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1. Diana is not my real name... some know what it is the others will just have to ask if they want to know

2. I have tried suicide before

3. I love special K red berries cereal

4. I hate milk

5. I hate tap water

6. I drive a toyota

7. Most people think I'm a bitch and very rude until they really get to know me

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1. Last summer I ate almost nothing but sushi and ice cream

2. I don't own any white clothing at all

3. I love stickers & have a huge collection

4. I can't swim, am afraid of water, and once had to be rescued from 4' of water

5. I recently beat the second Boss of Doom level and completed Insaniquarium!

6. I love doing logic puzzles

7. My first wedding was on top of a WWII bunker at Land's End in San Francisco

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Thats weird, where did it go?

1) I am in a open relationship...totally open, we do our own thing and don't bug each other about it much.

2) we have our own buisness and sometimes a job too.

3) I have severe narcalepsy but wont take meds for it because I used to be a amphetamine addict....so I nod off here and there looking like a freak.

4) tunnels, math for a long period.....and country music trigger it....making me nod off like heroin addict.

5) I have severe brain injuries that make it so I am not suppose to go on roller coasters but I still do cause I am crazy like that.

6) Have twins and they are both goth like me.

7) I write songs and poetry have been published and included on 3 cd's.

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1. I think my daughter is the most wonderful kid on the planet and she amazes me daily.

2. I love Oreos and homemade chocolate chip cookies

3. I usually prefer sorbet or sherbert to ice cream

4. I'm loyal almost to a fault

5. I have a recurring dream where I am 1 inch tall in a stark white space full of 10 story shadows of strangers all around me

6. My favorite food is beef, specifically a really good steak with a great red wine. Yum!

7. I was extremely shy as a kid. I've overcome that for the most part, but a side effect is that I usually have to be hit over the head to accept a compliment or attention from others.

And a bonus one: I am a dork! =P

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1. I'm of 100% pure Polish descent, a fiercely proud Polish Princess

2. I can tie cherry stems into knots with my tongue.

3. I am 2 degrees separated from Kevin Bacon (My brother-in-law, an actor, was in the Tom Hanks produced/directed "From The Earth to the Moon", Tom Hanks was in "Apollo 13" with... Kevin Bacon.)

4. I am a reformed very talented shoplifter with probably thousands of $$ of thefts in my wake (repeat - REFORMED. Don't do it, kids, mmmkay? It's not worth it.)

5. I like to eat sunflower seeds and spit the shells willy-nilly.

6. I crave absolute, total silence, which I rarely ever get anymore (husband snores and has tinnitus so he likes white noise like fans, air conditioning units, etc.)

7. I feel sorry for and cry over inanimate objects if a sad story is attached to it (That stuffed toy fell out of someone's car and is missing the little girl that used to love it. - WAAAAAAHH!!!!)

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1.I drive a Ford Focus. I don't really like Fords, but there you are...

2. I'm a sometimes (as defined by me) recovering addict.

3. If I have dreams, I very rarely ever remember them.

4. I've participated in 150 mile bike (bicycle) rides more then once.

5. Since November I've driven over 16,000 miles and spent over 240 hours on the road to visit my children every other weekend.

6. I'd rather give then receive.

7. I went to a Catholic school. At the time it didn't seem so bad, but looking back, it really sucked.

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Yes! a second chance at re-writing my seven things.. .

1. I was adopted with my biological brother at the age of 5, he was 7 from South Korea. We moved to Michigan and have pretty much been here ever since. My brother is no longer with us. We got here August 20, and were slammed into school the following month. It was a rather hard adjustment, being only one of 3 asian kids at the time in my school. I used to get teased all the time. So, I've always felt like an outsider.

2. Most of my childhood, I only listened to oldies and country music along with musicals and top forties. It wasn't until I was in high school that I started to listen to something different, and really, it wasn't till Jr./Sr. year. I really got into old skool punk, I was an angry child.. ahh the good old days.

3. Everyone that I've ever met has been very protective of me. I don't know why, but maybe I have this aura of naivity, but people tend to try to protect me from things. I guess it's nice that people take a liking to me right away, but seriously, my parents are all the parents I need.

4. I love the colours pink and baby blue. I tried to deny it for so long, but now, I just go with the flow.

5. I am a technophobe. I really don't like the latest and greatest anything. I don't see the point, because once you buy it, it's no longer the latest or greatest. It's a never ending cycle. I just started back on the internet 3 years ago, before that, I didn't even have an email account. So I went without internet for seven-ish years (I sorta needed the interweb in college).

6. For about four years, I didn't go anywhere or do anything social because I was in a severe depression. I went from work to home, to where-ever my ex wanted to go, but he was pretty much the only person I had human contact with. I almost lost all my friends this way, I hold it slightly responsible for the distruction of my marriage, but the depression was me, and so obviously I hold myself accountable. Now, I think I'm completely the opposite. I am way TOO social. I never have much breathing time. This will change soon, I feel the winds-a-changing.

