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Found The Guy From Quickie Mart!

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So I go up to get the paper, and Habib (looks like him, talks like him!) at 7-11 says to me.....

Why are your eyes so red???

I say...I just got up.

He says, 'Don't you sleep well? You one of those people who Can't sleep all night tossing and turning or is it something else?'

Dunno what the guys problem was. Maybe he thought I had a joint out in the car or wanted to sell me some sleep medication.

Not trying to sound racist but he really did remind me of the guy on the Simpsons since he owns the store and all....anyway here is some interesting reading for those of you who are bored. YAWN

looks like from this racism is alive and well......terms I never even thought of or heard going on all over the world.

List of ethnic slurs

ज्ञानकोश: - The Indological Knowledgebase

The following is a list of ethnic slurs that are, or have been, used to refer to members of a given ethnicity (or, in some cases, nationality or religion) in a derogatory or pejorative manner. The term is listed, followed by its primary user(s) and a definition.

Terms on this list vary greatly in offensiveness. Many are taboo. Some are used more widely than might be imagined based on their "definition"; for example, Boatie can be used to refer to any Vietnamese person, a form of metonymy. The key here is that the person using the slur cares so little about the target, that the person's actual background is irrelevant. The motivation for using an ethnic slur is often racism or bigotry.

It is not uncommon for minority groups to adopt an originally disparaging term and use it of themselves, as an act of self-assertion. However, they may be extremely offended if it is used by others; nigger is an extreme example.


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51st Stater – Facetious reference to any citizen of a nation whose politics and culture appear closely aligned with the United States'. This term is used in self-deprication, or to malign. Usually applied to Canadians, the term can also be used to describe Australians or the British.

927 – U.S. blacks, comes from the suburban Los Angeles Police Department code for "Suspicious Person"


A.I. – short for "American Ignorance" used for US citizens

Abba-Dabba – from the film Betrayed, referring to Arabs and the United Arab Emirates city of Abu Dhabi

ABA – Another Bloody Australian. Used in Canadian ski resort towns, primarily Whistler/Blackcomb. Describes members the prevalent Australian ex-patriate communities in those areas.

ABCD – "American-Born Confused Desi" used for American-born Indians who are confused about their culture

Abo – Australia, Australian aboriginal. This used to be the standard common term for Aboriginals, and was used by many Aboriginal people themselves (It was not considered offensive until the 1950s)

Abomination – North America, Offensive slang for half bred children, mainly used for half white children

Adolf – Germans, referring to Adolf Hitler

African queen – U.K., a black gay male. Also the title of a film.

Afro-Saxon – Young white men who act black

Ahab – U.S., derogatory term for Arabs, from the novelty song "Ahab the Arab"

Ainu – Japanese people, originally referring to a valid minority (the Ainu) of Japan, now sometimes used as a derogatory term for any Asian, emphasizing barbarism

Albino – whites (see albino)

Albo- Albanians

Ame-koh – Americans, used in Japan

AmeriKKKan – a reference to perceived racism in American society

Amerloque – France, an American

Amo – the Amish

A-Neh – Singaporean and Malaysian Hokkiens, an Indian person

Angie – Anglophones in Canada, used in Quebec

Anglo – US, a white person

Ang Mor (Kwee) – Hokkien speakers, Red Hair (Devil), a white person

Ape Candy – Whites who date blacks.

Apple – U.S., a black person (apples hang from trees) cf. windchime, Canada, an Indian who "acts" like a white (red on the outside, white on the inside).

Apu – U.S., popularized by the character of the same name from The Simpsons, referring to Indians

Arkie – similar to Okie, except from Arkansas instead of Oklahoma. see Okie.

A-rab – U.S., someone of Middle Eastern descent (pronounced as the letter "A" followed by "rab" as in rabbit)

Armo – Armenians

Aunt Jemima, U.S. Blacks, a black woman who "kisses up" to whites, a "sellout", cf. Uncle Tom

Ay-rab – U.S., variant spelling of A-rab


Babuska – Commonwealth & U.S., Eastern Europeans, deriving from the head covering worn by Ukrainian women or from the Russian word for grandmother

Babtou – France, an ethnically-French French person ("fran�ais de souche"), used by French of other backgrounds (verlan for "toubab")

Bagel dog – North America, Jews, referring to traditional food product: bagels

Baguette – France, an ethnically-French French person ("fran�ais de souche"), used by French of other backgrounds

Bahadur – Nepali servants

Bamboo coon – U.S., Chinese people

Banana – Canada, U.S., an Asian who is "yellow on the outside, white on the inside"

Bangla – Malaysia and Singapore, a Bangladeshi

B.A.P. – U.S., Black American Princess - black women with ostentatious taste

Barbarian – Ancient Greece, any non-Greek (derived from the Greek perception of any non-Greek-speaker babbling ("ba-ba-ba"); Ancient China, any non-Chinese, but applied especially upon non-Confucianist cultures

BBCD – U.K., British Born Confused Desi

Beaner / Bean-Eater – U.S., someone of Mexican descent (sometimes applied to other hispanics)

Beastie Boy – U.S., Jews who act black, comes from The Beastie Boys

Bigger Thomas – U.S. Blacks, slang for a bad nigger

Bhai – Malaysia and Singapore, a Sikh person. Originates from the innocuous Punjabi word meaning brother but in this sense it is offensive

Bhaiya – India, actually meaning brother, it refers to people native to the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh

Bihari – (India), refers to a person from Bihar and Jharkhand, often used to denote a person who is illiterate and backward.

Binda – Derisively applied towards Middle Easterners

Bindi – An person with Indian descent

Black Pillar Box – U.K., a Muslim woman who wears a burka

Black Velvet – Australia, an Aboriginal prostitute

Blackhead – U.K., an Arab (this term goes back to the medieval era)

Blizzard – U.S. negroes, a bunch of white people

Bluenose, Bluenoser – Canada, a person from Nova Scotia, named for a famous schooner originating from said province. Often used with pride by residents of this province.

Boat Niggers – U.S., Cuban people, or anyone from the Caribbean seeking asylum in the U.S.

Boat People, Boaties – Australia, sea-borne illegal immigrants of any nationality (In the 1970s usually Vietnamese, today mainly Afghans and Iraqis)

Bog Trotter – U.K., Irish people

B�g – Swedes, used by Finns (Actually Swedish for a homosexual male)

Bogan – Australia, universal term for white redneck. Some parts of Australia use equivalent terms such as Westie (Sydney term - as many live in the city's western suburbs) and Bevan (Queensland term)

Bohunk – U.S., 1890s, a person from east-central Europe, especially a laborer (compound of Bo(hemian) + Hung(arian)).

Bok Gwai – Cantonese, a white person. Literally means "white ghost"

Bolillo – Mexico, white people (bolillo is a white bread roll)

Boofer – Hawaii, Polynesian word equivalent to nigger

Boong – Australia, Australian aboriginal. Highly offensive

Boonga – New Zealand, a pacific islander ("boo-nger")

Boonie – New Zealand, a pacific islander

Border Jumper – U.S., an illegal Mexican immigrant

Boris – U.S., a Russian immigrant

Bosniak –person from Bosnia, regardless of religion (deemed highly offensive to non-Muslims in Bosnia)

Bounty bar – U.S., a black person who acts like a white person

Boy – Southern U.S. whites and South African whites, a black man

Boy Lover – U.K. & North America, a Greek male

Boy Lover – Anglo-Saxon Protestants, term for a Roman Catholic priest

Bozgor – Romania, a Hungarian esp. living in Romania

Bubble – U.K., Greek (cockney rhyming slang "bubble and squeak")

Brit – U.S, A British person, not usually offensive.

