the skills that I paid so much to get in 7 years of college. I hate it. No more really to say.

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I work full-time in accounting/finance for The Man. I like The Man. The Man gives me a nice 401K. And for years, I went to college at night, to boot. The funny thing was, after working a ten hour day, and then being in school for four hours at night, when I finally graduated I was like 'You mean, ALL I hafta do is go to work?!?! That's IT!?!?' There's this whole OTHER world that happens between 6 and 10 pm that I just forgot existed.


Most days, I like my job. Most days, it's stressful, but I work with good people, and the good part of my job is that what I do is ABSOLUTELY necessary to the functioning of the company, no one else knows how to do it, and no one else wants to learn. There's a certain amount of job security in that, and a certain amount of ego boost, too.

I've been told MANY times 'If we ever downsize, you don't have to worry. I don't want to have to do your job.' Kind of makes you feel good and terrible all at once.

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Well, I usually work 50-60 hour 6 day work weeks driving a semi around southeastern Detroit going to Chaldeon-owned supermarkets where the receivers seem to always have a bad day. So I have to incorporate a lot of customer service friendliness which isn't a problem since I am easy to get along with. Its easy to diffuse a bad situation through a little humor or a remark that they are understood. I enjoy my job though as I have gotten to know a lot of different people and feel a sort of comradery with them. They money is also good even if its a $15 an hour job. I took a $2.50 paycut to work this job but the last job was a stickler about overtime.

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hahah lame as it is..pizza guy dont get me started.. ive done landscaping... i worked stocking stuff for an a/v company(why did i stop)... i used to be one of those annoying door to door sales people who tryed getting you to put new sideing up... i was the annoying guy who asked you to take survays at the mall(The perk was i used to dance to billy jean is not my lover in the middle of the mall never really asked anyone to take survays).. ugh bk for like two weeks....

i have to say

i love my job its easy

i dont get paid squat tho...

and by far hungry midlife crises people are the far worst to deal with...

its the only job ive ever had where people tried to get me fired for having a dye job in my hair the only one...

its ok tho we get to have our fun with the late night drunks and what not and the free food =) all those orders people dont pick up or pranks.... and to be honest i think ive had two people come to the door naked and only stuck their arm out... one time it was this guys wet arm at a hotel and some southern girl was screaming about how much fun she was having in the hot tub >.>

i dunno id love to work my job forever if it paid enough to actually live off of

going to wc3d for applied sciences tho gonna try to get into body work...

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I work for Coca Cola.

My job is what's called Merchandising.

If I lived out there,

I'm the guy you would see filling up the Coke products in the Coke sections of shelves in your local grocery store or Wahhlmaaaht or Taaaahget & other stores like them.

There is alot of stress that I deal with at my job.

It is a constant challenge to try to keep everything in its proper perspective.

Ive had to learn to know when I should let stuff bother me, and when to let it roll off.

There are alot of little nuances that I have to encounter almost daily that really test my mettle sometimes.

For example:

when Im standing in the soda aisle, loading my shelf, and the pathway around me and my 6 wheel flatbed cart is blocked for a moment or two, by other people walking up the aisle, and someone comes along and says to me: "Can I sneak by you?" I work for a vendor company, I have to cater to the customers of my customer, so that means I have to keep my mouth shut and stop my work and let them walk by in front of me. There have been numerous times where ive wanted to open my mouth and say something, but couldn't. Well I could, but then the person would go the the store mgr, and complain about me, and he would call my boss and complain about me, and then Id be fucked.

Despite all the ridiculous crap I have to deal with almost daily at work,

I still like my job.

Its a unionized job; I'm a Teamster.

I make pretty decent money,

and since its in our contract,

The company pays the whole cost of my health insurance.

The only time(as far as I know) that I have a co-pay is when I go to a doctor outside of the insurance co's network.

I also get scheduled raises as per our contract.

And I know that I do my job very well, and better then alot of my co-workers do.

Not just because Im good at it, but because alot of my co-workers choose to be lazy and incompetant.

Also, my years of experience help me to do my job better then most others.

It feels good to know that I am someone who my boss can say, here's this work, go do it!

I do it, it gets done right the first time, and everyone's happy.

