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I figured I'd bring up something interesting to talk about for once.

So, anyone here has atleast felt something missing in life? Like who are really supposed to be or feel that you been put here by accident, or just feel that you dont belong here? If so please do share along with a reason (If you feel you know the reason that is)

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I understand that but no....I feel that Im exactly where Im supposed to be, which does not neccesarily mean that i always enjoy it, but I accept it.

I sometimes think I was born in the wrong timeline......that my straight forward mentality often creates friction in this age of multi-truths....but then again maybe thats why Im here.

With the exception of the rampant B.O., I think Id have been very happy in the medieval age, especially if born in the grren hissl of Ireland or the scottish highlands....except that I'm Latin, and I'd want tortillas with my mutton, so I dont know, they'd probably think I was weird too.

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hmmm...put here by accident? If by here you mean here on earth, no, I'm as supposed to be here as the next person. If by here you mean my little bungalow, well, of course I wasn't meant to be here. I was meant to be sipping martinis on a yacht in the Greek isles. But, I do get seasick easily, so maybe the bungalow is just fine.

I think the world at large and I don't have much in common, but I've got a little coccoon that I've built, a little oasis of good friends, good family and good times, in an otherwise crazy desert, and frankly, I don't need for everyone in the world to be like me or think like me. I need just enough that I can throw a dinner party.

And, Steven, I don't think there was ever a time in history where being straight forward DIDN'T create friction, so my guess is you'd be screwed WHENEVER you existed.

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When I was younger, yes. Not so much now, although I have gone to great lengths to make it that way. No body wants to hear about how weird or not from your own time you are. They want to hear their own story, they want to relate. Unfortunately, when you are a writer, that's what life is about; making your reader relate to you. My husband is a man out of his own time, unfortunately, or fortunately, I don't know what time he belongs in, the future or the past. I think I solidly belong in the future, but I've no proof of this fact, and to admit such a thing would be to infer being further evolved than others, something I am not willing to commit to because I do not believe that I am.

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Wow, too be honest I didnt think this would lead to the whole past, present and future era. But hey that works and its good enough in my book *grins*. Fars what time goes I havnt felt misplaced in this time period, however I think living the 80's prolly would be funner but thats about it lol.

I dunno if I ever mention this to someone on here before or not but, when I was first being brought into this world (in the process of my mom giving birth) The cords (I know the name but cant spell) choked me to death before I finally popped out. Yes, I was actually dead as a infant and the doctors thought I was gone. I guess almost a week later being kept in those jar thingies my mom got a call from one of the doctors telling her for some odd reason I started moving bit by bit (which I came back to life). They said it was something very VERY unusual and cant promise the results, but gave her and option if she wanted them to see if I'll live and keep me or would it be best just to leave me as it is. Of course she chose option one and another week later, I was healthy and alive.

I dont know all about this hospital stuff so I dont know what they exactly do and stuff, which is why I cant get into more details. But I do know is ever since I was a kid I felt that I wasnt suppose to be alive at all, I was able to see things that people normally cant see (which they like to call ghosts). Some thought I was being possessed by a demon or my soul was not real, these were just the few things I heard growing up from a child to a teenager. Nothing made sense to me until I turned 18. By that time my mom told me what happened when she first had me. After that it finally came clear to me, what I felt when I was a kid and such was correct. Technically I think her son did pass away, im just something that took his host. I still consider her a mom because I was raised around her as a son. Im still not sure what exactly I am or where I really came from. But all I know is, if he really did survive I would not be here today.

I Dont expect everyone to believe what I said but hey, its all good lol.

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I sometimes feel misplaced, usually when things in my life are in an upheaval or when I'm simply feeling a bit off. This feeling doesn't last long, though. I am constantly reminded that, it seems to me anyways, all things happen for a reason. I have even been fortunate enough several times to be able to look back and see that because crappy thing A happened, the path was made/cleared for wonderful thing B to occur, etc.