Brown Eye – U.S, an insulting term for a black person - based on slang for the anus

Brown Sugar – U.S./U.K., a black woman, not offensive - this term is used liberally in the Rolling Stones song of the same name

Buckwheat – U.S., a Negro - especially a young boy (from the character Buckwheat from the "Little Rascals/Our Gang" movie shorts of the 1930s & 1940s

Buddhahead – African Americans in Eastern U.S., an asian person

Bule – Indonesian term for a white person, roughly translates as "pigskin"

Bulgar – a Bulgarian person (derives from the tribe of barbarians that invaded the balkans)

Burkha Bitch – U.S., a Muslim woman

Burner – Canada, derived from Wagonburner, Canada, for Canadians of frontier stock

Bumpkin – Australia, white person, usually living in rural area. Equivalent term of hillbilly

Bushie – South Africa, a Coloured


Camel Jockey – U.S., someone of Middle Eastern descent

Canuck – U.S. and Canada, a Canadian national. Not considered offensive by most Canadians.

Cardboard Nigger – US Blacks, a black person "selling out" to the whites or not acting "black"

Carpet Bagger – US Southerners, a Northerner who moves to the South.

Carlton – U.S., refers to Carlton Banks: a black character from the sitcom "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" who "acted white".

Casper the Unfriendly Ghost – U.S. Asians, a naughty white person

Cave Bitch – U.S. negroes, white women - from an Ice Cube song about white women

C�fran –France, an ethnically-French French person ("fran�ais de souche"), used by French of other backgrounds

Celestial – Australia, 19th century, Chinese

Cereal – a person from Syria (uses an "a" for singular form, and an "s" for plural) Also, brands of cereal are used.

Chakh-Chakh – Israel, a Mizrahi Jew. Used by Ashkenazi Jews and integrated Israelis to ridicule the preservation of the pharyngeal (guttural) pronunciations of Hebrew consonants ח ħ�th and ע ‘�yin by Mizrahi Jewish immigrants

Chalala – France, young trendy Jew.

Chapata / chapat – US Indian and Pakistani, a person of Oriental (Chinese, Japanese etc.) origin. Word is derived from Hindi 'chapata' meaning 'flat', used to refer to flat nose and facial features.

Chank – U.S./U.K., someone of Chinese descent

Charlie – U.S., a Vietnamese person (shortened from radio code for the Vietcong (V.C.): "Victor Charlie"); term also used by African-Americans (mainly in the 1960s and 1970s) to refer to a white person (from James Baldwin's novel Blues For Mr. Charlie)

Charles – U.S. generalization, an Asian person (derived from Charlie)

Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkeys – U.S./international, French (from perceived French cowardice in military situations)

Chefur – Person from Balkans, usually one from former Yugoslavia.

Cheese-Head – U.S., a person from Wisconsin

Chicken-Shit – U.S., a Hindu - based on the bad pun "Hen Doo"

Chief – North America, rude form of address towards Native Americans - considered very disrespectful unless really addressing a tribal leader

Chinaman – International, person of Chinese or generally of Asian descent

Ching chong – U.S./Australia, someone of Chinese descent; term directed at Yao Ming by Shaquille O'Neal in highly-publicized incident in 2002

Chink – U.S./U.K., someone of Chinese descent

Chocko – Australia, ethinc person of dark/olive complexion, usually of Mediterranian extraction

Chocolate Drop – U.K., a black person;

Chogee – Australia, someone of Asian descent

Chongo/Chango – (also "mono") U.S. Hispanics, a black person ("chongo/chango" is Spanish for "monkey")

Choong – Australia, Vietnamese or Cambodian immigrants

Chopperflops – Canada, generalization, an Asian person

Chow – Australia, 19th century, Chinese

Chowie – U.K./Australia, someone of Asian descent

Christ-Killer – used in some Christian cultures, a Jewish person

Christofah – Canada, a Canadian fop

Chug Canada, a native Canadian

Chuntaro – Mexico, U.S., a rural Mexican immigrant

Claip – an Amish person (origin uncertain; more commonly used as a verb, in the present participle – claipping – to refer to an act of harassment against the Amish, especially stoning an Amish-driven buggy as it passes along a road, particularly at night)

Clog or Cloggy – used in some cultures, a Dutch person (from their supposed wearing of clogs)

Clog Wog – used in Australia for a person of Dutch origin, not always offensive

Coca – Portugal, a Mozambican (usually white), shortened from the word Coca-Cola.

Cochise – U.S., a Native American, after Cochise, a Chiricahua Apache warrior chief who resisted white usurpation of Indian land

Cockroach – U.S., a Mexican immigrant

Cockroach – Germany & U.S. midwest, a Frenchman

Coco – U.K., a black person, New Zealand, a Pacific Islander(shortened from coconut)

Coconut – U.S./U.K./Australia, a black or Hispanic person who is perceived to act "like a white person" (a coconut is dark on the outside but white on the inside); New Zealand, a Pacific Islander

Colorado Beetle French WWII era("doryphore"): a German person.

Colored – U.S., an unacceptable term for Black person, however it was acceptable in the past - for example "NAACP"

Coloured – South Africa, a person of multiracial descent

Commie – US, a Russian. Sometimes used to refer to a Chinese individual

Conchy Joe – Bahamas, a white native whose ancestors were slave-owning Loyalists; can be used jokingly and without negativity to refer to any white Bahamian

Convict – Australia, white/anglo Australian, used by aboriginal and ethnic Australians, derived from the first European settlers on the First Fleet in 1788

Coolie – North America, rude term for Chinese (originally used in 19th-century for Chinese railroad labor)

Coon – U.S., a black person - from the practice of using hunting dogs trained in hunting "Coons" (Raccoons) to chase runaway slaves.

Coonass – U.S., degrading term projected to Cajun people

Corkhead – a native of the Isle of Wight, off the southern coast of England.

Corn Guzzler – U.S., a rural southerner or appalachian (from drinking illegal corn liquor)

Cosmopolite – Soviet Union, a Jew

Cotton Picker – U.S., a black person

Cracker – U.S., a white person, esp. one in the South or Appalachia with a poor, rural background. Derogatory, though sometimes used self-referentially and interchangeably with "good ol' boy"

Crick-Crick – U.S., a Japanese tourist - usually with cameras, from the sound of the camera shutter

Criminal – U.K. and N.Z., an Australian (see also convict)

Crusader – Islam, a person from a country were Latin Christianity is dominant (North America and Western Europe)

Cuff – U.S., a black person

Culture Carrier – tranlation from German, an Asian or Asians

Culture Creator – tranlation from German, a European or Europeans

Culture Destroyer – tranlation from German, an African or Africans

Curry Muncher or Curry – Australia and New Zealand, an Indian person

Cygan – Poland, it used to be Polish name for Gypsies, but due to popular belief that Gypsies don't work, steal and con people it is used today as a noun and verb meaning "con"