I show up, I do my job, then I go home.

I don't have a boss standing behind me, watchin me work, barkin orders or criticism at me.

In fact, I think I can count the number of times I see my boss in person during the year, on one hand.

The big thing is though; I leave my work @ work. That wasn't easy to do when I was startin out, but now, its great.

I'm going to borrow something that Gaf said; my work funds my life outside of work.

When I think about all the crap I have to deal with, and the stress resulting from said crap,

I then think about the money Im making and what its allowed me to be able to do and that refocuses me.

So yeah,

I like my job,

and as long as things stay good and or get better,

I will stay.

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I really love my job, I love the fact that when I walk in that door at 8 a.m. every morning, I may have a set of plans that I THINK I may do that day, but something always happens, and stuff always changes. One day I'll be working on some of my usual paperwork, the next day I'll be driving in a semi-esque truck across the country.

I spent last summer in Las Angeles, working at the corporate headquarters to one of our clients. I can't exactly say what it was I was doing, but often I do specialized stuff like this for them. One day I'll be sueing an ex-client, the day after that helping my boss's dog groomer groom his 170lb dog. The key to this job is being very flexible. I often have to do stupid shit for them on the weekends, but I really don't mind, because they pay me pretty well for what it is I do, The only thing is, I don't get much vacation time each year, but I don't think I'd do much with it if I had. I remember my last job they used to force me to take time off, I hated it.

I'm not saying that some days this job isn't stressful, but all in all, it's very enjoyable. I love the fact that they really appreciate the things I add to this company, and I'm always happy to see that they're willing to allow me to move in a direction that *I* want to move in that fits my personality and interests.

My mother, (being my self appointed career guide, not always appreciated) would love to see me in a different type of job, one that would have required my college degree, but honestly, I've learned more from this job about running a small company from the ground up (legally) than I would have at any governmental job I've ever had.

I've had those types of jobs, and I was successful at them, and none of my past employers were happy to see me go, in fact, I've had some of them beg me to come back, but for right now, I'm very happy with this job (it's been almost 4 years). I want to make this place a success.

Did I mention the fact that I'm a work-a-holic, if the work is there, I'd do it 24-7, when I did the maintenance stuff, and did the support for it, I worked almost every night till midnight, and emergencies on the weekends. Yeah, I'm insane.

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I work in IT supporting the folks who support people like CandyQuackenbush. It's very rewarding to know that in a behind-the-scenes way, I'm supporting our soldiers. However, the office politics, policies and procedures, lack of respect and appreciation, etc., do drain me and frustrate me and makes me often wonder why I keep trying so hard. Then I remember who I am ultimately supporting and what they are dealing with, so I stop whinning and carry on doing the best job I can do. Plus, the benefits are frickin' awesome!

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I am not the kind of person who should be in a corporate atmosphere. I would be very happy in a situation where I could do creative things... take photos and be social. Problem is, I'm not sure how to make good money doing that and not feel completely stressed out.

So.. I work as a designer. It's corporate but it's also creative. I'm at a point in my (annoyingly topsy turvy) career that I have some level of responsibility for what gets done, which helps a lot. There are many frustrations, and at the end of the day, does making something look better really matter? I dunno... For now it feeds me and my children so I'm OK with it.

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I am not the kind of person who should be in a corporate atmosphere. I would be very happy in a situation where I could do creative things... take photos and be social. Problem is, I'm not sure how to make good money doing that and not feel completely stressed out.

So.. I work as a designer. It's corporate but it's also creative. I'm at a point in my (annoyingly topsy turvy) career that I have some level of responsibility for what gets done, which helps a lot. There are many frustrations, and at the end of the day, does making something look better really matter? I dunno... For now it feeds me and my children so I'm OK with it.

would you be intrested in doing some weddings and stuff like that? I used to be a office manager at a limousine company and could possible get some work tossed your way... by refrences.... ect.... if your intrested give me a yell.....

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So Kiddies!!! I am quitting as of some time next week I will have put in my two weeks notice... thank goodness I am still working as a temp and so therefore I will be able to find a new job like that I will be sad leaving behind one co-worker that I got really close with. but I am going to shape up my life and go back to school... exciting!!!

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