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I think in dumb metaphores a lot in life because it helps me put things in perspective, it seems to clarify concepts for me... I thought maybe the following dumb metaphore might help some members (or us) understand what the nature of DGN is...

DGN is essentually Troy's house, his property and his roof. When I see members starting to talk about "oppression" or about making it more of "democracy" it is clear that they don't understand what the foundation of the board.

Accepting that this Troy's house, this means that the members are guests in Troy's house... they come in and eat his food (bandwidth) watch his TV, and talk to each other around his living room... (and occasionally use his basement for making out). Troy also leaves a donation jar out for people that want to chip in for the pizza, Troy is nice and he doesn't require you to do so if you want a slice, but a lot of us think it only makes sense.

He also has a few friends that help him clean up the house and call taxi's for the folks who are passed out (that's the mods). And listens to their opinions about home maintenence.

Troy's house is pretty relaxed, the only thing he really requires to be a guest in his house is that you don't yell at the other guests, or the people that help keep clean. He also doesn't like door to door salesmen that come to the house... but he doesn't mind some of the guests showing some of their wares while chatting with the other guests.

So when we get a guest that comes in to the house and starts talking about how unfair the house is, and how the house rules are bias, and how certain guests are treated differently... it really gets me irked. First of all Troy allows you into his house, no one is forcing you to be there... Second, this is not a public park, there is not a policy that applys as it would a government. And lastly, would you want someone comming into your house who doesn't pay rent or help out telling you how you would want to handle your house? telling you that people should be allowed to yell and scream at each other whenever they want? NO!!! of course not.

Then some guests come in and say "That house up the street lets me yell and scream all I want, and the snacks are better"... then go to their house and stop bothering us.... Troy's house does not exist to out do the other houses in the nieghborhood, he is trying to make it a pleasent place to hang out, if you don't like it then leave... it's not that difficult.

And don't stomp out saying you hate the way you are treated in the house, then show up an hour later talking about how you still don't like it, but you just came by to check the TV. Or better yet, show up in a different outfit after you have been asked to leave and claim to be someone else...

Troy invites people in because he likes them, he encourages you to bring movies and talk about them, share music, and if you are a hot goth girl, he thinks that you add a lot to the beauty of his living room when you are sitting on his couch.... he is not trying to run a business just a cool hangout.

.....Thanks.... I think I will go take my Prozac now

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"The Rules":

DGN is fairly public, more so than your own personal house, but it is still in a sense a "private club" and your here at the moderators discretion. If you don't like the rules of the household/club either STFU or GTFO once it comes down to individual people being jerks. Luckily they are in the extreme minority.

Really, just read the Code of Conduct it takes a whole 5 minutes. Got any problems? Go read the CoC again. Still have problems? Read them again.

A little more concern/courtesy for others and understanding the context in which your posting is a skill some just don't have (and thus don't belong on DGN until they do learn it)

DGN is "Troy's":

I'd rather have DGN be something separate from my personality, maybe "a house" or "a party" but not necessarily mine. Every time we refine the DGN rules I think "how do we write this stuff so that it has my "idea" here but doesn't require me to be involved to explain how things should run? I want the DGN rules to be sort of "the DGN Constitution" that exists as its own separate entity.

I intentionally have DGN called DGN and not "troy's board" because really its not "mine" per-se i just happen to be the guy at the apex of the food chain currently.

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And don't stomp out saying you hate the way you are treated in the house, then show up an hour later talking about how you still don't like it

But the other house party died off when the owner got drunk and burnt it to the ground. I don't think the people in the city have much choice at the moment.

*plays some Talking Heads*

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