Czarnuch – Poland, derogatory word for people of African or Middle Eastern origin; derived from Polish "czarny" (black); similarly to U.S. "Negro/nigger" Polish "czarny" is neutral, statement-of-fact, while "czarnuch" is highly offensive;


Da Bi Zi – Big noses: Chinese slur used to denote Caucasian people

Dago – (also "dag") U.S., someone of Italian descent (originally derived from the Spanish name Diego, it was applied to Spanish, Portuguese or Italian sailors)

DagoWop – U.S., (a combination of two slurs)an Italian

Darkie or darky – various, someone with dark-colored skin; also a racist, iconic caricature with inky-black skin, googly eyes and exaggerated red, pink or white lips

Darkness – various, someone with dark-colored skin (from skit on David Chapelle's comedy show featuring Rick James)

Diaper head – United States, someone of Middle Eastern descent, or another person that wears a turban

Didicoy – UK, gipsy

Ding – Australia?, an Italian

Dinge – US, a black person

Dog Eater / Dog Muncher – U.S., someone of Filipino, Korean or Vietnamese descent

Don – U.S., a wealthy Italian - especially a ranking mafioso

Don – England, a Spaniard (from the Spanish title) (Common use in Elizabethan times)

Donny Brasco – an Italian person

Dot or Dot-head – U.S., someone of South Asian descent (from the Hindu practice of wearing bindis)

Double Dutch / Dutch courage – U.S./U.K., inferior attributes for Dutch people

Dresiarz / Dres – Poland, young urban people wearing sportswear (from Polish "dres" - sportswear), usually bald, often organised crime (recruiting from this group)

DWO – "Driving While Oriental" – U.S., referring to Asian drivers, perceived to be poorer drivers than others

Dune Coon – US, someone of Middle Eastern descent

Dutchman – English-speaking South African whites, used for Afrikaner


Easy-Bake – a Jew. Relatively inoffensive and generally considered to be in good taste.

Egg – a white person who "acts" like an Asian (white on the outside, yellow on the inside)

Eggplant – North-eastern U.S., a black person

Elbow – an Albanian person (derives from the other slur, "Albo")

Elvis – U.S., overweight southerner with unexplainable sex appeal (for example Bill Clinton)

Ese – U.S., someone of Hispanic descent

Ethnic – Australia, someone whose ethnicity is not of Northern European decent or indigenous decent, someone eles

EuroNazi – U.S., Europeans, referring to Europe's history of dictators, communists, nazis, and imperialism

Europhile – U.S. Any European, especially mainland Europeans, who are perceived as sexually promiscuous and overly passive

Eurotrash – U.S./U.K., Europeans gatecrashing society by trading on false claims of wealth, titles of nobility etc.

Euro-weenies – U.S., Europeans, particularly French, who don't support instances of US foreign military intervention

Euro-spic – U.S., Someone of mixed European-Hispanic ethnicity. c/f Ponce de Leon.

Eyetie / Eye-talian – U.S., someone of Italian descent


Fabio – Italian person

Faj – Black person; used primarily in South African prisons by white people

Farang – Thailand, non asian person

Fay-zai – fat guy in chinese

FBI – Boston, for "Foreign Born Irish" who immigrate and immediately take high-paying white collar jobs

Feather head – U.S., a Native American

Feuj – France, a jew (Verlan of Juif)

Fender head – U.S., an Asian

Fig newton – a white person who acts black. Opposite of Oreo

Filippa – Italy, a Filipina

Fisheyes – U.S. Asians, a white person

Fjord nigger – Alaska, an Alaskan Native of the Tlingit tribe

Flattie U.K. traveller community, someone of fixed abode

Flip – U.S., from US troops during the Philippine-American war "Fucking Little Island People"; someone of Filipino descent

Flea – a person of Yugoslavian descent (derives from the fact that the majority of the Yugoslav names end in "ich" or "itch", when a flea bites, you itch)

Fob, FOB, F.O.B. – U.S., a recent Asian immigrant; Canada, any recent immigrant; New Zealand a pacific islander (from Fresh Off the Boat); Also used by US-born Samoans to refer to recent arrivals

Fog-Breather – U.S., British person

Forby – Australia, a Jew. Rhyming slang, forby is short for four-by-two, a piece of wood four inches by two, commonly used in building (Now obsolete)

Fork – a brown person in chinese

Franchute – Spain, a French national

Franco – French person

Frenchy – U.S., a person with French roots

Fritz – U.K. and France, a German

Frog or froggie – U.S./U.K., a French national

Frog Eater or Frog Nibbler – U.K Commonwealth & U.S., a French national

Fuckoff – France, a British youth

Fuzzy wuzzy – Australia/NZ, a Melanesian (usually Papuan or Solomon Islander)


Gabacho – Spain, a French national

Gachup�n – Central America, a Spaniard

Gadjo/gadji – Gypsy, a non-Gypsy male/female

Gaijin – Japan, any non-Japanese person

Gabacho – Spain, a French national

Gator Bait – Southern U.S. - esp. near sub/tropical wetlands, a troublesome Negro

Gavacho – Mexico, a white person (See gabacho)

Gay or Just English? – U.S., the perceived sexual ambiguity of English males

Geechie – South Carolina & Georgia, disrespectful term for the "Gulla" - a distinct subculture/Semi-African dialect of the Negros of the coastal islands

Geek – Greek person(singular only)

Geep– U.S, an Italian (From Pinocchio's "father" Gepetto, who was Italian)

Germ Man – a German person (using the bacteria form of germ)

Ghandi – U.K. Commonwealth & U.S., a person from India

Ghati – (India) in general, any Maharashtrian; else specifically Maharashtrians from Satara, Sangli and Kolhapur

Ghetto-Fabulous – U.S., a term for black women with ostentatious taste - see B.A.P.

Ghetto Monkey – U.S., a black person

Ghost – China (Qing Dynasty), a foreigner, esp. a Japanese person (white people were "ghosts from the seas")

Ghost – Sub-Saharan Africa, a white person

Ghostbuster – an asian who beats up on whites.

Ghundi – A derogatory term for an Indian or South Asian (from Gandhi)

Gicho or jicho – Spain, a Gipsy (from gitano)

Gin – Australia – an Aboriginal woman

Gino – Canadian – a young man of Mediterranean descent who acts in a macho fashion

Ginzo– U.S; An Italian-American

Goatfucker – used by the late filmmaker Theo Van Gogh to denote Muslims

Goat Roper – U.S. southwest & lower midwest (Oklahoma & Missouri), white people (mostly hicks and/or suburban cowboys)

Gobbler – A Turkish person (gobble = Turkey)

Goddams (Les); medieval France; Englishmen, after the common exclamation uttered by them.

Godo – Canary Islands, "Goth", a Peninsular Spaniard.

Goita – Catalan countryside, a Barcelonese city-dweller (from Catalan goita, "look!")

Golliwog(g) – U.k. Commonwealth, a dark-skinned person, after Florence Kate Upton's children's book character

Gook – U.S. military slang since the Korean War, applied initially to Koreans and later to Vietnamese during the Vietnam War; It derives from Hanguk, the Korean name for Korea

Goomba – various groups, An Italian person

Gorilla – a big, fat black person.

