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"hit on chicks they think are easy"

umm...cuz most of them are.....I dated several girls that go to City....and all of them had their clothes off MINUTES after getting in the door of my apartment...and I never even had to look at them...much touch them...it might just be my luck though....

It is.

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Dude, no offense but I heard the word "poser" used by surfers and skaters in Jr high school in the 70's in So Cal...and in the mid 80's by rock bands on the strip in Hollywood....and by punkers at Oki Dog in the early 80's....and by straight edge kids during the same time.....

Well, that isn't at all against what I was saying....

I'm just saying that I hadn't heard it outside of surfers and sk8rs until the late 80s early 90s, and even moreso in the mid 90s.

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It is interesting/odd to note the paradox or contradiction in "being judgemental about judging" or "being negative about negativity" but the underlying point is clear I think without debating the semantics too much and getting into a chicken or the egg type conversation.

In terms of the history of the word "poser" in English i found it online , listed as first appearing in English print in 1872 taken from the french word "poseur" with basically the same meaning as we use it now. Which like most words you can keep tracing back and back into history until the trail ends at a dead end at some point in antiquity (or sooner).

Even words that were clearly coined by a particular person "Cyberspace" by William Gibson for instance, there are still ideas/concepts that he put together to come up with the idea and they themselves can be traced back .. and back and back.

Although all of this is really pretty far off topic getting into the entomology and semantics. A little inaccuracy saves a ton of explanation.

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Quoting Daniel

Lots of stuff

Responded to in PM.

And for the crowd - choosing not to involve/engage oneself in negative behavior/thinking doesn't have to mean some kind of tangible, purposeful judgment or action on someone else.

It can sometimes just be a person's nature. No thought or actual action goes into it until it's made verbal, as it has here.

I don't think about others being judgmental to "poseurs" or "wanna-bes". I don't tell myself not to be. I just am not, and I don't really look for it in others, so I don't see it.

It's a non-entity for me.

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Guest GodfallenPromos

Nothing personal.

But I think the ratio of easy guys is just as high, if not higher, than the chicks. And it's the guys doing the hitting. So double-bad IMNSHO.

"Most?" Maybe 'cause you're hitting on obvious sluts. 'Cause when they're obvious, it's less work.

Actually...I like the work...makes things more interesting when you have a chance to get into someone's head.

and all my hook-ups came to me...I have never had to start a conversation....and while I do have an ego, there is a part of me thats all low self esteem.

Honestly...I never understood what any of my gf's seen in me, at least looks wise....maybe it's the fact that people tend ot crowd around me...like I am a magnet...*shrugs*

and while I'm not gonna turn down sex (I'm male, 25, and Gemini...it would be an insult to my side of the species), it's a lot less interesting when you can't work towards it.

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