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Words From A Ht Employee

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Back when I first heard of Hot Topic, I was naive and quite intimidated by the dark interior, the clothing and the loud music. But eventually, curiosity got the better of me, I got my first coat from there and eventually began to incorporate a lot of the clothing into my own style...... getting called Goth by kids too young to know better.

Alongside that, there has been ridicule towards me, towards my coworkers and towards the company as a whole.

Keep knockin' on the good it does, for all I care, but I'm here to give you a better perspective of what this store chain has done for me as a person, and what it does for the curious, sane, few who are interested in an alternative lifestyle that, until they get out int he real world and start buying the authentic garb, they can rely on the prices...... and some seriously amazing finds on sales or the clearance rack.

I have been with this company for almost three years, and in those three years, I have fought depression, anxiety, naivete and two of my managers have seen it all, because they trained me and had a big, helping hand in helping me become the person I am today. I could confide in them, ask them for advice, and ask them for better directions on how to merchandise something.

Over these past three years, I have met people that I can call friends, I met people I dont want to meet again, and I have met people who have asked for my perspective on the lifestyle I now live, who have asked for advice on what to wear, things of that nature. One customer, Kenneth, came into the store one night, saying that he and some of his classmates were going to do a Psychology project..... half of which featured the entire group going into a restaurant in Gothic clothes. So I offered him Tripp pants, a t-shirt, spiked wrist-cuff, and some nail polish and eye-liner. From what he told melater, the project was a success.

We focus on music that's popular, as well as the fashion associated with it. Goth and Industrial was "in" at the time, so it was trench coats, boots, spikes and studs, lots of other things like that. Now, Hardcore and Post-Punk, whatever you wish to call it, is the popular genre, so we sell tight jeans, form-fitting t-shirts and shoes typical with the style. I'm not complaining, really, I've seen some neat tops, and due to their cuteness, I've purchased a few.

Getting back to the music, three years ago, I wouldnt have given a damn for Metal, Hardcore or certain other genres of music. Working at Hot Topic has broadened my tastes in music, thanks to a few managers, as well as some customers. Hell, even random tracks coming on the playnetwork....... I hear something I like, I write it down and download it later.

I have heard more Industrial music, learned to appreciate metal music, even some Hardcore and Grindcore, and I have been able to recommend music to many people, that usually end up enjoying what they hear.

Some of you hate Hot Topic for "what it's done to the Scene."

And also, some of you dont have any problems with ME.

Had Hot Topic not existed, I wouldnt have met any of you, chances are likely.

Working there has given me new insight..... how to look the part, it's given me new confidence, I've learned a lot of things about myself, working there, than what I would at any other place of employment. I used to work as a server at one of the local bowling alleys..... it was stressful to the point where it was hard to make a comeback on any given shift. Working at HT, alongside fellow coworkers, and the encouragement of my higher-ups.... I can bounce back from a goof I make.

I can tell you which shirt looks absolutely darling on you, while at the same time, you tell me what you enjoy and what needs work on. We can exchange likes and dislikes and it makes us both 'better' people, an helps us grow.

So, due to the experiences I've gained by working at this so-called Poseur store..... you bet I'm going to jump up and defend it. I've learned a lot by working there and I'm not about to give a deaf ear to those that disapprove, because there is a lot more to HT than what meets the eye. The next time you want to scoff at the abilities of this store chain, keep in mind, there are people that work there and people that shop there. Someof them not much younger than you either. =P

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It's always interesting to see what people will defend when they feel it's being unfairly denigrated.

My comments here will likely seem haphazard and meandering; so be it.

No offense meant to your post, but really, I don't think Hot Topic needs defending. While their shares seem to have been slipping slightly in the past year or two, they are still posting fairly strong sales. They aren't going anywhere anytime soon, I should think.

That said, I also don't think there is anything wrong with Hot Topic. It is what it is, and if I choose not to shop there most of the time (not really my style, if I can be said to have one), I'm certainly not about to fault anyone else for doing so, especially since their prices are a lot lower than most items one could find at smaller specialty or boutique shops catering to a similar crowd. I don't think it's necessarily the best introduction one could have into the world of goth, but it's also hardly the worst. If the biggest gripe is that it's cookie cutter goth (or whatever other group it caters to), you might take a closer look at the folks at City Club.

It simply is what it is. If people choose not to shop there, fine, it's their choice for whatever their reasons happen to be, but I'm not going to NOT shop there for any of them. If I find something I like (I haven't been in awhile, to be honest), I'll buy it.

Full disclosure: one of my favorite bumming around T-shirts was a Hot Topic purchase. It was the 'chicks dig scrawny pale guys' tee.