Goy – Jews, a non-Jew or a Jew that does not practice Judaism; (Goy, plural goyim, is the standard Hebrew and Yiddish word for a non-Jew and is not intended to be offensive when used in those languages)

Greaser – U.S., someone of Latin American descent, esp. Mexican

Greaseball – U.S., an Italian person

Grease monkey – U.S., Italian, or any other mediterranean person (Note that the same term is used for a motor mechanic)

Greegi – Greek person

Greek – UK & North America, person who indulges in anal sex (for example Greek style, Greek love, etc.)

Grimace – U.S.; a fat particularly dark-skinned black person (from the McDonald's restaurant character)

Gringo – Latin America and Spain: Non-Hispanic U.S. national Hence Gringolandia, the United States; Not a pejorative term, unless used in an offensive manner (of course); For Brazilians, any foreigner

Groundskeeper Willie – U.K. & North America, an unflattering term for a Scotsman (after the stereotypical character from the Simpsons cartoon)

Gubba – Australia – Aboriginal term for white people

Guido – US, someone of Italian descent (a genuine Italian first name)

Guinea – U.S., someone of Italian descent (Derives from "Guinea Negro", which came from the popular belief that Italians were part african because of their darker skin)

Gwailo – also spelled "gweilo"; a Cantonese term for Caucasians (Similar to the entry above for ghost)

Gyppo – UK, Romany peoples, short for 'Gypsy' (see below); Also, UK and Australian military, Egyptians, sometimes used affectionately, but "bloody Gyppo" was a term of abuse

Gypsy – A Sinti or Roma (Not Universally Regarded as Offensive), also an Armenian


Habib – U.S., someone of South Asian (e.g., Indian or Pakistani) descent

Hairyback – English speaking South Africans, an Afrikaner

Hajji – an Iraqi, Arab, Muslim, or occasionally other nonwhite, used by US occupation forces; one soldier notably wrote "Hodgie killer" on his footlocker (See Hajj for non-offensive usage). Not to be confused with Hadji of Jonny Quest

Half-Breed – U.S., a multiracial person

Halfrican – U.S., a multiracial person of partial black descent ("half-African"); sometimes self-applied

Hankee Yankee – U.S. Asians, a white southerner

Haole – Hawai'i, whites. Considered to be extremely derogatory.

Happy Slave - US/UK, an Irish immigrant

Harp - US, an Irishmen

Heeb – U.S., a Jewish person (Short for Hebrew)

Heinz 57 - U.S., a person of indeterminate racial or national origin

Hervat – a croatian person. From "Hrvatska", the croatian word for croatia

Hick – U.S., rural person, generally uneducated, similar to yokel

Hillbilly – U.S., a rural white person, esp. one from Appalachia

Hindoo – Australia, 19th century, Indian

Hindy – An person with Indian descent, or a person who practices Hinduism

Hok gwai – Cantonese, a black person; Literally means "dark ghost"

Hooligan / Hool – Poland, troublesome soccer fans, about themselves, called kibol by others

Holy roller – U.S., evangelical Christians

Honger – North America, a person from Hong Kong

Honky – also spelled "honkey" or "honkie", U.S. blacks, a white person (derived from "hunkie")

Hori – New Zealand, a Maori

Hoser – A Canadian, particularly one who drinks a lot of beer and spends much of his time urinating (hence "hose")

Howlie – Hawai'i, whites. Considered to be extremely derogatory.

al-Hufa – (Arabic language: the barefoot) the West Bank, a person from the East Bank

Hymie – also spelled "heimy", U.S. blacks, a Jewish person, especially from New York City ("Hymietown")

Hun – Allies in WWI, a German soldier; also Irish nationalists, a British nationalist (See Huns for non-offensive usage)

Hungaro –Mexico, a person of Roma descent. See Gypsy

Hungo – a person of Hungarian roots

Hunkie – U.S., someone of Hungarian descent


Ian – an Armenian person, since almost every Armenian has a "ian" at the end of their name.

Ice mutant – black supremacists, a white person

Ice Nigger – a native Canadian person (Eskimo, Inuit, ect.)

Inbred – Referring to the stereotype that people from Appalachia have sexual intercourse with their family members.

Injun – a Native American, from "Indian"

Ireng – means black; a Malay slur for Africans or Papuans

Island Nigger – a person from any of the West Indian islands


Jack Mormon – Western U.S., an LDS-born person who has left the church

Jafa – a resident of Auckland New Zealand

Jap – U.S./U.K., someone of Japanese descent

Japo – U.S./U.K., someone of Japanese descent

JAP – U.S., Jewish women (Jewish American Princess)/Aust., spoilt Jewish adolescents (Jewish American Prince or Princess)

Jawa – U.S., sand people, someone of Middle Eastern descent. See also sand monkey

Jerry – UK, a German national

Jewgene – US Northeast, esp. New York, (pronounce like Eugene) a Jewish person that acts Italian

Jewop – US, Jewish Italian

Jigaboo, jig – U.S., a black person (Also Referred As A Boo)

Jihadist – a Muslim

Jock – UK, Scottish person

John Chinaman – Australia, 19th century, Chinese

Jook-sing – a Westernized Asian

Jungle Bunny – U.S. whites, a black person

Jungle Fever – North America, a non-black that prefers sex with Blacks (for example - Robert DeNiro has Jungle Fever)


Kaffir – South African whites, a black person

Kalla / kaalu / kalia – US Indian and Pakistani, a black person. Derived from the Hindi word 'kaala' meaning black.

Kani – Iceland, an American, particularly an American serviceman, contraction of the Icelandic word "Amerikani" but sounds like the Icelandic term for Rabbit

Katsap – the Former Soviet Union, a Russian person.

Keling – Malaysia and Singapore, an Indian person. Very offensive.

Khokhol – the Former Soviet Union, a Ukrainian person.

Kibol – Poland, troublesome soccer fan, derogatory; comes from the neutral word kibic (sports fan)

Kike – U.S., a Jewish person, possibly derived from the fact that, for religious reasons, illiterate Jewish immigrants would sign their name with a circle, instead of the cross or X used by illiterate immigrants of other backgrounds (Yiddish keikl="circle").

Kim Chi – North America, unflattering term for a Korean, from the spicy pickled Korean cabbage known for its offensive smell

Kiwi – New Zealand nationals, derived from the fact Kiwi birds originate there. Not considered offensive.

Kraut – U.S./U.K., a German national

Kugel – South African whites, an affluent Jewish woman


Lanscaper – person from Ukraine or Poland (both of which sound like a structure of land, or something that builds land, ie.uCRANE, POLEand.)

Landscaper – U.S., a Mexican

Lapp – a Sami. Derogatory Swedish for "patch"; the Samis wearing clothes which in the eyes of the Swedish colonist looked like patchwork. In Sweden normally used without derogatory meaning but often taken as derogatory. Used widely throughout the world without understanding of its alleged derogatory nature.

Latka – U.S., an eastern European immigrant - from the television program "Taxi"

Lebo – Australia, Lebanese. Considered highly offensive to the point of being a 'fighting word'.

Leek Eater – Commonwealth, a Welsh person (leeks are national symbols of Wales)

Leprauchaun – Irish person (usually one with red hair, pale skin, and freckles.)