I use the following quote from Douglas Adam's in my signature on here, "I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be." It helps remind me on the occasions I feel misplaced, or maybe in a less than desirable situation/position, it's where I need to be. Perhaps to grow or learn or to clear the path to move forward. It's either have faith in that, or think that I was the whore of Babylon in a previous life and this life is my punishment... LOL j/k

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I just want to go back to wherever I am from,this is definately not my world.I don't belong here.

I serve no reason to be here.

I think that's an interesting turn of words "I serve no reason to be here". What do you think WOULD be a good reason to be here?

Wow, too be honest I didnt think this would lead to the whole past, present and future era. But hey that works and its good enough in my book *grins*. Fars what time goes I havnt felt misplaced in this time period, however I think living the 80's prolly would be funner but thats about it lol.

I dunno if I ever mention this to someone on here before or not but, when I was first being brought into this world (in the process of my mom giving birth) The cords (I know the name but cant spell) choked me to death before I finally popped out. Yes, I was actually dead as a infant and the doctors thought I was gone. I guess almost a week later being kept in those jar thingies my mom got a call from one of the doctors telling her for some odd reason I started moving bit by bit (which I came back to life). They said it was something very VERY unusual and cant promise the results, but gave her and option if she wanted them to see if I'll live and keep me or would it be best just to leave me as it is. Of course she chose option one and another week later, I was healthy and alive.

I dont know all about this hospital stuff so I dont know what they exactly do and stuff, which is why I cant get into more details.

I Dont expect everyone to believe what I said but hey, its all good lol.

That is seriously a CRAZY story! I believe you completely, it's just incredible. How could you think that you weren't supposed to be here after all of THAT? And that you aren't YOU? Of course you are! I think you have more reason that ANYBODY to believe that you have a right and a purpose in being here. Shit like that don't happen on accident.

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Our society makes us all crazy. The reason so many people have self doubt, anxiety, depression is because the imposed laws and customs of modern society do everything possible to squelch what people -humans- are. God how I hate the world sometimes. I'm sick of watching people I love struggle to fit somewhere that no one - really no one- can.

It is my opinion that men in this society are effectively castrated by the various laws, customs, and "rules" we live by. If he has to do something extreme to protect himself or something dear to him he is seen as violent, bad, not to be trusted, and in extreme situations, a criminal who must be contained. In past times, these very same actions would have been applauded, desired. If the man is lucky enough to still be enough of a man to do what he needs to anyways, he then is assailed with grief and guilt for doing that which is his nature. If he leaves or cheats on a woman who fails to treat him well and make him happy, he is also equally looked down upon, but the woman who is at least half of the problem, is almost never blamed.

Women too are victims of this cycle. Why are so many women drawn to "bad boys"? Could it be because we know that if we were mugged in a dark alley with said "bad boy" at our side that he probably would throw down and protect us? Society says we aren't supposed to want that type of man, that he is not sutable to father our children and be our mates. Funny thing is, 500 years ago, our fathers wouldn't have let us marry any other type of man. Women today feel the need to control their mates, to mold them into society's idea of the perfect man: rich, corporate, calm, and docile. He will never run around on you, never surprise you... and never thrill you. Women have become shrill, manipulative bitches who have forgotten that a couple is a team and that there is more to life than the size of your diamond, SUV, or home. There is more to life and love than making babies and keeping up with the neighbors.

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Our society makes us all crazy. The reason so many people have self doubt, anxiety, depression is because the imposed laws and customs of modern society do everything possible to squelch what people -humans- are. God how I hate the world sometimes. I'm sick of watching people I love struggle to fit somewhere that no one - really no one- can.

It is my opinion that men in this society are effectively castrated by the various laws, customs, and "rules" we live by. If he has to do something extreme to protect himself or something dear to him he is seen as violent, bad, not to be trusted, and in extreme situations, a criminal who must be contained. In past times, these very same actions would have been applauded, desired. If the man is lucky enough to still be enough of a man to do what he needs to anyways, he then is assailed with grief and guilt for doing that which is his nature. If he leaves or cheats on a woman who fails to treat him well and make him happy, he is also equally looked down upon, but the woman who is at least half of the problem, is almost never blamed.

