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When In A Car, Do You Profile People?


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I have noticed a lot of people picking and choosing who they help by letting into traffic, walking across a crosswalk, or helping change a tire and so on. This is constant as I drive out to various areas during work and take notice of various situations in which someone would let another person into traffic, but later not someone else who was of other race, gender, or stature.

My question to you, is do you think you profile someone in your daily drive where you would or would not help them? And I do realize that some people are just random and feel that they "did their good deed for the day." It has also been noted that people tend to make this happen with the ethnic group a lot either because of the spite of terrorism or the situation in the middle east. They may not be involved in the middle east but they are still profiled as so. I myself have noticed that if someone looks like an asshole, that I will keep driving or not let them in front of me.

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I have noticed a lot of people picking and choosing who they help by letting into traffic, walking across a crosswalk, or helping change a tire and so on. This is constant as I drive out to various areas during work and take notice of various situations in which someone would let another person into traffic, but later not someone else who was of other race, gender, or stature.

My question to you, is do you think you profile someone in your daily drive where you would or would not help them? And I do realize that some people are just random and feel that they "did their good deed for the day." It has also been noted that people tend to make this happen with the ethnic group a lot either because of the spite of terrorism or the situation in the middle east. They may not be involved in the middle east but they are still profiled as so. I myself have noticed that if someone looks like an asshole, that I will keep driving or not let them in front of me.

if im driving along and i see that im going to need to get over ahead i do it then. theres always some ass who thinks he can drive 90 get to the front of the line and sneak in because his time is more important, i will not let him in. if someone is driving and just doesnt care enough to get over till the last minute or doesnt put their blinker on, i dont care enough to let them in. on the other hand if they see the signs and attempt to get over, turn on their signal and arent beeing asses about it i will almost always let them in, hell if their beeing nice about it i have no problem letting 5 or 6 cars go through. same thing with the crosswalks, if it obviously sais dont walk, then dont walk retard. im not going to let you go because your just that cool. i almost never stop for flats or anything unless i can tell that they dont have what they need because i usually cant help anyway. so i guess what it comes down to is i dont care if your black white or purple, if your an ass your out of luck

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As far as helping people on the side of the road...I will NEVER help anyone on the expressway, traffic is moving too fast. And other than that, I'll only pull over to help women. Sorry, guys, it's too scary of a world out there, and besides the only help I can ever offer is the use of my cell phone.

As far as walking across a crosswalk, um, pedestrians have the right of way, so yeah, I always give it to them. Besides, I'm in my nice car with A/C and they're walking...give em a break, right?

And as far as who I let in...pretty much everybody, BUT, if you are driving the same car as me or a car I previously owned, I make special efforts. Escorts RULE!

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I don't even look at the driver usually, keeping my eye on traffic patterns. I let everyone by if I'm not in a hurry, doesn't matter who they are or what they are driving. (Only one or maybe 2 cars at the most though, so as not to hold up traffic behind me).

If I'm in a hurry, everyone else is out of luck.

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I don't use race or ethnicity as a guide for who I help or let in. For cars stopped on the side of the road, I will generally only help a woman. And then only if I can do it safely. Often I'm just in the wrong lane to do anything about it. If I see that they have a phone I don't worry about it. I did call for assistance for some guys in the middle of nowhere in Kentucky last month. Didn't stop though. If people look like they're making an effort to be courteous, use their signals, etc. I'm very likely to let them in or help them out. If they're being rude, forget it. If I'm in a bad mood, don't expect much help from me. As for long lines, if there are two lanes going down to one, As long as that lane exists, it's legal to be there, right? (Well... not to the last foot but within a reasonable distance from end) so if you expect me to get in a mile long line... forget it. That's bullshit and people's own problem that they got in the line too soon. It's not the same as a line in a store or whatever. I make sure to signal when I'm ready to merge and generally try not to be rude or pushy unless people are being jerks.

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No and yes.

I'll let people in if they have not recenly shown me that they are an asshole by cutting me or someone else off.