Levee Rat – degrading term projected to Cajun People and people of the swamp

Lewinsky – U.S., a promiscuous Jewish woman - usually overweight and/or unattractive (also a term for fellatio)

Limey – U.S., a British national – British sailors ate limes to prevent scurvy

Long Nose – China, a person of European descent See Da Bi Zi

Loogan or Lugan – U.S., a person of Lithuanian descent

Lumbee – N. & S. Carolina, disparaging term for persons of perceived mixed Native American, Negro & European ancestry, the term Lumbee derived from town "Lumberton" in south-central North Carolina - home to a group of mixed race persons that falsely claim to be a Indian Tribe (group not recognized by Bureau of Indian Affairs)

Lysol – Canada, a Native Canadian. Named due to Native Canadians' perceived chemical dependance about household cleaners.


Mac – U.S., a person of Scottish descent (from the common surname form MacXxxx)

Macaque – Belgium (French) – an Arab or a Negro; derived from macaque monkeys

Macaquito – Argentina (Spanish) – a Brazilian; derived from the Portuguese word macaco (monkey)

Mackerel snapper – Protestant North American, a Roman Catholic (reference to fish on Fridays)

Maco, Maconie – a Macedonian person (can also be spelled "Mako")

Madrasi – (India) any South Indian person.

Makak – Belgium (Dutch) – a Moroccan; derived from macaque

Maketo – Basque Country, a Spaniard

Makhla – US Indian and Pakistani, a person of Mexican origin

Mall honky – an indiscriminate white consumer.

Mammy or Mammy Woman – U.S., an unflattering term for a mature black woman - usually subservient (from the role played by Hattie McDaniel in "Gone With The Wind")

Mangia Cake – Canada – used by Italians of a person of northern European descent

Mara – Mexico, El Salvador, Originally a Salvadorian term used to decribe a street gang, in Mexico it is used to describe any person from central america associated with street gangs

Maria – Mexico, a native American woman

Mario – U.S., Italian person. (also "Luigi" is used)

Master Race – U.K. Commonwealth & U.S., a slur towards a German or the German people (from Hitler's term for the "Aryan Race")

Mat Salleh – Malaysia and Singapore – a white person; derived from mad sailor.

Mau-Mau – U.S./U.K., a black activist

M.A.W.P – North America; Murder All White People, Used by minorites to indicate their hatred of white people.

Mayate – U.S. hispanics, Spanish equivalent of nigger

Med-Wop – U.S; Any Mediterranean Person not from Italy(Greece, North Africa, Spain, South Balkans, Portugal, Malta, and Turkey).

Meeskite or Meeshkite – North America, an unattractive Jewish woman - a Yiddish term (for example, Barbra Streisand refers to herself as a Brooklyn Meeshkite)

Mehmet – (Turkish Cypriot) – a mainland Turk. Mehmet is a Turkish derivitive of Mohammed.

Mexicans – Australia. In Sydney, a term used for people arriving from Victoria, which is south of the Murray River (analogous to the Rio Grande). A humorous term not intended to be offensive, but sometimes taken that way. Also a Queensland term referring to those from New South Wales.

Mexican't – U.S., an unemployed or low-paid Mexican immigrant, commonly illegal workers

Mick or Mickey – U.K. Commonwealth & U.S., a person of Irish descent (from the common surname form McXxxx)

Midnight – a black person (used only in singular form)

Million Dollar Nigger – Midwestern U.S., a professional athlete (the term was popularized by the Marge Schott - owner of the Cincinnati Reds baseball team)

Mo or Moe – U.S., a Muslim - contraction of Mohammed (not to be confused with 'Mo - a contraction of Homo/Homosexual)

Mohammedan – U.K. Commonwealth, a Muslim. Considered impolite and offensive because it would seem to imply that Muslims worship Mohammed.

Mojado – Southwestern U.S.; used primarily by Hispanic-Americans. "Mojado" is the Spanish word for wetback (an illegal immigrant from south of the border).

Molly Mormon – Western U.S., an unflattering term for the stereotypically bubbly and submissive LDS homemaker housewife in pioneer-stock LDS culture in the western U.S.

Mollywog or Molly Wog – UK & Canada; a dark skinned or negro female (also "Molly Wog")

Mongrel – a multiracial person

Monkey – U.S., a black person

Moolie – U.S., a black person; used primarily by Italian-Americans. "Moolie" is short for mulignane, which means eggplant in the Neapolitan dialect (presumably because the eggplant is so dark that it reveals a purplish tint, similar to many blacks).

Moon Cricket – U.S., a black person

Moro, moraco – Spain, a Moor, but see Moro.

Mountain Nigger – a person from Montenegro.

Mrs. Simpson Egypt, 1930s and 40s, an English woman (after the Duchess of Windsor). Intended to be highly insulting when shouted at English women in the street.

Mudbone – U.S., an elderly black man (from Richard Pryor's character of the same name)

Mud Person – U.S. white supremacists, a non-white person (usually seen in the plural form as mud people)

Mule – U.S., a mixed race person - esp. black/white - after the hybrid of a horse & donkey

Munt – South Africa, a black person

Mutt – a multiracial person


Nam'er– North America , A person of Vietnamese descent

Naga – U.S., a black person (Naga stands for North American Ground Ape, used by the LAPD during the Watts riot in LA). But also see Naga.

Natasha – India, an Uzbek prostitute working illegally in Mumbai. Turkey, Russian prostitute.

Natascha – North America, a Russian woman (from Boris & Natasha of the Bullwinkle cartoon)

Nazi – North America, Europe, etc., a German person or extremely strict authoritarian.

Newf – Canada, a person from Newfoundland

Newfie – Canada, a person from Newfoundland, can be used as a term of pride

NFN – U.K., Normal for Norfolk, implying learning difficulties due to inbreeding in isolated fen communities.

Nigger – U.S./U.K., a black person (also "niggra", southern U.S. pronunciation; "nigga", Ebonics). Also historically used towards Native Americans, Hawai‘ians, Filipinos, mulattoes, so-called "Melungeons", or generally any people deemed "colored" compared to "white" Anglo-Saxons. Considered to be extremely derogatory.

Nigger Knocker – U.S., A white person that has sex with a black person.

Nigger Rich – U.S., A person of any race that spends money on flashy clothes and/or cars, but not on necessities.

Niglet – A young, usually under 10-years-old, black child.

Night fighter – U.S., a black person

Nig-nog – U.K., a black person (adapted from niknok, see below)

Niknok – Netherlands, Dutch word equivalent to nigger

Ninja – U.S., a Muslim woman (like a Ninja because clad in black with only eyes showing). But also see Ninja.

Ninny – U.S., a black person (short for pickaninnie)

Nip – U.S., someone of Japanese descent (from Nippon, an Anglicization of the Japanese name for Japan)

Nish – Canada – an Aboriginal Canadian (from Anishinabe, the Ojibwa word for "Ojibwa")

Nordstrom Rack – U.S. midwestern blacks, White women with breast implants (fake breasts)

North Dallas 40 – Texas blacks, White women with breast implants (fake breasts)


Oaxaquilla – (Pronounced oajakija) Mexico, originally an term describing someone form the mexican state of Oaxaca has become a term term describing any person of native descent who is dark complected and speaks a native language

Octoroon – 19th century U.S., a person of 1/8 Black ancestry (also octoon)

Ofay – African Americans in Eastern U.S.(through early 1970s), a white person (pig latin for 'foe' or enemy)

Okie – 1930s California, an uprooted or evicted farmer fleeing to California to find a better life. It was a derisive term, immortalized in the historical fiction novel The Grapes of Wrath. Short for "Oklahoman".