Women too are victims of this cycle. Why are so many women drawn to "bad boys"? Could it be because we know that if we were mugged in a dark alley with said "bad boy" at our side that he probably would throw down and protect us? Society says we aren't supposed to want that type of man, that he is not sutable to father our children and be our mates. Funny thing is, 500 years ago, our fathers wouldn't have let us marry any other type of man. Women today feel the need to control their mates, to mold them into society's idea of the perfect man: rich, corporate, calm, and docile. He will never run around on you, never surprise you... and never thrill you. Women have become shrill, manipulative bitches who have forgotten that a couple is a team and that there is more to life than the size of your diamond, SUV, or home. There is more to life and love than making babies and keeping up with the neighbors.

Interesting, and a lot of truth in it.

I love my bad boy. And i take a lot of personal pride and comfort in knowing that he can and would do violence to protect or avenge me. I know he's not needlessly or senselessly violent, and to want him to be anything less than what he is would lessen him. I also think that too few women love their men enough the way they are. Why want someone you actively need to change to fit the 'mold' of who you think they should be? People enact change on one another by simply being together, by interacting. Let people be themselves; so many gems are out there, undiscovered.

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Our society makes us all crazy. The reason so many people have self doubt, anxiety, depression is because the imposed laws and customs of modern society do everything possible to squelch what people -humans- are. God how I hate the world sometimes. I'm sick of watching people I love struggle to fit somewhere that no one - really no one- can.

It is my opinion that men in this society are effectively castrated by the various laws, customs, and "rules" we live by. If he has to do something extreme to protect himself or something dear to him he is seen as violent, bad, not to be trusted, and in extreme situations, a criminal who must be contained. In past times, these very same actions would have been applauded, desired. If the man is lucky enough to still be enough of a man to do what he needs to anyways, he then is assailed with grief and guilt for doing that which is his nature. If he leaves or cheats on a woman who fails to treat him well and make him happy, he is also equally looked down upon, but the woman who is at least half of the problem, is almost never blamed.

Women too are victims of this cycle. Why are so many women drawn to "bad boys"? Could it be because we know that if we were mugged in a dark alley with said "bad boy" at our side that he probably would throw down and protect us? Society says we aren't supposed to want that type of man, that he is not sutable to father our children and be our mates. Funny thing is, 500 years ago, our fathers wouldn't have let us marry any other type of man. Women today feel the need to control their mates, to mold them into society's idea of the perfect man: rich, corporate, calm, and docile. He will never run around on you, never surprise you... and never thrill you. Women have become shrill, manipulative bitches who have forgotten that a couple is a team and that there is more to life than the size of your diamond, SUV, or home. There is more to life and love than making babies and keeping up with the neighbors.

Now THATS a interesting statement. I can agree that society now a days has lead to such useless gender bashing. Seems no one doesnt know how to be equal no more.

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I feel misplaced often, to say the least. I don't consider this world to really click at all with me. I have no reason or insight as to why, other than life experiences. However since I'm here, I live the best I can while fighting off as many bad circumstances of life that I can.

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I didn't fit in back in the day. I don't fit in now. I probably won't fit in in the future. I see the world through different eyes, and it's a lonely existence. However I will not fit society's mold.

I do feel misplaced.

Like what you just said there, atleast im not the only one who looks at the world that way. Dispose the mold!

I feel misplaced often, to say the least. I don't consider this world to really click at all with me. I have no reason or insight as to why, other than life experiences. However since I'm here, I live the best I can while fighting off as many bad circumstances of life that I can.

Its the only thing you can do, theres no point of just sitting around and wondering why.

Btw- I got your add on myspace. Your musics pretty cool, and I like the trench!