I stop for everyone that I can who is broke down along side the road. Male, female, black, white or purple. People need help, I help. I carry tools and things in my truck for just this kinda thing. Hell, I have changed a person's brake pads on the side of the road.

I stopped once... older crappy chevy from the 70's... Mom, Dad and 3 kids in the back seat. Horrible snow storm going on. I lit a candle and gave it to the Mom to help get some heat in the car. (a candle will keep you alive in a car, put one in your glove compartment along with some matches) I helped the man get things going so his kids did not freeze. As I was walking back to my car I overheard this conversation:

"Mommy, why is that man helping us?"

"I'm not sure honey, he must just be a really good person."

That right there.. made me feel better than anything ever has.

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I don't even look at the driver usually, keeping my eye on traffic patterns. I let everyone by if I'm not in a hurry, doesn't matter who they are or what they are driving. (Only one or maybe 2 cars at the most though, so as not to hold up traffic behind me).

Yup, exactly.

I never stop on the side of the road. I don't know anything about cars so I wouldn't be any help anyway, and even if someone looks innocuous enough there might be 3 crazy guys waiting in the bushes, you never know. Instead I call information and get the nearest police station and just call the cops for them. Some stranger did that for me when I was stuck with a flat and no cell phone, and I was extremely grateful.

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No, I'm not a cop

j/k everyone does it. What I hate are those fucks that wait till the last minute to get over in a construction zone when the lane is about to end, people who don't signal, people who talk on cellphones, etc... Thats when I really practice defensive driving, and the best defense is a good offense.

Being a hearse is great because a lot of people are afraid of my car, or think it's official and always give me the right of way. If they don't I get a little too close for comfort and they get the hint.

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The only profiling I do is after I happen to see a driver who has pissed me off. I use the profiling to personalize the horrible things that I would have said if I were the road rage type.

In situations where I have the opportunity to allow someone to merge, I will usually do it and never really look at the driver first.

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Never way too many fuckheads out there these days,heard enough stories of being robbed,or worse yet murdered.

in the old days you never had to worry about that crap.as much.

I have helped some people in the past,but those days are gone now.

let alone I will use the steering wheel club,and or Pedal locks over some idiots head if I had too.

I trust very few people in this country these days.

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I don't stop on the side of the road for people with problems. I know stuff about cars, but its too much of a risk. It doesn't matter who is stopped on the side of the road; men, women, either one could be carrying a concealed gun or knife and could try to assault me and or rob me. They could be just sitting on the side of the road, makin it look like their car is broken, just to lure someone to stop and then whammo. Not me no way won't do it. Also, in addition to that, if I stopped to help someone, someone else could be flyin down the road and lose control of their vehicle and plow straight into all of us standin there.

As for people in cross walks, duh, its the law, I stop.

But as for letting people into traffic, if Im feeling kind at that moment I might. It depends on my mood. If Im pissed off, late, or there's too much traffic I don't let anyone in. Assholes don't phase me much because, I can pretty much assert myself in the line of traffic since I gots me a big black truck. If some turd waited forever to merge into my line, that amuses me immensely because I won't let them in. I watch as I drive by and they have to stop to prevent rollin off into a ditch. Pretty generally though, I react the same way Im treated, if someone is nice to me, I return the favor. I have no patience or pity for stupid people on the road.More and more these days though, I tend to hang back and let the stupid jackasses fly on by and do whatever they're gonna do. Most of the time, I choose to blend in and ignore most people around me. If I'm driving up a two lane highway, and I'm in the left lane, and some asshat is riding my bumper,(yes I know Im sposed to get over to the right) I pull up along side the car that's in the right lane and just cruise at their speed for alittle while. If someone feels like riding my bumper like that, then I feel that turn about is fair play and I sit there for a bit, doing the speed limit, and let them get a hair across their ass, then I move over and watch them whizz by. I must say it is particularly amusing to see said person on the side of the road shortly afterward, waitin for the state cop to walk up to their car and hand them their ticket. So, in summary, when Im on the road, predicated on my mood, and how Im treated by others, what you give is what you get.. Race has absolutely positively nothing to do with it as far as Im concerned.

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