Olive Nigger – Greeks (Greece is renowned for its olives.) Is also sometimes used for southern Italians.

Opie Cunningham – U.S. blacks, a white boy (coined by Eddie Murphy to describe Ron Howard)

oreo – U.S., someone of black and white descent (or a black person who "acts white" – see Carlton)

Oreo Cookie – U.S., someone of black and white descent (or a black person who "acts white" – see Carlton)

Osama – U.S., any Arab, turban-wearer, Muslim, Middle Easterner, South Asian or person of complexion similar to Middle Easterners or South Asians. An extremely derogatory slur. It is however an Arabic person name.

Outsider – Alaska, a person from the lower 48.

Oven dodger – Australia, a Jewish person


Paddy – U.K./U.S., an Irish person (from the popular Irish diminutive of "Patrick"); term is also sometimes used by Mexican-Americans – particularly in Southern California – to denote any white "Anglo", regardless of specific ethnic ancestry

Pahadi – Indian, a person living in the Himalayan foothills.

Papist – Protestants, a Roman Catholic person - usually Irish Catholic

Pakeha – Maori, a New Zealander of European descent (not necessarily widely-regarded as offensive)

Paki – U.K. and Canada, a Pakistani or other South Asian (regarded as offensive)

Palongi – Tongan, a White person (short for Papalongi).

Patel – U.S., a South Asian, especially an Indian, and particularly one who owns or manages a hotel or motel (Patel is a very common surname in the Indian state of Gujarat, located in the west-central part of the country, many immigrants from which own and operate lodging establishments in the U.S., especially small, independently-owned ones)

Payo – Spain, a non-Gypsy

Pea soup – Canada – a French-Canadian

Peckerwood – U.S., a white person, especially Southern whites

Pedigreed – U.S., racially & ethnically pure WASP

Pepsi or pepper – Anglophone Canadian, a French-Canadian (from popularity of Pepsi-Cola in Quebec, where this soft drink outsells Coca-Cola — possibly the only place in the world where this is true)

Perp – U.S., a black person - short for perpetrator (criminal suspect)

Pickaninnie, pickaninny – U.K./U.S., black child

pilgrim – African Americans in Eastern U.S.(currently in use), a white person

Pied Noir – French for "Black Feet", A Moroccan, Algerian or other North African

Piney – U.S. (New Jersey), a poor white person living in the sandy, coastal pine forests known as the Pine Barrens. Usually living in substandard housing or trailers in areas often hit by forest fires. An inferior form of white trash.

Pinko – Japan, a Russian person; also, US/Canada, social democrat

Polack or Polock – U.S., a person of Polish descent. German, Pole. Ironically, the word for "Pole" in the Polish language is "Polak".

Polaco, – Spain, a Catalan (literally "Polish")

Polar Bear – a big, fat, white person

Pole Humper – a Polish person

Pom, Pommie, Pommy – Australia/New Zealand/South Africa, a British national. Originally short for pomegranate (possibly). Also attributed as "Prisoner of Mother England". It is often used affectionately and is not usually considered offensive. Many English migrants to Australia call themselves "ten pound poms", because they paid ten pounds for their passage to Australia in the 1950s. Often combined with an adjective, particularly whinging pom, a reference to British migrants who complained about their adopted country.

Pongo – U.K., a black person

Popolo – Hawaii, a black person

Porch Honky – U.S., lazy white person

Porch Monkey – U.S., a black person

Pork Chop – U.S./Canada, a Portuguese person

Portagee – Eastern U.S., a person of Portuguese origin

Potato – Canada, a black person who "acts" like a white (brown on the outside, white on the inside).

Potato Chugger – North America, a Slav (usually Polish or Russian) derived from the practice of distilling potatoes into liquor

Potato Eater – UK & North America, an Irish person or a person of Irish descent

Prairie Nigger – U.S. and Canada as of late: a Native American or Native Canadian (Indian). Held to be in very poor taste if used around these people.

Previously Owned American – US - American black of slave descent.

Prod – Scotland, a Protestant

Proddy, Proddy dog – Australian Catholics (particularly school kids), term for Protestants, particularly rival kids from Protestant schools.

Psy – Poland, offensive for "police" (meaning dogs); earlier not universally recognised in all regions of Poland, popularised by the movie Psy

Punjab / Punjabi – U.S. - Refering to people of Indian descent

Push Start – U.S., someone of South Asian descent (from the Hindu practice of wearing bindis)


Quadroon – 19th century U.S., a person of 1/4 Black ancestry. Now obsolete.

Quaker – a white person

Queue Jumper – Australia, illegal migrant

Quickie Mart – U.S., a convenience store operated by a person from Southwest Asia or the Subcontinent (from the Simpsons - see Apu)

Quintroon – 19th century U.S., a person of 1/16 Black ancestry. Now obsolete.


Rabbit – U.S., a black person, said to have rabbit blood because of perception of high reproductive rates (see Jungle Bunny)

Raghead – U.S., someone of Middle Eastern descent. U.K., a Sikh, or any East Indian.

Raisinette – U.S., a child born of a black-white, mixed race relationship.

Raton – France, a North African Muslim (from the French augmentative for "rat")

Ravo – Launceston, Tasmania, a bogan from the suburb of Ravenswood.

Red Fella – Russian person

Redneck – U.S., an rural, unrefined white person (esp. a person from a southern or appalachian state)

Red Sea Pedestrian – A Jewish person. Refers to the legendary liberation of the Jews from Egypt by Moses, in which he is purported to have split the Red Sea, allowing his people to cross.

Redskin – now obsolete, a Native American

Ricain – France, an American

Rican – U.S., a Puerto Rican

Rice King/Queen – A white person who dates Asians.

Rice Nigger – Asians

Rice Picker – a filipino, viet, cambodian, or any other south-east asian.

Ritz Cracker – U.S., a rich caucasian man or woman

Roast Beef or rosbif – France, a British person

Rock Ape – U.K./Australia, a black person

Rock Spider – English-speaking South Africans, an Afrikaner (although in Australia, rock spider means child molester)

Rooinek – Afrikaners, an English speaking South African

Rootless Cosmopolitan (Russian: bezrodnyj kosmopolit) – Soviet Union (late Stalin era, 1948-1953), a Jew

Round Eye – Asia, a white person

Round Hair – U.S., a black person

Rug Pilot – U.S., a person of Middle Eastern descent (from the image of the flying carpet)

Russki – U.S., a Russian national


Sambo – U.K. Commonwealth & U.S., a black person

Sand Monkey – U.S., someone of Middle Eastern descent

Sand Nazi – U.S./Israel, someone of Middle Eastern descent

Sand Nigger – U.S./Israel, someone of Middle Eastern descent

Sapphire – U.S., an attractive black woman (from the Amos & Andy shows)

Satan – Islamic world - esp. Iran, an American - by extension the United States is called "The Great Satan"

Scarecrow - U.S., a black person who skis

Schemie - U.K., someone who lives in a Housing Scheme, i.e. a slum. Scottish in origin.

Schwartzer - Germany & North America (especially among American Jews), a black person

Scheister [shyster] – U.K. Commonwealth & U.S., a Jew - derived from the character Shylock from Shakespeare's "Merchant of Venice". However, "shyster" today is also a derogatory reference to lawyers, especially those of questionable ethics, regardless of their ethnic origin.