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I got my coat from Noir Leather, poser :p

OK but seriously, I do hate Hot Topic and a lot of what it represents. Granted you've gotten some experience there, but that can be said for any place of employment.

To me it's a place marketing to a group of non conformists getting them all to conform. It follows the popular subculture trends set by the media and what it thinks will sell, and doesn't give a damn about anything else. The target market of which seems to be kids ages 12-18.

So you've sold out to the megacorp corp, nothing wrong with that. We all needs money and it's better than working at GadZooks (or whatever the hell that god-awful store was, I didn't even go in).

But I'm glad you got some good out of it, because that means it's at least doing someone some good.

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Nothing wrong with hot topic.....mostly doesn't suit my taste is all....I've purchased a few items where the quality was lacking big time but it was on sale so I couldn't resist. I'm primarily an online shopper so its rare that I'll go to a mall where hot topic is so I don't know if they've upgraded their stuff or not. Eh, I say shop where ever if the price is good, who cares what anyone says.

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OMG...... just recently went to the Great Lakes Crossing HT........ holy crap. It's been redone in white and cream and bricks and bright lights, and the interior looks nothing like HT once did..... kinda scary.....

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I see a couple kids walk into KFC wearing head-to-toe HT-brand Jack Skellington - pants, shoe laces, t-shirts, arm warmers, etc. - and I think, "God, what a crutch - "instant goth - just add water!" And I also think, "what a freaking lack of originality" and "major way to stifle potential creativity."

But then I think, "it takes some sort of creativity & originality to want to dress that way in the first place."

And I know if I had the money and HT existed in the 80's, I would have shopped there.

Said it in another thread elsewhere, at least these people want to shop there rather than Abercrombie & Fitch or Gap or some other khaki-clone store. Good on 'em.

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I see a couple kids walk into KFC wearing head-to-toe HT-brand Jack Skellington - pants, shoe laces, t-shirts, arm warmers, etc. - and I think, "God, what a crutch - "instant goth - just add water!" And I also think, "what a freaking lack of originality" and "major way to stifle potential creativity."

But then I think, "it takes some sort of creativity & originality to want to dress that way in the first place."

And I know if I had the money and HT existed in the 80's, I would have shopped there.

Said it in another thread elsewhere, at least these people want to shop there rather than Abercrombie & Fitch or Gap or some other khaki-clone store. Good on 'em.

Yeah, now they just need friends that are real goths to tell them they're losers and show them how to make their own fancy threads.

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I'm glad I just noticed this post. I was at the mall yesterday, and though I've not bought anything from the store in years, I walked right past it like 3 times before I realized it was Hot Topic. I'm kinda appauled to be honest. I don't know what the fuck it is anymore, it's all confused. The band shirts there now suck, and are from sucky bands, their stuff is all the same, like seriously, there were 20 fucking rows of the same triple diamond studded belts. It's like the Preppy Emo store now. I went into spencers gifts wich is just a drug paraphanelia and gag store anyway, and they had better products than what the HT store is all about.....

I honestly hope that fucking shit hole goes out of business now.

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Personally I like Hot Topic. My niece has found several items there that she loves to wear. I have spent a good amount of money there on stuff that elsewhere I would have spent way more. The employees are helpful and one is even helping me pic out stuff for me to wear that won't look stupid on me. To wish a business to go out of business is silly. Just because you don't like the store one shouldn't want something bad to happen. Just don't shop there...period. But also don't knock those that do. Just because someone doesn't make their own goth clothes doesn't make them a poser. If we start to do that then everyone is a poser no matter where they shop. If everyone buys from K Mart wouldn't that make them a poser because they are wearing what everyone else is wearing? And considering how some who call themselves Goth and claim to be open minded are extremely closed minded about HT. I find it amusing at times. Other times I find it childish. The gee you bought that at HT you are a poser not really Goth is becoming a silly phrase used by those who apparently feel they know the true meaning of Goth and feel a need to declare who is and isn't Goth. Gee how main stream that sounds. Oh well, just my 2 cents worth but I am sure I will get ragged on for it.

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After searching for hours online, trying mainstream stores about town, thrift shops, and trying to turn fishnet stockings into a shirt (OMG - it's hilarious & sad what happened), where did I finally find decent quality fishnet shirts that fit a fatty, came in good colors and finally ended my frustrating search?

Hot fucking Topic.

As seen in these photos:


Granted not a single other piece I'm wearing came from there. But I do hear I can get REALLY TRULY RED eyeshadow there, so damned right I'll be going there when I gots some ca$h so I won't have to make-do with the berry color I've got on in the picture.

I like my reds red, thank you. I'll get them where I can. I don't care what the name of the store is or who shops there.

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Wow. Sweet!