7. I'm a nerd. I like most things nerdy or geeky. I love nerdy men. They seriously make the world go round, and then add goth to that, HOT! (yes, I don't like technology, but I like my guys to love it) ;)

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That's weird, I wonder what happened to the first one. Ok, 7 new things:

1. I'm very rarely attracted to people. It takes me forever to become interested in someone and even longer to get over them.

2. I do not ever want to have kids. That does not mean I hate kids and it doesn't mean I'm not thrilled for friends when they annouce wanted pregnancies, because I am! I just make a different choice for myself.

3. Very few things make me angry, but when I do get angry, watch out.

4. I got my 71 year old mother into X-files and Buffy the Vampire Slayer and now I own both series on DVD thanks to her.

5. In high school I used to say "That's not what I heard!" as a way to find things out. I found out a lot that way even though I was bluffing every time.

6. I tried to run away from home at age 5 after realizing my parents didn't want me. I figured I would just be adopted by some other family and it would be no big deal. Some people brought me to the police station and I was very confused when they called my mom and she wanted me back.

7. The show Sex and the City got me and my best friend comfortable talking explicitly about our sex lives, because it just looked so damn fun on the show. And it is!

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7 things

1) I have lived on both the west coast and the east coast

2) I have hydrocephalis

3) I need a shower daily

4) I cannot stand hair on my body , so like my legs, I shave my arms too.

5) Donnie Darko is my Favorit Movie

6) I am an aunt

7) I used to self medicate myself

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I'm on vacation as of 430 this afternoon.

I just took a shower, so Im all clean.

I like this thread.

I love fig bars.

I like talkin with anyone and everyone on here.

I like to blog, look if ya want, but please comment so I know you did cuz Im curious like that.

I dont have anything more to say at the moment.

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Hmmm ... Not sure what happened to the last thread, but I never posted in it .... sooo ....

1. My house is still torn apart from fixing cracks in the drywall months ago .... we also still haven't painted over the primer, so there's random white spots all over the paint in the rooms downstairs.

2. I have the cutest Chihuahua ever.

3. I have a really awesome car (a loaded BRIGHT red 2007 Mazda 3).

4. I have Microcytic Anemia, realllllly bad.

5. I am a mother of 4 AND a full-time student.

6. I keep my central air on 66 degrees in the summer ... always bring a jacket to my house.

7. My oldest daughter was court ordered on visitation with her father for 30 days - we have no idea where she is or if she is okay - her cell phone has been shut off since she left here.

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1. my middle name is Kathryn

2. Sometimes when I first wake up, I'm really disoriented and won't know where I am, or if the alarm is going off, I'll answer my phone, or if my phone rings, I'll try to hit snooze on my alarm...and so on

3. I used to sleep walk

4. I have really bad mood swings. Bad as in they sometimes change within an hour, and sometimes change frequently.

5. I have really bad nightmares on a fairly regular basis. Sometime I wake up screaming.

6. Every day I get a glimpse into people's personal lives.

7. I can't stand being in the same place for too long. Me dream would be to travel all over the world, never living in the same place for longer than a year or so.

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1. I know what happened to the 7 that disappeared.

2. I have broken my nose 7 times as an adult and 7 times as a child/teenager. (had surgery twice to make it look normal)

3. I fired my first gun at 7.

4. If my oldest son had lived, I would have 7 children.

5. Including the two kittens I have now, I have had 7 cats in my life.

6. When my skull got cracked, I was unconscious for 7 Days.

7. 7 is my favorite number.

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Omg. If last summer you had eaten sushi, ice cream AND fruit, you and I could have been food twins. Seriously, sushi and ice cream are the foods I love, love, love more than anything.

I guess I didn't mention the fruit 'cos I ALWAYS binge on peaches, nectarines, cherries & plums all summer long. So there was nothing unusual about that part of my diet!

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jeez. point 7 rayne is worrying. hope everythings OK.

1. i'm welsh

2. i'm not in detrot though i have been found lurking in furnature stateside

3. most of you missed it

4. i can turn anything into a humourous prop

5. i can never decide of what car i want to restore

6. i'm a civil servant.

7. i'm awaiting to go back to a lower pay grade as my current role is finishing

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1. I'm addicted to flight sims and have a small air fleet of R/C planes. (and one heli)

2. I was married at one time. Went to CC as an escape from the divorce. Ended up meeting lots of cool peeps.

3. Have 3 cats: Leeza, Poppie, and Miko. All members of "Team Cat Flap" along with the 'OG Cat Flap' Nyak (my GF's cat) He has a mighty cat flap.