Schwoogie - US Northeast, esp. New York, a black person

Scotch - U.K. Commonwealth & US, a derisive term for Scots

Scuro – used by certain Italo-Canadians to refer to a black person ("scuro" is Italian for "dark")

Sea Kaffir - South African Whites, person of Portuguese descent

Sephardi – International Ashkenazi Jewry, any non-Ashkenazi Jew. Not inherently vulgar nor derogatory, but considered ignorant when used towards true non-Sephardi Jews, particularly when referring to Mizrahi Jews. However, many Mizrahi Jews in modern Israel colloquially call themselves "Sephardi" anyway.

Seppo – Australia/U.K., an American (from septic tank, rhyming slang for yank)

Serabian – a Serbian.

Sernitz – Serbia, a black person

Shaggy – U.S. Jews, a young non-Jewish man - see Shegetz (also a pun based on Scooby Doo's human friend)

Shegetz or Shagetz; Jews, a young non-Jewish man

Sheeny – a Jew

Sheepfucker, sheepscrewer, sheepshagger and other variations on this theme – England, a Welshman; Australia, a New Zealander; USA, a Scot; etc.)

Shiksa - used as a disparaging term for a non-Jewish girl or woman

Shina – a Japanese term for "China" that most Chinese people find deeply offensive, while some Japanese people disagree

Shiptar – an Albanian person, also "shit-tar" is used.

Shit-Kicker – U.S., a white person from the southwest or lower midwest (example: Oklahoma)

Silverback – U.S., a large physically imposing black man - sometimes middle-aged

Skunk – U.S., someone of Middle Eastern descent

Skinny – U.S., First (?) used in Starship Troopers for an alien race. Used by U.S. and other western militaries for Africans, especially Somalis.

Skip – Australian – a white Australian of British descent – from the TV show Skippy the Bush Kangaroo. Among ethnic youth, "skip" is the opposite of "wog".

Slant-Eye, Slit-Eye also Slant – U.K. Commonwealth & U.S., a person of Asian descent

Slapface – Australia, a person of Asian descent

Slapped A Yamulke – U.S., a person with stereotypical Jewish facial features, from "slapped with a yamulke" at birth

Slave Race – Translation from German, the term used by "Aryans" for Slavs. Slavs became slaves around the beginning of the ninth century when the Holy Roman Empire tried to stabilize a German-Slav frontier.

Slob – U.S., Russian, ie. person of Slavic heritage

Slope also Slope Head – U.S., a person of Asian descent

Snowbird also Snowback – U.S. South, a Canadian or Yankee refugee who flees his/her Motherland for the warm climate of the Southern U.S. (From the song by Canadian singer Anne Murray)

Snow Flake – U.S. blacks, a white person

Snowman – U.S. blacks, white person

Snow Mexican – U.S., An eskimo, from a stand-up comedy routine by Dave Attell

Snowplow – U.S., a black man's nose

Sons of Heaven – Australia, 19th century, Chinese

Soviet or Serviette – U.K., a person from Russia. Also a table napkin in U.K.

Space Ghost – U.S. Asians, A white person perceived to have limited mental capacity. From a superhero character.

Spade – North America, a black person (from the black spades on playing cards)

Spaghetti-Bender – U.S., Italian

Spic or spick – U.S., a person of Hispanic descent - from "no spickie english". May have also derived as a shortened term for the word "hispanic".

Spook – U.S. whites, a black person

Spear-Chucker – U.S. whites, a black person

Spudfucker U.S., an Irish person (from the famous Irish commodity, potatoes)

Spyski U.S., a person defected from Soviet Russia

Squarehead – U.S. upper midwest, A German or a Norwegian

Stani – a person from central asia with the country's name ending in "Stan" (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc.)

Subhuman & Sub-Human – translation from German, their term for Jews, Gypsies, Negroes and other non-Aryans

Sudaca – Spain, a Latin American, a play on sudamericano and sudar (to sweat)

Suicide Bomber – a Muslim Person

Surrender Monkey – U.S., a French person

Sushi-Chugger – U.S., a Caucasian American who likes to partake in oral sex with Japanese girls

Swamp Honky – U.S. Blacks @ Gulf of Mexico, similar to white trash – white residents around the Louisiana/Texas border (also "swamp trash")

Swamp Nigger & Swamp Rat – U.S., degrading term projected to Cajun people and people of the swamp.


Taffy – U.K., a Welsh person. From the Taff River or the name Dafydd. Children's rhyme: "Taffy was a Welshman, Taffy was a thief."

Taig – Northern Ireland Protestants, a Catholic

Tar Baby – U.S., a black child

Tartar, Tar-Tar – U.K. & Canada, a Russian, from an offensive mispelling of "Tatar".

Telefono – Colombia – a black person. Term originated before the 1960's when the time when most telephones were colored black.

T�te carr�e – Canada – a Canadian of British descent ("square head", used by French-Canadians)

Terrorist – a person from the Middle East, sometimes is used for a person from south eastern europe.

Terrier – U.S., an Irish laborer

Thanksgiving – U.S., a person of Turkish descent. Used solely as an adjective. ie. "Thanksgiving Muther-fucker".

Tommy – German, Used for the British in WW2

Tonto – U.S., a Native American (refers to the sidekick on "The Lone Ranger")

Toubab – France, an ethnically-French French person ("fran�ais de souche"), used by French of other backgrounds; the word comes from the Wolof language of Senegal

Towelhead – U.S., anyone who wears a head turban. Derisively applied towards Middle Easterners and Muslims, but rarely applied against people who wear other types of turbans.

Turban Cowboy – U.S. Southwest, a Middle Easterner or Muslim trying to assimilate into the local community

Turkish Love Slave – Armenian

Trailer trash – U.S., a rural white person living in a trailer park; cf. white trash

T.W.A.. U.S., a national of a developing country who works professionally in the U.S. Short for "Third World assassin".

T.W.E. – Eastern European (from Third-World-European) For short, "Tweety" is used.

Twinkie – U.S./Canada, an Asian person who is "yellow on the outside, white on the inside" (similar to "banana" above). Twinkie (slur) is also used by some American Indians to describe a white person who claims to be a American Indian, claiming to be a shaman, a healer, etc, with little or no connection to any tribe via social or blood links.


Ukie – Ukrainian. Also used by Ukrainians as an ironic term of endearment

Uncle Tom – U.S. blacks, term for someone who panders to white people; a "sellout" (taken from Harriet Beecher Stowe's "Uncle Tom's Cabin")


Vichy – U.K. Commonwealth & U.S., a term of derision for the French (based on the term Vichy France - for Nazi Occupied France in WWII - noted for quick defeat & later collaboration with the Nazis)

Viet – North America, a Vietnamese person

Viet-Coon – U.S., a Vietnamese person - formerly reserved only for the Viet-Cong but expanded in use

Vodka Pisser – North America, Russian person

Vus-vus – Israel, an Ashkenazi Jew. Used by non-Ashkenazi Jews towards Ashkenazi immigrants to Israel during the mass-aliyah after World War II. From "Vus? Vus?" meaning "What? What?" in Yiddish.

Vut* – North America, a Russian, because the Russian immigrants said "vut" instead of "what" when asked something in english.