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I sometimes feel misplaced, usually when things in my life are in an upheaval or when I'm simply feeling a bit off. This feeling doesn't last long, though. I am constantly reminded that, it seems to me anyways, all things happen for a reason. I have even been fortunate enough several times to be able to look back and see that because crappy thing A happened, the path was made/cleared for wonderful thing B to occur, etc.

I use the following quote from Douglas Adam's in my signature on here, "I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be." It helps remind me on the occasions I feel misplaced, or maybe in a less than desirable situation/position, it's where I need to be. Perhaps to grow or learn or to clear the path to move forward. It's either have faith in that, or think that I was the whore of Babylon in a previous life and this life is my punishment... LOL j/k

I agree completely. Every time I wait out the "I don't think I'm supposed to be here" something shows that I was, and whenever it was time to leave doors open where I'm supposed to be and close where I am, in that order.

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Sometimes I feel that I dont belong. Not necessarily misplaced, just dont belong.

I am totally different from my family and most of my friends. Sometimes people look down on me for my style and the things that I believe in. Its a hard thing for them to accept. The reason that I feel I dont belong is the simple fact that besides looks, I dont feel like Im like my family at all.

Maybe I was switched at the damn hospital...LOL

No...I love my family but their believes are so much different than mine that I seem to be drifting away from them...which comes back to the point...

I feel like I just dont belong.

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I think everyone feels misplaced, but I have heard of people believing they were not actualy mean't to be created, to live, or to even be in exsistance...I can understand that feeling...

I personally feel as if I was created for a certain reason of helping others, but that I was not actualy ever to posses my own life, my own way, or my own experiances...however I believe this is due to the fact that I feel as if no one can see me, like i'm invisiable, or non-exsistant... but it is not in a bad way always...sometimes it just feels as if I have come to terms with me not being exaclty like everyone else, which sometimes tunrs to envy or jelousy, a missplacement feel of wanting to be the same as everyone else...

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Our society makes us all crazy. The reason so many people have self doubt, anxiety, depression is because the imposed laws and customs of modern society do everything possible to squelch what people -humans- are. God how I hate the world sometimes. I'm sick of watching people I love struggle to fit somewhere that no one - really no one- can.

It is my opinion that men in this society are effectively castrated by the various laws, customs, and "rules" we live by. If he has to do something extreme to protect himself or something dear to him he is seen as violent, bad, not to be trusted, and in extreme situations, a criminal who must be contained. In past times, these very same actions would have been applauded, desired. If the man is lucky enough to still be enough of a man to do what he needs to anyways, he then is assailed with grief and guilt for doing that which is his nature. If he leaves or cheats on a woman who fails to treat him well and make him happy, he is also equally looked down upon, but the woman who is at least half of the problem, is almost never blamed.

Women too are victims of this cycle. Why are so many women drawn to "bad boys"? Could it be because we know that if we were mugged in a dark alley with said "bad boy" at our side that he probably would throw down and protect us? Society says we aren't supposed to want that type of man, that he is not sutable to father our children and be our mates. Funny thing is, 500 years ago, our fathers wouldn't have let us marry any other type of man. Women today feel the need to control their mates, to mold them into society's idea of the perfect man: rich, corporate, calm, and docile. He will never run around on you, never surprise you... and never thrill you. Women have become shrill, manipulative bitches who have forgotten that a couple is a team and that there is more to life than the size of your diamond, SUV, or home. There is more to life and love than making babies and keeping up with the neighbors.


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(quote from Munin 218): I also think that too few women love their men enough the way they are. Why want someone you actively need to change to fit the 'mold' of who you think they should be? People enact change on one another by simply being together, by interacting. Let people be themselves; so many gems are out there, undiscovered.

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I do feel misplaced.

I've lived out here my whole life thus far.

My job and family are out here.

But I remember when I was out there last year, it also felt like home to me; like I belonged there.

I also feel misplaced because I feel like even though Im similar to alot of people, Im also very different.

I have said before, that it seems all the fun & fun people to hang out with are out there, but the work and job is out here.

I feel torn when I think about it.

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