After searching for hours online, trying mainstream stores about town, thrift shops, and trying to turn fishnet stockings into a shirt (OMG - it's hilarious & sad what happened), where did I finally find decent quality fishnet shirts that fit a fatty, came in good colors and finally ended my frustrating search?

Hot fucking Topic.

As seen in these photos:


Granted not a single other piece I'm wearing came from there. But I do hear I can get REALLY TRULY RED eyeshadow there, so damned right I'll be going there when I gots some ca$h so I won't have to make-do with the berry color I've got on in the picture.

I like my reds red, thank you. I'll get them where I can. I don't care what the name of the store is or who shops there.

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Hot Topic is cheap. The mainstreamy-ness of it is certainly a part of the joke, but their products are epically cheap and poorly made. I never really understood the point of trying to have some sort of high style and buying it from Wal-Mart.

Sounds like your experience is more a compliment of the people you work with, not the company you work for.

But then I think, "it takes some sort of creativity & originality to want to dress that way in the first place."

I've never felt that seeing a style and doing your best to emulate it is any indication of creativity or originality. Unless you're the type of person to argue that cover bands are a good sign of creativity and originality. I am not one of those people. All it takes to want to dress that way in the first place is, in my opinion, 1) a realization that you don't fit in anywhere else 2) being exposed to the style somehow and finding it appealing and 3) and finding it easier to be Lydia Deitz than Paris Hilton. It is amazing to me how many mediocre looking Goth girls are considered seriously hot by their peers.

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Hot Topic wants me to pay triple the price for toys from my childhood. Sorry, not cool. It's full of people who think they can buy a lifestyle, not cool. Before HT you had to do some actual work to find similar things to what they sell in the store, you had to actually want these things. Now you can just see it, think its cool, buy it, and forget it, look back in 5 years and go, oh god, did I actually wear that.

I'd really like a study to find out of these HT shoppers actually stay with the style or fade away. I'll assume if HT closes in less than a decade, it's the latter.

I was also pissed by their refusal to order a shirt for me because it was on clearance, despite my offer to pay double for it. I haven't gone to a HT since.

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I think because it's a chain it lacks the independence that an alternative fashion store would have to sell. You won't find anything expensive goth-wise from what I've seen. You get a lot of things that are more along the lines of scene/emo styles of dress. As far as with teenagers, scene/emo styles of fashion are probably more popular, so HT would be doing the right thing business-wise, to further invest in clothing/accessories inclined towards scene/emo style.

I don't have any problem with the store, I've bought some band shirts, and one pair of pants a long time ago that I happen to be wearing now which are huge. I like that it has been very successful in getting people, especially younger, to embrace darker/alternative styles of fashion.

Sure a lot of (especially younger) people develop oversized egos by concerning them too much with cliques that capitalism is constantly aware of and marketing too. It's each individual's choice to make social division a problem or not, and how they're perceiving the world around them - which includes them understanding that every product and service getting sold to them is an attempt to appeal to their identity.

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Hot Topic is cheap. The mainstreamy-ness of it is certainly a part of the joke, but their products are epically cheap and poorly made. I never really understood the point of trying to have some sort of high style and buying it from Wal-Mart.

I was also pissed by their refusal to order a shirt for me because it was on clearance, despite my offer to pay double for it. I haven't gone to a HT since.

Go in and copy the style, then make it yourself and have it be better, with better quality, and personalized on top of everything else.

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Go in and copy the style, then make it yourself and have it be better, with better quality, and personalized on top of everything else.

That hurts my head thinking about it. Ripping off Hot Topic's designs... it almost seems that should crush the space/time continuum.

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OMG...... just recently went to the Great Lakes Crossing HT........ holy crap. It's been redone in white and cream and bricks and bright lights, and the interior looks nothing like HT once did..... kinda scary.....

I agree with your opinion of the new look of the GLC store. I -really- don't like it. I used to love the way the old one looked, and now it's all... lit.

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I've tried to like HT, and I have no active dislike for them, but every time I go in I just can't find anything that interests me. It's not just lack of originality, it's that every single item in the store seems to shout "If you want to be alternative, this is what we've carefully contrived that you should be into in order to be different from everyone else." I guess I just don't understand why people want to dress just like everyone else who is different from everyone else. I'm not trying to be condescending or mean, it just kind of baffles me.

Admittedly, I like some of the T-shirts, but T-shirts aren't my style, so I never buy them. And, yes, you can get some staples like fishnets or spiked stuff or make-up for the same price or less than you could at other stores. I still usually go in during a trip to the mall hoping that this will be the one time I actually see something I like, but alas...

And FarriL, I'm glad that your experience working there has been a good one. That's hard to find in retail. I agree, though, that it has a lot more to do with who you work with than where you work.

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