Wagonburner – Canada, for native Canadians

Walpeople – U.S., working-class whites...from whites perceived to shop at Wal-Mart.

Wap – U.S., a white person who "acts" Japanese, by analogy to wigger.

Wasp – White Anglo-Saxon Protestant. Offensiveness questionable as many "wasps" self-identify as such (originated as shorthand term in sociology)

Welfare Monkey – U.S., a black person

Wetback, wetter – U.S., an illegal Mexican immigrant (presumably having swum across the Rio Grande),

Wetback Samoan – American Samoa, a Samoan from West Samoa who has moved to American Samoa (from "wetback" used for Mexicans in Texas, West Samoans must travel over a strait to reach American Samoa)

White boy – U.S., any white

White Cracker – U.S., a white person

White Devil – U.S., (originated with Nation of Islam) a white person

White Negro – US/UK, an Irish immigrant

White Nigger – Southern US, an unrefined white person - see White Trash

White Out – a bunch of white people (also a term for a severe snow storm)

White trash, also poor white trash – U.S., an unrefined white person - usually poorly educated

Whitey – U.S., a white person

Whopper – Denmark, an American tourist - usually overweight, called after the popular hamburger

Wigger or Whigger – U.S./U.K., a white person who "acts" black

Wiglet – U.S., a teenage or younger white person who is perceived to "act black"

Windchime – U.S., a black person (windchimes are hung out in the open) cf. apple

Wodka or Wadka – North America, a Russian (based on their pronounciation of Vodka)

Wog – U.K., a dark-skinned national of a Colonial British colony; also Australia, an aborigine, or Mediterranean-European (especially Greek or Italian) person (or any foreigner). From the term "Gollywog". In Australia the term, once very offensive, has been appropriated by second-generation ethnic youth and is used humorously or with pride, as in "wog culture" and the successful comedy show Wogs Out of Work. In the UK it is sometimes said in jest that "the wogs begin at Calais" - the origin of this phrase is unclear.

Wonder Bread Wop – U.S Italians; an Italian-American that acts Anglo (does not make home-made pasta, did not grow up in italian neighborhood, does not have accent or does not use Italian-American slang, etc.).

Wop – U.S., an Italian-American (especially immigrants); popular etymology gives the origin as: WithOut Passport – although some believe the acronym derived from "WithOut Papers" or "Without Official Papers", suggesting illegal immigration (however, Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe were far more likely to lack conclusive documentation than those from Italy during the peak period for immigration of both to the U.S., which straddled the late 19th and early 20th Centuries)

Wrap head – a person who wears a turban.


Xarnego or charnego – Catalonia, an immigrant from the rest of Spain, especially, Andalusia or Extremadura.


Yank/Yankee – Originally used by the New York Dutch to refer to the English (Jan Kees means "John Cheese" in Dutch), it has gradually broadened in meaning. In the northern U.S., it means a traditional New Englander of English stock. In the southern U.S., it means any northerner. Outside the U.S., it means any American, as in "Yankee go home." Spelled "Yanqui" in Spanish. "Yankee" also is a signalling code for the letter Y.

Yankee Doodle, Americans

Yard ape – U.S., a black person; cf. porch monkey

Yellow Dog – U.S. Elite Southern whites, a term for southern whites of limited education (from the quote - "would vote for a yellow dog")

Yellow Fever – North America, a non-asian that prefers sex with Asians

Yellow Menace – U.S. white high-school students, Asian students with high test scores

Yellow Peril – Australia/New Zealand, an Asian immigrant

Yenta – North America, an annoying gossipy Jewish woman - a Yiddish term

Yid – U.K., A Jewish person (came from Yiddish language)

Yo-yo – U.S., a black person (yo-yos hang from strings) cf. windchime

Yuca – Young Urban Cuban American, a term used to refer to Cuban-Americans with values and beliefs more similar to mainstream USA than to the values of their Cuban parents.

Yugo – a Yugoslav person (from the car "Yugo" which was cheap and broke down easily)


Zerg – U.S., Korean (short for "KEKE~LA")

Zig – U.S., a black person (short for zigaboo)

Zigeunermischlinge – German, Nazi term for 'gypsy half-breeds'; predicated on idea of Aryan 'pure gypsies'

Zip – an Italian immigrant who is fresh of the boat.

Zhid – Russia and ex-USSR, a Jewish person (a Polish word for a Jew turned slur in Russian language)

Zipperflaps – Canada, generalization, an Asian person

Zipperhead – U.S., a Chinese person

Zebra – a partly white, partly black person

Zupfer – (pronounce: tsoopfah, meaning "plucker" in German) American, especially American soldier, in Lower Franconia, Germany

[edit]Related articles

Offensive terms per nationality, groups the terms by nationality

Hate speech

List of sexual slurs

List of political epithets

List of common phrases based on stereotypes

List of words meaning outsider, foreigner or 'not one of us'

Term of disparagement

List of ethnic group names used as insults

[edit]External links

Racial slur Database : RSDB (http://gyral.blackshell.com/names.html)

The Racial Slur Database (http://www.rsdb.org/)

An article on the Coon caricature (http://www.ferris.edu/news/jimcrow/coon/)


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    • ~~~~~ Yeah, thank you for the check-in.   Happy to say it was all a misunderstanding.  But she pulled out her "ghetto" and that's when things went South.  I get very professional minded when I enter into situations like that because when someone starts bring the court into conversations, I'm in court 2 times a year, every year, so don't go there with me because I will get legal all over you.   She did try to change what she thought she might have said, but I had to call her on it because it's all in written text.  Then she apologized and we were able to have a decent conversation.   I know I joke about me talking so much that people don't hear what I say except for keywords that they are looking for, but that is exactly what happened here.  She heard "payment", "money" and "help out".  It was crazy.  I literally had to have the entire conversation all over again, but I definitely condensed it to only address those 3 words.   Things are back on track, but I emphasized that if she every needed clarification for anything, please say something first instead of jumping to conclusions, then questioning that conclusion, then answering that conclusion, then getting upset at the answer and taking it out on someone who doesn't have a clue what the San Juan Hill just happened.   But this is exactly the reason I do everything with a paper trail. 
    • 3:23pm - Who's Online   2 Members, 0 Anonymous, 70 Guests (See full list) TronRP, creatureofthenyte
    • I'm glad  that yesterday's day at work is long gone now. There was a very strong unusual energy that I felt, and couldn't get done with the day fast enough. It wasn't  the job at all. I just felt like I really needed to keep my mouth shut, to keep me from getting in situation(s) that probably wouldn't have ended well for me.  
    • You can trust anyone you want.  The only question is whether or not they're deserving of that trust. No risk = no reward.  As such you have to let yourself be vulnerable sometimes and realize that all people will let you down eventually whether it's intentional or not.  The frequency that it happens is what's important.
    • Sorry, I don't check this as often as I should. Anyway document everything (although it sounds like @Trene4000already has been from her post.) It's okay to cry and break down, but not in front of them.  Never give them the satisfaction of seeing you crack.  If anything I'd go out of my way to piss them off, but I don't like being that guy either (and as such I'm not very good at it, except sometimes when I'm not intending to be.) I try to only help those whom deserve it, but that's often hard to judge.  Seeing how someone treats other people is a pretty good indicator of whether or not they're worthy.  Sociopathic narcissistic asshats are very much not worthy. I hope things are going well for you guys.
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