4. Drive a tractor and wear a cowboy hat while I'm working.

5. Regularly end up with a "farmer tan".

6. Can't resist making slightly cheesy electronic music with silly samples and or vocals these days.

7. Let Andy LaPlegua get me too wasted to get home one night and ended up going home with who is now my sweety of two years. (I love it when he comes to town)

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I'm half Portuguese on my dad's side.

My distant cousin was James Buchanan, the 15th President of the USA.

I hate stupid drivers.

My grandparents(my dad's parents) used to own a bakery in Ca.

I like taking walks, especially in graveyards.

I don't fear death.

According to my hubby, I have a talent for typing. I also love to bake.

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1. I have had a pet marmoset monkey, two pet pygmy goats, two lovebirds, one cockateil, a redtail boa, a rosehair tarantula, an emperor scorpion, a brown bat, a savannah monitor, 5 cats, 4 dogs, a brown snake I caught in the wild which gave live birth a few weeks later to 9 babies, a rainbow skink, a uromastyx, and assorted fish.

2. I love 80s dance music

3. I go through momentous personality changes 2-3 times a year that often make those who care about me worry

4. I have tortured animals, for personal reasons and in honor of Lucifer when I was a practicing Luciferian Satanist.

5. On that note.... I signed my name in blood in ritual and promised my entire body and soul to Lucifer over a year ago.

6. I am now completely avoiding religion because I had a paranormal encounter associated with Lucifer.

7. I'm, shockingly, more beautiful than my pictures.

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1) I beleive that Lucifer does NOT own your soul Comitessa but your pretty a cute girl and so I'm sure he'd like you to think he can pull your card and many years ago a Luciferian Satanist and a buddy of his from Hollywood tried to murder my mother but she got away so instead they killed her dog and spread its blood and entrails down the hall and on the porch and painted runes in its blood on the walls and I have known many satanists in my youth, most of whom are really just weekenders but every once in awhile you get one more devout than any zealous christian I know and can you beleive not once have any of them Satanists ever bought me coffee or a donut but I beleive you when you say you've had a paranormal encounter because so have I many times in my life (get ready for the snickerers).

2) I fear / freak out over just one thing: the loss of my voice, be it symbolic or literal.

3) I met my wife in the military and I've been married to that same woman for a very long time, 3/4 of that time has been very good.

4) I love all kinds of music but in the end it all boils down to a voice and an acoustic guitar..flesh on wire and wood tells stories more intimately than anything else I know.

5) I used to be a Bomb Dog Handler for a private security company of fellow veterans in LA, Phildpelphia and Detroit. My gig here was to cover the IRS building which happns to be next to the casino.

6) Once while doing that gig I forgot my holster and had to borrow one from security that was not fitted for a 38. Then I had to poop. so in sitting and dropping my drawers my loaded gun fell out of my holster and slid across the very occupied bathroom floor.

7) I am constantly involved in the personal lives of others by invatation but seldom have re-charge time for me.

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1) I do not believe in anything supernatural, because...

2) ... I feel everything that exists is part of the same fabric of reality that everything else is. I do not presume to have answers for everything (doing so would be defeating on every level), nor do I feel it is possible for human beings, with our extremely limited bands of perception, to ever be able to experience the bulk of reality directly, however...

3) ...I feel that everything in existence is connected to everything else, and no item, object, id or ego is greater or less significant than every other thing in existence. I feel everything is as dependent on any particular rock, flower or honey bee as it is on even the most socially significant human beings to ever live. It may not be immediately obvious how or why. Everything is a product of the same base material as everything else. We are simply the complicated little whirl pools out on the end of it all. I strongly feel that the only possible reality is the reality we are in, as we know it. I do not feel like we were put into this world. I do not feel we are visitors brought into it. We are a part of it. We grew out of it.

4) I identify in a number of ways as an existentialist (mostly agreeing with Sartre). I feel everything is inherently meaningless, but find that to be the most beautiful element of the human experience. I find it a little frustrating to try to explain this concept to anyone who finds the concept extremely foreign to the way they already think.

5) When I consider issues, I try to view them entirely outside of my own opinions. I try to see the true nature of things, and then work it into the model of reality As I Understand It. Occasionally (read: often), information or events require me to update my model of reality. I love this. This does not, in any way, mean I do not have an opinion, as anyone who knows me knows for a fact that I most certainly do. In fact, I often have very passionate opinions. Still, in formulating opinions, I remain open to new information and try to remain objective in my perspective.

6) In my own personal life, I'm predominately interested in beauty and inspiration. Provide me with either of those, particularly inspiration, and I will make the stars dance while the moon sings. Perhaps shockingly, I actually get bored with facts, information, logic and science. I want to unravel mysteries, I want to tell stories, I stand at the top of a lonely mountain and shout meaningless poetry to the birds and clouds. I want the world to not make much sense.

7) This cartoon is hanging in my cube at work:


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